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Joined: May 16, 2021

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Robin rated Titans #1 May 16, 2023

Titans #1

By: Tom Taylor, Nicola Scott
Released: May 17, 2023

The Dark Crisis is over, and the Justice League is no more. Now, a new team must rise and protect the Earth...Titans, go! The Teen Titans are ready to grow up. Each member joined as a much younger hero, certain that one day they'd be invited to join the Justice League. But the time has come for them not to join the League...but to replace it! Are t...

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Dark Crisis: Young Justice #3

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Aug 17, 2022

SINS OF THE OLD! In response to their lack of gratitude, the world holding Superboy, Impulse, and Tim Drake captive has brought back the three villains who have caused them the most pain to keep them in their place: Deathstroke, Captain Boomerang, and Lex Luthor. Old wounds will open. Wonder Girl and her search team will have to hurry up before the...

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Dark Crisis: Young Justice #4

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Sep 21, 2022

Young Justice against the world! The fake reality that Superboy, Impulse, and Robin are trapped in has completely turned against them, sending the full force of the JLA and the Titans they grew up with against them. It will take all of their combined might to fight through this onslaught and find out who is responsible for their imprisonment. Meanw...

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Robin reviewed Future State: Gotham #18 Oct 11, 2022

all this setup for this shitty end. Seriously its like hey we made a scary old version of Damian and they were like how do we ruin it and make him weaker than any other batman. My guy Damian is supposed to be back after defeating HELL he literally would be the strongest there even without joe chill. Nightwing didn't have any proper arc either just a plot at the end to be a sacrifice and the bigges more

Future State: Gotham #18

By: Dennis Culver, Geoffo
Released: Oct 12, 2022

FINAL ISSUE! It's the last Batman standing versus Gotham's greatest threat! Who will ultimately win the war of the Batmen? And what will be left of the city when it's all said and done? It doesn't look good for anyone.

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Robin rated Tim Drake: Robin #1 Oct 3, 2022

Tim Drake: Robin #1

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Sep 28, 2022

Step aside, Damian-the world's favorite Robin has got this! That's right, after years away, Tim Drake is taking center stage in a brand-spanking-new Robin series of his very own!
A mystery over a year in the making takes shape, as a new villain who's been hounding Tim from afar decides to take things up close and personal, putting Bernard and ...

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Robin rated Flash #786 Sep 22, 2022

Flash #786

By: Jeremy Adams, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Sep 21, 2022

Wally West is exhausted, and has been running nonstop since even before he had to step up in the wake of the loss of the Justice League. But, as he's figured out what he needs to do to free Barry (while also keeping Wallace from falling into Pariah's plans), he's also long overdue for a chat with Linda...

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Robin rated Robin #16 Jul 26, 2022

Robin #16

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Jul 27, 2022

Robin's investigation into Lazarus Island is put on hold as Lord Death Man strikes. Damian and Hawke are called to Tokyo by Flatline to help her deal with her crazed mentor. Which means...killer-bros road trip!

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Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Jul 20, 2022

TALE OF TWO WONDER GIRLS! Impulse, Superboy, and Tim Drake were just saved by Cassie Sandsmark, Wonder Girl in the strange fantasy word they're trapped in. And she's here to help them navigate their retro surroundings. But...Cassie Sandsmark is back on our Earth searching for her friends alongside Red Tornado and the superhero formerly known as Arr...

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Robin rated Catwoman #45 Jul 19, 2022

Catwoman #45

By: Tini Howard, Sami Basri
Released: Jul 20, 2022

Roman Sionis has been brought to his knees, but enough is enough. Catwoman's vacation is over and it's time to get back to work. But Selina has never been Gotham's only protector, and she'll have to contend with a well-meaning family of bats... What's that old saying? The enemy of my enemy...should back off and let me handle it!

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How could someone miss the characters so much. Literally all three characters are completely wrong. This isn't even injustice or something like that (an else world) this is supposed to be what would have happened instead of Bendis ageing him outside world. This is absolute character assignation. DC stop giving Tom King to write these characters, he does NOT know how these characters work he just l more

Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League: Superman #1

By: Tom King, Chris Burnham
Released: Jul 13, 2022

When Pariah and his forces of the Great Darkness laid waste to the most powerful superheroes of all time, all hope was lost…with the Man of Steel suffering the same fate as that of his comrades, join us for a look at a world of dreams he would never have thought possible while alive. Where there’s life there’s hope, and with that hope comes a...

