Action Comics #958

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Patrick Zircher Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 22, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 27 User Reviews: 71
7.6Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

+ Pull List

"PATH TO DOOM" chapter two
Luthor and Superman must put aside their differences and face the common threat of Doomsday, as Jimmy Olsen and the Planet staff try to uncover the truth: who is the man claiming to be Clark Kent?
THEY SAID IT: "Superman is synonymous with the word superhero," says artist Patrick Zircher. "He's the greatest. Drawing ACTION COMICS fills me with a passion to make great comics."

  • 10
    AIPT - David Brooke Jun 22, 2016

    This is just solid superhero comics from the melodrama of the multiple Supermen to the bombastic actions. This brings me back to the 90s and I love it! Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Jun 22, 2016

    Im trying to imagine someone reading this comic and saying, Nah, I dont care what happens next. I simply can't! This issue uses episodic storytelling to the fullest as it moves things along just enough and keeps the questions unanswered for the time being. It also balances the line between action and story. Often, big fight issues lack any depth. This is not the case with Action Comics # 958. Go buy this comic – thats the final verdict. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Jun 24, 2016

    Okay, this one seemed to have it all. There is a lot stuffed into these 20 pages. Despite all the story and action put in, we still get big art when needed. I am wholly impressed with the product. It is like the dysfunction of the last couple of years in the Superman title are behind us. We are back to character driven, high action plots with some riddles to be solved. The story and art complement each other superbly. If any book feels like a Rebirth, it is this one. I hope all Superman fans out there, even if they have shied away from the character recently, are checking this one out. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Jun 23, 2016

    While Superman is playing it more domestic " and doing a fine job of it " Action Comics has everything you could want: action, intrigue, and all the characters you love, written to perfection. Be forewarned that this series doesn't take the concept of cliffhangers lightly. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Pastrami Nation - Nolan Smith Jun 26, 2016

    We also see more of this new Clark Kent, one who appears to be powerless- who or what is he? The plots thicken, and by the end of the issue, the battle still rages on as Lex and Supes give it their all. I am loving this series- it's exactly what I want from a Superman series- tons of action and mystery, all being led by DC's big blue. Action Comics is the Superman book to read, jump on board and get ready to rumble. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Comicsverse - Phil Casey Jun 27, 2016

    All in all, this is not a bad issue. There are a lot of good things going for ACTION COMICS #958, and honestly, seeing where Jurgens and Peter Tomasi (over on SUPERMAN) take the Kent family is very intriguing. I do suggest giving this a read. It may feel like well trodden territory, but it's only the second issue, and there is a lot of possibility ahead. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    IGN - Levi Hunt Jun 23, 2016

    Action Comics #958 is an exercise in non-stop, superheroic storytelling. This issue doesn't give you a second to catch your breath, as all of the various mysteries and threads from the first issue converge in one giant thrill ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Doug Zawisza Jun 22, 2016

    It's an interesting mash-up of familiar concepts blended together, but what readers and critics seem to be quick to dismiss (or simply forget) is the presence of the mysterious Mr. Oz. The hooded figure slips into the panels of Action Comics #958, adding a layer to the story, a non-combatant party to the fight, and a quantity of the unknown to this tale. Whether or not those ingredients result in a fresh recipe or a distinctly unimaginative casserole remains to be seen. So far, there's at least plenty of action, suspense, fighting, and solid art. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Corps - Tim Montoya Jul 15, 2016

    In part 2 of "Path of Doom" there is plenty of action, nostalgia, and mystery. Opening up the issue the do a quick recap of how we got here, with 2 Clarks, 2 Supermen, and a familiar foe. We return to the Superman most of us knew and loved, both in form and action. Plus the amazing art from Zircher, each page turn is as beautiful as the last. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Jun 28, 2016

    A few concerns with the visuals keep this from being a perfect book, but the story is great. I'll continue to follow this series if it stays like this. Two Clark Kents and two Supermans against Doomsday equals chaos. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jun 22, 2016

    I hadn't read Superman in quite some time, but this return of the classic Superman has brought with it new life and a return to what I remember loving about the character. This comic has action in the title, but it also remembers there's a lot of heart at the center of the story too. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Jun 22, 2016

    The Verdict: It's Post-Crisis Superman going though rebirth pains in the new legacy renumbered Action 'nuff said...for now...still... Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComiConverse - Kyle King Jun 25, 2016

    Classic characters, energetic action, and simmering mysteries pack this effective issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - John Moorehouse Jun 22, 2016

    This arc comes highly recommended by yours truly and I'll be awaiting the next installment with bated breath. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Jun 22, 2016

    Overall, Action Comics #958 is definitely weaker than the previous entry and its sister title, although is still of a pretty damn high quality. I'm not disappointed by this issue, but instead glad that an issue that has a strong amount of good points can still be considered a weaker issue amidst the strength of the new line.Actions Comics #958is definitely worth picking up for fans, as it's the most interesting the man of steel has been in ages. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jun 22, 2016

