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Joined: Mar 21, 2019

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Death's Head reviewed Ultimate Spider-Man #4 Apr 24, 2024

This has truly become something special right here. This issue could be boring, but it so quickly morphs into the single best comic book we've had all year. Amazing dialogue. Harry and Gwen are instantly memorable. And Peter learns the most important of all lessons.

Ultimate Spider-Man #4

By: Jonathan Hickman, David Messina
Released: Apr 24, 2024

Peter Parker's secret life starts fraying the edges of his personal life! J. Jonah Jameson and Ben Parker's pursuit of truth - or, at least, the news - stirs unrest with the world at large... And now that Spider-Man may not have to operate alone, the real work of rebuilding this corrupt world can begin!
Rated T

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Death's Head reviewed Batman: Earth One #3 Jun 8, 2021

Yeaaah....You can definetly see that Johns had 5 volumes planned, and rushed the hell out of the third. The last few pages are so hilariously terrible, seriously. Should've just focuesed on making a cohesive third chapter, not...whatever the hell that was.

Sick Two-Face redesign, too bad it's wasted. Great Catwoman, terrible redesign. Great Croc, though. Heartwarming as fuck.

Batman: Earth One #3

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Jun 9, 2021

Harvey Dent is dead. Or is he?
A gang of thieves thrusts Gotham City into a state of fear when they are mysteriously well-armed with military-grade weapons: flamethrowers, grenade launchers, and even tanks.
And this gang claims it is funded by none other than former district attorney Harvey Dent.
Balancing his two lives, Bruc...

+ LikeComments (3)
VicSav - Jun 9, 2021

How was it wasted? I thought what they did with Jessica was brilliant and a sick twist. And the ending is teasing the future if there was ever more, he’s hoping to see people get more excited for another one, which he succeed I look forward to what he’s going to do with Joker.

Asger - Aug 3, 2021

Agreed, but I'm talking about how they rush over Robin's origin etc


Top 10 quotes of all time: "You have just eliminated Nicholas, the jolliest of men."

You can't beat this kind of stupid.

King In Black: Iron Man/Doom #1

By: Christopher Cantwell, Salvador Larroca
Released: Dec 30, 2020

Iron Man has risked everything to save Eddie Brock, but now he's left with nothing but guilt. As longtime 'frenemy' Doctor Doom shows up with both counseling words and ulterior motives, they'lll be forced to battle an all-too-familiar specter of the holiday season-albeit one now twisted and controlled by the recent invasion of Earth by the symbiote...

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Imagine closing an entire event in a spin-off issue that isn't even a part of the main event, but is still single-handedly, hands-down, easily, by and far, THE BEST COMIC BOOK OF THE ENTIRE YEAR.

The conclusion of Prime's entire arc after 15 years may well be one of the most epic last stands in super-hero comics of all time, and my time to quit comics. My boy did good. He honoured us. more

Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Secret Origin #1

By: Geoff Johns, Ryan Benjamin
Released: Dec 23, 2020

The DCU’s darkest secrets are explored while two titans clash! The heroes search for a way to defeat the Darkest Knight through the universe’s past, while Superboy Prime faces down the demonic Batman!

+ LikeComments (1)
Toonstrack - Dec 22, 2020

This is some really high praise. I hope you are right, ill probably get it tomorrow


How the hell did this comic not get a higher score?! It´s freaking amazing. 10 out of 10. Loved it. Every single story in this is pure gold. Highlight goes to Luthor and Crime Syndicate.

DC Beach Blanket Bad Guys Summer Special #1

By: Paul Dini, Carlos D'Anda
Released: Jul 25, 2018

It's summertime in the DCU and the bad guys are taking over! Beat the heat with 10 all-new stories by top comics talent starring DC's most spectacular super-villains! In this issue, find out what Mr. Freeze does on the hottest day of the Gotham City summer! Learn what made Grodd such a bad gorilla! Then, while in a small beach town, Deathstroke get...

