Robin's Profile

Joined: May 16, 2021

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Overall Rating
Batman (2016) #109

Jun 1, 2021

It is just ok… it shows that it is a setup for something big but it is just a filler. There is so much talking/text, that the whole issue is just exposition. The writer needs to add a story which is the main focus and then the fear/future state setup revolves around it, instead there is just a setup. As I said the writing wasn’t bad, the book just doesn’t have anything other than the exposition for the setup of fear/future state.

Batman (2016) #112

Sep 7, 2021

A lot of dialogue, mostly which is recap. The writer does ramp up a little bit since the "fear state" event has started with this issue and it does excite for the next issue but its sill nothing special.

Batman (2016) #113

Sep 21, 2021

A lot better than some previous issues, still a hell of lot of dialogue to read. It still feels in places that it is in it's pre-event stage and giving us information rather even though event has officially started.

Batman (2016) #115

Oct 19, 2021

Kinda better then previous one still to much dialogue to the point it's not interesting sometimes, plus the book has little to do with Batman, I don't know what it is about writers writing 'Batman' but not about batman. It is not a like couple or like even a six issue arc thing, all Tom king wrote was Batcat in every story he did like all he knew about batman was his relation with Catwoman and not Tynion only writes about the new characters he has created, I get that writers earn money for characters and it might benefit him but it doesn't benefit the story or the character whose book it is. I really didn't want to say this but I can't wait for Tynion to leave and Williamson to take over. just like the issues all year it focuses a lot on the new side characters, and the whole fear state even it still kind of a mystery even though we are in the middle of it I don't know what is the actual threat, if it is just scarecrow and because of him its called 'Fear state' than it is pretty boring. It doesn't fit as a thriller because of so much information it is less interesting/ entertaining to read.

Batman (2016) #117

Nov 16, 2021

Seriously that is it? the problem with fear state was that since the end of 'Future state' it has be setting up this event for it to not even feel like an event. The 'fear state' event doesn't live up to the exceptions rather it falls hard down. I guess there is still little bit of fear state in other books like knighting but still it was a batman event were batman was under-utilized and it had not proper starting point and ending point, honestly without the actually words "start" and "End" someone would not be able to figure out when fear state started since march and it just ended when it felt like it was picking up. Batman in this story was treated like one style Alfred where his character is to be there with the main character and guide him and at the end give a heart warming speech to stop the person with the kill switch. Batman books didn't feel like batman book and honestly it has been going on like this since Tom King's run, he was busy writing it like a cheap Bat/Cat fan fiction and then Tynion wrote a already written story 'joker war' and after that just started introducing new characters for receiving money afterwards. honestly I was upset of Tynion leaving because he is not a bad writer just his choice of story arcs felt wrong for this books, he had arc which would work better in a book like 'batman: urban legends' where characters are in the space of batman but it isn't a batman story. I am now looking forward to Joshua Williamson's run on batman because he is doing extremely well.

Batman (2016) #118

Dec 7, 2021

Amazing issue and a fresh and exciting start for a new writer on Batman. He is currently writing the some of the best if not best books of DC, and it flows here to, I am really excited for where this story of Abyss leads. The art is amazing to show a change in writer and and writing in general, is it on far with Jorge's art I say it beat it in some places because this art works better in terms of grounded shady places with batman while Jorge's work better with bigger world building. So yes the art was amazing I have said it before and will say it again I hope Williamson doesn't just focus on creating other characters and making them relate to batman because that's what Tynion's arc felt like, specially after the joker war. It felt like batman was a side character in a book named "The Batman". Lastly, I am seriously hoping for a Batman and Robin team up again like the Morrison and Tomasi's run.

Batman (2016) #119

Jan 4, 2022

Again a banger by the amazing writer Joshua Williamson, using what batman is made of into a villain against him is great. Batman has not been fully BATMAN for a while so it is good to see him be that again. really looking forward to who abyss is and especially about Shadow war in March.

Batman (2016) #120

Feb 1, 2022

It's a nice issue, amazing art and the voice of Luthor was interesting. I did not see the Batman Inc working for abyss coming (I was surprised) but since we know nothing about abyss its hard to understand what to make of this twist, this issue falls behind a little from the previous two because it changes batman for no reason; he is screaming and yelling at people and jumping on conclusion really quickly. This issue falls into a weird place because there is just one issue left next month before the Shadow war event starts so they had to do something big in this issue to solve in the next issue to somewhat complete the abyss arc. In the next issue, either we are going to know a little about abyss like his/her identity or motives and mostly focus on Luthor or we get nothing new about abyss and just focus on batman & Luthor go against abyss's batman inc and use the last couple pages to tease shadow war.

Batman (2016) #121

Mar 1, 2022

Batman (2016) #122

Apr 5, 2022

Batman (2016) #123

May 3, 2022

Batman (2016) #124

Jun 7, 2022

The writing wasn't bad but the story was completely useless, like this cannot be recommended to anyone because its a last issue before the writer changes and it is a one shot about another character going to similar situation as Batman him tell her hay killing isn't the answer. like they just got Batman & Robin together but I guess they could not even spend one issue of them together before separating them again to go on a collision course with each other again in "Batman vs Robin" in September. this was going to come before robin 15 still they kept the story after robin 15 spoiling that batman and robin again go their separate ways.