    Action Comics continues its big over the top battle, but where the previous issue threw a ton of things at us, each more WTF than the last, this issue really only continues the fighting while giving us glances at the things we really want to see.  Yeah, it's still an enjoyable issue and has great art all the way through, but it just didn't have the presence that the last issue had that got me all ga-ga for Action Comics. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Capeless Crusader - Jeremy Radick Jun 22, 2016

    Action Comics #958 demonstrates the strengths of having the pre-Flashpoint Superman as its star, showcasing an engaging tone and continuing to intrigue with sharp character relationships and captivating mysteries. However, its all-action narrative relying on Doomsday feel familiar and less effective, and aren't elevated by the issue's problematic art. There's enough positives here, however, that I'm giving it a qualified 7/10. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Jun 24, 2016

    The latest issue of "Action Comics" is aptly-named and delivers a fun and exciting story; Jurgens' return to the character is welcomed, and Zircher genuinely makes all elements of the story look super indeed. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Corbin Jun 25, 2016

    Action Comics #958 continues all the conflicts presented in the last issue while deepening the plot even further for a more suspenseful and action packed issue. Dan Jurgens in the previousissue, Action Comics #957, lays the foundation for issues to come with Doomsday bursting in the middle of a Lex Luthor vs. Superman fight while including the secretive Mr. Oz watching everything.From the start of issue #957 there are ironically 2 imposters in the comic book, the first one is Superman whichis the Pre-Flashpoint Superman and the second is Clark Kent, the news reporter, who gets all the action live withthe Lex Luthor and Superman fight. #957 sets up all the characters, while #958 just drags out the action to keep issues published bi-monthly to the public. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Jun 22, 2016

    Action Comics #958 is a high-impact book with simple aspirations. Jurgens and Zircher are content to fill their 20 pages with gorgeous, wide action sequences; undoubtedly taking advantage of the faster pace afforded by Action's twice-monthly publishing schedule. It's the kind of issue that makes you feel like a kid, sprawled out on the comic book-covered sofa, too engrossed in four-color fun to listen to your mom telling you to tidy the place up. Although Dan Jurgens' writing style shows its age here and Patrick Zircher's vacant expressions often make his figures resemble mannequins, this creative team still knows exactly how to weave a thrilling and satisfying single issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Jun 22, 2016

    Action Comics #958 continues to intrigue me in the superficial ways most Superman books intrigue me. But only just. A point to all this wanton doom is likely around the corner, and for Jurgens' sake, I hope that point includes Lex Luthor " advertised as the star of this show. Right now, Luthor's glaring presence is just getting in the way, and I'm almost certain that's beside the point. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Jun 22, 2016

    Most of the issue then is devoted to Superman and Super Lex taking turns taking on Doomsday. Since Doomsday doesn't speak or have much an agenda besides being an alien wrecking ball the battle feels anticlimactic. Patrick Zircher's art remains consistently clean. While he never quite makes this Superman/Doomsday battle feel as gigantic in scope as it should, the action is easy to follow. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Outright Geekery - Leroy Dee Jun 27, 2016

    Although the last issue had my attention with SuperLex, this issue lost it with Doomsday. Maybe answers will be revealed as to why these things are happening soon, but I'm not holding my breath. Hopefully the mysterious guy that's watching the Kent farm and the Doomsday fight on monitors will at least be named in the future. Sorry Jurgens, one step forward, two steps back. Put Super Luthor back in the spotlight and all is forgiven. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Big Comic Page - David Gladman Jun 24, 2016

    This book, while nothing special, is making me consider getting back into the DCU  given the fact they have managed to make their most overpowered character interesting without either killing or depowering him Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ian B Jun 22, 2016

    Unlike the last issue, which I didn't actually like, this issue I kind of did. The action is good, it's nice to see an older villain return, watching Lex and Superman interact is entertaining, and the fight was relatively well done. Most of the problems lie in the odd actions of some of the side characters, some of which could be intentional, like what they're doing with Clark, but others just seemed odd. As a fan of the Man of Steel, I couldn't really recommend this unless it gets better, and hopefully it will do that quickly. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Allen Wiggs Jun 22, 2016

    I"sigh, I just can't get behind this Superman. I don't know if Man of Steel has infected Superman, or if Superman has been a jerk all along. Reading this comic makes me believe Lex Luthor is a greater and better hero than Superman. He saves more lives, he tries to work with others more, and seems more willing to work for the greater good. Superman comes off as a petulant child, and that is not my Superman. I'm sure the point of this issue was to show Luthor isn't cut out to be a hero and only old school Superman can save the day, but that isn't how they wrote it. The fight scenes aren't even that great; it is a lot of random destruction, but at least one of the two Supermen actually saves people, it just isn't the Son of Krpyton, and that makes me sad. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    The Pop Break - Marisa Carpico Jun 24, 2016

    Before Jon flies off to Metropolis to become a plot device or whatever, he asks Lois if his father will be OK as they watch Doomsday beat him up on TV. Though we don't get to hear her answer, I already know it. No, Jon, it's not going to be OK. This is the confusing nightmare world we're stuck with: a bunch of explosions punctuated by nonsense dialogue. Good luck trying to care about it. Read Full Review

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