Yes, it was a hint that Doomsday Clock isn't canon.
In the wake of the Justice/Doom War, the Justice League finds themselves stranded at the far end of the universe and facing a challenge they've never faced before. But what will they find on their journey? Has their battle with Perpetua had consequences reaching farther across the cosmos than they ever imagined? Superstar scribe Scott Snyder says farewell to the Justice League with a special story that both winds down all the things he started in issue #1-and nods toward everything that comes next in the DC Universe.
While I am sad to see Snyder's run on Justice League come to an end, I am eager to see how the story continues in this new “Mayhem” event. And with Venditti coming in to take over the writing duties, the title will be in good hands. I am eagerly awaiting to see both the conclusion to Snyder's story and the start of Venditti's story. Read Full Review
Justice League #39 is available today so do yourself a favor and rush out to tour local comic shop the minute they open or download it digitally the second it goes live because this is the one we’ve all been waiting for! The end is here and you don’t want to wait to read it! Read Full Review
Jimenez, Sampere, and Albarran bring the story to life with vibrant, energetic art that perfectly captures the tone of the plot. Jimenez brings energy to the battle against Perpetua and both Sampere and Albarran bring a somber reality to its aftermath as the heroes find themselves facing the unknown in a universe of shadow and possibility. Read Full Review
This being Snyder's last issue of the series admittedly feels a little jarring because it wasn't perfectly wrapped up with a bow. But this is a major comic book title. His job wasn't to wrap up the story as much as it was to hand it off to the next team and give them an exciting starting point. And that's exactly what he did. Read Full Review
This is a brave and bold finish to a 10-part story that had a lot riding on it. What could have rang as false is handled with truth and vision. In its final moments Justice League proves the team, much like the heroes on it, can be a force used to inspire hope and empowerment. There is a message here that is crafted not to be against anything like war or violence but is positive in its hope for compassion, life, and finding the hero inside all of us. We just need to believe it's there. Read Full Review
It's never truly a war to remember if you can see how it ends. Justice League #39 found an excellent way to keep us all on our toes, because at the end of the day, where is the fun if everything is that straightforward? I found myself applauding this story because if you asked me how I felt about investing in an event book for a whole year? I would have laughed while moving on to the next book. For me, they have done great work to make this something worthwhile from start to finish. Read Full Review
nd thus we come to the end of an era, for better or worse. Snyder's Justice League was complex from the opening pages and a complex ending should surprise nobody who stuck around to the end. Perhaps it was overly complex in the end given the droves of internet comments of people who couldn't stick with the book for various reasons. Those of us who did stand by, though, were treated to something that certainly pushed the boundaries of comics narrative. Read Full Review
Exciting and emotional, Scott Snyder's epic Justice League run comes to an end, here, in an issue that remembers the past while looking to the future; Justice League (2018-) #39is not to be missed. Read Full Review
This arc will definitely become a classic in the near future. Read Full Review
There's little doubt the upcoming event will be worth the payoff, but DC probably could have staggered releasing this issue to some degree to better connect to the next massive arc. As is, this is an effective hook for the continuation of the saga even if DC is leaving readers hanging as to when that will begin. Read Full Review
Snyder and Tynion turned this run into a fascinating spine for the entire DCU as the battle with Perpetua defined the entire DCU for the last year. It's hard to review this run as a conclusion, because it's not one, and the legacy of this story is yet to be determined as it likely spins off into something much bigger. Read Full Review
If you've been keeping up with things, Snyder has really focused on the heroes doing heroic things. This issue hits all the marks and attempts to make sense of how the story was impacted by other events in the DC universe.Overall I enjoyed the story Snyder and the team told and believe it will age well in the future. Read Full Review
Justice League #39ends Scott Snyder's run the way it began, with our beloved heroes standing strong in the face of evil. Although it isn't a perfect ending, I still love the work Snyder, Jimenez, Sampere, and other writers and artists brought to this title during their tenure. I hope that the new creative team of Robert Vendetti and Bryan Hitch can keep up that same energy. Read Full Review
