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Location: Bulgaria Joined: Oct 02, 2020 About Me: Please, excuse me for my occasionally shitty grammar and edits of my already existing reviews.

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This comic turns out really interesting. It blends well the almost satirical with the genuinely sad, while is still so fast-paced. If you stop to think about certain choices, makes i think that a lot can be extracted from what we got here. I try to stay up with what's happening in America. Still, as a non-American citizen, i also try to not talk too much about it, because my life is too far from i more

Sam Wilson, Captain America #2

By: Narcisse, Greg Pak
Released: Feb 12, 2025

After Eaglestar shows its true colors, Sam tangles with their big, red and furious head of security. But another player is about to enter the fray: Josiah X! He's got a new mission and a new look - but is he there to help Sam or pursue his own agenda?
Rated T+

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Psycamorean reviewed Absolute Superman #1 Jan 6, 2025

In Superman's very first appearance, he's introduced as a champion of the oppressed. In Action Comics #3, his third appearance, Superman intentionally traps a mine owner in his own mine, with rusted safety devices from his own neglect and carelessness for his workers failing to activate. This is directly in response to bad conditions in the mine leading to one of its workers being injured. If you more

Absolute Superman #1

By: Jason Aaron, Rafa Sandoval
Released: Nov 6, 2024

SUPERSTARS JASON AARON AND RAFA SANDOVAL UNLEASH A SHOCKING NEW TAKE ON THE LAST SON OF KRYPTON! Without the fortress...without the family...without a home...what's left is the Absolute Man of Steel!

Criminology. reviewed Annihilation Omnibus Jan 3, 2025

My opinion on Annihilation is controversial, that's exactly why I chose to express it. Nobody should agree with me or anything, i am just explaining how i feel. I do not love these comics, I do not hate them either, I think they are fine.

I think it's commendable to fit so many characters into a comic and to rebuild so many characters with different mini-series. Not every mini was this more

Annihilation Omnibus

By: Keith Giffen, Mitch Breitweiser

Marvel's cosmic superstars return in explosive, widescreen sci-fi style! Annihilus, lord of the Negative Zone, has declared war! And as his unstoppable Annihilation Wave swarms into the Marvel Universe, demolishing all in its path, only a handful of heroes can resist the destruction! Nova learns the ways of war from Drax the Destroyer; the Silver S...

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Hex reviewed Uncanny X-Men #129 Dec 24, 2024

Proof that smaller scale, introspective issues can work well even back in the day. What is essentially a reset for the New X-Men with the reintroduction to Charles Xavier since his departure into space, he takes a hard line with the new members of the team, treating them as green as they used to be. Cyclops, taking responsibility for them as well as his leadership skills in Xavier's absence is sho more

Uncanny X-Men #129

By: Chris Claremont, John Byrne
Released: Jan 9, 1980

GOD SPARE THE CHILD...Kitty Pryde has been offered scholarships at both the Xavier Institute and Emma Frost's Massachusetts Academy. Where will she go? Plus, the X-Men engage...the Hellfire Club!

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Hex reviewed Ultimate Spider-Man #12 Dec 18, 2024

A direct quote from Gabe's review, “Why on Earth does Jonathan Hickman believe Spider-Man fans are interested in the interpersonal dynamics between MJ, her sister, and her mother?“

Because people have been asking for more from the wider Spider-Man family for years and now, that family is a FAMILY. If you don't create characters with depth, interpersonal dynamics or anything to do, y more

Ultimate Spider-Man #12

By: Jonathan Hickman, Marco Checchetto
Released: Dec 18, 2024

•  Season's greetings from the Parker family! But why is Peter acting so strangely during the most wonderful time of the year? And what's got
Gwen so concerned? Don't miss the thrilling conclusion of the second arc - and the first year - of ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN!

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Hex - Dec 19, 2024

it can turn off a potential reader for no reason. I'm not saying to be a shill. As I said in my review, I don't support pumping up books for the sake of it but tanking is just as much of a problem. People consuming media generally look to critics more than whatever the average userbase is. They have pull. When the critics reviews don't align with the userbase there is usually a reason. Gabe can have his reasons but that doesn't make them objectively correct. He just comes off as a curmudgeon.

Hex - Dec 19, 2024

I'm just a guy who likes comics. Like Gabe, I want to see Spider-Man do Spider-Man things. But just because Spider-Man isn't in it beating up the bad guys every issue doesn't discount the book from being good. My opinion is subjective. His is as well. His review is up on this site, people will see it lending itself to criticism. Not everything has to be bombastic and what people have across the board enjoyed about this series is that it takes the small world building moments and highlights them.

Criminology. reviewed Avengers #21 Dec 7, 2024

This issue certainly has some very cool stuff going for it. Ofc the bait, which is a ''spoiler'' no ''spoiler'', is super well done, i guess it could be interpreted as a jab at avx, but it's deeper than this because the whole issue is centered around it even too much.

