Behold! The last stand of the fall's phantasmagoric folk-horror odyssey is here-from master storytellers Cullen Bunn (The Sixth Gun) and Christopher Mitten (Hellboy & the BPRD)!
Sommer and Winter descend into the Autumn Kingdom, so close to rescuing their parents, but shaken and more aware than ever with what they stand to lose in thi...
The deathly dark fairy tale from master of horror Cullen Bunn (Invasive, Harrow County) and Christopher Mitten (Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.) descends the treacherous path toward its bloody conclusion!
Sommer and Winter continue their desperate search for their parents, stolen in the night by monsters and taken as sacrifices to the dying fae r...
The deadly dark fairy tale from masters of folk-horror Cullen Bunn (Harrow County, Invasive) and Christopher Mitten (Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.) writes a frightful new chapter . . .
Sisters Sommer and Winter are shaken and bewildered in the wake of a goblin horde smashing apart their family's vacation cabin and absconding into the nigh...
Repairing a busted terraforming engine deep beneath the surface of AUG-3A, Clay finds himself in a tight spot. And the local critters have teeth. The fifth chapter of Nullhunter, the cyberpunk retelling of Hercules is out in February.
All hope is lost. Or is it? New nightmares are here to guide whoever may be left in Penny's dangerous dreams.
Mini-Series Premiere. Slade Slaymaker is a kid from Alabama suddenly lost in a vicious world beyond his imagining, a world of marauding ant armies, spellcasting spider witches, and beetle-riding barbarians. A kingdom of tiny but deadly warriors hidden in his own backyard. The same world that saw his father eaten alive by insects now plunges ...
Mini-Series Premiere. Slade Slaymaker is a kid from Alabama suddenly lost in a vicious world beyond his imagining, a world of marauding ant armies, spellcasting spider witches, and beetle-riding barbarians. A kingdom of tiny but deadly warriors hidden in his own backyard. The same world that saw his father eaten alive by insects now plunges ...
We've descended to the Second Circle, where, according to Dante, they kept sinners consumed by lust. Will our punk-rock anarchist devils Collar and Rake keep that in mind as they work to transform two ordinary, good-hearted humans into the most powerful people on Earth? Well, they wouldn't be devils if they weren't at least a little horny. Temptati...
"No Light Beyond," Part 3 (of 4). When making a choice of who to trust in a life-or-death situation, do you choose what you've seen with your own eyes or what you feel in your heart?
As the titanic clash from last issue rages on, a covert group of Autobots continues their search for the ally who could turn the tide on Earth-Ultra Magnus! Featuring the debut of an all-new character!
Series Premiere. Come one, come all, to the amazing new big top show! Your Ringleaders, Rick Remender and Paul Azaceta, invite you to this fantastical double-length premiere issue of their new ongoing series! A decade after the Seasons sisters' beloved parents disappeared, a wicked carnival arrives in town. Within its big tent is a da...
Series Premiere. Come one, come all, to the amazing new big top show! Your Ringleaders, Rick Remender and Paul Azaceta, invite you to this fantastical double-length premiere issue of their new ongoing series! A decade after the Seasons sisters' beloved parents disappeared, a wicked carnival arrives in town. Within its big tent is a da...
The final battle is at hand. For Penny!
New York Times bestselling-author SCOTT SNYDER, comics titan FRANK TIERI and acclaimed artist RYAN SMALLMAN with contributions by Oscar-nominated actor TOM HARDY to bring you a bold new sci-fi saga!
On the run from the best bounty hunters in the galaxy, Kai teams up with an unlikely ally-but is their new plan more dangerous than what he was ru...
Great issue.
On a mission to apprehend a dangerous rebel leader, Clay battles a brute too big and powerful even for his bionic brawn. So how will he bring in the Boar? The fourth chapter of Nullhunter, the cyberpunk retelling of Hercules.
Fifteen years ago, Dash Bad Horse ran away from a life of poverty and hopelessness on the Prairie Rose Indian Reservation. Now, he's come back home to find nothing much has changed on "The Rez." So is he back to set things right--or just get a piece of the action?
Can Kaya and Razel escape the haunted city and save Jin from the clutches of the Robot warlord, Gorax? "Kaya and the Dragon Road" reaches its shocking conclusion!
Autobots vs Decepticons vs ...!
Oni Press is proud to unveil a spellbinding new chapter in the distinguished lineage of EC history! Enter: Cruel Kingdom-EC's first-ever dark-fantasy anthology conjuring tales of MAGIC, MYTH, and MURDER from forbidden realms long before our own!
Behold the...
Father Barrera is a disgraced priest, haunted by his part in the tragic death of a child. As penance, he is exiled to the remote South American town of Puerto Cristina to apprentice under the enigmatic Father Stygian, controversial exorcist.
Exorcists are normally trained in the Vatican, but Stygian has his own way of handling demons... me...
Mini-Series Premiere. Good Omens meets Curse Words in this new series from the duo behind smash-hit Eight Billion Genies! The Lucky Devils is a tale of two rebellious demons who decide to start a revolution in Hell-and the two ordinary, 20-something humans they're going to manipulate to do it. A cheeky, sat...
An era comes to an end. A step further into a strange and unrecognizable future, a final goodbye, and a fond farewell.
The best chapter of life. The future we earned. The way it was always going to be.
Power doesn't corrupt-the corrupt seek power, and the path to power is paved with the bodies of anyone who gets in their way.
There's nothing more beautiful than a total retreat from reality with someone you love in a place where you can leave behind all the noise, greed, and hate for a quiet and simple life. But does such a place truly exist? And if it does, how could the rabid monsters not come to destroy it?
One of the best issues of the series in years.
Scars can be a physical reminder of painful memories. However, after enough time, those reminders can become fond memories.
Scars can be a physical reminder of painful memories. However, after enough time, those reminders can become fond memories.
We've moved too far into an unrecognizable future. The exponential increase in technology warps our understanding of space and time, leaving us disoriented and incapable of processing the rapidly transforming world around us. But there is hope in old friends and family.
"A Fond Farewell," Part Two
The conclusion of Saya's story. Will she choose to take her place as head of the Kuroki Syndicate, or will she choose revenge? And will Marcus' final act be to betray his oldest friend?
The first chapter of the final arc of critically acclaimed DEADLY CLASS! The promise of what could have been, a life that never was—Marcus and Saya are the deadliest couple on Earth, but what happens when they’re hired to kill each other?