Batman (2016): Fear State: Alpha #1

Aug 31, 2021

it is average, I mean the recent issues from James Tynion has been information fillers. they are not badly written but they feel like just paragraphs of information for "Fear State" so will se what actually happens next month which is supposed to be fear state. I hope it isn't disappointing since last few months the batman books feel like a setup for this event.

Batman (2016): Fear State Omega #1

Dec 1, 2021

7/10 in general for the writing and the arc in general with the great art. if each issue of fear state was like this where batman actually addresses the problem upfront, it would have been really great but at last even this cannot save the fear state as it was filled with new characters which had to be giving context really fast so they can have weight in the actual event. Teen Titans academy and Batman last part of Tynion's run had similar problems, both had tons of new characters with a lot of potential just there way of execution was different while "Teen Titans academy" writer straight up skipped and avoided important information and scenes to put weight in the new characters and instead straight went in to the catch up line parts. and that's why the teen titans academy book is probably the worst right now. James Tynion on the other hand spend as much time as possible to develop these characters, but the thing happened is that he did it in the batman book and there were more characters; hence he had more in his plate then he could finish. which led to almost every issue after joker war and especially after "Future State" feel like setups for "Fear State" and filled with dialogue. Lastly -1 for having click bating covers, this doesn't help. As I might by a issue if I saw a character I like on the cover but after I find out he/she wasn't even in the issue at all. Next time I wouldn't buy a issue if I even had a doubt how much the character's importance stand in the issue. So they seriously need to do something about the covers, especially for the books like this which are expected to be epilogue of events happened over multiple books.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #1

May 16, 2021

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #2

May 16, 2021

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #3

May 16, 2021

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #4

May 16, 2021

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #5

Jun 1, 2021

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #6

Aug 17, 2021

The book is absolute trash, The dialogues are cringe and bad. Batman isn't even interesting and sometimes doesn't even feel like batman anymore. At the end bruce showing up to Selina is the stupidest scene in the issue as basically batman is now Selina's puppet. Tom king is the writer who is making me hate Catwoman and Bat/Cat in general because this feels much more like some cheap fan fiction who someone wrote without much thought just for the sake of it.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #7

Sep 7, 2021

Seriously, at this point this book feels like a amateur fan fiction writing where you are there just for a specific thing like a pairing and the story as to make little to nonsense. but this is a comic book and it feels worse than even some fan fictions.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #8

Oct 19, 2021

The book is going down bad, the writer writes the characters like he is the best writer to write them but the reality is literally opposite. He doesn't understand characters plus there is no story whatsoever ever it is just straight up trash writing

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #9

Dec 21, 2021

Seriously DC, at this point you should realize that not everything by a big writer works. This is absolute trash. Spend money on hiring new young writers to bring you interesting stories.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #10

Feb 8, 2022

When it was first announced, I honestly thought it was going to be a romance series setting up their marriage. You know, like what Rogue and Gambit had in Marvel. I thought that would be pretty awesome even if it still has Tom as the writer. Finally a permanent status-quo change for once and we get to see Batman as a husband and all the interesting dynamics with Catwoman within the bat-family. So excited! ... And then it turned into this weird crap. Why is Batman even in these book, and Selina is acting like a bitch and complaining that Helena is not behaving properly??? It feels the writer wanted to focus on Catwoman and her relationship with Batman but for some reason its busy in her relationship with Joker.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #11

Apr 12, 2022

The timelines are poorly put together, Helena beating Dick for the mantle seriously... he is the last robin who would fight her over the mantle let alone he wasn't even fighting her??? This is a complete shit show. at first I thought the series will be about Batman and Catwoman as the title suggested but NO. This has to be some complete shit where Batman is the most lost character, half of the issues Selina is busy with Joker and Helena is a complete asshole. did Selina admit she was the reason the bat-family feel apart, and she is owning it like "I not saying it because I am sorry for it, because I am NOT" like seriously. What is the obsession of TOM KING and making the bat family about just these three. Well at least now there is only one issue left before this absolute trash goes away. I thought Selina was walking the better path after being with bruce especially after birth of Helena, but apparently she is going to stay a complete asshole all her life I guess.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #12

Jun 28, 2022

I wish there was an option to give it a Zero because this is absolute shit. Tom King doesn't know how to write Batman or Catwoman, DC seriously needs to stop giving him Batman book. the timelines and characters are complete shit in this. He literally has no regards for anyone of the bat family. I said before for him bat family is just Bat, Cat and Helena and you can see here he doesn't even bring other family for the wedding just brings Clark and Louis. Seriously could fuck up a batman book more than this. Finally this shit show is over, if there is anyone who ruined Bat-Cat then it is Tom King.

Batman / Catwoman (2020): Special #1

Jan 25, 2022

Batman is romanticized, The Batfamily only includes Bruce, Selina and Helena. This is a shit show, while I could appreciate the early story of Selina but as soon as she becomes part of Bruce's family Tom King writes her as she deserves all because she is Batman's love interest. Compare this to even the current Catwoman book by Ram V. This is a complete shit, There is so much to Bruce's family than Selina and last she would come near the bottom of the list, making Bruce just focus on her makes him look like a dick.

