Yes, I liked issue #5 more than the previous 4. Pretty easy to understand, you inbred troll.
Kelly Thompson and Hayden Sherman are well on their way to producing an all-time great Wonder Woman run. This version of Diana represents everything that's great about the character. She's smart, brave, compassionate, and willing to put others first. Her solution to defeat the Tetracide was brilliant as well as uplifting. I can't wait for the next issue, wish it was coming out next week instead ofmore
A COSMIC THREAT ENCROACHES ON GATEWAY CITY! Wonder Woman has thrown everything she can think of at The Tetracide, and still it pushes forward, devouring Gateway City. With everything on the line, Diana has one big idea left, but in her current state, she has nowhere near the power she needs to pull it off...
Phenomenal issue. Hickman really dials the intrigue up as we see multiple members of the Sinister Six play their hands. Really love the little developments with Richard and Felicia. I'm also not convinced Harry is dead either, as you never can be too sure with Mysterio lingering around in the background.
After the horrors Peter and Harry endured during KRAVEN'S HUNT in the last issue, Spider-Man and Green Goblin turn the HUNTER into the HUNTED! But are they still prey in someone else's game?
Rated T
Really fun start. The plot from Hickman moves fast and is almost gleeful in it's celebration of the fact that it's out of continuity. And the art by Capullo is spectacular and such a natural fit for Wolverine. The final page alone is absolutely iconic and I can't wait for more.
Greg Capullo makes his grand return to Marvel Comics storytelling as he and Jonathan Hickman pit WOLVERINE against a cadre of foes who will turn his world upside down! He's been beaten! He's been bloodied! And LOGAN only has one thought on his mind: REVENGE! Don't miss this pre...
This is just so good.
The Ultimates search for a means of destroying the Maker's most powerful pawn, the Hulk! And in the process they uncover an army of Hulks hidden away from the world... ...with She-Hulk at the helm!
Rated T+
This series has been incredible so far. Deniz Camp is easily the most underrated writer in comics right now and I think he's on a superstar trajectory. He's basically an alchemist when it comes to weaving modern politics, world history and superheroics into one title.
I'd highly, highly recommend checking out 20th Century Men if you're enjoying his takes on the Ultimates. Camp flexes a more
The Ultimates search for a means of destroying the Maker's most powerful pawn, the Hulk! And in the process they uncover an army of Hulks hidden away from the world... ...with She-Hulk at the helm!
Rated T+
Gail Simone makes her triumphant return to Marvel and she knocked it out of the park. This was a much stronger opening salvo when compared to McKay's X-Men #1.
The character interactions between Wolverine, Rogue, and Gambit were the highlight of the issue. Simone's voices for each character come naturally as she pushes the narrative, led by Rogue in particular, to come to deal with the more
A core group of essential X-Men rise FROM THE ASHES to face a world without a home - and without Professor X! All bonds among the mutant community seem to be slipping away, and ROGUE reluctantly finds herself as the hero designated to bring them back together...but a fearless, malignant power is out there hunting mutants...
This is a book I really want to like more than I actually do, but I'm struggling to get there. I just don't think there is a single idea as captivating as any of the dozens Hickman brought in the first issue of HoXPoX.
McKay writes a perfectly fine story and does a nice job integrating mutant history in while Stegman does his thing, but it just feels soooooo safe in comparison to the pa more
Krakoa is gone, ORCHIS has fallen...but the X-Men remain, always. Cyclops leads, because that is what he does. Beast builds, because that is what he does. And from their new home in Alaska, the X-Men raise a flag of defiance. Mutant business is their business. Join CYCLOPS, BEAST, MAGNETO, PSYLOCKE, KID OMEGA, TEMPER, MAGIK and...
I thought this was the strongest issue of PKJ's run to date. The first 3 issues felt very, very Hellboy in nature, almost to the point it was distracting. And while I can't entirely shake that feeling this issue, I thought the Bruce-Betty interaction was great and pulled everything back into focus. The bargain she offered Bruce finally pulled the story in a unique direction and I think it creates more
Hulk tracks down the beauty that has been luring man and monster alike to their dooms! An epic brawl breaks out between the Jade Giant, Man-Thing and the true face of the Swamp Siren... ...but even the Jade Giant is not immune to her song! Plus... A backup story featuring a surprise guest character to honor Latin and ...
Yes, I liked issue #5 more than the previous 4. Pretty easy to understand, you inbred troll.
I think this issue revolves around one very large question: was Krakoan worth it?
