Batman #67

Writer: Tom King Artist: Lee Weeks Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 20, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 27 User Reviews: 79
7.2Critic Rating
5.6User Rating

+ Pull List

The "Knightmares" continue as Batman chases a new foe in an impossible race. Over rooftops, across alleyways, up and down the streets of Gotham City, this lightning-fast crook outsmarts the Dark Knight at every turn. Is that because the man under the mask is someone more familiar than he knows? Artist Lee Weeks returns to BATMAN for an all-out action issue unlike any you've seen before.

  • 10
    On Comics Ground - Timothy Quail Mar 20, 2019

    Knightmares continues, and unlike many arcs in comics, I really don't want this to stop. I could probably read a series of one-shots done by King and a rotating art team, all looking at a different aspect of Batman, forever. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Mar 20, 2019

    This is part five of the "Knightmares" storyline. I love what is going on here. I can't quite figure it out, but I love it. It's got one more chapter to it, so I'm certain we will find out what this entire story means next month. Hopefully, King ends this storyline well. I have faith that he can. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Mar 20, 2019

    King is winding down the nightmares arc "All the Way Down", it seems, but in the best way possible. This issue is a big hit after what's felt like a mix of short flies, punts and whiffles. Hands down, this has been my favorite of this set because of its simplicity, its humor, and its reliance on the visuals. In the future I would welcome King to draw more inspiration for Batman from fun material such as he did with this one, and leave the heavy literary ruminations to the realm of literature. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicsverse - Maite Molina Mar 20, 2019

    BATMAN #67 only strengthens the surreal nature of "Knightmares". Ironically though, it provides the arc with the most clarity thus far. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Mar 20, 2019

    The art by Lee Weeks and Jorge Fornes is fantastic. With the dialogue kept to a minimum and no narration, the art has to pull double duty in telling the story and both artists deliver. The art is visually stunning and the progression of the story is told with grace and beauty through the pace and detail of the panels. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Comic Watch - Bethany W Pope Mar 22, 2019

    The art in this issue is absolutely stunning. The dialogue is next to non-existent, but the theme is remarkably complex. Even if you don't approve of King's long (and I would say extremely successful) experiment with narrative, you are going to want to have this in your collection on the strength of the visuals. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Mar 20, 2019

    I don't think it's quite on the level of the brilliant originals, but it's more than worth a read for the stunning art and another piece of this increasingly complex puzzle as Batman's journey through the dreamscape approaches its end. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Major Spoilers - Robert Mammone Mar 20, 2019

    Batman #67 gives the audience the silent treatment, but in doing so, brings a new level of storytelling to an old trope, making for an engaging read that will leave you gasping at thee end. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Mar 20, 2019

    Between its polarizing high concept and its undeniably terrific art, to say Batman #67 is an acquired taste might be putting it mildly, but it's the kind of narrative risk-taking that I wish more creators had the courage and skill to attempt. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Gustavo S Lodi Mar 21, 2019

    By trusting on their artist companions to deliver a breath-taking visual narrative, Tom King delivered a powerful self-contained issue, but one that positions the plot to emerge on future entries. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Black Nerd Problems - Keith Reid-Cleveland Mar 22, 2019

    In a story that's sold itself on being bizarre, Issue #67 may be the pinnacle of the arc. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Gorman. Mar 23, 2019

    I cannot let this review wander further, the comic is lean, sparse and tight. Do not go looking for spoilers, the last couple of pages promise much. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    But Why Tho? - lizzylynngarcia Mar 20, 2019

    Obviously, as a Batman fan, I am not going anywhere but I do hope something happens soon. The last issue was fantastic so the creative choices made here make me feel like I missed an issue, or four. The pacing here, the lack of dialogue, and the overall wonkiness over the actual plot movement are hard to overlook, even if it is a Batman comic. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Mar 20, 2019