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daspidaboy - Jul 12, 2022

Can you please explain how did Tom king ruin Superman, Superboy, Orion and Lois?

Robin rated Future State: Gotham #15 Jul 12, 2022

Future State: Gotham #15

By: Dennis Culver, Giannis Milonogiannis
Released: Jul 13, 2022

Batmen at War part three! There's a new Batman in Gotham City and his name is...Dick Grayson? The only problem is, Jace Fox and Bruce Wayne still claim the name and neither is willing to give it up! Now it's all-out war, with Jason Todd and Hunter Panic caught in the middle. Plus: Damian Wayne is back and that's bad news for everyone!

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spider73 reviewed Batman / Catwoman #12 Jun 30, 2022

Please do not ever let Tom King ever write Batman again.

Batman / Catwoman #12

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jun 29, 2022

Wedding bells are finally ringing for Batman and Catwoman! As our story concludes, the lovers prepare to take the next steps in their lives together by trading everlasting vows. The Bat/Cat wedding is here, and knowing Bruce and Selina, it'll be anything but conventional. You won't want to miss this final chapter of Tom King's Batman epic!

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Prodigalson16 reviewed Batman / Catwoman #12 Jul 1, 2022

Poor, poor Clay Mann

Batman / Catwoman #12

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jun 29, 2022

Wedding bells are finally ringing for Batman and Catwoman! As our story concludes, the lovers prepare to take the next steps in their lives together by trading everlasting vows. The Bat/Cat wedding is here, and knowing Bruce and Selina, it'll be anything but conventional. You won't want to miss this final chapter of Tom King's Batman epic!

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Afre reviewed Batman / Catwoman #12 Jun 29, 2022

What a waste. But at least it's over.

Everything about the writing of this series was just so... wrong, bad or poorly done. There really aren't ideas here I like. And I like the execution even less.

Only the art saves this from being a 1.

Batman / Catwoman #12

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jun 29, 2022

Wedding bells are finally ringing for Batman and Catwoman! As our story concludes, the lovers prepare to take the next steps in their lives together by trading everlasting vows. The Bat/Cat wedding is here, and knowing Bruce and Selina, it'll be anything but conventional. You won't want to miss this final chapter of Tom King's Batman epic!

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daspidaboy reviewed Batman / Catwoman #12 Jun 28, 2022

tom king is the most overrated comic book writer of all time. I read this series just so I can actually have hte credentials to critique it, and wow. Usually I say critics are right, but I dont know how critics can give this a positive review.

All the flashbacks to the past and flashforwards to the future dont matter at all, it all felt like a waste of time. This 12 issue series should more

Batman / Catwoman #12

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jun 29, 2022

Wedding bells are finally ringing for Batman and Catwoman! As our story concludes, the lovers prepare to take the next steps in their lives together by trading everlasting vows. The Bat/Cat wedding is here, and knowing Bruce and Selina, it'll be anything but conventional. You won't want to miss this final chapter of Tom King's Batman epic!

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Quinn reviewed Batman / Catwoman #12 Jun 28, 2022

That was it? Call Seinfeld, we finally got a comic about nothing. It took a year and a half to complete. And damned if I can say what it was about. Maybe I am too stupid, but Catwoman kills the Joker in the future? So what?

Andrea raised a kid the Joker stole? What was that even about? The art was nice, but King relied on all his tricks - using public domain writing to carry his load, d more

Batman / Catwoman #12

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jun 29, 2022

Wedding bells are finally ringing for Batman and Catwoman! As our story concludes, the lovers prepare to take the next steps in their lives together by trading everlasting vows. The Bat/Cat wedding is here, and knowing Bruce and Selina, it'll be anything but conventional. You won't want to miss this final chapter of Tom King's Batman epic!

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myconius reviewed Batman / Catwoman #12 Jun 28, 2022

UHG!!! Who let's this idiot write Batman???

Such painfully pretentious melodramatic garbage!!

Art-wise- Flat, underdeveloped, rushed. But why bother wasting time fine-tuning art for a story this bad.