The Avengers and the x-men do not really have a reason to be fighting, but at the same time they kinda do, but because more

Avengers #21

By: Jed MacKay, Valerio Schiti
Released: Dec 4, 2024


Jed MacKay pits his Avengers against his X-Men in a story that sows the seeds for some major future developments! Captain Marvel and Cyclops square off! Scarlet Witch and Magneto finally confront their history! And Storm's loyalties are put to the test...

Rated T+

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Criminology. reviewed Green Arrow #18 Nov 27, 2024

I disliked williamson's run and this forms to be the opposite of it, so I liked it. It's a very quick read, it focuses on the nocturnal atmosphere, it takes its time, and it does not try so hard to impress you with everything that happens, but it still did impress me by letting the art immerse me into the world. It goes down to the people and overall it's a vibe, which I love i love Green Arrow be more

Green Arrow #18

By: Chris Condon, Montos
Released: Nov 27, 2024

The Emerald Archer heads back to the streets of Star City for his next adventure with the brand-new team of Chris Condon and Montos! The cold-blooded murder of a Star City businessman announces the arrival of a horrifying and mysterious serial killer. When details of the victim's dark business dealings emerge, Green Arrow must contend with hard tru...

+ LikeComments (8)
Criminology. - Nov 28, 2024

I share your thoughts completely. Same to you, brother

motorik - Nov 28, 2024

This entire exchange made me smile. You both rock. I shall be reading this now. Take care my friends. Down with Gabe Hernandez!

Criminology. liked this:
Hex reviewed Uncanny X-Men Annual #3 Nov 27, 2024

I have said many times I am not a fan of annuals especially not ones written so long ago. They never have anything to do with the main ongoing plot and vary wildly in quality. Thankfully with this issue it is in the minority. The art is superb and while the story is such a massive departure from the main ongoing saga of the X-Men, it was well written and gripping. I don't know Arkon nor do I reall more

Uncanny X-Men Annual #3

By: Chris Claremont, George Perez
Released: Nov 20, 1979

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Criminology. reviewed Iron Man #2 Nov 27, 2024

I don't think this is particularly bad, but I feel that it goes for an intensity, roughness, and excitement I kinda can't feel. It's aesthetically pleasing for sure both from story and designs and has neat ideas and moments, but somehow when it comes to putting it all together it struggles with the balance, and from the good'' this is too much'' goes to ''this is so much, that it is nothing''. more

Iron Man #2

By: Spencer Ackerman, Julius Ohta
Released: Nov 27, 2024


The return of the Iron Monger! Roxxon's revealed their latest C-suite recruit. Who's in the suit? And does the appearance of the new armor have anything to do with the absolute destruction of every. Single. One. Of Tony's own suits? Forced back to basics in an offline clunker, Iron Man's reduced to raw firepower and sheer ...

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Linkush reviewed Batman & Robin: Year One #2 Nov 20, 2024

Just spectacular!!!

The way Waid writes the father-and-son relationship is just so well done. Moments like when Batman is worried about Dick and then trying to downplay it are so heartwarming and nice to read. This book has a lot of heart in it. And then you have the story, filled with mystery and excitement with a new villain who is genuinely interesting is just the cherry on top. All more

Batman & Robin: Year One #2

By: Mark Waid, Chris Samnee
Released: Nov 20, 2024

Dick Grayson is struggling to adjust to his new life as Bruce Wayne's ward, with both Bruce's rules and Batman's training making his life difficult. But Dick is happy to remind Bruce that turnabout is fair play. Gotham's newest crime boss, the General, continues to vie with Two-Face for control--but could an alliance benefit both of them and spell ...

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Criminology. - Nov 21, 2024

Actually, now that I think about this, it's the perfect time for Waid to do a Batman run. After Zdarsky's reset, it feels like it's time for a happier and more wholesome Batman to grace the 20s.

daspidaboy - Nov 23, 2024

That would be sick. But I don't think that would happen because Mark Waid is doing World's Finest, Batman and Robin Year One, AND Justice League at the same time. Maybe when he's done with at least one of them then I can see him taking on Batman

Criminology. reviewed Exceptional X-Men #3 Nov 21, 2024

So much to love here really, but what shines through the most is the characterization(honestly I don't know when was the last time I read a kitty I enjoyed so much) and just how much this series has space to breathe and not be concerned with battles and big issues. Obviously Uncanny is way more refined, but still is something, that I can read and never be tired of, also because I feel like it take more

Exceptional X-Men #3

By: Eve Ewing, Carmen Carnero
Released: Nov 20, 2024


Kitty Pryde's determination to stay doggedly away from all things X-Men related becomes more strained by the day as EMMA FROST once again sticks her nose into things. Meanwhile, our new team is finding their rhythm. AXO, MELEE and BRONZE have officially entered the fray!

Rated T+

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Criminology. reviewed Wolverine #3 Nov 21, 2024

I think the art suffers a little bit here. Also, the issue spends too much time on certain places, Ahmed really clears his vision on what the series is. Again it exemplifies what from the ashes does best, which is to present characters that feel like they have history, that constantly even when running from their trauma, they can't turn a blind eye to it.

