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Joined: Apr 07, 2017

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Granfalloon reviewed Unearth #6 Mar 4, 2020

This is decent without being great. What we really need is some good character work to make us care about the people involved.

Unearth #6

By: Cullen Bunn, Baldemar Rivas
Released: Mar 4, 2020

NEW STORY ARC! One year after the eruption at Site 17, the survivors have begun to piece their lives back together. Kul is cleaning up the mess the world has become while Frankie searches for answers to big questions. Strange and twisted forces are at work in the first issue of a brand new story arc from CULLEN BUNN, KYLE STRAHM, and BALDEMAR RIVAS...

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This was a decent one-shot introduction to Kendra. I'm not a big fan of the art; since the excellent first arc the art on this book has become less impressive.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer #13

By: Jordie Bellaire, Rosemary Valero-O'Connell
Released: Mar 4, 2020

* After the shocking conclusion to Hellmouth, The Slayer must defend Sunnydale... AND IT'S KENDRA?
* But as The New Slayer must confront an all-new threat to the ENTIRE WORLD, she'll need to pull the Scooby gang together once more after what happened to Buffy...
* The next big Whedonverse epic is here...

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Granfalloon reviewed Excellence #6 Oct 26, 2019

I've been a little lukewarm on this series the last couple of issues, mostly because I was struggling a bit to keep up. But this issue really nails it. Fantastic finish to the first arc. Now I want to reread the whole thing. I'll be here for the second act!

Excellence #6

By: Brandon Thomas, Khary Randolph
Released: Oct 16, 2019


Raymond Dales only wanted the best for his son, Spencer, but what has that cost them both? The relationship between father and son hits its breaking point. Plus, where does the Aegis imprison the world's most dangerous wizards?

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Granfalloon reviewed Avengers #24 Oct 1, 2019

I don't get it. I love Jason Aaron's writing. I love the Avengers. But this arc is... really boring. I literally had to force myself to keep reading.

Avengers #24

By: Jason Aaron, Stefano Caselli
Released: Sep 25, 2019

If the Avengers thought one Ghost Rider was tough to deal with, wait'll they see how many Spirits of Vengeance have just been unleashed by the King of Hell, Johnny Blaze! Including the craziest, most powerful Rider of them all...That's right, it's the Avengers vs. Cosmic Ghost Rider!
Rated T+

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Granfalloon reviewed Space Bandits #2 Aug 7, 2019

Eh. Pretty boring revenge story with amoral characters. The art was good though.

Space Bandits #2

By: Mark Millar, Matteo Scalera
Released: Aug 7, 2019

The bandits are locked in a penal colony and looking to bust out. While Thena bulks up to compete in the Big Bout and earn her ticket to freedom, Cody puts her cunning mind to work on an escape plan. But how will they flee The Crustacean, and who'll be their first target when they do?

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This book has really grown on me. I love that there's some body-positivity towards Blob after all these years. And Psylocke's discussion of her own body issues was great. There's not much action here for action junkies but I didn't care because it does what X-books do best, dug into the characters.

Age Of X-Man: X-Tremists #3

By: Leah Williams, Georges Jeanty
Released: Apr 24, 2019

ALL LOVE IS FORBIDDEN LOVE. Blob knows this. Psylocke knows this. The X-Tracts enforce the law. And yet...
Rated T+

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Granfalloon reviewed Black Panther #10 Apr 1, 2019

I feel like I would have been more shocked by the developments if I hadn't completely lost track of who was who and what was going on. I feel like this will read better in trade. Needs some decent recaps.

Black Panther #10

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Kev Walker
Released: Mar 27, 2019

T'Challa journeys to the place where N'Jadaka's rise began - the homeworld of the Between! But what he learns there will lead him to question the rebellion's very foundation. Will Bast's Champion ever be fully restored?
Rated T

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Granfalloon reviewed Avengers: No Road Home #7 Apr 1, 2019

Some Monica POV was good, but the cliffhanger seems to rely on Conan history and so was totally lost on me...

Avengers: No Road Home #7

By: Al Ewing, Paco Medina
Released: Mar 27, 2019

Spectrum takes command as the Avengers take the fight to the Queen of Night - but whose side is Conan on?
Rated T+

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Granfalloon reviewed Avengers: No Road Home #6 Mar 21, 2019

Maybe it's because it was yet another high priced issue, maybe it was because I have no interest in Conan, but I found this... boring? I'm dropping this book.

Avengers: No Road Home #6

By: Al Ewing, Sean Izaakse
Released: Mar 20, 2019

Welcome to the Hyborian Age, Wanda Maximoff - hope you survive the experience! An extra-long Conan epic like you've never seen before!
Rated T+

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Granfalloon reviewed Batman #67 Mar 21, 2019

I've been a big defender of King's run up until now but.... I really feel this issue was a waste of money.

Batman #67

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Mar 20, 2019

The "Knightmares" continue as Batman chases a new foe in an impossible race. Over rooftops, across alleyways, up and down the streets of Gotham City, this lightning-fast crook outsmarts the Dark Knight at every turn. Is that because the man under the mask is someone more familiar than he knows? Artist Lee Weeks returns to BATMAN for an all-out acti...

