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Joined: May 26, 2016

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KFuqua reviewed Batman #61 Dec 19, 2018

Another poor issue from Tom King. Please get him off this book!

Batman #61

By: Tom King, Travis Moore
Released: Dec 19, 2018

What happened to the boy who wanted to be Bruce Wayne? The young criminal mastermind orchestrates his own parents' deaths to emulate his hero and was carted off to Arkham when Batman exposed his crimes, but that is not the end of the story. Tom King reteams with Nightwing artist Travis Moore to create a sequel to their masterpiece of dark horror fr...

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Bill Blaze reviewed The Seeds #1 Aug 1, 2018

This book is seriously awesome! Get it! Buy the floppy.

The Seeds #1

By: Ann Nocenti, David Aja
Released: Aug 1, 2018

The bees are swarming. What do they know that we don't?
The rich have built walls around their wealth and scramble into escape rockets. The romantic and the ruthless cross over into the lawless wilds of Zone-B. A few cantankerous aliens have come to collect the last dregs of humanity's essence for the celestial embryo bank. One of them falls in...

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ComicRelief reviewed Evolution #1 Nov 12, 2017

Fantastic first issue! We had the pleasure of getting advanced copies of the first 3 issues, and after 3 issues this series is a home run. Very solid writing and AMAZING art.

Be sure to pick up a copy this coming Wednesday. You won't be disappointed.

Evolution #1

By: James Asmus, Joe Infurnari
Released: Nov 15, 2017

Human evolution has taken millions of years to get to this stage. But next week, we become something new. Around the world, humanity is undergoing rapid and unpredictable changes, and only three individuals seem to notice that their world is being reborn. But what can they do about it?
Skybound unites writers JAMES ASMUS, JOSEPH KEATINGE, CHRIS...

TheMatteo0 reviewed Moon Knight #188 Nov 8, 2017

This is an outstanding introduction to Moon Knight's new villain, the character is both believable, but also horrifying and the book plays nicely on Egyptology, Moon Knight's history and various other areas of mythology & psychology. Burrows art offers a flat, haunting, feel which is just perfect for the feel of the book. A very exciting start to this series.

Moon Knight #188

By: Max Bemis, Jacen Burrows
Released: Nov 8, 2017

A new day is dawning and with it comes an enemy unlike any that Marc Spector, Moon Knight, has ever faced.  Moon Knight has always been a protector from the shadows, but this new enemy is looking to extinguish that shadow with blinding light and fire.  Get ready for the introduction of Moon Knight's greate...

TheMatteo0 rated Superman #28 Aug 4, 2017

Superman #28

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Aug 2, 2017

This issue now features "ROAD TRIP" part two! As the Kents' family road trip takes some strange and unexpected turns that will reveal a foreboding threat reaching out to touch their lives, you can bet that their gonna need a vacation after their vacation!

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TheMatteo0 reviewed Superman #27 Jul 23, 2017

The issue was inspired from a good place, but quite frankly it was a little boring, and not very well executed. if you are interested in American history you'll probably already be familiar with the content - and as a non-American this issue was a little alienating. I think my biggest problem was that the small time spent at each scene - along with the amount of historical context they tried to fi more

Superman #27

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Scott Godlewski
Released: Jul 19, 2017

This issue now features "ROAD TRIP" part one! It's been an emotional and physical rollercoaster for Superman, Lois, and Jon: the Eradicator, Dinosaur Island, Frankenstein and the Bride, Multiversity, Reborn and Black Dawn-a barrage of terror and horror! What does the family need right now? Yep, you got it...a vacation!

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James Bond: Felix Leiter #3

By: James Robinson, Aaron Campbell
Released: Mar 15, 2017

In the aftermath of a major terrorist attack in Tokyo by an Aum Shinrikyo-like cult, Felix Leiter finds himself unwittingly drawn into the investigation. And under the oversight of Tiger Tanaka-the Japanese James Bond-and with a squad of Tanaka's elite operatives, Leiter himself helps to bring down the cult's leader!

But now it's up to Le...

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James Bond: Felix Leiter #2

By: James Robinson, Aaron Campbell
Released: Feb 8, 2017

It was supposed to be an easy mission. Hot on the trail of a Russian agent in Tokyo, Felix Leiter is unwittingly drawn into the investigation of a major terrorist attack when a suicidal cultist releases a bio-weapon in Shinjuku. Now Felix and Tiger Tanaka - the Japanese James Bond - must track down the villainous cult leader responsible, and unrave...