    Knightmares remains a slog and a low point of Kongs run, but at least we got treated to more fantastic work from Weeks. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    The Brazen Bull - Charlie Chipman Mar 20, 2019

    This game of cat and mouse is well-paced and somewhat entertaining, but it falls short of expectations, delivering a reading experience that is exciting and visually impressive, but pointless nonetheless. Read Full Review

  • 6.2
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - David DeCorte Mar 20, 2019

    BATMAN #67 offers an action-packed chase scene, with excellent artwork that may remind some readers of golden age aesthetics. Beyond that, it's basically just setup for a punchline on the last page. It's all filler in terms of storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Mar 26, 2019

    Honestly I found Batman #67 quite an interesting read, but not in a good way. It builds your hopes up at the start with a promising beginning, however as the issue continues you really just want the chase to be over with. Although we know it's all in Batman's mind, I thought King would give us more substance, or at least a little more weirdness in this issue like the previous ones. The encounter with Pyg, the interrogation of Catwoman, and other sequences in previous issues were great, but this issue when compared to those just falls flat. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Crusaders - Lucas Fashina Mar 20, 2019

    Batman Vol 3 #67 comes in to covers: the Cover A ,Regular Lee Weeks Cover; and then there is also the Cover B Variant Dave Johnson Cover. As of the writing of this article the Cover B is all sold out. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Mar 20, 2019

    Decent, but only die-hard Batman fans need pick this one up. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Ian Miller Mar 20, 2019

    Time will tell if this issue goes down as one of the better ones in Tom Kings run. The artwork by Weeks and Fornes really stands out, but theres a contrast in expectations from the content provided in the previous issues of this arc which still doesnt quite work. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Lee Mar 23, 2019

    This latest part of “Knightmare” is a fun, light chapter with amazing art and action staging. However, due to a confusing ending and a well-worn premise, this issue also feels very thin and ultimately unimportant. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    AIPT - Alex Curtis Mar 20, 2019

    While not a bad effort, its lack of solid content (in story and art) doesn't deserve the price tag. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Mar 21, 2019

    Batman #67 does absolutely nothing to progress Tom King's "Knightmares" story arc. We are left standing still as King decided to write a sequel for his Batman/Elmer Fudd Special from 2017. That would've been great if this was done in a separate one-shot comic titled Batman/Road Runner Special. But with the importance "Knightmares" is supposed to have towards King's epic Batman run this is unacceptable. The saving grace for Batman #67 is that we were treated to phenomenal artwork from Lee Week and Jorge Fornes. Read Full Review

  • 5.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 20, 2019

    Batman #67 features characteristically strong artwork but a very barren and unsatisfying story. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Mar 20, 2019

    This Knightmare is an extended chase scene that looks fantastic but has nothing past the pretty pictures on the page.  Is  Ashton Kutcher writing this book, because I feel like I am being Punk'd!  Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Sequential Planet - Ethan Maddux Mar 20, 2019

    This outstanding action sequence stretches across twenty pages, and it leaves you empty. This is an issue I won't soon forget, and that is equal parts due to my frustration and my adoration. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Nicole Drum Mar 20, 2019

    Generally speaking, these Knightmares stories have largely worn out their welcome. While Tom King is trying to tell a larger story arc (he has to get to issue 100, after all), these stories feel more like filler, a way to technically complete an issue without having to expend too much story. Read Full Review

  • 10
    FASHI Mar 20, 2019

    Best issue yet

    + LikeComments (6)
  • 9.0
    I Review Comics Jan 1, 2022

    I’ve been reading comics for over 30 years now and Lee Weeks has been one of my favorite artists dating back to his 90’s work on Daredevil. Seeing him on Batman was something I didn’t expect to see and was one of the highlights of my week as sad as that might sound. Weeks is credited as co-artist with Jorge Fornes. The two work extremely well together and it's hard to tell where one artist starts and the other begins.