Granfalloon reviewed X-Force #1 Jan 3, 2019

The violence for comic effect left a bad taste in my mouth; these characters don't feel like heroes. Didn't like the art either.

X-Force #1

By: Ed Brisson, Dylan Burnett
Released: Dec 26, 2018

Cable is dead...and now, the original X-Force team of Domino, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Boom Boom and Warpath. must hunt down the murderer of their former leader! The mutant militia are hot for blood...but when their target is the time-traveling younger version of their fallen mentor, is there a line they absolut...

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Granfalloon reviewed Infinity Wars #6 Dec 20, 2018

Tried hard to like this event but.... it just didn't work for me on any level.

Infinity Wars #6

By: Gerry Duggan, Mike Deodato
Released: Dec 19, 2018

Rated T+

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Granfalloon reviewed Captain America #6 Dec 20, 2018

Best issue of Coates' run yet.

Captain America #6

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leinil Francis Yu
Released: Dec 19, 2018

...with a shocking turn of events that will send the Star-Spangled Avenger's life into a sudden dramatic tailspin you won't see coming!
Rated T+

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Granfalloon rated Amazing Spider-Man #12 Dec 20, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man #12

By: Nick Spencer, Ryan Ottley
Released: Dec 19, 2018

• Turns out Spider-Man isn't the only one getting attacked, as JJJ himself is in deep trouble. BUT WHO IS ATTACKING HIM?
•  And what more will we learn about the mysterious bandaged figure circling Spider-Man?!
Rated T

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Granfalloon reviewed Outpost Zero #4 Oct 13, 2018

This was the surprise hit of the year for me. Great writing, great characters, and a slow building menace. I'm on board for act 2!

Outpost Zero #4

By: Sean McKeever, Alexandre Tefenkgi
Released: Oct 10, 2018


With one friend dead, Alea confronts Sam about what really happened out there on the Frost... and the fallout will shake the Outpost's very foundation.

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Granfalloon reviewed Infinite Dark #1 Oct 13, 2018

I gave this issue a try on a whim, and it surprised me pleasantly. I'm not sure exactly what grabbed me, but a combination of the characters and the overall mood really worked for me. I'm adding it to my pull list.

Infinite Dark #1

By: Ryan Cady, Andrea Mutti
Released: Oct 10, 2018

The universe ended, but onboard the void station Orpheus, a skeleton crew of humanity survived: the last two thousand souls, waiting for a second big bang that may never come. Now, two years into their voyage, Security Director Deva Karrell investigates the station's first murder-and the otherworldly motives behind it.

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Granfalloon reviewed She Could Fly #4 Oct 13, 2018

I kinda expected to love this book slightly more than I did. There's a really strong character-based story in here about. mental illness, but in this issue it's mostly overshadowed by spy hijinx and over-the-top violence. I must admit, I didn't care at all about the spy story. The mental illness aspect was really interesting though, and I'll probably pick up the next arc based on that.

She Could Fly #4

By: Christopher Cantwell, Martin Morazzo
Released: Oct 10, 2018

Luna's journey to get to the bottom of the Flying Woman's death finally comes to a head, just as EON-DEF, Chinese Intelligence, and the U.S. government encircle the Brewster household.

  Will any of the family survive the encounter? And even if they do, will the stress of all this mentally break Luna once and for all?


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Granfalloon reviewed Oh S#!t It's Kim & Kim #3 Oct 13, 2018

I'm in two minds on this book. It's pretty funny and the characters are very well written. But on the down side, there's a lot of gratuitous violence that there never seems to be any consequences for. That kind of ruins it a bit for me. But I'm keen to see what else the writer writes.

Oh S#!t It's Kim & Kim #3

By: Magdalene Visaggio, Eva Cabrera
Released: Oct 10, 2018

The Fighting Kims find themselves in their most dire situation yet!
Captured, they've got to break free before they're transported to the most notorious prison colony ever.
Kim D. is all out of ideas so it's up to Kim Q. to save the day!
Yeah... we're not hopeful either.

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Granfalloon reviewed Mr. and Mrs. X #3 Sep 20, 2018

It's perhaps surprising that the combination of Kelly Thompson (usually very funny) and Deadpool (comic relief) was so meh. Deadpool just isn't funny here, and the jokes about him killing people is really just bad taste. Thankfully now Deadpool is gone again so maybe next issue will pick up. So far this series has disappointed.

Mr. and Mrs. X #3

By: Kelly Thompson, Oscar Bazaldua
Released: Sep 19, 2018

ROGUE and GAMBIT'S romantic getaway is but a faint memory as they're forced to team up with DEADPOOL to protect a dangerous and extremely valuable "package" when half the galaxy comes to claim it. What secrets does the package hold that the Imperial Guard and Deathbird (with an entire Shi'ar rebellion in tow!) wi...

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Granfalloon reviewed New Mutants: Dead Souls #5 Jul 12, 2018

This might be my favourite X-Book at the moment. I wish it was an ongoing. This issue was brilliant.

