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Joined: Oct 16, 2016

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joe rated Detective Comics #977 Mar 28, 2018

Detective Comics #977

By: James Tynion IV, Javi Fernandez
Released: Mar 28, 2018

"BATMEN ETERNAL" part two! Batwoman has reunited with her father, and leadership of the Colony is in her hands...but should she take it? And if she does, what is she supposed to do about a problem like Batman?

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joe rated Mera: Queen of Atlantis #2 Mar 28, 2018

Mera: Queen of Atlantis #2

By: Dan Abnett, Lan Medina
Released: Mar 28, 2018

As the reluctant Queen Mera continues to work toward a peace between the surface and the sea, her rule is challenged by the former king of Atlantis, Orm the Ocean Master! But Orm is torn between his duty to Atlantis and his love for his new surface family-and both he and Mera will clash over the futures they choose to fight for!

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joe reviewed Wonder Woman #43 Mar 28, 2018

Really disapointed by both the story and the art.

Wonder Woman #43

By: James Robinson, Marco Santucci
Released: Mar 28, 2018

"Amazons Attacked" part three! All his life, Wonder Woman's brother Jason has longed to meet his mother, Hippolyta, but the machinations of the gods have made it impossible. But now, with the barrier between worlds at its thinnest, could they come face to face at last? Should Wonder Woman help him return home, if it could lead to the destruction of...

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joe rated Infidel #1 Mar 20, 2018

Infidel #1

By: Pornsak Pichetshote, Aaron Campbell
Released: Mar 14, 2018

A haunted house story for the 21st century, INFIDEL follows an American Muslim woman and her multiracial neighbors who move into a building haunted by entities that feed off xenophobia.
Bestselling editor PORNSAK PICHETSHOTE (Swamp Thing) makes his comics-writing debut alongside artist extraordinaire AARON CAMPBELL (The Shadow), award-winning c...

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joe commented on this:
Briton reviewed Infidel #1 Mar 15, 2018

The ultimate dream of liberal propaganda merchant must be to get people to buy their own propaganda. Here is an example. A very average story with (as usual) white people portrayed as evil racists and the liberal media lap it up. It's just not very good, but the barrage of hype surrounding the comic is such that weak minded liberals buy it.

Infidel #1

By: Pornsak Pichetshote, Aaron Campbell
Released: Mar 14, 2018

A haunted house story for the 21st century, INFIDEL follows an American Muslim woman and her multiracial neighbors who move into a building haunted by entities that feed off xenophobia.
Bestselling editor PORNSAK PICHETSHOTE (Swamp Thing) makes his comics-writing debut alongside artist extraordinaire AARON CAMPBELL (The Shadow), award-winning c...

+ LikeComments (6)
Nobodyisemo - May 20, 2018

It's a pretty solid first issue, I thought. The boyfriend isn't muslim (ie the person closest to Aisha), and he's portrayed positively. It's not that every white person is portrayed negatively, it's that you're fishing for a reason to avoid accepting other cultures.

The-MJP - Sep 17, 2018

Yeah you’re totally not just parroting what diversityy and comics said


The Infinite Loop: Nothing But The Truth #1

By: Pierrick Colinet, Daniele Di Nicuolo
Released: Sep 27, 2017

The Infinite Loop is back with a new self-contained story, a perfect jumping-on point for new readers! Twin Peaks-creepiness collides with Orwell's 1984-dystopian madness in this sci-fi mini series, as Teddy is sent back in time in a little town where people are addicted to lies.

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joe rated Alters #2 Oct 12, 2017

Alters #2

By: Paul Jenkins, Leila Leiz
Released: Nov 9, 2016

The Story of Chalice, A Powerful Woman
Chapter Two - Je Suis Charlie
As more and more Alter mutations are reported across the country, a terrified population begins to react with fear and mistrust. But Chalice is dealing with issues of her own: can she continue her personal transformation while protecting herself and her family from the dre...

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joe reviewed X-Men: Gold #13 Oct 4, 2017

The art was awfull , why artists use 3d model and trace over it?

X-Men: Gold #13

By: Marc Guggenheim, Mike Mayhew
Released: Oct 4, 2017

Mojo, the demented creature obsessed with melding deadly television shows with reality, has made Earth his focus and it's going to take the combined might of two X-MEN teams to fight back! But when threats from their past are thrown at them, how will these teams react? With SENTINELS and BROOD and BAD MEMORIES attacking at...

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joe rated Runaways #1 Sep 19, 2017

Runaways #1

By: Rainbow Rowell, Kris Anka
Released: Sep 13, 2017

The "IT" book of the early 2000s with the original cast is back - Nico! Karolina! Molly! Chase! Old Lace! And, could it be? GERT?! The heart of the Runaways died years ago, but you won't believe how she returns! Superstar author Rainbow Rowell (Eleanor & Park, Carry On) makes her Marvel debut with fan-favorite artist Kris Anka...