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James Bond: Felix Leiter #1

By: James Robinson, Aaron Campbell
Released: Jan 11, 2017

From superstar creative team James Robinson (Starman, Red Sonja) and Aaron Campbell (The Shadow, Uncanny) comes the Bond spin-off highlighting 007's American counterpart! Felix Leiter finds himself in Japan, tracking down a beautiful, Russian spy from his past. But when the mission takes a turn for the worse, he will discover that there are more de...

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James Bond: Felix Leiter #4

By: James Robinson, Aaron Campbell
Released: Apr 19, 2017

In the aftermath of a major terrorist attack in Tokyo by an Aum Shinrikyo-like cult, Felix Leiter finds himself unwittingly drawn into the investigation. And under the oversight of Tiger Tanaka - the Japanese James Bond - and with a squad of Tanaka's elite operatives, Leiter himself helps to bring down the cult's leader! But now it's up to Leiter a...

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James Bond: Felix Leiter #5

By: James Robinson, Aaron Campbell
Released: May 24, 2017

Tiger Tanaka and Felix were pursuing the terrorists responsible for the detonation of a new, mysterious biological weapon - when a follow-up incident at Tanaka's organizational headquarters cost them the rest of their team and resources. Now they've made things PERSONAL! Felix and Tanaka must take down a North Korean operative with information on t...

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TheMatteo0 rated America #2 Apr 6, 2017

America #2

By: Gabby Rivera, Joe Quinones
Released: Apr 5, 2017

•  America Chavez's first semester of college is off to an epic start. That's right...homework on the first day! The assignment? A field trip to the frontlines of World War II!
•  Most freshman would be intimidated - but most freshman aren't dimension-hoping heroes with Captain America as t...

TheMatteo0 rated Underwinter #1 Mar 23, 2017

Underwinter #1

By: Ray Fawkes
Released: Mar 22, 2017

SERIES PREMIERE! "SYMPHONY," Part One-Critically acclaimed creator RAY FAWKES launches his new monthly horror series: UNDERWINTER, twisted portraits of our dark world, beginning with the perverse, topical SYMPHONY - a beautifully painted tale of music and cruelty in the modern age.

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TheMatteo0 rated America #1 Mar 3, 2017

America #1

By: Gabby Rivera, Joe Quinones
Released: Mar 1, 2017

At last! Everyone's favorite no-nonsense powerhouse, America Chavez, gets her own series!
Written by critically-acclaimed YA novelist Gabby Rivera (Juliet Takes A Breath) and drawn by all-star artist Joe Quinones (HOWARD THE DUCK), Marvel Comics' brand new AMERICA series shines a solo spotlight on the high-octane and hard-hitting adventures of ...

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aimanalphaz reviewed America #1 Mar 1, 2017

Just stop, Marvel. Please. This title is going to get cancelled in less than twelve issues.

America #1

By: Gabby Rivera, Joe Quinones
Released: Mar 1, 2017

At last! Everyone's favorite no-nonsense powerhouse, America Chavez, gets her own series!
Written by critically-acclaimed YA novelist Gabby Rivera (Juliet Takes A Breath) and drawn by all-star artist Joe Quinones (HOWARD THE DUCK), Marvel Comics' brand new AMERICA series shines a solo spotlight on the high-octane and hard-hitting adventures of ...

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joe reviewed America #1 Mar 2, 2017

How this comic get so many good reviews ?? as a reader i just want to say something !! Marvel stop with all sjw titles!! Awfull

America #1

By: Gabby Rivera, Joe Quinones
Released: Mar 1, 2017

At last! Everyone's favorite no-nonsense powerhouse, America Chavez, gets her own series!
Written by critically-acclaimed YA novelist Gabby Rivera (Juliet Takes A Breath) and drawn by all-star artist Joe Quinones (HOWARD THE DUCK), Marvel Comics' brand new AMERICA series shines a solo spotlight on the high-octane and hard-hitting adventures of ...

+ LikeComments (1)
Kyle Funderburk - Sep 21, 2017

A lot of reviewers of scared of their impact on the industry so they give terrible comics good reviews to try to make them look better and in turn, make the state of the industry look better.

TheMatteo0 liked this:
Foxter reviewed America #1 Mar 2, 2017

“Holy menstruation” what a terrible comic. I would punch the writer in the face with my “brown fist”.