    With that out of the way, Batman #67 continues the Nightmares story arc. Batman has been trapped in a series of dreams that have been presented as One-Shots. Of all of the issues in this arc, this one is the most interesting. This is primarily due to Tom King getting out of the way and letting Weeks conduct a more

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 9.0

    There may have been like no dialogue or progression, but that doesn't make it bad, story telling can be done visually and what a beautiful issue this is.

  • 9.0
    ProphecyGirl40 Mar 21, 2019

    **SPOILERS** I can understand that at first glance this issue doesn't seem to have a lot of substance, but Tom King as a writer is all about symbolism and metaphor. Though it may not be everyone's cup of tea, he likes to make you think. If you dig a little deeper, especially considering this is a nightmare happening in Bruce's mind, this issue actually says a lot. Batman starts on a rooftop and slowly descends into the underground of the city until he's about as far down as he can go - the sewer. King is depicting Batman falling further and further from the noble mission he set out upon. First Selina left him and he nearly beat Freeze to death, then Nightwing got shot and he left KGBeast to die in the snow, then he punched Gordon and Gordon more

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 9.0
    axdn Mar 20, 2019


  • 8.5
    Andrea D’Alò Mar 20, 2019

    It’s impressive how King manages to write a story without dialogues (there are 2), the fact that there aren’t dialogues doesn’t mean that King has done a “lazy job”, all that movements of the characters and their facial expressions are in the script of the issue.This issue symbolize the fall of Bruce Wayne and damn Tom King tells it in a very good and powerful way. King has also 2 GREAT artists there, Lee Weeks and Jorge Fornes both spectacular and perfect for this type of issues.
    Can’t wait to see how “Knightmares” will end.

    + LikeComments (8)
  • 8.0
    bucswin611 Mar 20, 2019

    Nearly wordless and an artistic feat with a meh final page (like the rest of this arc). Weeks and Fornes are a delight

  • 8.0
    Tony Mar 20, 2019

    Well, the artwork is stunning in some parts, all the issue is a chase with one final twist. I hope the "Knightmares"arc leaves us something. I can understand why people may don't like or even hate this issue and is that on the one hand it feels as if it doesn't contribute anything to the story.

  • 8.0
    Dorival Mar 20, 2019

    The most weak chapter of "nightmares" arc, but Jorge Fornes art was fantastic!

    ----- UPDATE -----

    I made a reflection about the issue, and now I can see the analogy with "The Road Runner"... just amazing! Changing my rate, 7.0 for 8.0

  • 7.0
    Linkush Mar 20, 2019

    Hmmm, that was quick.

    I really don't know how to feel about this one. On one hand, it was a quick fun chase with a weird ending that I kind of liked, and on the other hand, the story went nowhere, like literally, nowhere.

    Since there was almost no dialogue and it was about 1-2 minutes read, I don't think it's worth the 4$.

    The art was absolutely marvelous tho.

  • 6.0
    mrDovydas May 6, 2019

    It's a beautiful issue, but goddamn, it's been months since we've had a proper Batman issue now, and this really isn't helping. On its own, it's great, but as an issue 67 of the book, it has no reason to exist.

  • 6.0
    Ken b Mar 20, 2019

    Waiting for issue 105 so I don’t have to read anymore of Tom Kings bullshit. Too many plotless and pointless issues. This was one of them.

  • 5.0
    RBL Mar 21, 2019

    This was a surprisingly entertaining issue.
    Still purely filler that adds nothing to the story or advances it in any way shape or form, but has more entertainment value than the past few issues.
    I guess devoid of Tom King’s overly verbose nonsense there is a good comic book there.

  • 5.0
    Dispatchdcu Mar 20, 2019

    Since King didn’t use many words, either will I.

    Art is amazing but this book is a nightmare... literally. And yes, I’m sure that’s what he’s going for... so deep of him. NOT!

    We haven’t moved forward one bit since the wedding issue 17 issues ago. That’s 34 weeks of stories that haven’t moved the story forward....8.5 months...