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joe rated Star Wars Adventures #1 Sep 6, 2017

Star Wars Adventures #1

By: Cavan Scott, Derek Charm
Released: Sep 6, 2017

Introducing an exciting new era in all-ages Star Wars comics! Each issue in this monthly series will feature two stories, starring your favorite Star Wars characters from all the films! This debut issue will reveal Rey's early adventures on Jakku as well as a comical tale of clone catastrophe!

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Bitch Planet: Triple Feature #2

By: Che Grayson, Sharon de la Cruz
Released: Jul 19, 2017

Patriarchy beware...this sci-fi kidney punch can't be stopped!
Return to BITCH PLANET for more tales from a world gone upside down...that might just be around the corner...
Plus all the backmatter you can handle!
100 percent Grade A satire. Tell your friends. Tell your enemies.

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joe rated Batwoman #5 Jul 24, 2017

Batwoman #5

By: Marguerite Bennett, Stephanie Hans
Released: Jul 19, 2017

"THE MANY ARMS OF DEATH" epilogue! In this special one-off issue with art by Stephanie Hans (Angela), learn the truth of what went down between Kate and Safiyah, which led to the future Batwoman having to leave Coryana for what she was sure would be forever!

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Superfan234 reviewed America #5 Jul 19, 2017

This was the least horrible issue.

I actually liked it more when it was 100% trainwreck

America #5

By: Gabby Rivera, Ramon Villalobos
Released: Jul 19, 2017

•  Reunited at last! Former Young Avengers Hawkeye and America team up to take on a new threat!
•  When a case spins out of control, semi-legal 100% legit private investigator Kate Bishop calls the one person she knows will have her back. But is this one too big to...

joe reviewed America #5 Jul 19, 2017

the proffesionel reviewrs keep givin high score to that crap??? Guys you are not credible at all . LOL

America #5

By: Gabby Rivera, Ramon Villalobos
Released: Jul 19, 2017

•  Reunited at last! Former Young Avengers Hawkeye and America team up to take on a new threat!
•  When a case spins out of control, semi-legal 100% legit private investigator Kate Bishop calls the one person she knows will have her back. But is this one too big to...

joe liked this:
Nightmare of Solomon reviewed America #5 Jul 19, 2017

This comic is rescued with Kelly Thompson doing co-writing duties and the inclusion of Kate Bishop, which tells you what a bad shape this comic is in, and even then the quality barely goes up... did I mention America #3 sold only 12K units? give it a couple more months and it will be selling as many copies as My Little Pony, 'cept My Little Pony, more often than not, can actually be read without d more

America #5

By: Gabby Rivera, Ramon Villalobos
Released: Jul 19, 2017

•  Reunited at last! Former Young Avengers Hawkeye and America team up to take on a new threat!
•  When a case spins out of control, semi-legal 100% legit private investigator Kate Bishop calls the one person she knows will have her back. But is this one too big to...

joe reviewed Jean Grey #4 Jul 12, 2017

Awfull !

Jean Grey #4

By: Dennis Hopeless, Harvey Tolibao
Released: Jul 12, 2017

• After an adventure with Namor, the Sub-Mariner, Jean Grey is more determined than ever to escape her predecessor's fate and when the Phoenix comes for her, she will BEAT THAT BIRD DOWN.
•  And to learn how to go toe-to-toe with a god, she'll seek out training from a god...
•  Enter: ODINSON!

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joe reviewed Wonder Woman #26 Jul 12, 2017

didn't liked the drawing . another tumblr artist who don't how to draw stories.

Wonder Woman #26

By: Shea Fontana, Mirka Andolfo
Released: Jul 12, 2017

"HEART OF THE AMAZON" part one! Writer Shea Fontana (DC SUPER HERO GIRLS) steps in for a new story! Wonder Woman finally takes a moment to catch her breath and attend a friend's wedding... but unfortunately, horror's followed her even there!

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joe rated Uncanny Avengers #25 Jul 12, 2017

Uncanny Avengers #25

By: Jim Zub, Aaron Kim Jacinto
Released: Jul 12, 2017

•  Manhattan is under siege! In order to survive this endless night, the Avengers must face darkness without and darkness within.
Rated T+

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joe reviewed Secret Empire: Brave New World #3 Jul 8, 2017

Marvel should hired better writers . really Annoying .

Secret Empire: Brave New World #3

By: Paul Allor, Brian Level
Released: Jul 5, 2017

• Estranged from the planet he's duty bound to protect, Kevin Conner, A.K.A. STARBRAND wrestles with the weight of his destiny...
•  Meanwhile on Earth, the citizens of New York City find themselves trapped and a traitor in Atlantis could bring an end to Namor's truce with Hydra!