New Mutants: Dead Souls #5

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Adam Gorham
Released: Jul 11, 2018

•  THE NEW MUTANTS are going to rob the house of the one guy you probably shouldn't rob.
•  But is what lurks inside DOCTOR STRANGE's lair more than they bargained for?
•  Nightmares, evil spirits, dark magic and...questionable leftovers?!
Rated T+

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Granfalloon reviewed Immortal Hulk #2 Jul 6, 2018

This is very well done, but I'm not sure I like this horrible, cruel minded hulk. I'll see where Ewing takes it though, I guess. I'm not interested in reading another Punisher book but maybe he'll make it interesting.

Immortal Hulk #2

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Jul 4, 2018

A random small-town tragedy. A mystery illness that spreads with grief. A green glow on a lonely mountain. Three puzzle pieces that fit together to make a nightmare. And the only mind on Earth than can connect them up...belongs to the Immortal Hulk.
Rated T+

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Granfalloon reviewed Death or Glory #3 Jul 4, 2018

Really good issue, I really enjoyed getting Glory's backstory.

Death or Glory #3

By: Rick Remender, Bengal
Released: Jul 4, 2018

Glory has found a way to save her father's life, but getting there means barreling into the heart of her ex's criminal empire-and the horrors he committed there.

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My favourite book this year. I miss it already.

Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles #6

By: Mark Russell, Mike Feehan
Released: Jun 6, 2018

His life and career are in ashes, but Snagglepuss still has one card to play. Don't miss the unforgettable conclusion to EXIT STAGE LEFT! Plus, in the explosive finale to "Sasquatch Detective," Tonya's disguise is blown while investigating a crime ring inside a day spa!

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Astonishing X-Men #12

By: Charles Soule, Gerardo Sandoval
Released: Jun 6, 2018

•  In a battle for reality itself, which of these super-powered psychics will win?
•  And when the dust settles, what's next for the Astonishing X-men?
Rated T+

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Infinity Countdown #4

By: Gerry Duggan, Aaron Kuder
Released: Jun 6, 2018

Ultron has long wished to take over all there is and replace it with only Ultron...but now armed with an Infinity Stone, he has never been closer to his goal. With the Guardians falling apart, who can step forward to stop the singularity from overwhelming everything?
Rated T+

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Granfalloon rated Champions #20 May 26, 2018

Champions #20

By: Jim Zub, Sean Izaakse
Released: May 23, 2018

• What good is conquering a world if it's already destroyed by the time you take over? The Master is determined to save Earth from itself and the Champions are going to help him do it...
•  Plus, a new hero from an unexpected source - Who is Snowguard?
Rated T+

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Granfalloon reviewed Incredible Hulk #717 May 26, 2018

Pak's run has had its strengths and weaknesses, but he cares about Amadeus and we've seen some good character development and it ends with emotion. I didn't feel it worked quite as well as intended, but nevertheless, props for actually giving a character some growth.

Incredible Hulk #717

By: Greg Pak, Carlo Barberi
Released: May 23, 2018

The curse of the Hulk has turned into a horror, and now Amadeus enters his final showdown with the monster within. But what happens if the monster...turns out to be Amadeus himself? A hero faces his greatest demons with the lives of everyone he loves in the balance and massive repercussions for Amadeus and the Hulk!

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Characters like Aphra have an inbuilt time-limit. Either they eventually learn and grow into better people, or they just keep repeating the same mistakes and get annoying. Aphra needs to change soon or this book will become boring.

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #20

By: Si Spurrier, Kev Walker
Released: May 23, 2018

Aphra is behind bars. Again. But this time, she finds herself in Imperial custody, strapped to an explosive transmitter synced to a single hub-droid. Take one step too far? KABLOOEY! Normally, this wouldn't be an issue to sit still for Aphra - but what happens when her Imperial captors send her hub-droid to the middle...

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Granfalloon reviewed Despicable Deadpool #291 May 26, 2018

I don't get Deadpool's character anymore. He seems to have lost any kind of humanity. And worse, the book just isn't that funny.

Despicable Deadpool #291

By: Gerry Duggan, Scott Koblish
Released: Dec 27, 2017

•  Wait - did you think the title of this story was a joke? IT'S NOT. This month DEADPOOL ACTUALLY KILLS CABLE. Seriously.
•  And his new best buddy, Stryfe, could not be happier about it!
•   Join Deadpool as he continues his journey back to the dark side!
Rated T+

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Granfalloon reviewed X-Men: Blue #27 May 11, 2018

When I realised they were sidelining the main team I was disappointed, but to his credit Cullen Bunn has built a good story and made me care about a lot of the fill-in players. Some good character work and nice pacing make this book worth reading.

X-Men: Blue #27

By: Cullen Bunn, Marcus To
Released: May 9, 2018

• With the Original Five X-Men lost in space, a new team of mutants has emerged to face the White Queen, Havok, Miss Sinister and Bastion!
•  But while the new X-Men are away, the Marauders will play, striking viciously at Magneto.
•  Magneto is forced to make a terrible decision, leading him ever clo...

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