"League Of Shadows" part four! Ra's al Ghul has the answers Batman needs to take down the League of Shadows...but will he lift a finger to help him? Or would he rather use the League to take care of the Dark Knight Detective once and for all?
Tynion has done it yet again, managing to make this slow buildup feel like anything but. Just as we think we are reaching the top another surprise twist and turn is unveiled, deeper into the rabbit hole we go. I'm not sure how much longer I can stay on the edge of my seat before I just fall off the damn thing. Read Full Review
Tynion really broke down the Bat-family in this story arc, and it was done really well. Typically with superhero comics we always know the good guys are gonna win, somehow, and what really matters is the stakes. At the end we are definitely shown that the stakes are high. Read Full Review
This issue keeps the pressure building from the first page to the last, and there's a real sense of doom and foreboding raking at the readers' souls. This atmosphere and tension make this title a consistently entertaining read, therefore I have to give this issue another solid: Read Full Review
This isn't a great comic for a new reader to dive into, you might have to start from issue 950 to understand the weight of this issue but James Tynion and Co are still moving forward pushing Detective Comics to the top. Read Full Review
This has been a great book since Rebirth began and it continues to be one of the strongest titles in DCs lineup. For new readers however, it's worth noting that a lot of the story that has been embedded so far is going to be hard to follow, so Id recommend reading from issue 950 onwards as this is pretty near the end of the current story. There's no reason someone who was reading before and drifted away couldnt pick this up, but new readers should beware, as a brand new story is likely to begin soon. Read Full Review
The excitement of the League of Shadows story just keeps ratcheting up higher and higher in this issue, and that is a damn cool thing. Read Full Review
Fans of Ra's Al Ghul will need to read this issue as major revelations are made that shake up his relationship with Batman. On top of that, the stakes are raised even further, and the final page will leave you wanting that next issue even more. Read Full Review
Detective Comics #954 moves this arc along at a brisk pace and has me hooked on this storyline despite some shaky art. The final page is a great cliffhanger to launch into the next issue with and I am very happy I only have to wait two weeks for it. This is the kind of grand story that this team of Bat-heavyweights deserves and I look forward to what Tynion and company throw at readers next. Read Full Review
The overall issue is better than average and it's building the tension by keeping Batman's team apart. Not perfect by any means, but it's still very good. Read Full Review
The conflict between the League of Shadows, Shiva's army, and the Colony in this issue is exciting and makes this issue powerful. Readers who love the rich history of Ra's and the League will enjoy this issue and the next few to come out soon! Read Full Review
Even though Tynion's foot has slipped off the gas a bit, Detective Comics #954 still keeps us invested in the "League of Shadows" arc. Read Full Review
Though this issue sets up more than it pays off, its all done with the writing and artistic polish weve become accustomed to here in Detective Comics. Read Full Review
Seeing Ra's interact with Batman is always a real treat, but the art is nowhere near as good as I know Takara is capable of and there's also some illogical actions taken by Shiva. Fortunately, the Batman/Ra's stuff takes up the bulk of the book, so the less than stellar stuff isn't quite as detrimental as it otherwise might have been. Read Full Review
The issue ends suggesting all is not lost for the Bat-Family. Just as the arc has built-up Shiva, so it has with Orphan who continues to work her way through the League of Shadows eventually setting up a confrontation with Lady Shiva. Worth a look. Read Full Review
Tynion sets up the stage for a big character showcase next issue, but hopefully one of DC's best team books gets back on track showcasing the team rather than becoming just another Batman book. Read Full Review
James Tynion IV tells a story that holds plenty of promise, but splits off in too many directions. Marcio Takara's artwork is clunky, with noticeably repetitive facial expressions. Read Full Review
The League of Shadows story continues and the addition of Ra's al Ghul ups the ante, but the art really squashes most of the enjoyment I got from this issue. The pieces are set up for a really cool final two issues, I just hope they feature art that helps, not hinders the story going forward. Read Full Review
Browse. Tynion seems almost ready to pump the gas towards a big conflict with the current League of Shadows storyline. Read Full Review
To sum up Detective Comics #954 in one word"disappointment. Not only does Tynion use bad storytelling he creates an open thread that is capable of unraveling DC Rebirth. The art is also as rushed as the story leading the issue to be easily skippable. Read Full Review
While I realize that Batman can't always know what's going on, or be two or three or seven steps ahead of the bad guys, I think that James Tynion missed the mark here, and to put it simply, I didn't believe that Batman was, well, Batman. Read Full Review