And while I have plenty of gripes about the way Fall of X was handled from an editorial standpoint, I'm left with the same conclusion that Ewing, Gillen, and Duggan come to: Yes, Krakoa was a resounding success. I can't remember the last time X-Men comics in particular felt this interesting and fresh. The more
All good things must come to an end, and as good of a thing as the Krakoan era has been for mutantkind...its time has come at last. The tragedy and triumph of FALL OF THE HOUSE OF X, the madness and mystery of RISE OF THE POWERS OF X...they have all come to their end and led to this moment that will chan...
While I don't think there's anything super disagreeable in Sabertooth War, I also didn't really connect with this story. Most of the arc felt a bit forced, from the unnecessary callback to X-Force #25 to the inclusion of the Bad Seed, Graydon Creed. I think the final fight was well drawn and laid out but it ultimately didn't feel like there was anything at stake. Maybe that's due to the way the stmore
It's all come down to this: the final battle between WOLVERINE and SABRETOOTH. The Sabretooth War concludes in the way it began - a violent, bloody battle - but WHO will be left standing? Plus: Special short stories celebrating fifty issues of this run and 50 YEARS OF WOLVERINE, from legendary Logan scribe...
We're over 20 issues into Zdarsky's run now, and it sees like he's finally finding his footing with the finale of Dark Prisons. The Bat-family interactions are great and Chip was able to undo some of the ill-advised missteps from Gotham War.
DARK PRISONS--FINALE It all comes down to this: Batman versus Batman! With Damian's life--and the future of Gotham--hanging in the balance, nothing can prepare either version of the Dark Knight for what's about to happen!
The first issue of this series felt a little by-the-numbers and I'm happy to report the 2nd issue blew me away. This story has a real shot at becoming the type of book that's the first recommendation for anyone who want to know more about Damian Wayne.
I thought Ba's examination of Jason's place within the Bat-family was exceptionally well done, as it channeled all the pain and lonelin more
Jason Todd is the exile prince of Batman's kingdom, stalking Gotham's darkest alleys and eternally turning his face from the light of day--all because he cannot quench the burning flame of anger and retribution that consumes his heart. Can Damian learn from Jason's mistakes? Or is the reflective mask of the Red Hood doomed to be a mirror held up to...
This issue has a lot of things going on. The promise of Krakoa fulfilled. The inevitable collapse. The beginning of something new. I went into this issue not knowing what to expect, and what I got, by my estimation, was a pretty thoughtful, mostly quiet issue, at least in comparison to what came before. Big things happen, sure, but the bombast of the FoHoX/RoPoX finales are much bigger. What I finmore
All good things must come to an end, and as good of a thing as the Krakoan era has been for mutantkind...its time has come at last. The tragedy and triumph of FALL OF THE HOUSE OF X, the madness and mystery of RISE OF THE POWERS OF X...they have all come to their end and led to this moment that will chan...
The point that hit home for me the most was this uplifting of man as gods. Something CAMP (not Hickman, who's messaging really likes to work with in his own writing) seemed to tackle well. Tony's inner monologue, journal entries and the direct allusions to his "success" on the seventh day, who do gods pray to? It's fantastic. The most surprising aspect of the issue is the reveal that despite so mamore
THE ULTIMATES RETURN TO GREATNESS! Spinning out of Jonathan Hickman and Stefano Caselli's ULTIMATE UNIVERSE #1, rising stars Deniz Camp (CHILDREN OF THE VAULT, 20th Century Men) and Juan Frigeri (INVINCIBLE IRON MAN) assemble an all-new team of ULTIMATES in a series that kicks off the next chapter of the new Ultimate line. Six months ago, Tony Star...
And if you could look past all of that, look at who he collaborated with post his Marvel termination. He collaborated with someone called Vox Day, a self-proclaimed far right white supremacist who thinks women shouldn't have rights. He didn't just roll in the mud with comicsgate. He hooked up with someone that even comicsgate as a whole thinks is pushing things too far. And this shouldn't be surprising given the way he used dehumanizing traits to depict Bolsonaro's political enemies in his art.
Joe Bennett is a talented artist, that cannot be denied. But he's also a terrible person who believes in disgusting and shameful things. Tempter, by defending him so much, just outs themself as a genuinely terrible person who ought to be ashamed of themselves but doesn't have the wits to recognize it. The type of person that blathers so much you don't need a doctorate to diagnose them. He ought to be taken off the site, for everyone's sake, including his own.
