Batman #117

Writer: Becky Cloonan, Michael Conrad, James Tynion IV Artist: Jorge Corona, Jorge Jimenez Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 17, 2021 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 55
7.7Critic Rating
6.4User Rating

+ Pull List

As the full scope of the Scarecrow’s plans is revealed, a bloodied Dark Knight fights for his life, and all the lives in Gotham City, against an unrelenting, unstoppable opponent. The shocking conclusion to “Fear State” is here…Will Batman ever be the same? Backup: After what happened in the Magistrate’s Skybase-01, nowhere is safe, and the Batgirls hide out in a hotel room until Babs arrives offering a plan for their future. Seer, the “Anti-Oracle,” is revealed here! And who they are will make you question everything you see moving forward in Gotham…

  • 10
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 20, 2021

    Fear State comes to a big, fun conclusion with some really nice character moments that sold the whole thing for me. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Nov 16, 2021

    Fear State is James Tynion IV's final big story in the Bat-books, but what's surprising is how little it feels like a traditional comic book event. Sure, there are villains and even a powerhouse who Batman can fight, but this is a comic with a lot more on its mind. It's as much about what fear and anger does to a person than it is about fighting villains. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Nov 16, 2021

    Jimenez delivers some beautiful art throughout the issue. The action is intense and beautifully detailed. The characters look fantastic and there are visuals brilliant moments throughout. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Comic Watch - Ariel B. Nov 16, 2021

    I wont miss Batgirls, though, because now that Ive gotten a taste of the narrative and visual style in store, I will definitely be following the title when it comes out. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Max Byrne Nov 16, 2021

    Batman #117 brings everything nicely to a well crafted close. The “Fear State” arc has been engrossing and exciting, dangerous and heartfelt. Gotham City has gone through the wringer yet again, and has come out the other side in a better place. The future is bright, the future is Batman! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil Dec 4, 2021

    With Batman #117, James Tynion IV has ended his run on Batman with a bang. And there's no denying that Tynion has made his mark on Batman and Gotham City. And while I enjoyed his work on the title, I also have high hopes that incoming writer Joshua Williamson will be bringing some great Batman stories as well. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Nov 16, 2021

    If expectations were running high for Batman #117, you can breathe a sigh of relief: it's a satisfying conclusion. Tynion and Jimenez have crafted a finale that resolves story elements, supplies ample character work, and closes the door on Gotham in a satisfying and hopeful way. Considering how Gotham tends to be incredibly dark and hopeless, it's nice to see Tynion leaves Batman in a place where his love of these characters is obvious from cover to cover while drenched in artistic mastery by Jimenez and Morey. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Nov 16, 2021

    Fear State went too long and this ending unintentionally showed why it never needed to play out this long with the relatively simple payoffs to the major subplots. But simple is sometimes just fine and Tynion left his final issue of Batman on a good note allowing for the next creative team to have a fresh canvas without a major death in the family to address. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Scott Waldyn Nov 16, 2021

    Batman #117 delivers a clunky finish to a convoluted story, but there's a strong sense of heart in the final moments that almost makes up for such a lackluster story. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Nov 16, 2021

    James Tynion gives fans a blink, and you might miss it ending to Fear State that seems to show there wasn't much of a story here all along.  The Big Bads all get taken down too quickly, and heroes win with forced narratives and exposition.  The issue looked fantastic, but I think fans will remember Fear State for what comes after it, then the nothing of a story within it. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Nicole Drum Nov 17, 2021

    It's no mystery that I've found the bulk of this run, and especially Fear State, to be a mess and while Batman #117 is less messy than previous issues, it's certainly not raising the bar by much. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Nov 17, 2021

    Say what you want about me, but I've given y'all fair warning that this would ultimately be the outcome of Tynion's run" Nothing. No payoff. No satisfaction. It's his schtick at this point. The writing has been on the wall since the beginning and after multiple arcs of ignoring the actual meat of his narrative, it was clear that all he had to offer was new characters for the speculator market. If that's something you want to read, then I guess this is good for you. As for me and my stance, this is easily the worth Batman run I've read, and I think time will only prove that point. Read Full Review

