A May's Profile

Joined: Jan 11, 2020

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A May reviewed The Purple Oblivion #1 Nov 7, 2022

It may get better, but I’ll never know because this definitely did not hook me in. Not good.

The Purple Oblivion #1

By: E, Diego Simone
Released: Nov 2, 2022

From the creators of Heavy Metal Drummer. Jessica Knot: Dominatrix, Disciplinarian, Fetishist, Sadist, Goddess... or at least that's what her business card says. Enter Peter, a young man whose just found this card and is about to let his curiosity get himself into a situation with that begins with a cult, but ends with something much more si...

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I have given up on Bendis' JL and I can't wait for him to leave the book (JL #74 is his last issue) but I was interested in the concept of the JL vs. Legion. Yeah, it's still bad. Nothing else to add here, all the heroes have the same Bendis voice and I won't read any more of this crap.

Justice League vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Scott Godlewski
Released: Jan 12, 2022

One thousand years in the future, a Legion of Super-Heroes comes together to dedicate their lives to recapturing the great age of heroes of the 21st century. When the heroes discover that reality is falling to a great darkness in both times simultaneously, the Justice League and the Legion of Super-Heroes must team up to stop it all. But what is th...

+ LikeComments (2)
Another_fans - Jan 12, 2022

I almost always disagree with your reviews but Bendis is really bad enough for me to agree on this one

TSMack - Jan 12, 2022

Pigs must be flying today! 🐷

A May liked this:

Yeah, this was a weird one. 3 for the Penguin story, biggest wtf from this book, 5 for the Scarecrow one. I have to take the time though to talk about G Willow Wilson's story which is truly horrendous. I liked that she at least admitted, unintentionally though, that Ivy is an extremist and a terrorist, that's something a lot of people have forgotten these days, they just consider her heroic becaus more

Gotham City Villains Anniversary Giant #1

By: Wes Craig
Released: Dec 1, 2021

Gotham City may be protected by the Dark Knight, but this major metropolitan destination is also plagued by some of the deadliest, most nefarious villains in the DC Universe! In this oversize anniversary giant, DC Comics proudly presents tales of Batman’s deadliest foes written and drawn by some of the biggest, most exciting names in comics! 2021...

A May rated Swamp Thing: Green Hell #1 Jan 6, 2022

Swamp Thing: Green Hell #1

By: Jeff Lemire, Doug Mahnke
Released: Dec 29, 2021

The Earth is all but done. The last remnants of humanity cling to a mountaintop island lost in endless floodwater. The Parliaments of the Green, the Red, and the Rot all agree: it’s time to wipe the slate clean and start the cycle of life over again. And to do so, they’ve united their powers to summon an avatar-one of the most horrific monsters...

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Merlyn reviewed Batman: One Dark Knight #1 Dec 21, 2021

I've been awaiting this book with some anticipation, given that lately Batman seems to have much better luck in Black Label books than in in-continuity books and that seems by design. On the other hand, I've never been a fan of artists trying their hand at writing, so I was a tiny bit skeptical all the same. Unfortunately, the latter instinct seemed more right. Sure, it's not bad and for a first i more

Batman: One Dark Knight #1

By: Jock
Released: Dec 22, 2021

From high above the sweltering summer streets of Gotham, Batman planned to escort the GCPD as the dangerous metahuman super-villain known as E.M.P. was transferred from a holding cell to his permanent home at Blackgate Prison. E.M.P.’s electrical powers posed a threat, but the situation was in hand-until it wasn’t. Now every light in Gotham is ...

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Mingthemerciless - Dec 23, 2021

I actually enjoyed this one Merlyn. A new villian that actually works in the rogues gallery-unlike the budget priced creations Tynion threw at us in the main book. It's not a bloated pretentious vat of mucus like King offers. It's just a "get EMP to his cell" romp and after Tynion and King for years I'm cool with that. It has its shortfalls but the fun factor is working for me so far.

Merlyn - Dec 23, 2021

Yeah, it's not bad, but I couldn't get over the "logic" of Vasquez actually having a point about crime on the streets only to somehow being made the villain and guilty of the fact that Gordon sucks at his job.