America #1

By: Gabby Rivera, Joe Quinones
Released: Mar 1, 2017

At last! Everyone's favorite no-nonsense powerhouse, America Chavez, gets her own series!
Written by critically-acclaimed YA novelist Gabby Rivera (Juliet Takes A Breath) and drawn by all-star artist Joe Quinones (HOWARD THE DUCK), Marvel Comics' brand new AMERICA series shines a solo spotlight on the high-octane and hard-hitting adventures of ...

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VirtuousMilo reviewed America #1 Mar 2, 2017

This book is absolutely dull with a massive plot hole in it. Sure the wit is there every now and then but the story manages to forget the abilities of its own character... HOW?

America #1

By: Gabby Rivera, Joe Quinones
Released: Mar 1, 2017

At last! Everyone's favorite no-nonsense powerhouse, America Chavez, gets her own series!
Written by critically-acclaimed YA novelist Gabby Rivera (Juliet Takes A Breath) and drawn by all-star artist Joe Quinones (HOWARD THE DUCK), Marvel Comics' brand new AMERICA series shines a solo spotlight on the high-octane and hard-hitting adventures of ...

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Nightmare of Solomon reviewed America #1 Mar 1, 2017

Gets a 2 point deduction from my actual score just for saying something is better than The Cure. (PS. Nothing is better than The Cure)

Gets a 0.5 point bonus for punching Hitler.

The dialogue goes from incredibly bad to outright cringe-y at times, with its only decent point being the art by Quinones.

I men, you got some gems like:

"What in the holy m more

America #1

By: Gabby Rivera, Joe Quinones
Released: Mar 1, 2017

At last! Everyone's favorite no-nonsense powerhouse, America Chavez, gets her own series!
Written by critically-acclaimed YA novelist Gabby Rivera (Juliet Takes A Breath) and drawn by all-star artist Joe Quinones (HOWARD THE DUCK), Marvel Comics' brand new AMERICA series shines a solo spotlight on the high-octane and hard-hitting adventures of ...

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The-MJP - Aug 7, 2018

SJW don't read comic...that arent young avengers

The-MJP - Aug 7, 2018

Gabby, Rebecca Sugar called, she says you need to tap down all the new-age propaganda

TheMatteo0 rated Moon Knight #11 Feb 2, 2017

Moon Knight #11

By: Jeff Lemire, Greg Smallwood
Released: Feb 1, 2017

•  The asylum wasn't the first institution Marc Spector escaped, or the first that rejected him.
•  Is MOON KNIGHT stronger alone, or more vulnerable?
•  Trapped outside of reality, his survival depends on answers in his past!
Rated T+

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TheMatteo0 reviewed Karnak #6 Feb 2, 2017

A dark, twisted and strangely lovable character: Karnak is at the end of it's six issue run and it was really a masterpiece, albeit very left-field from the typical kind of Marvel book. Gritty and visually stunning artwork captures the book very well, and Warren Ellis certainly knows how to write a character, although his style may not be to everyone's taste. This book was nihilistic, questioning more

Karnak #6

By: Warren Ellis, Gerardo Zaffino
Released: Feb 1, 2017

• The end of "The Flaw In All Things."
•  Karnak has it in his lethal hands to save humanity - or end it. And nobody knows what he's going to do.
Rated T+

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TheMatteo0 reviewed Superman #13 Dec 21, 2016

Superman is still one of DC's strongest post-Rebirth titles, but really this (short) arc was mediocre at best and there's no need to gloss over that for the benefit of the doubt in the series' overall success. I've still got faith in the creative team, but this arc really seemed a bit unnecessary and out of place with the general thematic aims of this post-Rebirth Superman run. Hopefully with this more

Superman #13

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Dec 21, 2016

"SINISTER PURPOSE" part two ! Here comes the Bride and her four arms are loaded with weapons. And on what side of those guns is Lois Lane going to be? The mystery of one of the citizens of Hamilton will be exposed with monstrous consequences for all.

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TheMatteo0 reviewed New Superman #6 Dec 15, 2016

This was a solid conclusion to a really fresh, well fleshed out, first arc. There are still lots of questions to be answered and what started as a fairly simple concept is now already a well-fleshed out series with interesting characters. This series may appear gimmicky, but it's well-written, engaging and honestly one of the better Rebirth titles coming out right now. Here's hoping this title mak more

New Superman #6

By: Gene Luen Yang, Richard Friend
Released: Dec 14, 2016

"MADE IN CHINA" conclusion! Kong Kenan is in the fight of his life against the insane Human Firecracker and his Starro bomb! New Super-Man must confront his darkest demons as he tries to save the Bat-Man and Wonder-Woman of China! Alliances will be tested, heroes will be forged-and the shocking fate of Kenan's family is revealed!