    If this type of story telling continues, one could create a child in the amount of time and have said child without the story progressing.

    The 5 is for the art... all 5 points. This needs to stop. Please tell a story.

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 5.0
    waltgator93 Mar 20, 2019

    What exactly happened in this issue? Don’t buy it! It’s literally a waste of an issue that doesn’t tell you anything and highly doubt it will come up later especially how this is just a nightmare.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 4.5
    Gavan Jul 7, 2021

    The only reason to buy this if you just want to have a complete collection. The story is like a looney tunes episode, which is good, if it was meant to be a looney tunes episode. It takes the plot of “Knigntmares” literally no where and seems to be treading water until Tom king is able to come up with an actual story

  • 4.5
    Bat-Sharkrepellent? Mar 31, 2019

    This issue was a huge waste of money, most of the pages had NO words on them, just artwork. This issue caused me to drop the series because lately Batman has had too many bad issues. How the mighty have fallen.

  • 4.5
    JBL Reviews Mar 20, 2019

    For many months I looked forward to this book. The last dozen or so issues have just not been what I’m looking for. Without the end reveal, this would’ve been nothing.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 4.0
    Federico Liguori Apr 17, 2023

    Imagine writing and publishing this thing. The "Knightmares" title is a reference to the fact I'm literally falling asleep reading this run?

  • 4.0
    Granfalloon Mar 21, 2019

    I've been a big defender of King's run up until now but.... I really feel this issue was a waste of money.

  • 4.0
    Death's Head Mar 21, 2019

    Tom King's Batman is the ilusion of meaningful storytelling. It acts like it's something big, something important, but it's not. It's all sound and fury, with nothing behind it. There's better things out there for you. Don't waste your time with this. God knows I wish I did, but I'm too far gone for that.

  • 4.0
    egonnn244 Mar 20, 2019


    Filler, part 5... oh crap, I meant Knightmares, part 5. By the way, who is having these knightmares? Batman... or the reader.

    So, in this issue, Batman chases some murderer and...hmm...well... Yeah, that's about it. NOTHING. HAPPENS. IN. THIS. ISSUE. The story is, for like two months now, still in the same place and Batman totally broke his neck with that landing on the bar, just saying. But a good thing to know, that one serious stare from The Dark Knight can fix your stuttering problem. So, if the crime-fighting won't work, there are options.

    Even Lee Weeks couldn't save this issue for me. Is it me or does his Batman looks a bit chubby in here? Now it makes sense he couldn't catch up to the guy, he more

  • 4.0
    MKW69 Mar 20, 2019

    I think King listened to my complains that he become another Frank Miller or Chris Claremont, on the other hand, Nothing happened.

  • 3.5
    Superheroes for Hire Sep 22, 2019

    Lee Weeks with support from Fornes.

  • 3.0
    SomeDummy Mar 25, 2019

    Tom King is like JAZZ; its the words he doesnt write, maaaaan.

    In fact, if TK stopped writing Batman altogether, it would also be the best Batman story ever told.

    Now I know how the Spiderman fans felt about Slott :(

  • 2.5
    KFuqua Mar 20, 2019

    I'll say this again..... DC please get Tom King off of Batman and ALL of your major characters.

  • 2.0
    cincyfan Dec 14, 2020

    Shoot I really don’t like giving negative reviews. I mean obviously I want to like it but I really don’t like silent books. The only way a silent book is even decent to me is if it has fantastic art but the art in this was mediocre in my opinion. There really wasn’t much of a story here either. Batman is one of my favorites I read and collect every issue of every volume they all can’t be winners I understand that and unfortunately this is a complete dud to me

  • 2.0
    Spacey Medicine Apr 5, 2019

    ... well at least it was a quick read?

  • 2.0
    Afre Mar 20, 2019

    So, the art was nice.

    And that about it. Why was this necessary again?

    This felt even more pointless than usual. AND THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING.