Batman Beyond: Neo-Year #1  
Batman: Killing Time (2022) #1  
Batman: Secret Files (2021): Clownhunter #1  
Batman: The Adventures Continue: Season Two #1

Jun 1, 2021

Batman: The Adventures Continue #1

Jun 1, 2021

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #4

Jun 8, 2021

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #5

Jul 13, 2021

The Red hood story was solid and I am interested what is going to happened in next issue knowing it is the conclusion (last). The batgirls story was a downgrade, the characters who have extreme potential but everywhere you see they are written on some small missions and rather than some heavy stuff. The writers have to seriously late the batgirls take on a new villain, create one seriously it doesn't have to be related to batgirl's past. not every villain has to be connected to the character's past or future, just create a villain with no bigger purpose than for the story. The Grifter story was ok... I mean it was ok, there was nothing that particularly stands out rather it just us receiving information. The Tim Drake story was kind of a downgrade. first of all if there is a character who can spring out of the vigilante life and them keep dragging him back to Robin title. the issue was not strong either in terms of getting the story forward but rather then providing information might be required going further into the story.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #6

Aug 10, 2021

Jason : 8.5 The story was nice but still ended like almost every batman/ Red-hood story ends, them going separate ways after solving the problems mentioned in the specific comic. the family element was nice and was happy the story didn't diverge towards the family when they arrived and still focused on Jason and bruce. Tim: 1 The problem isn't that he is turned Bisexual, the problem is how they handled it. Firstly he still cannot get over the Robin identity even though it would be better for him to move on so better stories can be written about him. Secondly the whole story and this issue didn't actually do anything for Tim. even the bisexual part was sprinkled upon on the previous issues and just comes here out of nowhere. The writer of this also wrote Future state Tim, and it matches that as the first issues was great and the later getting bad with the last being the worst. black canary: 5 The story was nice and was a nice step up I guess but in general it was average and nothing I could hold onto.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #7

Sep 14, 2021

The stories were good but I am a little sceptical about how it is going to play out in the first two stories. either Terry will have a new interesting villain or one of bruce's old ones or they will do the stupid thing where they will use "family vs family" line and make Damian the villain like they have NO new ideas. The Damian batman story seems weird because it falls under the same old poorly written Damian, this is a character who has been trained since birth plus he left his past to join his father's path but it seems al the writers see is the he brat means he Destroys the city I mean like seriously. They Neve explore why he is a brat or what is the story from his perspective, they all write him like same who will destroy the city as batman even though DCeased clearly showed he would rather be different and save for because of what he has learned from Bruce and Dick Grayson, but it seems all other writers still like to write Damian like he will turn out like his mother. Hence his character stays in a loop.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #8

Oct 12, 2021

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #9

Nov 9, 2021

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #10

Dec 14, 2021

Tim's story was okay, Batman and Dick did seem a little out of character where Batman just hugs the citizens or Dick being angry at his brother coming to him for advice. but it also had some good details like Dick telling Tim " I know you have gotten comfortable going back to being Robin while Damian is out of Town. But he's Earned That name now. and you ... you deserve your own future." this was need for Tim, he needs a new identity even in this issue being robin makes him look small and the art only helps that statement. and Damian is having amazing arc with Robin shows that let Damian be Robin he has to move on. so Tims story gets 6/10 Nightwing's story was okay to, the thing was it was really expected, scarecrow villains meaning fear gas. hence hime going throw a fear illusion sequence and ending with a happy ending of Christmas. 7/10 Azrael's story was not bad either it was nice but I don't have much thoughts on that for some reason. over all 8/10

Catwoman (2018) #34

Aug 17, 2021

Catwoman (2018) #45

Jul 19, 2022

Checkmate (2021) #3  
Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League (2022): Superman #1

Jul 12, 2022

How could someone miss the characters so much. Literally all three characters are completely wrong. This isn't even injustice or something like that (an else world) this is supposed to be what would have happened instead of Bendis ageing him outside world. This is absolute character assignation. DC stop giving Tom King to write these characters, he does NOT know how these characters work he just like to write some fan fiction version of characters with angst stories. He did the same with Batman and other related characters.

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #1

Jun 21, 2022

The art was nice but it is covered by the unnecessary text. it feels like the writer had no trust in the artist and kept what ever emotion that supposed to be shown in text form also. "Show don't tell" is something that also applies to comics and here it is not followed at all, there are too many pages where art does a really good job of portraying emotions but it is covered by the text stating the shown emotions. this makes it worse because we don't need to be told if we are shown. other than that the writing is also kinda dull as its the first Dark Crisis Tie in but it has nothing special. I have said it before the first issue is really important because it tells the readers who, what, when, where, HOW the book is going to be. a bad first issue would effect people to spend money on the next issue of a book whose previous was terrible. Art is nice but it still has some issue, I don't know if it is a new artist and if the things they did in the book are mistakes or done or purpose. From the expressions (That scrunched up pout is very off-putting) to the floating bodies to the odd composition they just don’t work. The panels are very busy without anything to focus on. It leaves your eyes darting around the page looking for a resting spot. Unfortunately there is an awkward cardboard cutout feel to every element of the page and the way all the elements are piled looks like a poor photoshop composite. These are the exception to the rule though. Overall, her work here is pretty

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2

Jul 25, 2022

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #3

Oct 17, 2022

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #4

Oct 17, 2022

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #1

Nov 2, 2021

Damn this took a turn, an amazing start and what a way to end the issue in this universe Bruce and Kal-el are step brothers and he just finds out about it, really forward to seeing other members of bat family and where is Wonder Woman?