Though flawed in how it perhaps puts too much of the onus on other books for a final issue, the finale of this truly epic (in every sense of the term) saga is constructed very well overall, albeit with a lot of that carried by the first half. Read Full Review
I am definitely sad to see Scott Snyder leave the pages of the Justice League. Snyder's Justice League has immediately become my favorite run on the Justice League. Period. However, I am full of hope that Robert Venditti is poised and primed to deliver an entertaining Justice League as well. Read Full Review
I definitely feel like I'm missing something, as this is identified as the end of an arc and Snyder's run on the book, but it doesn't. end? I will definitely be back for next issue, though. Read Full Review
It's worth a read, but go in knowing that you're gonna want more. Read Full Review
Scott Snyder ends his Justice League story, and while it makes me very hopeful for the future, it has me disappointed in the here and now. Everything ends so quickly and then doesn't end at all. It makes this entire run feel like a setup for the next more significant thing, and while I understand how this sort of thing works, that doesn't mean I have to like it. I still will recommend reading this issue, just not for a satisfying conclusion to this Justice League story. Read Full Review
After sticking the ending, Justice League #39 almost immediately squanders it by being too vague about the future and not providing any real pathway forward for the DC Universe. Read Full Review
Yet again delivering a complete non-ending to another story, there will be yet another mini-series to spread his story out even further and thinner. The decompressed nature of comic books has infected the medium to the point that its acceptable to span out one story over a two-year timespan while it accomplished little to nothing in the end before everything is set back to the status quo. Read Full Review
Talented creators are involved in this one all around, but they just aren't able to stick the landing. Read Full Review
Justice League #39 is a massive disappointment. It still reads well, thanks to the massive skill of its creators, but the premature termination of a such a beloved series stinks of interference from on high. This may be the final nail in the Rebirth coffin. Read Full Review
Snyder didn't even try to stick the landing. Instead he bounced the plane off the runway and back into flight. You have not reached your final destination. Read Full Review
This issue is not an ending not at all. I can understand why some people hate it but for me this is the best JL run since new 52 I mean I loved what Johns did but this has something special since I grown up with "Super Friends" so see how Snyder brought back the Legion Of Doom and how he plays with some great teams (JSA) and the way he mixes different characters from stories that have a special place for me was great. Maybe it's pure nostalgia but I appreciate that "Metal" has laid the foundations for such a story. The art was pretty great in this issue and in the whole arc.
The only thing bad about this issue will be waiting to see a continuation. Was that a hint at Doomsday Clock?
It's frustrating because, most of Snyder's Justice League is technically well written and enjoyable, but it's so frustrating to have another non-end. I swear, since the Metal, it's been non-stop, "You won't believe what's coming next!" every seven months. Like, can we get a proper ending please? Is that so hard Snyder?! So I will see what Snyder and Capullo bring next, but if it doesn't end after that, I think I'm done.
It's the final issue of Scott Snyder's run. But after everything that has happened, can it conclude itself in a satisfying way?
The Good:
Loved J'onn's speech.
The tying together of everything was great.
It's going to be interesting to see where things go from here.
Jimenez's art is great.
The Bad:
It doesn't really end.
Also it ends on a loss. Not sure how I feel about that.
Hmm... this was a hard one. It was good but it's not really concluded is it?
" Hello ! Is there anyone there ? I try again and again. I cast out my mind, but for the frist time in my life... My thoughts stop at my own skull, and i am alone. "
What? I'm honestly not sure what happened here or what is going on. I guess they lost (which was predictable from Snyder's tweets and teases) but what is this door and lead up to another story. I'm not excited at all, especially since this was hyped up as the ending of an amazing run. Overall I did like this run, just didn't like the way it ended, which is a shame.
Great art but all setup for Metal part 2
PQP ein Snyder, aprende a fechar uma historia krl
Well, that happened.
A lot of slogging for no pay-off
What in god name was this?
Now, this. This is some grade-A, superior, next level of... Bulls*it!!!