    Forgettable, wanna-deep comic. King please, don't do heavy-dialogue issues one week and no-dialogue issues next week.

    There is nothing genius or deep about this. Nothing in Knightmares is. King wants it to be so genius, so deep, breathtaking. It's not.

    I would be usually fine with this, but again, nothing in Knightmares feels like it's an event. Just 5 random comics that are put together that doesn't amount to anything.

    This is getting very old. Cannot wait the next issue where art is good, nothing happens and this event feels even more more

  • 2.0
    myconius Mar 20, 2019




    "beep" "beep"

    + LikeComments (23)
  • 2.0
    Psycamorean Mar 20, 2019

    What a load of garbage. Maybe I'm too dumb to recognize the genius of this comic, but I don't think I want to be smart if that means reading this load of shit and being satisfied. This is right there with the Professor Pyg issue. Completely pointless. And don't tell me, "wait and see." What am I supposed to do? Get through 40 more issues before I judge this? Ignore how much it sucks? Why does this get a free pass? I'm so tired of this run. What a horrible way to start the day.

    (Before I get comments, I'm aware it's like a continuation of Batman/Elmer Fudd. It's just that, hey, maybe don't give a whole issue to referencing a Looney Tunes crossover that wasn't actually in the story you're currently trying to tell.)

    + LikeComments (62)
  • 2.0
    Nihilist Mar 20, 2019

    When the first actual dialogue appears on the 16th page, you know you're not reading a comic. No - you just browse an illustrated flyer, page by page, realizing there's nothing in it. Not substancial, that is. If you thought the last issue of Heroes in Crisis was devoid of any plot, just wait til you see this one. You just wait. An Ikea catalogue has more story to tell than this.

    And I think I get what King tries to pull off here. Have you seen Once Upon a Time in America, by any chance? If not - it's definitely worth a try, especially if you're into crime movies, like The Bronx Tale, Casino, Goodfellas, and of course The Godfather and Scarface. Its opening, however, is pretty painful to go through, with a phone ringing endlessly more

    + LikeComments (11)
  • 1.5
    ohhaimark Mar 22, 2019


    -Nice art. Also, good lettering. That isn't something I would typically notice, but in a comic that's essentially JUST lettering, I kind of have to.

    THE BAD:

    -I'm tempted just to leave my review at "no," but I suppose I'll try to write an actual review.

    -DC, can we please never get an issue like this again? I would feel ripped off if this was a FCBD issue.

    -One of this issue's main problem is that it is centered entirely around an idea that thinks it's really clever, but actually isn't. Okay, yes, Batman and the Joker and kind of like Wil.E Coyote and the Road Runner. That's not some deep and phenomenal metaphor.

    -This issue just further cements my idea that these more

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 1.0
    Soul Assassin Mar 23, 2019

    I said I was done after the bullshit DC let Tom King get away with pump faking us with the wedding. I came back after a couple months (This IS THEE Batman canonized title after all, this will be the last fucking dollar I spend on a Batman book until Tom King is officially off the title. Ppl can pretend all they want with covering for King’s untalented ass, but if u want to pay $5 for a Batman book with 4 pages of dialogue your a fucking idiot

  • 1.0
    comics_aficionado Mar 22, 2019

    Sucks...'nuff said

  • 1.0
    Brego Mar 21, 2019

    All tom king stories from rebirth should be deleted. Batman continuity should be continued from new 52. This is complete trash

  • 1.0
    Darkseid24 Mar 20, 2019

    I hope everybody, who read this issue also borrowed it from a friend like I did, because you should rather give 4$ to a homeless person than buying this issue.
    There’s no dialogue before page 16, what makes this issue boring as hell. There’s also no story at all than Batman chasing a guy over the rooftops. So if you have sleeping troubles maybe it’s the right comic for you.

