lucasnasci123's Profile

Location: Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Joined: Jun 04, 2017 About Me: I'm big fan of comics, especially DC Comics. My favorites heroes are Batman, Superman, Spider Man, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Aquaman, Wolverine, Hulk and Red Hood. Batman is the best to me.

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lucasnasci123 added Batman (2016) to their pull list Jan 21, 2018

Batman (2016)

"I AM GOTHAM" chapter one
No one has ever stopped the Caped Crusader. Not The Joker. Not Two-Face. Not even the entire Justice League. But how does Batman confront a new hero who wants to save the city from the Dark Knight?
CAN'T MISS: Superstar artist David Finch returns to Batman alongside writer Tom King for this five-part storyline.

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A fantastic issue!!!!!!!!!! Hal Jordan is one my favorite characters of DC Comics. What great start for this new series. Hal is truly heroic in every panel he appears. He embodies everthing good of Green Lanterns' mythology and power. Welcome back Sinestro!!!!!! He is truly terrifying in his comeback and I loved his interraction with Lyssa. Paralax is back too, being used in a very shocking way. " more

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1

By: Robert Venditti, Ethan Sciver
Released: Jul 13, 2016

Superstar artist Ethan Van Sciver returns to the world of Green Lantern! In the absence of the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro and his fear-inducing Yellow Lantern Corps patrol the universe as its sole protectors-but deep in space, a green light still burns. Harnessing the remainder of his will, Hal Jordan must become a one-man GL Corps to defeat his...

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lucasnasci123 reviewed Green Lanterns #2 Jul 30, 2017

Green Lanterns # 2 is a very good edition, much better than Green Lanterns # 2. I really enjoyed the panels dedicated to the relationship of Jessica and Sara Cruz. These are touching moments that reflect a lot of Jessica's personality. I really liked the theme that has been raised. Anxiety is a very bad current and I enjoyed that a comic book dealt with it. Very good. Simon was less exploited, but more

Green Lanterns #2

By: Sam Humphries, Jay Leisten
Released: Jul 6, 2016

RAGE PLANET Chapter Two: In issue #2, the world descends into rage! Crowds are rioting while Simon and Jessica find themselves powerless to stop the carnage. With their backs against the wall and no other options available, Earths rookie Green Lanterns take the fight to the Red Lanterns Bleez!

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lucasnasci123 reviewed Green Lanterns #1 Jul 30, 2017

Green Lanterns #1 é uma edição fraca, sndo bem inferior a edição anterior. A dinâmica ntre Simo Baz e Jéssica Cruz é interessante, porém é muito pouco aproveitada. São perosnagens interessantes, mas foram mal apresentados ainda. A parte que mais gostei dessa edição foi os painés entre Atrocitus e Bleez. Ele parece que vai ser um vilão bem indimidador e aterrorizante. Ao todo, foi um more

Green Lanterns #1

By: Sam Humphries, Robson Rocha
Released: Jun 15, 2016

"RED PLANET" chapter one
New Lanterns Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz promised to protect others in brightest day or blackest night, but as "Red Planet" begins to rise, the partners find themselves confronted with a unimaginable threat from Bleez and the Red Lanterns!
THEY SAID IT: "I am psyched for GREEN LANTERNS!" says writer Sam Humphries. "M...

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Green Lanterns Rebirth # 1 is a good start to Green Lantern mythology in this reboot of DC Comics. Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz are good characters and have interesting personal stories. Hal Jordan Hal Jordan spent the assignment of the mission for them to protect the Earth is one of the most well-written scenes of the Rebirth, along with the airplane's scene of Batman Rebirth # 1. I'm excited for w more

Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1

By: Geoff Johns, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Jun 1, 2016

Creative powerhouse Geoff Johns puts the ring on again as he, cowriter Sam Humphries and artist Ethan Van Sciver debut a new era of emerald greatness! Rookie Green Lanterns Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz tackle the universe's toughest beat: Earth.
HOT TICKET: Geoff and Ethan brought Hal Jordan to epic status with the original GREEN LANTERN: REBIRTH...

