Series Premiere. Come one, come all, to the amazing new big top show! Your Ringleaders, Rick Remender and Paul Azaceta, invite you to this fantastical double-length premiere issue of their new ongoing series! A decade after the Seasons sisters' beloved parents disappeared, a wicked carnival arrives in town. Within its big tent is a dazzling show led by an eldritch ringleader who offers comers-all a window into their heart's every desire-provided they each leave a piece of themselves behind... Attendees arrive to enjoy the breathtaking entertainment obscured behind its canvas folds-and they leave distracted by the glint of these more
I'll be honest with you, this has the potential to be one of the best of the year. There's a great mystery/horror story brewing underneath a beautiful outer shell. The pacing in this issue was perfect. Dialogue and exposition were kept to a minimum, allowing the characters to show us who they are. This felt a lot like the great comic strips I used to read as a kid in newspapers. The Seasons is an instant classic! Read Full Review
A mesmerizingly colorful, yet suspiciously dark mystery, that leaves readers closely tracking every panel. Read Full Review
Remender wanted the first issue of the series to really live in a small moment. The cool thing about this is that the author manages to work with the artist in a way that reveals quite a lot about the central character of the issue while also drawing the reader in to a sympathetic sort of a position with her. She's just having a really bad day. And there's enough here to suggest that she been having a series of really bad days. It sort of defines her. And makes her vulnerable. Keep her truly interesting. It's not often that a character is introduced in a way that does this good of a job of connecting them with the audience. Read Full Review
The Seasons is a bold and creative debut that masterfully blends whimsy with intrigue, offering a unique visual and narrative experience. While its slow pacing and lingering mysteries may test readers' patience, especially in the day's age of instant gratification, the charm of its protagonist and the rich artistry of Paul Azaceta make it a captivating read. You'll be hooked on its mysterious and nefarious undercurrents by the end. It's early, but this is already a visually stunning, whimsical, and darkly compelling adventure." Read Full Review
In The Seasons #1, a traveling circus infects spectators with a strange malaise. Spring Seasons yearns to learn what Autumn has discovered about her troubled family. But Autumn's letter arrives as a circus hits town, and a clown gives Spring a gift. Read Full Review
Seasons #1 is essentially one long chase sequence, but don't let that turn you away, in between all the hijinks are the foundations for a captivating new series. Read Full Review
The Seasons is both beautifully imaginative and hauntingly dark. Writer Rick Remender and artist Paul Azaceta have crafted a new series filled with whimsy and dreada unique combination that sets itself apart in the world of comics. Things are ramping up and I have a strong feeling things are going to get weirdin a good waymoving forward. Read Full Review
Seasons #1 is a compelling first issue. In part thats because its a bit of an enigma, not making entirely obvious what the comic is or will be about. What is obvious, though, is that its a high quality comic. In the end, Seasons #1 is fun, funny, and sure to hold your interest. Read Full Review
The Seasons #1 introduces readers to a fascinating new world filled with both wonder and danger. While light on plot details, this debut issue showcases Rick Remender and Paul Azaceta's incredible world-building and leaves you intrigued to explore more. Read Full Review
Other great debut by Remender and company. The chase scene was ridiculously awesome, then the dark mystery, this comic (along with everything Remender is putting out now) feels like it's going to be something very special. Very excited for this comic.
Like others have said, the letter chase was well done but took up too much of the book. If the other issues have a similar pacing, this is gonna be one of those “better in trade” series. Which isn’t a bad thing. It just means the individual reviews won’t reflect the story quality as a whole for some.
I feel like this will be a great series but the first issue spent too much time on someone chasing a letter, in my opinion. The letter chase seemed to take up 90% of the book, but the other few pages were quite good. I'm very confident in Rick Remender's writing and have no doubt this will turn into something I very much enjoy. I didn't care for the art, but it's not something that will turn me away from the book. I'm looking forward to the next issue.
Don't get my wrong, the art is great. The letter sequence was vibrant and fun, but it was a lot for very little. The real selling point for me was the non letter parts and the darker aspect of the story they hinted at.