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #2

Dec 7, 2021

I have to say this Tom Taylor writes amazing elsewhere stories, I just read the superman annual which was shit and this is amazing , and its written by the same writer. There are some really interesting topics damn, and exited what comes next

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #3

Jan 4, 2022

Nice issue, again really great story telling by tom Taylor. it just because this book is only 12 issues so far and him introducing characters to be killed is kinda annoying unlike in DCeased it was mystery who was going to survive because he killed batman earlier and kept him dead to say no the originals aren't surviving. here it isn't that interesting because the story is about apocalypse but instead about mid-evil times. I hope by next issues we see more characters for them in the story no so they can be killed couple of issues down the line.

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #4

Feb 1, 2022

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #5

Mar 1, 2022

DC Pride (2021): 2022 #1  
DC vs. Vampires (2021) #2

Nov 23, 2021

A really nice issue especially the bat family part, but I do have certain questions about the series like after the success of DCeased; a story about DC's zombie universe how would DC's vampires apocalypse would hold up because a big part of DCeased was how the characters interacted in the situation plus they killed the main characters and brought a new trio that actually had really good chemistry. I know this probably won't big as DCeased but still the the actions feels a lot similar a threat is trying to take everyone in it's path but have to do it somewhat strategically so the hero's don't stop it. honestly the next might shred some light on this part.

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #3

Dec 28, 2021

Is is a nice issue, the biggest set back is that Tom taylor did this in DCeased at much larger scale so this feels a little less exciting, I mean Tyrion is trying hard but making Wonder Woman a vampire and touring justice league against batman. the little fight between Dinah and Robin was kind of confusing I am like why this two people in exact. still a nice issue so a 6

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #4

Jan 25, 2022

A nice issue, though it is currently falling under the very expected route of breaking the JL and keeping Batman alive. I have said before and will again after DCeased this holds less weight, because that book really focused on the character interaction while this focus just on the pick up line (main points like Batman vs Green Arrow, and JL after Batman).

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #5

Feb 23, 2022

DC vs. Vampires (2021): Hunters #1

May 24, 2022

It was great as Damian as a vampire hunter was a great concept and how the issue ended was also interesting as Dick wants both humans and vampires to coexist. the problems occur between Dick & Damian. This two are the closest robins but their bond is never used. Damian stating he would never look up to Dick feels like written by a writer who has not read a single Dick & and Damian comic, also Dick stating Bruce would kill him feels wrong, Damian is right Bruce wouldn't kill dick after finding out he is a vampire. this dude doesn't kill joker man... Batman is too weak (it's a joke) to kill his first robin.

Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #7

Mar 22, 2022

Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #9

May 24, 2022

Detective Comics (2016) #1041

Aug 10, 2021

Detective Comics (2016) #1048

Jan 11, 2022

it was quiet less than expected, hoping he was an honest character but nope he hated his mother. It seems if the person is not part or soon to be part of bat-family then he/she will be evil or bad in some shape or form. And I guess we are just drawing Harley as straight up Margot Robbie, not complaining just noticed.

FCBD 2021: Teen Titans: Beast Boy Loves Raven Special #1  
Flash (2016) #786  
Future State: Gotham #2

Jun 8, 2021

Future State: Gotham #10

Apr 15, 2022

Future State: Gotham #11

Apr 15, 2022

Future State: Gotham #12

Apr 12, 2022

A decent issue, The art was nice and so was the writing. The Harley twist did come as a surprise to me since she always hanging out with the batfamily right now that she would do something like this but still nice. the upcoming issues by the solicitations seems like will be, the next issue (13) will be about Talia finding Bruce and convincing him to find their son, while Jason and Batman (fox) will go after Hush. the issue (14) after that would be Three Jason vs Hush and in comes other Batmen (Bruce, Fox, Dick) and Talia will find where is Damian. Prediction he will be the next Demon's head like every other future he is in, FS is still typically like other futures ex Dick, Tim on the good side while Jason is out on his own in conflict with Bat-family and Damian is busy being evil.

Future State: Gotham #13

May 10, 2022

Too many pages are spent reprinting previous comics, The whole "future state" thing is completely unnecessary as this storyline could be written in the current timeline without needing to make much changes to characters as the current timeline is basically same as this. Batman and Talia finding Damian (presumed evil), bat family looking after gotham and Red-hood is good but still the outcast. (not exactly same but still some changes and this story could be put in current timeline without any effort) this is why the "future state" is as waste because it is nothing different from what is already told. all the futures of the bat family has already been told in stories before. Connecting Batman 666 Damian as this was another shit move like have we not seen enough predictable future EVIL Damian, how am I supposed to look at this and not be like oh so the next issues will be spent in connecting Damian's 666 to future state with bat family is also fighting the magistrate. and at last Damian will be evil or shown evil and finding bruce alive change him to good. (another redemption arc, I wonder if Damian got any of those before).

Future State: Gotham #15

Jul 12, 2022

Future State: Gotham #18

Oct 11, 2022

all this setup for this shitty end. Seriously its like hey we made a scary old version of Damian and they were like how do we ruin it and make him weaker than any other batman. My guy Damian is supposed to be back after defeating HELL he literally would be the strongest there even without joe chill. Nightwing didn't have any proper arc either just a plot at the end to be a sacrifice and the biggest mischaracterization; Damian would be a whole lot better then nightwing as Dick would make sure Damian is better than him. he literally was his robin first. And no sorry but Jace has not done nearly enough to be the only batman, literally almost every other person in the bat family is still more qualified Then him. But obviously DC wants Jace to be the next batman so whatever.