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lucasnasci123 reviewed Detective Comics #935 Jul 10, 2017

This issue was less enjoyable than the last one. I liked the Batfamily's training section. I was really touched by Batman and Tim Drake's conversation. Clayface was great too. My problem was with Spoiler and Orphan. I didn't enjoy their characters. Batwoman wasn't good as she was in the last issue but I liked the conversation between her and her father. It' wasn't a great issue but I'm looking for more

Detective Comics #935

By: James Tynion IV, Eddy Barrows
Released: Jun 22, 2016

"RISE OF THE BATMEN" chapter two
Batman and team find themselves in the crosshairs as the villain they've begun hunting turns the tables on them. Batman and Batwoman have the skills to survive, but do their young teammates? Is this where hero training ends in tragedy?
THEY SAID IT: "The ideas are boiling inside my brain," boasts artist Eddy...

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lucasnasci123 reviewed Detective Comics #934 Jul 10, 2017

I really liked this issue. The mysterious man who attacked Azrael looks like the Batman. Batman and Batwoman' s conversation in her apartment and he revealing his secret identity for her was wonderful. The addition of Clayface to the Batfamily was unexpected but welcome one. Let's see where this journey takes me.

Detective Comics #934

By: James Tynion IV, Eber Ferreira
Released: Jun 8, 2016

An unknown predator begins outdoing Batman, taking down dangerous threats with military precision. Its up to the Dark Knight and series costar Batwoman to rally and train the young heroes of Gotham City to end this mysterious threat!WHAT NOW: Batman and Batwoman begin training Spoiler, Red Robin and Cassandra Cain...

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lucasnasci123 reviewed Batman #1 Jul 10, 2017

A very emotional story. Batman' mission to save the airplane was amazing and the ending was really touching. I almost cried when he asked Alfred if his parents would be proud of him. I'm really intrigued by Gotham and Gotham's Girl. They look like good characters. I loved this issue and I'm ready for next one!!!!!!

Batman #1

By: Tom King, David Finch
Released: Jun 15, 2016

"I AM GOTHAM" chapter one
No one has ever stopped the Caped Crusader. Not The Joker. Not Two-Face. Not even the entire Justice League. But how does Batman confront a new hero who wants to save the city from the Dark Knight?
CAN'T MISS: Superstar artist David Finch returns to Batman alongside writer Tom King for this five-part storyline.

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lucasnasci123 reviewed Wonder Woman #1 Jul 10, 2017

Great issue!!!!!!!! I loved Diana's search for the truth. The fight was amazing. I liked the twist that she has to trust an old enemy to find out the truth. Steve Trevor arc was good too. I really looking forward to the reunion between him and Diana. I'm very interesting to see what happens next.

Wonder Woman #1

By: Greg Rucka, Liam Sharp
Released: Jun 22, 2016

"THE LIES" chapter one
Why has the lasso of truth stopped working for the Amazon Princess? Start down the rabbit hole as dark secrets from Wonder Woman's past unravel her present!
THEY SAID IT: "Drawing Wonder Woman isn't just drawing a comic, it's drawing an icon-the most famous and recognizable female superhero in the world," exclaims art...

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lucasnasci123 reviewed Action Comics #958 Jul 10, 2017

This issue is much better than the last one. I liked the partnership between Superman and Lex Luthor. Jimmy Olsen is great with his sarcasm. I'm intrigued by the mysterious Clark Kent and who is Mr. Oz. The battle in Metropolis was awesome. I'm looking forward to next issue. It's Doomsday vs Superman again!!!!