Are you serious right now?! After Metal, No Justice and 38 issues of Justice League, where almost every next story arc had to be bigger than the last one, you won't give us the conclusion of this whole story?
You're just going to use this issue as a set-up for some next event that may or may not actually finally finish this prolonged, drawn-out story? Well...
F*CK!!! THAT!!! S*IT!!!
As for the issue itself, it's fine. Serves as a good enough setup for "The Encore!". Some of the Quintessence dialogue feels like it's more about the state of the DC Comics and DC universe that it is about the actual story.
Hone more
It just keeps going. This series needed to matter, not just be yet another stepping stone. It's just annoying. I'm not excited for The Encore, as they dub it. I hate how little continuity matters to DC. To the point where nothing lines up, because there's no editorial planning, and now we need a crisis to fix it. And you know that 5 to 10 years down the line, we'll be having another one. This crisis isn't a reward to fans who read everything. This is saying that it all matters, without showing that it did. They can say it matters all they want. They can have a crisis that ends with a timeline of everything mattering so they can push 5G. The reason why I dislike it is that at no point does it feel like it matters. The DCU doesn't feel like amore
Know what I think would be really powerful? If they had a hope spot where it seemed like finally the heroes were on the verge of winning, and then suddenly something happens to tip the balance back to the villains, who immediately gloat about it. What a really cool thing that would be. Too bad they’ve never thought to try it in this comic—whoa, déjà vu! Who knows how that happened. It’s wild how this comic’s apparent thesis is “we have to make everybody connected, we have to make everything matter” when nothing about this universe is connected, and literally none of it matters. This is a real waste of everybody’s time, and what a garbage non-ending we were rewarded with for slogging through this eternal mess.
39 issues later and the finale is not any kind of finale? Really?
The only thing that was interesting about the Justice/Doom War was the thousand guest stars Snyder kept introducing as if with an exclamation mark. And then he did nothing with any of them. First Mera joined the team and did nothing. Then every hero in the DCU proper joined the JL and did nothing. The they added the JSA, Kamandi, DC One Million characters, Batman Beyond characters, Kingdom Come characters, and even Rorschach, often at the ends of issues, indicating cliffhangers involving those characters. And none of them did anything either.
Guest stars that serve purely as window dressing while talking heads repeat the same things over and over as a sigil changes colors from pink to green back to green again--like standing on a more
Well I should have known better. Snyder once again proves he can never write a good ending. The whole series dragged on and on, All this build up for that ending? I’ve been burned by Snyder to many times now and will no longer buy books with his name on them. DCs continuity means absolutely nothing anymore. Snyder should be embarrassed that this is the best he could do after years of build up.
That ended like a wet fart.
Being a long time fan of JL and Snyder I can say that this is not only disappointing but offensive. It's exactly the same thing DC did with Batman or Event Leviathan. A build up with no ending or resolution that it's only purpose is to sell a different book. It's unfair and "scammy".
The elephant in the room: Editors not doing their job and instead forcing their own opinions.
The other elephant in the room: Review sites that act as promotional tools for DC. NO DC Comics News, Comics: The Gathering , GWW, AIPT, Beyond The Panel, Comic Watch, The Brazen Bull, Lyles Movie Files, Geek Dad etc this is not a good issue and it's a horrible non-ending.
Thank god this bullshit is over. Why anyone would want a Justice League book where the heroes almost never win is beyond me. DC needs to do some housecleaning and Snyder, despite a few good stories, needs to go along with King and Bendis. Get writers back in who know how to tell complete stories and remember what the point of having heroes is. This entire run was trash.
What the hell was this this was the most horrible non-ending I've ever seen, souring even more a so-so run.
Just like everything Snyder writes, this run ends with nothing. For a worthless, meaningless story, it lasts too long. Perpetua is a boring, annoying, outdated villain and that makes the JL even dumber. I may be wrong but is Snyder whining about editorial decisions in the story? That's pretty unprofessional and narrow-minded I think since the story is JUST BAD.