  • 10
    cincyfan Nov 21, 2021

    Wow! What an incredible ending to an unbelievable run on batman! Tynion's run has been one of my personal favorites on one of my favorite characters and what can you say about the artwork during his run it has been phenomenal!!! I'm very sad to see tynion leave this book and want to say thank you to the entire creative team that worked on the Batman book it has been a pure joy to read. I'm excited for the next chapter though Joshua Williamson is a brilliant writer. This book was perfect honestly. It was moving and powerful and visually stunning. The batgirls story was also fantastic and really funny at times. I'm a huge fan of Cassandra Cain so I love that they are making this book. I'm definitely going to add the batgirls book to my pull l more

  • 8.0
    Criminology. Nov 17, 2021

    Kinda rushed in my opinion, but still good. Just with so much build-up and slow pacing in general, this finale feels really weird and anticlimactic. I don't know how, but Tynion never got his pacing right with this run.But most of the other things here i liked. Clearly the art was a big standout as always and personally in the end I can say that i liked Tynion's run .

  • 8.0
    daspidaboy Nov 16, 2021

    So I just read this event and honestly..... call me crazy but I liked it? After all, this is an opinion but this event really met my expectations. Great art, great action, and this ending felt a lot more cohesive and better compared to Sinister War. Overall, while I am happy that James Tynion IV is leaving soon, I will say that I think he did a wonderful job. It's definitely my favorite comic book event of 2021, and it doesnt help that the majority of the issues in the crossover event got positive reviews. It's a fun and entertaining event for me, and I'm saying this as a spider-Man fan.

  • 7.5
    Screaming Enigma Jul 29, 2023

    While the ending to this large-scale storyline felt a bit rushed, which is weird considering it had 6 issues of build and then 6 issues of the main story, I still enjoyed this. Of course, you have the fantastic Jimenez on the art duties. Plus, Tynion writes the story and its characters well enough to keep me engaged until the end. Moving to the backup, it was another fun read that solidifies my interesting in checking out the Batgirls run it preludes. I don't have a whole lot to say about this issue, other than that I enjoyed it despite some of the overall story's pacing being off.

  • 7.0

    And so yet another monotonous overly long story comes to a so-so end as comics today tend to do. I doubt Fear State will be ever looked back at like Year One, The Long Halloween or The Dark Knight Returns. It seems most people, like myself are just glad to see it finally ending, as it should have about 8 months ago, when we had enough of it.
    The worst part of this issue is that Batman once more revealed himself to yet another person that cannot fully be trusted. He didn't even need to remove his mask. Molly could have been appealed to without doing that. And Tynion could have redeemed himself some by a sudden cave-in happening and killing her instead, but no. He hopes she'll be seen as the great idea only he thinks she and the rest of more

  • 7.0
    Loafy Trophy Nov 18, 2021

    Fear State has been a pretty up and down event, but I think Tynion and Jimenez mostly stick the landing here. The highlight as usual, is Jimenez's outstanding art. Story-wise, reading the tie-ins definitely benefitted the main book, which has felt rushed in an effort for Tynion to stuff all of his ideas in.

    Some of them worked for me. I've liked a lot of the philosophical questions Miracle Molly and her Unsanity Collective posed (even if it felt a little undercooked at times), and her resolution with Batman hit a lot of good, emotional notes. The Scarecrow monologues were fun, the backstory Tynion added was interesting, and Jimenez can sure draw the hell out of him. And anytime we get the Batfamily actually working together in a more

  • 7.0
    Afre Nov 16, 2021

    Well, that was an okay conclusion to a story I really didn't care for. These Batman events never feel so grand to me, to justify having so many tie-ins. Like Joker War, Fear State felt much smaller in scope than what DC marketed it to be.

    As for conclusion to Tynion's run, this is really disappointing. I feel like he did nothing with Bruce and this run I will remember as... meh. I have no interest reading it ever again. It felt like Tynion had no idea what to do with Batman and just kept writing some stuff until new writer came in.

    I remember criticizing King's run a lot. It was a rollercoaster of emotions for me, sometimes it was excellent, sometimes horrible. But Tynion's run was just mostly meh. I have no interest e more

  • 6.5
    Federico Liguori Aug 11, 2023

    Meh. All that buildup to see Poison Ivy save Gotham and Batman doing a moralistic speech to Molly? Saint gets arrested with no resistance after he basically destroyed the city with a army of robots? Looks safe and rushed.

  • 6.5
    UxasIs Nov 22, 2021

    Batman - 6.5/10

    Batgirls - 7/10

  • 6.5
    Mout Nov 16, 2021

    yeah it's over but I don't have much faith in the next issues

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 6.5
    Stormwrath Nov 16, 2021

    Not as bad as the past issues, but still not that great either, Jorge Jimenez is the only reason I keep buying Tynion's run, besides being the Batman book

  • 6.0
    retcon_D Dec 19, 2021

    When you strip a good amount of dialogue from each lengthy word bubble James writes, I think it’s a bit more readable. Nonetheless, I can’t wait for the suffering to be over.