This is NOT Batman or Catwoman! I absolute hate the dialogue that King writes for these two. I'm not even sure who these imposters are, but i don't like them.

Batman / Catwoman #12

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jun 29, 2022

Wedding bells are finally ringing for Batman and Catwoman! As our story concludes, the lovers prepare to take the next steps in their lives together by trading everlasting vows. The Bat/Cat wedding is here, and knowing Bruce and Selina, it'll be anything but conventional. You won't want to miss this final chapter of Tom King's Batman epic!

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JBL Reviews reviewed Batman / Catwoman #12 Jun 28, 2022

If I’m being honest, the score of 4 isn’t deserved for this issue, but it reflects my feelings on the entire series. Such a pointless and worthless series. I kept going even after I could see it was not good because I had gotten that far, but wow. When King is on, it’s good. When he seems like he is too proud of himself, it is this.

Batman / Catwoman #12

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jun 29, 2022

Wedding bells are finally ringing for Batman and Catwoman! As our story concludes, the lovers prepare to take the next steps in their lives together by trading everlasting vows. The Bat/Cat wedding is here, and knowing Bruce and Selina, it'll be anything but conventional. You won't want to miss this final chapter of Tom King's Batman epic!

Robin rated Robin #15 Jun 28, 2022

Robin #15

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Jun 29, 2022

Damian Wayne is back from the Shadow War and licking his wounds the best way a Wayne knows how...brooding (duh). But in light of the shocking death in the al Ghul family, Robin resolves to dig deeper into the world of the Demon...and a return to Lazarus Island-with Flatline at his side-leaves him with yet another shocking revelation!  

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Robin reviewed Batman / Catwoman #12 Jun 28, 2022

I wish there was an option to give it a Zero because this is absolute shit. Tom King doesn't know how to write Batman or Catwoman, DC seriously needs to stop giving him Batman book. the timelines and characters are complete shit in this. He literally has no regards for anyone of the bat family. I said before for him bat family is just Bat, Cat and Helena and you can see here he doesn't even bring more

Batman / Catwoman #12

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jun 29, 2022

Wedding bells are finally ringing for Batman and Catwoman! As our story concludes, the lovers prepare to take the next steps in their lives together by trading everlasting vows. The Bat/Cat wedding is here, and knowing Bruce and Selina, it'll be anything but conventional. You won't want to miss this final chapter of Tom King's Batman epic!

Robin reviewed Dark Crisis: Young Justice #1 Jun 21, 2022

The art was nice but it is covered by the unnecessary text. it feels like the writer had no trust in the artist and kept what ever emotion that supposed to be shown in text form also. "Show don't tell" is something that also applies to comics and here it is not followed at all, there are too many pages where art does a really good job of portraying emotions but it is covered by the text stating th more

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #1

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Jun 22, 2022

Crises have always had devastating impacts on the generation of heroes that make up Young Justice, and Dark Crisis will hit them even harder. Tim Drake, Impulse, and Superboy go missing during the Justice League's funeral. The only person concerned enough to find them? Cassie Sandsmark, a.k.a Wonder Girl. But...the three boys of Young Justice aren'...

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Robin rated DC Pride: 2022 #1 Jun 8, 2022

DC Pride: 2022 #1

Released: Jun 8, 2022

DC's 2022 celebration kicks off with more stories, more characters, and more pride than ever before! This anthology features 13 all-new stories spotlighting LGBTQIA+ fan-favorites new and old including Superman (Jon Kent), Nubia, Tim Drake, Kid Quick, Aquaman (Jackson Hyde), Green Lantern (Jo Mullein), Alysia Yeoh, the Ray, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy...

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Robin reviewed Batman #124 Jun 7, 2022

The writing wasn't bad but the story was completely useless, like this cannot be recommended to anyone because its a last issue before the writer changes and it is a one shot about another character going to similar situation as Batman him tell her hay killing isn't the answer. like they just got Batman & Robin together but I guess they could not even spend one issue of them together before separa more

Batman #124

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Jun 8, 2022

In the aftermath of the Shadow War, Batman has returned to Gotham! But when he hears word of strange develop-ments in Badhnisia, he's forced to question...has Abyss returned? Or has a new hero been born in the dark?
And in the backup, Poison Ivy uncovers the troubling ramifications of the Gardener and Harley Quinn's actions dur-ing Fear State ...