I think this is the single best issue of Zdarsky's run as he spends most of the issue getting into Bruce's head by way of the Joker. The takeover of Batman's mind by Zur felt perfectly organic and Jorge Jimenez bears a lot of the responsibility for that. The way he drew Bruce's eyes in the cowl throughout the issue was on the same level as Greg Capullo during the initial Court of Owls arc. Batman more
NEW STORY ARC BEGINS! BATMAN VS. THE JOKER, MORE BRUTAL THAN EVER! Following the cataclysmic events of The Gotham War, Batman finds himself completely isolated from his family, struggling to keep the rage of Zur in check. But he can't stop, because he's out there, haunting the city, taunting the Dark Knight: The Joker. And the new Batman is ready t...
While I can appreciate elements of Zdarsky's run, I gotta say that his take on Batman so far is not my cup of tea. Zdarsky's take is the closest thing we've ever gotten to Frank Miller's Batman in main continuity. He's a loner, a bully and completely driven by the mission. I get that Zur is in control and Bruce has been pushed past his breaking point but so much of this issue comes off as mean-spimore
THE GOTHAM WAR CONTINUES! Batman is on the ropes as the Gotham War heats up following a shocking betrayal! It's father versus son, teacher versus student in the knockout fourth chapter of this brutal war. But who is really pulling the strings in this explosive event? Thousands of years have led to this moment!
I remember back in the Discord chat that we were really hyped about Chip Zdarsky Batman run on how it will use Grant Morrison's ideas of Zurr En Ahh. How times have changed now.
Jonathan Hickman & Valerio Schiti’s long-teased series finally hit shelves after weeks of promotion from Marvel and complaints from comic book shops frustrated with an expensive number one without the backing of any major Marvel superhero front-and-center on the cover. I’ll leave the marketing strategy debate for other sites and focus my review solely on the issue itself. And boy did this feelmore
JONATHAN HICKMAN RE-INVENTS THE COSMOLOGY OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE! WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE-POWERS-THAT-BE MEET THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS? The infinite détente between THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS and THE-POWERS-THAT-BE nears an end. Old acquaintances are reunited during a Babylon Event. The Lion of Wolves throws the worst parties. Don't look under t...
Hickman and Schiti are off to a great start here as they bring readers one of the single most rare things in Big 2 comics: a prominent, centerpiece book starring brand new characters that feel fleshed out and well developed. I was really surprised at, and appreciative of, how self-contained this issue was. Hickman's a notoriously elaborate plotter, which is a big reason he's one of the best writermore
JONATHAN HICKMAN RE-INVENTS THE COSMOLOGY OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE! WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE-POWERS-THAT-BE MEET THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS? The infinite détente between THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS and THE-POWERS-THAT-BE nears an end. Old acquaintances are reunited during a Babylon Event. The Lion of Wolves throws the worst parties. Don't look under t...
I mean this in the best possible way, what an absolute gut punch of an issue. Remender and Fuimara do not hold back whatsoever as we finally see what it means to become one of the Sacrificers. This has been one of the two or three best new books of 2023 for me and I can't recommend it enough.
The one who raises his hand takes the credit. They make speeches about the common good to seduce you and to make themselves stronger. The Old Gods feed on your naive hopes. They can't be defeated.
Tom King in the past, has been hits or misses to me. He's like the Rain Johnson of Comic books. It takes a while for me to understand and get into Tom King's works because he often views comic books not as superhero stuff, but psychological ideas.
I heard a lot of hype for Wonder Woman, and I was skeptical. However, I'm pleased to say that I was not dissapointed with this. This had grea more
THE AMAZON WARRIOR IS NOW A WANTED OUTLAW! A NEW ERA FOR THE AMAZON WARRIOR BEGINS, FROM THE SUPERSTAR TEAM OF TOM KING AND DANIEL SAMPERE! After a mysterious Amazonian is accused of mass murder, Congress passes the Amazon Safety Act, barring all Amazons from U.S. soil. To carry out their plans, the government starts a task force, the Amazon Extrad...
People seem to have very strong feelings about Tom King.Guess I'm on the fan side. Best Wonder Woman I've read in some time.
THE AMAZON WARRIOR IS NOW A WANTED OUTLAW! A NEW ERA FOR THE AMAZON WARRIOR BEGINS, FROM THE SUPERSTAR TEAM OF TOM KING AND DANIEL SAMPERE! After a mysterious Amazonian is accused of mass murder, Congress passes the Amazon Safety Act, barring all Amazons from U.S. soil. To carry out their plans, the government starts a task force, the Amazon Extrad...
King really knows how to piss off the right wing reactionaries, doesn't he?