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Death's Head reviewed Justice League #39 Jan 29, 2020

What the hell was this this was the most horrible non-ending I've ever seen, souring even more a so-so run.

Justice League #39

By: Scott Snyder, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Jan 29, 2020

In the wake of the Justice/Doom War, the Justice League finds themselves stranded at the far end of the universe and facing a challenge they've never faced before. But what will they find on their journey? Has their battle with Perpetua had consequences reaching farther across the cosmos than they ever imagined? Superstar scribe Scott Snyder says f...

Death's Head reviewed Action Comics #1018 Jan 6, 2020

Jesus Christ this was some next level terrible art.

Action Comics #1018

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jan 1, 2020

One of the biggest Superman stories of all time continues in "Metropolis Doom" part two! War and chaos strikes the heart of Metropolis. The Invisible Mafia, Lex Luthor, and the Legion of Doom all stand their ground to take over Metropolis. Superstar writer Brian Michael Bendis reunites with comic art legends John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson to brin...

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Death's Head reviewed Immortal Hulk #25 Dec 30, 2019

Man, what I wouldn't do to flesh out this setting more! As it stands, while melancholic and heavy as fuck, it could have been better. Hulk's design is too "Basic" but those Splash pages (YOU KNOW THE ONES) more than make up for it. Overall, just amazing!

Immortal Hulk #25

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Oct 23, 2019

•  You've never read a Hulk comic like this before. You've never read a Marvel comic like this before.
•  The heat death of our universe has come and gone. The Hulk is finally dead. Now, billions of years later, the Ninth Cosmos cowers...
•   ...before the B...

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A strong start to a fantastic story! You HAVE to pick this up!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder in Hell #1

By: Mateus Santolouco
Released: Jan 16, 2019

Abandon all hope...The Shredder returns in this brand-new mini-series! Oroku Saki's death is just the beginning, and his journey through the depths of the underworld proves to be anything but a divine comedy. How much of Shredder's soul will remain after he's faced the horrors of hell?

Fan-favorite artist Mateus Santolouco returns to the w...

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Gory, surreal, beautifully drawn... No complaints here!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder in Hell #2

By: Mateus Santolouco
Released: Mar 13, 2019

Oroku Saki's hellish journey continues. As his twisted path leads him deeper through the underworld, will he be able to survive an onslaught of demonic forces? Or, more importantly-the truth revealed about his own soul?! Fan-favorite artist Mateus Santolouco returns to the world of TMNT! The most infamous villain in the TMNT universe gets his own m...

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Delivers in spades... Just perfect!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder in Hell #3

By: Mateus Santolouco
Released: May 15, 2019

The Shredder's long road through the depths of hell reaches a fever pitch as he is forced to face echoes of his own soul! With lives on the line, who will survive the raging inferno? Fan-favorite artist Mateus Santolouco returns to the world of TMNT! The most infamous villain in the TMNT universe gets his own mini-series!

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So beautiful... Major props. I love The Shredder and I love this comic. 10/10.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder in Hell #5

By: Mateus Santolouco
Released: Dec 4, 2019

The epic conclusion to Oroku Saki's journey into hell! Caught between the push and pull of eldritch deities, the Shredder fights for his soul-will he ever be able to return to the one he loves? Or will the universe stand in his way?

Mateus Santolouco's triumphant return to the TMNT universe concludes!
The truth of the Shredder reveale...

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Death's Head reviewed Batman #84 Dec 4, 2019

Another issue that only needed to be 3 pages long instead of 20. That's King, folks. Jesus Christ.

Batman #84

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Dec 4, 2019

"City of Bane" chapter eleven! The end is near as one victory leads to another defeat. As Batman reclaims his city from Bane, can he regain his sense of family? More specifically, when a man who is your father from another dimension has torn everything down around you, what will it take to build it back up? Especially when that man is currently sta...

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Death's Head reviewed Deathstroke #50 Dec 4, 2019

I can't give this comic anything less than a 10. Yes, the ending was rushed as hell (would really have benefited from having 52 issues), but, for what this comic was trying to accomplish? Like it's main character, it did so with ruthless eficciency. Carry on Slade, see you soon.