I Am Batman (2021) #2

Oct 13, 2021

So the issue was decently good; firstly the action of the Next Batman was nice his characters is still feeling underdeveloped for the story/ setting he is put into. I feel like Jace needs a writer who picks an arc away from other characters right now and show us how he is different and special to be called Batman, currently the writer is telling us he is Batman but since he feels underdeveloped it is harder to take him as Batman then just Jace. to show this he needs an arc quiet alone not in the middle of chaos like "fear state". an example; Robin book is one of the best books currently if not the best and part reason because Joshua (writer of Robin) is dealing with him alone away from other to set him afterward for crossovers with other books. since Jace is a new Batman he needs to show us how he is different before hanging out with bat family in Gotham and calling himself Batman aloud. lastly I don't know the writer's need of putting this white privilege thing so hard yet cheaply in the book, I get the recent years a lot has come out but, comic books like Batman have been things which has attracted people of all races and gender. by inserting this small but loud scenes in the book feels like a wrong way. in simple words a solution to racism isn't separating on the basses of race, just like this issue people are NOT paying $3.99 for a 32 page comic book about the next batman only to read about this. If DC does want to put a story about Racial discrimination and utilize their "batman" in it, then it should be a subtle way that the audience can get the pressure and feel of the story then just putting scenes like this in random comic books issues. Secondly why don't they actually work the racial discrimination they have in DC, since rebirth the Al-ghuls have been used a duffle bag which characters punch to look like a hero. Rash al Ghul is considered Batman's most respected (not known I know that's joker) villain. Tom king and other writers used Talia al Ghul as a complete mess just to show how Catwoman is a good love interest for bruce. If DC wants to put a story about Racial discrimination than why don't they create strong characters from places like India, south America. this is why this falls apart people who read other comic books of DC knows that just talking about white privilege in a black main character's book isn't a step against racial discrimination. and writer needs to understand this to.

I Am Batman (2021) #5

Jan 11, 2022

Infinite Frontier (2021) #6  
Justice League (2018) #62  
Justice League (2018): Road to Dark Crisis #1

May 31, 2022

Not bad but Not great either, DC really wants to push Dick & Jon duo but its really bad. They didn't work well together especially that Jon already has a best friend who is batman's son and has a better chemistry with him but oh well. Other storylines were also unnecessary as they did little to justify them being there, like other than other knowing about what is happening to the next in line of the justice league characters the other stories are not great. Basically all them contribute to reach probably a 6/10 for this issue. you could skip it and will be perfectly fine.

Justice League Infinity (2021) #1  
Nightwing (2016) #79

May 16, 2021

Nightwing (2016) #80

May 18, 2021

Nightwing (2016) #81

Jun 15, 2021

Nightwing (2016) #82

Jul 20, 2021

It was okay... I get that this issue was just for the back story for the new reveal character, but it was just unnecessary as him having a half-sister doesn't help as he already has a big family, and lot of friends. He is the last character to need another relation from the past. What Nightwing needs is new villains, somebody new to go against him, and they don't necessarily have to be related to his past in someway or another it just needs to be in conflict with him. Since there are lot of stories right now where the writers are giving villains big backstories and past relations to the hero to either make the villain relatable or get empathy. And yes the titans showing up was lame way to say he has a lot of friends on his back, currently there are lot of other characters with whom his relation is unknown since him losing memory. It would have been better if somebody actually surprising showed up to help him, even in people who obvious he could have used characters like Damian since we don't know about there relation currently but I guess we will figure that out in Robin #5. Still using the most obvious and that also not actually saving was pretty boring and the pages could have been used to set up something better.

Nightwing (2016) #83

Aug 17, 2021

A) The issue was amazing the writing was solid, dialogues are well writing but yes the action is missing the whole are so expect the action to increase especially its fear state for couple of months now. Quick question, the issue had Damian Congratulate Dick for opening a "Alfred Pennyworth" foundation on the BAT-FAMILY group chat. soooo..... is Damian in contact with the family now because I believe he is on his own in his Solo Robin run. I am guessing this takes place after next weeks Robin (issue 5) as in that all robins are supposed to meet up. B) The characters were okay, Blockbuster is seriously boring knock off of Kingpin as per right now, idk if they change him going forward. Initially thought Heartless was the villain for this arc but seems he might a bigger role either in fear state or afterwards. C) So is dick in relationship with Barbara or Kory because he is sleeping with Kory in shitty book called Teen Titans Accademy so? I would be happy with both if done well, right now I have more trust in Tom Taylor to do Dick/Barbara better so will see. I just hope the relationship doesn't end in infidelity like Barbara sleeping with Jason or something. D) The is probably the only book I am really exited for fear state as other books like Batman and detective comics have been like fillers with noting particularly exciting. Catwoman book is nice but the recent issue still is putting Bat/Cat over actual characterization. Ps. I am still most exited about the Robin book but it will be outside of fear state that's why I didn't mention it. I list things I like with Things I didn't my reason of giving it a higher mark would be that this book is still attracting my interest for me to read the next issue and the writing isn't bad at all for me to drop it.