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Merlyn reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #6 Jan 4, 2022

We continue pretending like everyone in the DCU already knew for a long time Jon was into boys even though there wasn't even the slightest hint for 6 and a half years now. Turns out Damian Wayne also knew this. You have to be the most idiotic moron in the world to buy into this. Other than that, there really isn't much else to see here, very generic story with classic cringey Tom Taylor dialogue. more

Superman: Son of Kal-El #6

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Jan 5, 2022

Superman has recovered from the devastating attack against him. After the life-changing events of issue #5, Jon Kent and his new ally Jay Nakamura are ready to strike back. They are on a collision course with the type of power that is used to swatting problems out of the way. But Superman is not so easily swatted!

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Dave - Jan 9, 2022

Ageing Jon was a bad idea by a hack writer, that DC refused to undo due to ego

Merlyn - Jan 9, 2022

So it wasn't planned then but you ask me to buy that even though it wasn't planned back then, Damian already knew. Are you trying to make any sense or not?

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Merlyn reviewed Swamp Thing: Green Hell #1 Dec 28, 2021

More climate alarmism from Jeff Lemire this time, I hardly feel like this is the same guy who's writing Robin&Batman. The dialogue is just bad, it's like he's not even trying. I honestly expected better from him, even if he isn't one of my favorite writers at all. But this is just stupid, lazy and self-indulgent, nothing to see here.

P.S.: For those who don't understand what other peopl more

Swamp Thing: Green Hell #1

By: Jeff Lemire, Doug Mahnke
Released: Dec 29, 2021

The Earth is all but done. The last remnants of humanity cling to a mountaintop island lost in endless floodwater. The Parliaments of the Green, the Red, and the Rot all agree: it’s time to wipe the slate clean and start the cycle of life over again. And to do so, they’ve united their powers to summon an avatar-one of the most horrific monsters...

+ LikeComments (23)
Mingthemerciless - Dec 31, 2021

Repubs and dems are two sides of the same coin. Both stink and both have similar interests at their core.

Mingthemerciless - Dec 31, 2021

Bingo Merlyn the corporations feign being woke to avoid the damage from activists. Its just cheaper in their eye.

A May reviewed Tales Told in Technihorror #1 Jul 12, 2021

Short stories is an understatement. Stories were very short. I really wanted to like this. Not the worst thing I’ve ever read but not too good either.

Tales Told in Technihorror #1

By: Kiyarn Taghan, Christian Dibari
Released: Jul 7, 2021

Black Caravan Imprint: Tales Told In Techni-Horror is a biennial horror series that blends the best in horror sub genres (body shock to grindhouse and more). Each issue contains five short stories from the dark minds that brought you Provenance of Madness. Includes  a mini pinup gallery of horrors.

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A May is now following Merlyn Jun 13, 2021


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Maud Benjamin reviewed DC Pride #1 Jun 8, 2021

Alan caused the train crash that killed a lot of people because the conductor was busy having sex with him and wasn't doing his job. How is this respecting gay people?

DC Pride #1

By: Marc Andreyko, Kris Anka
Released: Jun 9, 2021

DC celebrates Pride Month with nine all-new stories starring fan-favorite LGBTQIA+ characters Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Midnighter, Extraño, Batwoman, Aqualad, Alan Scott, Obsidian, Future State Flash, Renee Montoya, Pied Piper, and many more! This anthology will also feature:
-The thrilling introduction of new hero DREAMER in the DCU

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Maud Benjamin - Aug 16, 2022

First, they were clearly having sex in the book. You must be blind if you didn't see it. Second, Alan's origin story was clearly changed in this story, otherwise he won't be gay. So why should I consider the unmentioned bomb should exist here? Third, oh you think I'm homophobic because I don't like a badly written story? Whatever, call the police to arrest me.

Hex - Aug 27, 2022

Just going to put this out there. It's kind of hard for two men to have sex with their pants still on. Which they had. They were just making out. So you're wrong there. Just brushing off the fact that him being gay has nothing to do with the bombing? Because you blamed their having sex, which didn't happen on the bomb that you neglected to remember about his origin. And finally. Yes you are a homophobe. You wouldn't even deny it.

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Merlyn reviewed DC Pride #1 Jun 8, 2021

Other than Batwoman's story which was pretty good and Dreamer's which was just okay, all the others were atrociously bad with a special mention for Sina Grace who shouldn't EVER write a comic book. The art wasn't very good either.