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Not bad but Not great either, DC really wants to push Dick & Jon duo but its really bad. They didn't work well together especially that Jon already has a best friend who is batman's son and has a better chemistry with him but oh well. Other storylines were also unnecessary as they did little to justify them being there, like other than other knowing about what is happening to the next in line of more

Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Dan Jurgens
Released: Jun 1, 2022

Written by Joshua Williamson, Jeremy Adams, Brandon Thomas, Chuck Brown, Stephanie Phillips and Phillip Kennedy Johnson Art by Clayton Henry, Fico Ossio, Emanuela Lupacchino, Leila Del Duca and more The Justice League has tragically fallen in battle, and now we see the aftermath. How does the world react to the Justice League being gone? Which hero...

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Robin rated Shadow War: Omega #1 May 31, 2022

Shadow War: Omega #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Stephen Segovia
Released: Jun 1, 2022

THE SHADOW WAR’S EPIC CONCLUSION! The shocking finale of the Shadow War! Lives have been lost. Heroes and villains have fallen in battle. And now the real mastermind behind the Shadow War has been revealed. But they are far from done! Batman and Robin are all that’s left to put a stop to their real plans. Can the father-and-son duo work togethe...

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Robin reviewed DC vs. Vampires: Hunters #1 May 24, 2022

It was great as Damian as a vampire hunter was a great concept and how the issue ended was also interesting as Dick wants both humans and vampires to coexist. the problems occur between Dick & Damian. This two are the closest robins but their bond is never used. Damian stating he would never look up to Dick feels like written by a writer who has not read a single Dick & and Damian comic, also Dick more

DC vs. Vampires: Hunters #1

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Neil Googe
Released: May 25, 2022

A blood-soaked one-shot tale of vampire violence! The Son of Batman, after years of training to be an assassin, is on a path toward utter destruction of the vampire race... Enter Damian Wayne: vampire hunter!

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Robin rated Robin #14 May 24, 2022

Robin #14

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: May 25, 2022

FIGHT! Batman Inc. versus the League of Shadows versus the Secret Society! Deathstroke versus Talia...and only one will walk away from the fight alive! Robin knows the truth behind Ra's al Ghul's death and races to stop the Shadow War!

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Robin rated Deathstroke Inc. #9 May 24, 2022

Deathstroke Inc. #9

By: Joshua Williamson, Paolo Pantalena
Released: May 25, 2022

A tragic death sends the Shadow War into overdrive, and Batman and Robin must solve the mystery before more blood is shed! Meanwhile, Deathstroke regroups with the Secret Society to plan an attack on Talia and the League of Shadows. If Talia wanted a war, she's going to get a war!

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Robin reviewed Teen Titans Academy #15 May 24, 2022

A real shit show, why did we merge beast boy and cyborg if only to have them separate couple issues later. it like they knew the idea was shit but they were like we like it so we do it but not for long. it's supposed to end the school but it doesn't even do that properly as there other storylines they had to wrap, which has the problem of the book since beginning it had ideas but didn't know how t more

Teen Titans Academy #15

By: Tim Sheridan, Tom Derenick
Released: May 25, 2022

FINAL ISSUE! In the shadow of the new Titans Tower, the students and faculty decide whether the school is the right place for them.

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Robin reviewed Future State: Gotham #13 May 10, 2022

Too many pages are spent reprinting previous comics, The whole "future state" thing is completely unnecessary as this storyline could be written in the current timeline without needing to make much changes to characters as the current timeline is basically same as this. Batman and Talia finding Damian (presumed evil), bat family looking after gotham and Red-hood is good but still the outcast. (not more

Future State: Gotham #13

By: Dennis Culver, Giannis Milonogiannis
Released: May 11, 2022

Batmen at War part one! The rumors regarding Bruce's death have been greatly exaggerated! Now, despite the best efforts of the impostor, Hush, the real deal has returned with the help of Talia al Ghul. Together they must travel the world to find their son, Damian Wayne, before it's too late! The return of Batman and Robin to Future State Gotham can...

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