I thought this was an incredible first issue on all fronts. I loved that the script pulled no punches whatsoever. Right out of the gate, King shines a bright spotlight on the xenophobia and bigotry that runs through the heart of so many Trump-supporting Americans. Even if the ICE stand-in (AXE) came off heavy-h more
THE AMAZON WARRIOR IS NOW A WANTED OUTLAW! A NEW ERA FOR THE AMAZON WARRIOR BEGINS, FROM THE SUPERSTAR TEAM OF TOM KING AND DANIEL SAMPERE! After a mysterious Amazonian is accused of mass murder, Congress passes the Amazon Safety Act, barring all Amazons from U.S. soil. To carry out their plans, the government starts a task force, the Amazon Extrad...
A slow, but very intriguing start. Blake does a solid job of introducing his world to us without overloading on the details, which can often be a problem in sci-fi, as he chooses to splinter the narrative with multiple sections that each focus on a different character. It's a fairly smart choice that provides the reader with an easy entry into the world. Unfortunately that entry might come off a lmore
Explorers Jacob and Elena Armlen find themselves trapped in a strange parallel dimension of elusive landscapes and shifting architecture inhabited by mischievous entities. Now it's up to their clairvoyant daughter Adley and sentient robot Staden to rescue them!
Discover the tantalizing tale of Rubin Baksh, a demonic Rakshasa with a down-to-earth dream of becoming the next Anthony Bourdain.
To achieve his vision, Rubin enlists Mo, a filmmaker who has seen better days, to document the world-renowned cuisine of India and the people behind such glorious food.
But little does Mo know that th...
Phenomenal start. Filipe Andrade might be the most underrated artist currently working in comics. He does a masterful job working a variety of colors into nearly every page, which creates something that looks unique while immediately placing the reader into the loud, bright streets of India. The narrative from Ram V also has the potential to be something really special. I loved the Anthony Bourdaimore
Discover the tantalizing tale of Rubin Baksh, a demonic Rakshasa with a down-to-earth dream of becoming the next Anthony Bourdain.
To achieve his vision, Rubin enlists Mo, a filmmaker who has seen better days, to document the world-renowned cuisine of India and the people behind such glorious food.
But little does Mo know that th...
Here we are again with a bunch of people over-hating on Tini Howard for whatever reason. That's all I'll say about that. As for the issue itself, I must say that I felt as though it was the weakest issue of the Gotham War crossover so far. I might have given this a 6.5 initially, but I really enjoyed how Howard wrote Nightwing and I also liked the twist at the end of the issue. Hopefully this is jmore
BATMAN/CATWOMAN: THE GOTHAM WAR PART 3! The Gotham War, part three. While Batman finds himself more and more isolated, Selina is never alone. With a volunteer army and two powerful generals by her side, the ballet between her and Bruce enters its next act with a shocking twist.
Holy fuck I missed this book so much. Spurrier and Adlard spend a lot of time setting up the next arc here in a perfectly enjoyable read that made me want to dig the first six issues out so I can better bridge the half-year gap between issues.
Undoing the Afterlife's doom will be no easy task, and Ellie will have to try anything she can-and the corpse of her occultist uncle may be the key.
However, fans can expect some unexpected and hellish twists into the heist genre, as the body of Bloody El's late uncle is a prize feverishly sought after by her enemies.
And as if El...
I'm super impressed with Gillen's writing here as he manages to make spinning a dozen plates at a time look easy.
TO ME, MY NO ONE. Xavier had a dream. Now he has nothing. This is the Fall of X. He fell. He fell furthest.
Rated T+
I don't mind the writing here. I think the story could be better executed but whatever. The art is atrocious. Derek Landy had an unsinkable titanic, and Greg Land is the iceberg, holy shit.
The Lost One stalks our world, the Beyonder watches from orbit and the Avengers prepare to battle...the Bootleg Avengers! Six ordinary people, gifted with amazing powers and abilities they neither earned nor (frankly) deserve, seek to replace Earth's Mightiest Heroes at LITERALLY the worst possible time. And when the Ivory Kings show up to pass jud...
I've always appreciated the way Remender goes about building the worlds in his stories. They always feel fully fleshed out, wildly unique, and populated with characters that make you want to care about what you're reading. The Sacrificers, while very deliberately paced, does not let down in that regard in the slightest, particularly when it comes to the character designs. I loved the way Fiumara dmore
Tomorrow is a harmonious paradise thanks to five families who make everything perfect...for the price of one child per household. Now, as that bill comes due, a son expected to give everything for a family that never loved him and an affluent daughter determined to destroy utopia must unite to end one generation's unnaturally pr...
it's a pleasant surprise to see you after 6 months. How have you been, and what have you been up to?