I do have a question: why does the DC logo on this book have all those extra-colors? The LGBT flag is obvious, the trans flag I can get too (even though the " more

DC Pride #1

By: Marc Andreyko, Kris Anka
Released: Jun 9, 2021

DC celebrates Pride Month with nine all-new stories starring fan-favorite LGBTQIA+ characters Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Midnighter, Extraño, Batwoman, Aqualad, Alan Scott, Obsidian, Future State Flash, Renee Montoya, Pied Piper, and many more! This anthology will also feature:
-The thrilling introduction of new hero DREAMER in the DCU

+ LikeComments (13)
Merlyn - Jun 11, 2021

Lmao, bye!

TheImageIsStrong - Jun 12, 2021

Spot on Merlyn

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Merlyn reviewed Justice League #61 May 18, 2021

As I predicted, after one decent issue Bendis returned to his cringey dialogue and awful storytelling.

Justice League #61

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Xermanico
Released: May 19, 2021

The new Justice League is trapped on a world devastated by a super-powered war, and Brutus hungers for a new home of his own-our Earth! With their powers gone haywire, the League must fight their way out of a post apocalyptic Thunderdome of depravity and desperation. On the run with Batman, Naomi learns more dark secrets of her birth world’s brok...

A May reviewed Justice League #50 Aug 15, 2020

The whole storyline “The Rule” read like a cheesy episode of He-Man from the 80’s. Lucky for me, I like those cartoons. The story was a very good metaphor for American politics while not getting political. Divide and conquer is the name of the game. I enjoyed it.

Justice League #50

By: Simon Spurrier, Aaron Lopresti
Released: Aug 5, 2020

Special extra-size anniversary issue! It’s the final chapter of “The Rule of War”-and all the rules are broken! On the alien planet Trotha, Empress Siddinx’s plan is revealed, and it’s nothing short of world domination-with the Justice League entangled in her puppet strings. But how can the team save a population that now hates and fears ...

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A May rated Plunge #1 Feb 20, 2020

Plunge #1

By: Joe Hill, Stuart Immonen
Released: Feb 19, 2020

In the aftermath of a devastating tsunami, an exploration vessel known as the Derleth begins sending an automated distress signal from a remote atoll in the Bering Strait. The only problem is that the Derleth has been missing for 40 years. Marine biologist Moriah Lamb joins the Carpenter Salvage team to recover the Derleth's dead...only to find tha...

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Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #3

By: Kami Garcia, Mico Suayan
Released: Feb 5, 2020

DC Black Label Prestige Plus 8.5" x 10.875"
Harley Quinn follows the evidence-and it leads her to a dangerous conclusion: she might know the true identity of the serial killer she's hunting. But as Harley digs deeper into The Joker's past, he is watching her...and leaving a trail of bodies in his wake. Gotham City has never needed a hero more!

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Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #2

By: Kami Garcia, Mico Suayan
Released: Jan 1, 2020

Jim Gordon and the GCPD have turned to profiler Harley Quinn for assistance. She's intrigued by the level of care and detail this new, depraved serial killer is putting into his crime scenes; there must be clues to his pathology in his artful staging. His level of meticulous prepara...

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Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #1

By: Kami Garcia, Mico Suayan
Released: Oct 9, 2019

In Gotham City, where heinous acts of violence are a daily occurrence, the GCPD relies on Harley Quinn, a young forensic psychiatrist and profiler, to consult on their toughest cases. But Harley is haunted by one unsolved case-the night she discovered her roommate's body marked with the signature of a notorious serial killer known as The Joker.

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A May rated Conan The Barbarian #12 Feb 14, 2020

Conan The Barbarian #12

By: Jason Aaron, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: Jan 29, 2020

•  RAZAZEL has risen!
•  CONAN has fallen!
•  CROM may not care, but you CANNOT miss this issue!
•  Plus: The final chapter of the all-new novella "BLACK STARLIGHT"!
Parental Advisory

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A May rated Conan The Barbarian #11 Feb 14, 2020

Conan The Barbarian #11

By: Jason Aaron, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: Nov 20, 2019

•  As Conan shuffles off this mortal coil, he stands face to face with his God, CROM!
•  But Crom does not care for the fate of some weak mortal...
•  Unless Conan MAKES him!
• ...

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A May rated Daphne Byrne #2 Feb 14, 2020

Daphne Byrne #2

By: Laura Marks, Kelley Jones
Released: Feb 5, 2020

The spirit known as Brother has revealed himself to Daphne, and he wants only to help and protect her. But who, exactly, does Daphne need protection from? The cruelty of the other girls at school? Or the medium who seems to be taking her mother even further under her wing?