  • 6.0
    Crimson Knight Nov 16, 2021


  • 5.5
    egonnn244 Nov 23, 2021

    "...for bringing this Fear State to an end"

    Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! It's finally over.


  • 5.0
    Gavan Nov 24, 2021

    This gets a bad review thanks to the inconsistencies in scenes presented in multiple different issues, as well as for wasting my time as well as the time of those who read any of the series that were drug into this event instead of being able to produce some actual good stories. If not for Jimenez carrying this comic with his art this would be a 3 at best

  • 5.0
    cumgurglinrhino Nov 18, 2021

    Thank God Williamson is taking over this title, this story completely ran out of steam

  • 4.5
    DDJamesB Nov 22, 2021

    Pretty bad ending to this run. It was just so cliche and boring.

  • 4.0
    Bats44121 Nov 16, 2021

    Is "Future State" done? This is the only reason to buy this comic, and hope that it is. This is a largely science fiction, confused, and scattered end to an overdone "Fear State" by Mr. Tynion. Like Mr. King, his work was wildly inconsistent, and both really didn't know how to write The Batman. I would argue this is mainly because they didn't understand the concept behind The Batman. It is deeply disturbing to see mass-murder criminals (Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy) once again glamorized as "heroes" in the same issue as Magistrate is rightly taken down. Perhaps a panel showing the Bat-Family team getting to the Magistrate Skybase would have been helpful before they "appear" at the beginning of this issue. And of course all of the obvious in more

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 3.5
    Psycamorean Nov 29, 2021

    The best thing about this issue is that Harley and Ivy actually kiss after years of DC trying to act like they were just super good friends and not a prominent gay couple. But that's it. The rest of this is rushed, poorly written and fucking boring as shit. I will never read this comic again, and the only reason I'll ever think about Tynion's run in the future is because someone's gonna get ass mad about how this run was actually totally slept on and I'll have to hit back with a resounding "No."

  • 3.0
    Brannon.44 Jan 24, 2022

    So glad it's over

  • 3.0
    SenpaifenixJäger Nov 17, 2021

    And so batman dies in agony. Goodbye to the most interesting character in DC.

  • 3.0
    Merlyn Nov 16, 2021

    Tynion hates Batman and everything about Gotham, I have no doubts about it anymore. I think he may actually hate superheroes, overall. Or he just can't take the fact that people are not liking his stupid copies of characters. All the same, this wasn't a Batman story, it was a story delivered for the Harley-Ivy fanbase and a Miracle Molly story. The backup is cringey as well. The only good news here is we have only Fear State Omega and this nightmare will actually be over.

    + LikeComments (5)
  • 2.0
    Robin Nov 16, 2021

    Seriously that is it? the problem with fear state was that since the end of 'Future state' it has be setting up this event for it to not even feel like an event. The 'fear state' event doesn't live up to the exceptions rather it falls hard down. I guess there is still little bit of fear state in other books like knighting but still it was a batman event were batman was under-utilized and it had not proper starting point and ending point, honestly without the actually words "start" and "End" someone would not be able to figure out when fear state started since march and it just ended when it felt like it was picking up.

    Batman in this story was treated like one style Alfred where his character is to be there with the main characte more

  • 2.0
    Quinn Nov 16, 2021

    I rate this one a ? because I really didn't understand what was going on. There was no coherent sense of action. Things just seemed to happen because they had to happen.

    Bruce once again did a How It Should Have Ended and unveiled his secret identity to an unstable, dangerous person. Someone naming themselves after a club drug is hardly the poster child for stability.

    Instead of outsmarting his enemies, Batman just kept hitting harder. St. Simon the Pieman yelled at his lackeys to no effect and Soldier Two Face just fought. Batman never actually did anything. People kept having to bring him to the action.

    The one-eyed mayor just made phone calls to Simple Simon. He apparently didn't understand that he could more

    + LikeComments (4)
  • 1.0
    KFuqua Nov 22, 2021

    Terrible ending to a terrible story line, but I glad it's over.

    Even worse was the backup with the Bat girls. That may be the worst art I've ever seen in a comic and would definitely keep me from ever buying the book when it comes out.

  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 10
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