Nightwing (2016) #84

Sep 21, 2021

Nightwing (2016) #85

Oct 19, 2021

Another solid issue, I believe in the whole 'Fear state' Event even though it is a batman event Tom Taylor is shinning as today issue had a lot of characterization especially for Barbara.

Nightwing (2016) #86

Nov 16, 2021

unusually low because the story arc was just boring. Fear state in general has been a mess and this does try to make somethings better but not that much. The problem with this issue is that this should have been a bargirls issue and the other two batgirls also in centre light and have Dick and Tim be the side characters because in the night wing book in didn't work, even as a setup for the batgirls book. it felt a little out of place especially how knighting was being handle right before this arc. I hope after fear state Tom Taylor and write a better nightwing arc

Nightwing (2016) #87

Dec 21, 2021

The issue was given to the artist, and he lives up to it but the issue is that there is literally no story there. Its cute but when you realize it is charged $3.99 (prices differ by places) it is not worth spending that much money. Like this week's Batman/Catwoman which is absolute trash, in this the story is trash and not because the writer is bad. no because he is currently writing some amazing stories but the problem occurs when you realize there is no story here in the first place to look at. its just art and in the end its not worth the money.

Nightwing (2016) #88

Jan 18, 2022

Another amazing issue, The Titans here acted more like titans than in their own book. Still nice issue and interested to see where the story leads next. -2 two for putting fan-service over story in terms of importance, this issue titans next issues are with NEW superman (super-boy) & Flash (Wally). There is an interesting villain Heartless and still every issue brings in other characters, and since they brought these characters they have to include them properly to avoid wasting them in the issue. By the looks of it next issues will also be like this, but hoping the writer dives deep in story with the character rather then skimming over the story with guest staring characters every other issue.

Nightwing (2016) #91

Apr 19, 2022

A decent issue with some problems but also some good ones, the friendship was great (a bit too cheesy) but still great. though it seems Nightwing has a serious issue with villains. KGBeast was ok, felt more like filler like Flash claiming to be the first one to take revenge for Dick, like it bat family didn't took the revenge already (Batman beating him to near death and Robin cutting his arm off I think), so... Sorry Wally you kinda late to the party. Secondly they introduce this new villain (I guess) which even batman believes doesn't exist, so she Clearly has done some things to keep herself so well hidden and safe. and is found and defeated so easily for some reason. these things ruins the issue as pages are spent on these characters but the characters themselves aren't given importance to even stand up to the hero. As a fan of Nightwing I love, Wally back, Relationship with Barbra, beating assassin villains. BUT as a fan of Nightwing I hate, Using Wally as just a cheesy fan service rather than being part of the actual story. Introducing New seemingly dangerous villains only to be easily defeated by the Hero.

Robin (2021) #1

May 17, 2021

Robin (2021) #2

May 25, 2021

Robin (2021) #3

Jun 22, 2021

Robin (2021) #4

Jul 27, 2021

This issue is amazing just like the other ones, this one does slow down a little bit but it still doesn't loose the interest. the issue is to teen Damian the lesson of patience and his interaction with Ra's was amazing. Bring Ra's back to the roots was also nice rather than just a villain because he is much more. I don't know where this is going to go but I do wish Damian follows his fathers path and have a nice reunion with him soon, because he already has a dark past (possibly darker then his father) so he doesn't need to have a dark future rather him embracing the Robin identity and doing something big would be amazing. A arc with his father as Batman and Robin needs to be done which is written by Joshua Williamson.

Robin (2021) #5

Aug 25, 2021

This was amazing, the robin rumble being a rooftop race was slightly different than I expected but in a good sense. The art was amazing too, and understandable Joshua gave Gleb a break for Issue 4 instead of issue 5. This comic has been the best so far, it has me more attached the even Nightwing by Tom Taylor so that's also a plus. Really excited for what comes next. Yes, Damian felt a little bit exaggerated but not even near the point of bad, almost every comic book character has been in exaggerated situations to uplift him, its like Stanley said " The writer decides who wins a fight in the comic". all other robins have had there on exaggerated moments in the past so this didn't feel wrong.

Robin (2021) #6

Sep 28, 2021

Robin (2021) #7

Oct 26, 2021

I think I have said this before but if I haven't then here; A robin book didn't have to be this freaking good but here we have it. this issue goes back to act like issue 1 where everything was fast with a bunch of information but didn't feel like a skip even for a second. amazing art and amazing fight scenes

Robin (2021) #8

Nov 23, 2021

As per the track record, this is an amazing issue of probably the best book write now by DC. The pacing to laying out a fight between two characters is amazing cannot wait for the next issue. Hopefully Damian will win some solid fights in future because you know its his book plus idk both father son (Batman and Robin) having been having a lot of losses in recent issues of there own books.

Robin (2021) #9

Dec 28, 2021

This has to be the best book by DC, it keeps getting better and better. Joshua has done some incredible job with this, really looking forward to the next issue. and really excited for shadow war.

Robin (2021) #10

Jan 25, 2022

Robin (2021) #11

Feb 23, 2022

Robin (2021) #12

Mar 22, 2022

Robin (2021) #13

Apr 26, 2022

Robin (2021) #14

May 24, 2022

Robin (2021) #15

Jun 28, 2022

Robin (2021) #16

Jul 26, 2022

Robin (2021) Annual: 2021

Dec 1, 2021

An excellent issue again, still the best book by DC currently. seriously looking forward to the shadow war and later in 2022 and lastly really hoping for a Batman and Robin come back like Morrison and Tomasi's runs.