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joe rated Batwoman #3 Jun 22, 2017

Batwoman #3

By: Marguerite Bennett, Steve Epting
Released: May 17, 2017

"The Many Arms Of Death" part three! Batwoman's identified the cancer spreading through the lawless nation of Coryana, but to fight back, she's going to need an army...and the only soldiers at hand belong to the island's deadly warlords and gang leaders! Can Kate rally every one of these cutthroats to a common cause? Or will Coryana collapse into t...

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joe rated Batwoman #4 Jun 22, 2017

Batwoman #4

By: Marguerite Bennett, Steve Epting
Released: Jun 21, 2017

"The Many Arms Of Death" finale! Batwoman's been following the trail of the deadly weapon Monster Venom, while simultaneously trying to discover what became of her lost lover, Safiyah...but what happens when those two roads meet? And how does it all connect to the death of Batwoman's mother? A terrifying new threat is unleashed on the world when th...

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joe reviewed America #4 Jun 22, 2017

I just don't understand why comicosity are still rating comics 10/10. they are clearly friends with the team of the book. LOL . Comicosity are you really reading the books you damn review ? btw this book is just a disaster .

America #4

By: Gabby Rivera, Joe Quinones
Released: Jun 21, 2017

•  When an enemy she thought she'd punched away returns, America will have to face the facts: She messed up. What will her mistakes cost her - and the people she loves?  
•  One thing's for sure: She's gonna need help. Good thing she's the leader of the Ultimates! Uh, they're around, right? Guys?
•  And whi...

+ LikeComments (1)
Superior fan - Jun 27, 2017

Reading this book broke me man.

joe reviewed America #3 May 11, 2017

This title is not getting better.

America #3

By: Gabby Rivera, Joe Quinones
Released: May 10, 2017

•  The fate of Lisa Halloran lies in the hands of America Chavez super fans! And they don't take kindly to rejection...
•  America will have to punch her way in to save her girlfriend, but when a jump goes wrong, she ends up stuck in the past! Can that era's Storm and ...

joe rated Secret Empire #0 Apr 21, 2017

Secret Empire #0

By: Nick Spencer, Daniel Acuna
Released: Apr 19, 2017

What if your greatest ally was secretly your greatest enemy? What if the most trustworthy, stalwart hero history has ever known has been planning in secret a massive betrayal? That time is now!
The Marvel Universe is under siege from within! Captain America, secretly a true believer in the cause of Hydra, has turned his back on the Super Hero c...

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joe rated Trinity #8 Apr 19, 2017

Trinity #8

By: Cullen Bunn, Emanuela Lupacchino
Released: Apr 19, 2017

A "Superman: Reborn Aftermath" tie-in! In this essential chapter of the "Superman Reborn Aftermath" epic, Kal-El reveals to Batman and Wonder Woman what had happened to him-and how they all may be in danger!

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joe reviewed The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #19 Apr 15, 2017

Bored from those ugly drawing and silly characters .

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #19

By: Ryan North, Erica Henderson
Released: Apr 12, 2017

• Worst-mentor-ever Melissa Morbeck has trapped Squirrel Girl in her house, surrounded by zoo animals under her control, and laid out her demands: She wants to have...A CHAT.
•  Does that not sound exciting enough? What if we were to tell you that this chat ALSO involves punching, shocking revelations, a little bit of c...

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joe rated Weapon X #1 Apr 15, 2017

Weapon X #1

By: Greg Pak, Greg Land
Released: Apr 12, 2017

Decades ago, the Weapon X program produced the deadliest mutant killers on the planet. Now, with more research, more funding and more Adamantium at its disposal, the Weapon X program is creating new killers for old targets: Old Man Logan. Sabretooth. Lady Deathstrike. Weapon X isn't just experimenting on mutants's eradicating them. All...

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joe rated Detective Comics #954 Apr 12, 2017

Detective Comics #954

By: James Tynion IV, Marcio Takara
Released: Apr 12, 2017

"League Of Shadows" part four! Ra's al Ghul has the answers Batman needs to take down the League of Shadows...but will he lift a finger to help him? Or would he rather use the League to take care of the Dark Knight Detective once and for all?

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joe rated X-Men: Blue #1 Apr 12, 2017

X-Men: Blue #1

By: Cullen Bunn, Jorge Molina
Released: Apr 12, 2017

Join MARVEL GIRL, CYCLOPS, BEAST, ICEMAN and ANGEL as they reclaim the title of X-MEN. After the world-shaking events of IVX, the original five X-Men are here to bring mutant criminals to justice and restore a heroic sheen to their team. But with a new leader in JEAN GREY and a new mentor in their "arch-frenemy" MAGNETO, will ol...

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joe reviewed Wonder Woman #20 Apr 12, 2017

Fantastic !

Wonder Woman #20

By: Greg Rucka, Bilquis Evely
Released: Apr 12, 2017

"Godwatch" part three! Cale launches a desperate gambit to take control of Godwatch, but her plan hinges on two factors she cannot control: the witch Circe, and Wonder Woman!

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