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A May rated Harleen #3 Feb 14, 2020

Harleen #3

By: Stejpan Sejic
Released: Dec 18, 2019

In which our doomed doctor makes a choice she can never take back-one that seals her dark fate and gives rise to one of the most legendary villains of all time!

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A May rated Basketful of Heads #4 Feb 14, 2020

Basketful of Heads #4

By: Joe Hill, Leomacs
Released: Jan 22, 2020

Is June Branch a woman fighting for her life-or a deranged axe murderer with a basketful of paranoid fantasies? In the long hours of the night she makes a desperate run for the Brody Island Police Department, unsure whether she's a victim who needs protection-or a killer who must be stopped!

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A May rated Justice League #39 Feb 14, 2020

Justice League #39

By: Scott Snyder, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Jan 29, 2020

In the wake of the Justice/Doom War, the Justice League finds themselves stranded at the far end of the universe and facing a challenge they've never faced before. But what will they find on their journey? Has their battle with Perpetua had consequences reaching farther across the cosmos than they ever imagined? Superstar scribe Scott Snyder says f...

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A May rated Justice League #40 Feb 14, 2020

Justice League #40

By: Robert Venditti, Doug Mahnke
Released: Feb 5, 2020

The next chapter for comics' premier superteam begins! An unexpected arrival from the stars brings a dire warning to the Justice League: A new breed of conquerors is on the march. Led by Superman's nemesis Eradicator, a genetically engineered, super-powered strike team has come to subjugate Earth. To aid the Justice League, Batman makes the unprece...

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A May rated Far Sector #1 Feb 10, 2020

Far Sector #1

By: N.K. Jemisin, Jamal Campbell
Released: Nov 13, 2019

N.K. Jemisin, the acclaimed, award-winning author of The Broken Earth and Inheritance science fiction trilogies, makes her comic book debut with bestselling Naomi artist Jamal Campbell as they thrust you into a stunning sci-fi murder mystery on the other side of the universe!
For the past six months, newly chosen Green Lantern Sojourner "Jo" M...

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A May rated Superman: Year One #2 Jan 19, 2020

Superman: Year One #2

By: Frank Miller, John Romita Jr.
Released: Aug 21, 2019

Clark Kent's journey of self-discovery continues in the second installment of Frank Miller and John Romita Jr.'s remarkable reimagining of Superman's origin story. This chapter takes young Clark to the Pacific coast and beyond, as he discovers a place as sensational as he is...Atlantis! There he meets new people, finds love, clashes with gargantuan...

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A May rated Superman: Year One #1 Jan 19, 2020

Superman: Year One #1

By: Frank Miller, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jun 19, 2019

From the burning world of Krypton to the bucolic fields of Kansas, the first chapter of SUPERMAN YEAR ONE tracks Clark Kent's youth in Kansas, as he comes to terms with his strange powers and struggles to find his place in our world. DC BLACK LABEL is proud to present the definitive origin of Superman as rendered by the legendary comics creators Fr...

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A May rated Harleen #2 Jan 15, 2020

Harleen #2

By: Stejpan Sejic
Released: Oct 30, 2019

Despite the strongest objections from every possible authority-including district attorney Harvey Dent-Dr. Harleen Quinzel's found herself with free access to every inmate in Arkham Asylum, where she desperately pursues a revolutionary and highly controversial cure to the insanity of Gotham. But her work with the city's super-criminals quickly mudd...

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A May rated Harleen #1 Jan 15, 2020

Harleen #1

By: Stejpan Sejic
Released: Sep 25, 2019

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions. On that road I saw a pale man, and he smiled at me..." Dr. Harleen Quinzel has discovered a revolutionary cure for the madness of Gotham City-she just needs to prove it actually works. But with the criminal justice and mental health establishments united against her, the brilliant young psychologist ...

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A May rated The Clock #1 Jan 11, 2020

The Clock #1

By: Matt Hawkins, Colleen Doran
Released: Jan 8, 2020


Within three weeks, hundreds of millions of healthy people worldwide contract various forms of aggressive cancer, and the proliferation, seemingly a viral outbreak, stumps the best scientific minds available. But after a leading cancer researcher loses his wife and watches his nine-year-old daughter begin to succumb to ...

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