Deathstroke #50

By: Christopher Priest, Jason Paz
Released: Dec 4, 2019

It all comes down to this. With the fate of his family hanging in the balance, the real Slade Wilson must take on his most dangerous foe yet-himself!

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Death's Head added Deathstroke (2016) to their pull list Dec 4, 2019

Deathstroke (2016)

"The Professional" part one! Deathstroke's latest contract takes him to a war-torn African country, where he finds himself caught in the middle of a disintegrating alliance between a ruthless dictator and a deadly super-villain. With an entire nation at stake, Slade Wilson must choose between fulfilling his contract and saving an old friend.  

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Death's Head reviewed Batman #83 Nov 21, 2019

Oh this was just terrible. Like, peak terrible. Even the art was bad. The story was worse. 20 pages for something that could have been done in 2. Just get this shit over with...

Batman #83

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Nov 20, 2019

It's chapter nine of "City of Bane," and it's time for a reckoning in Gotham City! Thomas Wayne has joined forces with Bane, and that alliance threatens to throw a monkey wrench into Batman's plans. And as Bane's evil army begins to crumble, the Caped Crusader must face the real force behind it all. As the end of this epic tale grows near, Batman a...

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Death's Head reviewed Deathstroke #49 Nov 6, 2019

Setting up for one hell of a finale, I can't stress this enough: I'm gonna miss the hell out of this comic.

Deathstroke #49

By: Christopher Priest, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Nov 6, 2019

Having ascended to near godhood, Jericho must confront his father, with the lives of his mother and sister hanging in the balance. Does Deathstroke stand a chance against such power? And is there any humanity left inside Jericho?

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Death's Head reviewed Silver Surfer: Black #5 Oct 30, 2019

Genuinely fantastic, one of the finest comic issues, with the finest art, I've seen all year. 10 for you.

Silver Surfer: Black #5

By: Donny Cates, Tradd Moore
Released: Oct 30, 2019

• The final stand against Knull!
•  The Surfer's severely depleted of his Power Cosmic, will desperate lengths force him to use his secret weapon and unleash a new horror upon the galaxy?
•  Trust us, you won't want to miss this epic conclusion!
Rated T+

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Death's Head reviewed Deathstroke #48 Oct 2, 2019

The reason I keep giving this comic high notes ia because it's GOOD. Because it deserves It. Because it's Deathstroke. And when it's over, we'll miss it so, so dearly.

Deathstroke #48

By: Christopher Priest, Carlo Pagulayan
Released: Oct 2, 2019

Deathstroke is back and more ruthless than ever as he challenges the Legion of Doom and continues a bloody rampage to attain the power that Lex Luthor gave to Slade's son, Jericho. Meanwhile, the tragic deaths of two teenagers in a sleepy Arkansas county lead a local police chief to discover a secret that could cost him his life.

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Death's Head reviewed Spider-Man: Life Story #5 Sep 19, 2019

The best Spider-Man story in years. Spetacular.

Spider-Man: Life Story #5

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mark Bagley
Released: Jul 17, 2019

THE REAL-TIME LIFE STORY OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! The superhero CIVIL WAR rocks the world! A hero's death changes everything for both PETER PARKER and his family as LIFE STORY continues into the 2000s!
Rated T+

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Death's Head reviewed Spider-Man: Life Story #4 Sep 19, 2019

The best Spider-Man story in years. Spetacular.

Spider-Man: Life Story #4

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mark Bagley
Released: Jun 12, 2019

Spider-Man's life enters the 1990s! The COLD WAR is no longer cold as PETER PARKER returns to a world gone MAD! But will he let that madness infect HIM and his family?
Rated T+

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Death's Head reviewed Spider-Man: Life Story #3 Sep 19, 2019

The best Spider-Man story in years. Spetacular.