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TheMatteo0 rated Moon Knight #9 Dec 14, 2016

Moon Knight #9

By: Jeff Lemire, Wilfredo Torres
Released: Dec 7, 2016

•  The many iterations of Marc Spector converge!
•  In the clash of personalities, who will emerge victorious?!
Rated T+

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Rotivv rated Death of X #4 Nov 23, 2016

Death of X #4

By: Jeff Lemire, Aaron Kuder
Released: Nov 23, 2016

• The first true battle in the Inhumans/X-Men war!
•  Cyclops isn't the only one who doesn't make it out alive...
Rated T+

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Nightmare of Solomon reviewed Death of X #4 Nov 23, 2016

Death of X is basically what if you mix Weekend at Bernies with V for Vendetta, but with mutants instead.

Also, if you were expecting Lemire to explain what terrible thing Cyclops did... doesn't pay off. So Lemire kept telling us that Cyclops did this completely unforgivable thing in Extraordinary X-men and it turns out all he did was to make -one- terrigen clou more

Death of X #4

By: Jeff Lemire, Aaron Kuder
Released: Nov 23, 2016

• The first true battle in the Inhumans/X-Men war!
•  Cyclops isn't the only one who doesn't make it out alive...
Rated T+

TheMatteo0 reviewed Green Arrow #11 Nov 18, 2016

Stunning art wasn't enough to make up for a mediocre-at-best story. Percy's game has gotten pretty weak since the first story arc ended, and this story while a bit of fun was really pretty shallow and predictable. There wasn't really much character development here and whilst there was some preachy dialogue it did little to add to any overarching sense of intrigue which could mark the book out as more

Green Arrow #11

By: Ben Percy, Juan E. Ferreyra
Released: Nov 16, 2016

“MURDER ON THE EMPIRE EXPRESS” part two! There’s no business like the war business, and business is booming-or it will be once the world learns of the brutal assassination of one of its most critical leaders at the hands of…Green Arrow?! Trapped with a killer hundreds of feet below the ocean, Oliver Queen must solve a murder before his unde...

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TheMatteo0 reviewed Foolkiller #1 Nov 10, 2016

A really unique series, didn't expect much from this but was very surprised by the premise, direction and content (knowing almost nothing about the character prior to the series). I'd recommend this to anyone looking for something a bit different from Marvel.

Foolkiller #1

By: Max Bemis, Dalibor Talajic
Released: Nov 2, 2016

    Greg Salinger was just your typical merc for hire - FOOLKILLER - killing those that he deemed to be "foolish." And for money. But that life is behind him now. Today, he's a psychiatrist, trying to help others. But now S.H.I.E.L.D. wants him to try to rehabilitate super villains. The catch? If these "patients" don't make enou...

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TheMatteo0 reviewed Batman / TMNT Adventures #1 Nov 10, 2016

A fun cartoony art style, some good humour and dialogue as well as an interesting mystery being set-up: this series promises to be a lot of fun. Can't wait to see which characters will appear, but I have a feeling we'll see some really great action coming up. It's worth noting that Batman and the Turtles don't actually cross-up yet, but I'd imagine we'll see them back together once the series prog more

Batman / TMNT Adventures #1

By: Matthew K. Manning, Jon Sommariva
Released: Nov 9, 2016

When villains start to mysteriously escape Arkham, Batman seeks to track them down. What happens when he discovers that they have left Gotham completely... and entered the TMNT's New York City?
•   The animated worlds of the current TMNT Nickelodeon cartoon and Batman: The Animated Series collide in this outstanding mini-series!<...

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Personally I preferred the backup story; exploring the origin of The People and Zenzi; some beautiful artwork and colours and well-written narration offers what I think will be an interesting elucidation of Wakandan politics and conflict. The first story, whilst the weaker I think as it lacks the same wider focus and mystery still offers a close and emotional look at the love story between Ayo and more

Black Panther: World of Wakanda #1

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Alitha Martinez
Released: Nov 9, 2016

Writer ROXANE GAY (Bad Feminst, Hunger) spins a Wakandan love story - its tenderness matched only by its brutality. You know them now as The Midnight Angels, but in this story they are just Ayo and Aneka, young women recruited to becom...

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