    I think just like Joker is mocking Batman at the end ( I assume it is Joker, correct me if Im wrong), he’s also mocking the reader for buying this issue


    Stories like these work as backup stories like for example the story with the plant, who eat Gotham in Detective Comics in 2004, but never as t more

  • 1.0
    Talon1load Mar 20, 2019

    If I could have given this a negative number, I would have. The art was the best, and really only, part of this story and I didn't care for it. Every week appears to consist of Tom King seeing how he can suck more than the week before and yet still somehow get praised for it. In that, he's succeeded because there are still people giving him 9's and 10's somehow. At this point, I'm left believing that they are just trolls because nothing about this issue could ever be construed as praiseworthy because nothing happened. It was mostly just a reference to King's Elmer Fudd story that I couldn't give two shits about. This issue is an insult and really just a way to prove that no matter how much King sucks, his sycophantic fans will gladly more

  • 1.0
    omer45 Mar 20, 2019

    1/10 for enjoyment when im reading..But it's a stupid story.

  • 1.0
    Quinn Mar 20, 2019

    I would really rather rate this issue an "?" because maybe I am just too dumb to get it.

    Basically there's no dialog (King's favorite "Elmer Fudd" tells Batman where the person Bats was chasing went, that's all the dialog).

    This is one big chase that starts at the top of a skyscraper and descends into the sewers. Bats is chasing someone who looks like the Question, only with eyes and mouth drawn on the mask.

    Bats finally catches the guy he is chasing in the sewer, under water, and it's the Joker.

    We then get some dialog boxes. They read "William Ernest Coyote. That was the name of the dead man on the roof. I asked him why. He smiled and said 'beep, beep." (Joker is holding a little horn that you s more

    + LikeComments (11)
  • 10
    Debbie Jul 22, 2019

  • 10
    Alexander_Tsitokhtseff Jun 20, 2019

  • 10
    Æther Apr 23, 2019

  • 10
    Greg Hound Apr 17, 2019

  • 10
    Arachal18 Mar 22, 2019

  • 10
    Daizo_Amora Mar 20, 2019

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 9.5

  • 9.0
    Avanvolk May 5, 2020

  • 9.0
    Sunspots Apr 1, 2019

  • 9.0
    Grifter Mar 26, 2019

  • 9.0
    KillianH Mar 20, 2019

  • 8.5
    tonpas1989 Dec 16, 2019

  • 8.0
    Spider-Man Prime May 2, 2019

  • 8.0
    Venom2796 Mar 20, 2019

  • 7.5
    Josecab79 May 15, 2020

  • 7.5
    ActionCity Mar 22, 2019

  • 7.5
    matmene Mar 20, 2019

  • 7.0
    ZachPort123 Sep 9, 2024

  • 7.0
    Julhin Feb 26, 2021

  • 7.0
    Marvelll Jun 22, 2020

  • 7.0
    Andrew May 5, 2019

  • 7.0
    WhistleBlower Mar 27, 2019

  • 7.0
    Watchtower022 Mar 22, 2019

  • 7.0
    Nicetrylaoche Mar 20, 2019

  • 7.0
    sebastianorellana95 Mar 20, 2019

  • 6.5
    batman_forever Oct 25, 2020

  • 6.5
    Cankoda Apr 9, 2019

  • 6.0
    andrepbruno Feb 21, 2023

  • 6.0
    Adsun22 Apr 19, 2020

  • 6.0
    Jason The Dude Aug 21, 2019

  • 6.0
    Justin Ray Mar 28, 2019

  • 6.0
    Jonny1998 Mar 22, 2019

  • 6.0
    Radar Mar 21, 2019

  • 3.0
    Kgphil01 Oct 7, 2019

  • 3.0
    hebele Mar 20, 2019

  • 1.0
    Rorschach24 Mar 23, 2019

  • 1.0
    ryaleus Mar 22, 2019

  • 1.0
    Bloodraven Mar 21, 2019

  • 1.0
    Maniax Mar 20, 2019

Reviews for the Week of...