Spider-Man: Life Story #3

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mark Bagley
Released: May 15, 2019

It's the 1980s and Peter's life gets upended with wars both global and secret. And death stalks him at every turn. With a family and a world to protect, can he save everyone before it's too late?
Rated T+

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Death's Head reviewed Spider-Man: Life Story #2 Sep 19, 2019

The best Spider-Man story in years. Spetacular.

Spider-Man: Life Story #2

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mark Bagley
Released: Apr 17, 2019

The GREEN GOBLIN is out of their lives, but NORMAN OSBORN isn't! Can PETER AND GWEN find happiness as the world of the 1970s dances on around them?
Rated T

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Death's Head reviewed Spider-Man: Life Story #6 Sep 19, 2019

The best Spider-Man story in years. Spetacular.

Spider-Man: Life Story #6

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mark Bagley
Released: Aug 28, 2019

The year is 2019, and the 72-year-old web-slinger is about to embark on his final adventure! Will the end of Spider-Man's life story mean the end of his life?
Rated T

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Death's Head reviewed Batman #79 Sep 18, 2019

Another issue of garbage. I can't wait for this to be over so Bendis can game over and it be even WORSE.

Batman #79

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Sep 18, 2019

In the concluding chapter of the two-part "City of Bane" interlude, Batman and Catwoman pull a job to stop Bane's supply ship from smuggling dangerous cargo into Gotham City. It'll send a message back to the big guy that his reign of terror is soon to be over...but what does it also signal for the future of Bruce and Selina?

+ LikeComments (4)
egonnn244 - Sep 20, 2019

He would definitely be better than King is right now.

myconius - Sep 20, 2019

i think that he actually would be. MUCH better!

Death's Head rated Batman #78 Sep 11, 2019

Batman #78

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Sep 11, 2019

In the first part of a "City of Bane" interlude, Batman receives help from an ally he thought he had lost for good: Catwoman! Still recovering from the beatings he took from Bane and Flashpoint Batman, the Dark Knight readies himself for a return to Gotham City, and it's Selina Kyle who holds the key. She knows how Bane is fueling his regime, and s...

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Death's Head reviewed Deathstroke #47 Sep 4, 2019

All Deathstroke issues recently have been great. But this one is greatly great. Loved it, Priest.

Deathstroke #47

By: Christopher Priest, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Sep 4, 2019

After being pronounced dead, Slade Wilson awakens in his daughter's apartment with no memory of how he got there. Meanwhile, Jericho's newly discovered powers continue to escalate, severing the now-godlike Joseph from his own humanity. Will absolute power corrupt Deathstroke's good son?

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Death's Head reviewed Batman #77 Aug 22, 2019

Lowest possible grade. Just... Just terrible.

Batman #77

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Aug 21, 2019

"City of Bane" continues! The last of the independent villains are on the run, leaving Gotham City entirely to Bane and his cronies-including Flashpoint Batman and Gotham Girl! Though this means a semblance of peace on the streets, the iron grip of tyranny is squeezing all life out of Gotham. And with Bane's machinations keeping other heroes out, t...

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Death's Head reviewed Deathstroke #46 Aug 8, 2019

I really like Joseph, his interactions with the other characters are pretty interesting, and that cliff-hanger...

Deathstroke #46

By: Christopher Priest, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Aug 7, 2019

It's all-out war between Rose and Jericho in the wake of Deathstroke's murder. Rose is hell-bent on punishing the one responsible for Slade's death, while Jericho will stop at nothing to prevent further bloodshed, even if it means using Lex Luthor's gift-an immense power upgrade-to bend his sister's will. As Jericho takes a dark turn...will the end...

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Death's Head added Spider-Man: Life Story to their pull list Jul 12, 2019

Spider-Man: Life Story

In 1962, in AMAZING FANTASY #15, 15-year-old Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider and became the Amazing Spider-Man! Fifty-seven years have passed in the real world since that event - so what would have happened if the same amount of time passed for Peter as well?
A special high-end limited series that's a part of the celebration of ...

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