Action Comics #958

By: Dan Jurgens, Patrick Zircher
Released: Jun 22, 2016

"PATH TO DOOM" chapter two
Luthor and Superman must put aside their differences and face the common threat of Doomsday, as Jimmy Olsen and the Planet staff try to uncover the truth: who is the man claiming to be Clark Kent?
THEY SAID IT: "Superman is synonymous with the word superhero," says artist Patrick Zircher. "He's the greatest. Drawi...

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lucasnasci123 reviewed Action Comics #957 Jul 10, 2017

A good edition but the story is told very well. I liked Jimmy Olsen and Lex Luthor a lot. Doomsday is back!!!!! I think the bad parts were the family Kent. They didn't work for me. Anyway, I'm excited about the next issue.

Action Comics #957

By: Dan Jurgens, Patrick Zircher
Released: Jun 8, 2016

PATH TO DOOM Chapter One
Superman returns to Metropolis just in time to meet the city of tomorrows newest protector: Lex Luthor. But its not long before these dueling titans meet someone unexpected the new Clark Kent! DONT MISS: ACTION COMICS returns to its original numbering with this issue! NOW SHIPPING TWICE MONTHLY!

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lucasnasci123 reviewed Batman: Rebirth #1 Jul 4, 2017

Batman Rebirth # 1 is spectacular !!!!!! The Batman comes back in style. The best title of the Renaissance I've read so far. It has emotion from the first to the last page. It is no wonder he is the greatest heroes of the day. Congratulations to all involved and I will follow this series with great enthusiasm. The villain was a perfect choice. I loved it.

Batman: Rebirth #1

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 1, 2016

Longtime Batman and Eisner Award winning writer Scott Snyder co-writes with rising star writer Tom King!
EVIL 365: Gotham City faces the threat of the Calendar Man!

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Wonder Woman Rebirth # 1 is the discovery of heroin that was lost. It is a search for your identity. She is a demigod or an Amazon with the others. I was rather intrigued by what is to come. Good start!!!!!

Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1

By: Greg Rucka, Matthew Clark
Released: Jun 8, 2016

After suffering an unimaginable loss, Wonder Woman must rebuild her mission as Earth's ultimate protector and champion.
DON'T MISS: New York Times best selling writer Greg Rucka returns to Wonder Woman with a tale that will forever alter the DC icon.

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lucasnasci123 reviewed Superman #1 Jun 21, 2017

There is a lot potential in this arc. I liked a lot. The son of Superman is annoying but I think in time, he will mature. The scene of the cat death is amazing!!!!!! Overall, a very good issue.

Superman #1

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Released: Jun 15, 2016

"THE SON OF SUPERMAN" chapter one
The Last Son of Krypton must decide whether to help his young son use his new and rapidly increasing abilities, or hide them from the world.
THE CREATORS: The team supreme that brought fans the adventures of Damian Wayne in "Batman and Robin" returns for the adventures of Superman and his offspring.

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lucasnasci123 reviewed Superman: Rebirth #1 Jun 21, 2017

Spectacular!!!!!!!! Superman is back!!!!!! Superman: Rebirth is everything you need to love this character more or if don't love, you will. One of the best rebirth titles. I love it.

Superman: Rebirth #1

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Jun 1, 2016

The world needs a Man of Steel, but can Superman protect the world while raising a super-son with his wife, Lois Lane?
IT BEGINS: Now it's Clark's turn to be Pa Kent and teach his son what it means to be super, but who is hunting Superman's son-and why?

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lucasnasci123 reviewed DC Universe: Rebirth #1 Jun 10, 2017

Excellent beginning for this reboot. Geoff Johns brings the heroes we love and make us remember why we love them. It's a love letter for all DC fans. I'm excited for what comes next in this Rebirth

DC Universe: Rebirth #1

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 25, 2016

It all begins here. Do not skip to the last page. Do not let a friend or message board ruin this comic for you. The future (and past) of the DC Universe starts here. Don't say we didn't warn you!
THEY SAID IT: "Rebirth is about focusing in on the core of the character and their respective universe," says writer and DC Entertainment Chief Creati...

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