Shadow War (2022): Alpha #1

Mar 29, 2022

Shadow War (2022): Omega #1

May 31, 2022

Shazam! (2021) #4  
Suicide Squad (2021) #4  
Super Sons (2017): Superman & Robin Special #1

Jan 25, 2022

As predicted, this is more of a attention grabber of super sons fans to read the superman and like Jon for being old. The writer is trying hard to make Jon likeable unlike the Superman series, but in doing so he is Damian seem so out of character. In super sons Damian is dark and brooding while Jon is light and cheerful, here its the weirdly different as Damian is written dark but goofy and Jon is written light but maturely serious. It's simply just not that great. They should have just given a short series to the writer to write about the proper supersons.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #1

Jul 27, 2021

Amazing start for the book, the decision of aging Jon up is still the worst. I am still not at all on board as the Jon character is NOT interesting at all since the age up. There is nothing to set him apart from his father 'Clark', and him being around young Damian makes it work as his is supposed to be the childish one out the two super-sons. In general I am looking forward to what the writer is going to do with the story, not the character at all. The issue is getting a 8.5 just because it is setting up some interesting storylines for the near future but character wise I would give this issue a 3

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #2

Oct 21, 2021

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #3

Sep 28, 2021

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #4

Oct 19, 2021

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #6

Jan 4, 2022

The interactions between Jon and Damian was amazing, that worst part is when they are together its so good that it shows that Jon is poorly written in the rest of the comic. I have said this before I will say it again, Tom is picking really nice arcs for the book just he main character is out of character then who he is supposed to be. lastly why does Damian leave out of nowhere instead of helping him with the ship? don't say the boat had super-powered beings on it, Damian has fought super-powered being alone and With Jon when they were young. Would have been better if they had used Damian to advantage in the issues since they brought them in. but they were to busy shinning light in Jay, like utilize the character you have brought from another book fully to its potential especially if it has a beloved friendship with the the book's character.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #9

Mar 8, 2022

it is written nicely but the emotional side is just out of nowhere, Dick and Jon doesn't fit. I don't want to say forced but definitely rushed, Jon is like I was hoping you would come find me, because Dick AND bruce found him once when he was 9. this is what I mean by rushed; the writer put all the things he can find common between them (Superhero father, Relationship with Damian) to try and build emotion between them, the art also tries hard to show the emotions but it still doesn't work. Since young Jon work well his instant age up leads to messy rushed storyline and emotions.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #11

May 10, 2022

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) Annual: 2021

Dec 7, 2021

I liked the new superman because of the way the writer was picking up stories, but now climate change and Lex Luthor arc feels much like a "been there done that" senerio where the villain is trying to befriend the hero's protégée. And apparently they don't even care how Jon's characters was, What in the Actually FUCK is this chess master bullshit. Where the fuck is his innocence and caring for everyone. He literally acts like a typical hero, he has special powers is sassy, smart, sarcastic, nice to animals, cares about the earth, and lastly does NOT act like the character he was. I want to give this issue more points but its Jon's book and Jon doesn't even act like the Jon he acts like the mix of Superman and Louis and Damian Wayne, and before someone says those were the people who influenced him the most. I do NOT mean in a good way. He acts a bad mash up of them, where he acts like them and not himself.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #1

May 16, 2021

Firstly The book is supposed to take the place of a “Teen Titans” book, but it seems to completely miss the point. This book is basically Titans awkwardly ocasnaily acting like teen titans to relieve the mood. Like how old is the beast boy supposed to be because he is acting multiple ages. Secondly, The characters are just badly written, not only did it mess the Titans but the new characters/ students are likeable. I don’t mean that they act a certain way so they are bad, the problem with these new students/ characters is that they don’t act a specific way they act like extras do in a superhero movie, they change however the writer wants and in a TERRIBLE way. Lastly there are too many storylines; academy-students storyline, Titans storyline, & the Red-X storyline. I was excited about the Red-X storyline in particular but it is in the wrong book. This is like amazing spider-man 2 but worse. Too many plot lines happening at the same time and fighting for the spotlight, and none of them are done. First issues are supposed to be interesting to catch the attention to to keep new readers on board. If you are looking for a “TEEN TITANS” book then skip these and if you are not still skip this because it is bad.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #2

May 16, 2021

Just like the first issue this also has the same base problems, Tim Sheridan is trying to bring out many plots but is failing to handle all of them. In general some of the Titans are written better than last issue but others got just worse. The students are not likeable because they don’t have any characteristic because they don’t get enough pages, Then Tim is still forcibly fitting the Red-X plot. The “academy” and “Red-X” are amazing ideas as storylines but the writer doesn’t seem to know how to manage them so he is cramping everything together. If that was not enough he added relationships of titans into this to create this a bigger mess. The worst part of this issue is that it tries to set up a unexciting and a too early crossover between “teen titans STUDENTS” and “Sucide squad”. The book is already struggling with all these plot lines and the writer keeps adding more and more. The book has a lot of potential, especially bringing out new characters as students. A simple step that could have been better was that the first 6 arc issues had to be dedicated to establishing the students of the academy. Then move on to Red-X and his storyline, currently the writer is messing up both of them. Some people could cut some slack for the first issue to be just a set up but at this point this is a waste of money. DC needs a better writer for this story.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #3

May 25, 2021

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #4

Jun 22, 2021

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #5

Jul 27, 2021

As per the record of this book so far, The writer is sorting the characters like the audience already knows and is connected to the characters. we never got the set up and we are still not getting any set up, we are just following random characters in a "teen Titans" book. This is seriously disappointing to see what the the Red X has become, they are trying to show his/her significance but it failing terribly. Still think this book needs a new writer to bring a proper and better direction for the book. This issue is a solid 0 if I could like the previous issues, lot of same problems like not proper set up for new character under utilizing old well known character, to many subplots with none of them executed properly.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #6

Aug 31, 2021

The Book is absolute trash at this point, Firstly it never gave important character development and arc to new characters it introduced (which are so many) and than it tries to handle Teen titans with these new kids plus the red X arc; spoiler alert this issue has nothing to do with Red X apparently. its been 6 issues meaning a arc has been done (usually a comic has arc spread out in 6 issues, like Nightwing) and all six issues has been bad, they try to fit to many characters because of which it is not able to focus on anything specific. ex.. last issue was about the Mystery of Red X now now suddenly about gorillas and then after couple of issues it will jump back to the Red X arc. So at this point the writer is just in his own world and giving us half plots and sections and assumes us to imagine his story on our own. This book needs a new writer or a better choice would be to just close the book and start a new teen titans book, and give an Gotham academy book to someone like Joshua Williamson or Tom Taylor who seems to be doing good with a Buch of characters in their books.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #7

Nov 2, 2021

another issue that doesn't even fit neither "Teen Titans" or "academy" properly it could work as a good organ a certain character but in book like this and continuous terrible issues this also false under the same category.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #9

Dec 14, 2021

Disappointing as always, the writer again fails at the job he signs on to. This issue was supposed to be emotional yet again fails to be anything, the same old mistakes are going on this series where it hasn't yet decided if it wants to be about the Titans or the new teens or the academy or red X. The answer the meme "Yes" in general it wants to be about all of the aforementioned topics but doesn't know how to handle any. This book seriously needs a new writer and new set of cast members. Lastly the art has been for some reason just dying down, at first it had some really nice art but now it is not even pleasant to look at heck some pages are just ugly, and that is coming from a person who doesn't like to score a issue based of of the type of art.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #10

Dec 28, 2021

this is absolute TRASH, this series tries to be too many things and fails at basically all of them. It kinda feels like the writer is producing ideas out of his ass and throwing them in the issues and saying to himself "ya that makes complete sense". It kinda feels like bad one shot books stitched together to be a series plus that also ongoing. Talking about this issue it tries to be like the hype issue for a big apocalypse that was in future state but it is completely trash, because there was no proper set up even the last issue they couldn't decide if they want to set up this event or focus on the reunion of roy and other teammates, so they basically smushed it together and made the last issue also a mess. DC hire new writers who can writer better stories. Seriously this ISN'T one of those writers.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #11

Jan 25, 2022

The Red X isn't revealed let alone there isn't much about him, the whole issue is spent Red X presumably attacking Teen Titans academy tower and the the Titans saving the day, halfway as the other part continues in the next issue.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #12

Feb 23, 2022

Heard this book is ending at issue 15? So happy, just like almost all issues before this, this one is also just packed with more than it can chew, and a lot of important stuff has been left outside in writer's mind like "OHH the audience can figure out exactly what I am thinking even though I have not written it properly".

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #13

Mar 22, 2022

Seriously, it is just keep getting worse. Now they are smashing two characters in to one for what reason? how is that going to benefit any storylines going forward.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #14

Apr 26, 2022

Like every other issue in this book, it's cramped with multiple storylines. It's an absolute waste of characters. Some of them are completely stupid storylines like the Cyborg & beast boy that now they trying to have a relationship in there too, like seriously try to tell stories about this characters which have existed over decades but NO. They wanna smash characters together and focus on shit relationships, not only that they wanna introduce new generation of characters but since they other stuff to do also they nobody gets proper screen time (pages).

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #15

May 24, 2022

A real shit show, why did we merge beast boy and cyborg if only to have them separate couple issues later. it like they knew the idea was shit but they were like we like it so we do it but not for long. it's supposed to end the school but it doesn't even do that properly as there other storylines they had to wrap, which has the problem of the book since beginning it had ideas but didn't know how to execute it. and there are some references to some relationships which literally has no need or chemistry (and isn't he with the other person💁🏻). Good that this book is over.

Teen Titans Academy (2021): 2021 Yearbook #1  
Teen Titans: Beast Boy (2020) OGN  
Teen Titans: Raven #1  
Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #1  
Titans (2023) #1  
Titans United (2021) #1

Sep 15, 2021

Titans United (2021) #2

Oct 12, 2021

Titans United (2021) #3

Nov 9, 2021

Titans United (2021) #4

Dec 19, 2021

Titans United (2021) #5

Jan 11, 2022

Titans United (2021) #7

Mar 18, 2022

War For Earth-3 (2022) #1

Mar 1, 2022

War For Earth-3 (2022) #2

Mar 29, 2022

Reviews for the Week of...