As I have said I think we spen more

Wolverine #3

By: Saladin Ahmed, Martin Coccolo
Released: Nov 20, 2024


Canada's DEPARTMENT H has their sights trained once more on WOLVERINE! Years ago, they played a role in WEAPON X and LOGAN's first assignment, but what else are they hunting now that mutants are hated and feared more than ever? Meanwhile, Wolverine's UNLIKELY ALLY may have just killed an innocent...and OLD ENEMI...

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PsyBlast reviewed Psylocke #1 Nov 14, 2024

Kwannon joins the X-Men in Alaska after taking a vacation in Japan with her lover in her Blood Hunt one-shot. She’s on the team for five issues before getting benched and told to… take a vacation…? O_o ookay, sure. Whatever. So Kwannon is working side gigs for cash now? It also seems like she’s going down the already traveled road Betsy took, being addicted to violence. Oof, I was really h more

Psylocke #1

By: Alyssa Wong, Vincenzo Carratu
Released: Nov 13, 2024

SHE WAS MADE FOR VIOLENCE! Trained to be an assassin since birth, Kwannon chose to be an X-Man. But there are still some jobs too dirty for the X-Men. And some paths have to be walked alone. When the mission is brutal, Psylocke unsheathes her blades to punish those who prey on mutants. Exploding out of the pages of X-MEN, Alyssa Wong and Vincenzo C...

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Criminology. - Nov 14, 2024

Tbh saying that uncanny x-force did something better is right in nearly every context

Criminology. reviewed Absolute Superman #1 Nov 7, 2024

Honestly, the most impressive thing about this is how well Aaron manages to make Krypton relevant and to frame it and Superman into the story, honestly, I think it builds on the original formula while it answers a very contemporary plea. We can talk for days about all the times that supes was modernized. Like birthright and how it adds to the symbolism and the mythos and tackles the questions of C more

Absolute Superman #1

By: Jason Aaron, Rafa Sandoval
Released: Nov 6, 2024

SUPERSTARS JASON AARON AND RAFA SANDOVAL UNLEASH A SHOCKING NEW TAKE ON THE LAST SON OF KRYPTON! Without the fortress...without the family...without a home...what's left is the Absolute Man of Steel!

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motorik reviewed Ultimate Spider-Man #10 Oct 16, 2024

mrgabehernandez should not be employed.

Ultimate Spider-Man #10

By: Jonathan Hickman, David Messina
Released: Oct 16, 2024


Fan-favorite duo Ben Parker and J. Jonah Jameson take center stage in this investigative mystery issue! But in this world of shadows and secrets, every unturned rock leads to danger... And they'll soon have to decide which is the greater challenge - uncovering secrets or keeping t...

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Criminology. - Nov 7, 2024

Yeah, I get you. But I think that the people who would not pick the comics up because of him and his resonings, should really not pick the issue. Like if his arguments appeal to them, they are obviously not the target audience and would have only wasted their money on something they would not like, which in turn would probably bring other negative reviews built on the same basis. But still, i don't think anybody takes any of the critics so seriously unless they all agree with something.

Criminology. - Nov 7, 2024

But challenging stuff and talking about stuff like this IMO is really good and i hope Gabe Hernandez sees this, so he would have a chance to reevaluate things or at least make his case.

Criminology. reviewed Wolverine #2 Oct 17, 2024

Pretty good. It was an interesting turn for the issue to stray away from the main plot for something more personal and intimate but it was definitely a nice one. It shows a bigger scope perhaps, but that remains to be seen. It ties well to some of the core issues of Wolverine and even the ideas set at the beginning of the issue when obviously this side plot was not introduced about cycles and bein more

Wolverine #2

By: Saladin Ahmed, Martin Coccolo
Released: Oct 16, 2024


Who stalks WOLVERINE in the Canadian North? And what mysterious designs does the WENDIGO have on the Best There Is? Logan just wants to be left alone, but a war on two fronts will evolve with an unexpected turn! Don't miss the debut of the all-new Wendigo, as the secret it hides will shape Wolverine's mission... R...

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TJMB3891 - Nov 6, 2024

Bro, perfect review. I completely, 100% agree with you.

Criminology. - Nov 7, 2024

thanks, man, I appreciate the feedback. Glad to see you enjoy the comics too.

Criminology. liked this:
Hex reviewed Absolute Superman #1 Nov 6, 2024

It's not as good as Absolute Batman but that doesn't mean it's not great. Rafa Sandoval rocked this issue. The art here is phenomenal. Everything pops, colors are vibrant, Krypton feels alive despite it's decent into death. The story here is nothing wholly new. But it shakes things up enough that we see a Kal-El fighting for the people of Earth, at least those that are downtrodden, lower caste, wo more

Absolute Superman #1

By: Jason Aaron, Rafa Sandoval
Released: Nov 6, 2024

SUPERSTARS JASON AARON AND RAFA SANDOVAL UNLEASH A SHOCKING NEW TAKE ON THE LAST SON OF KRYPTON! Without the fortress...without the family...without a home...what's left is the Absolute Man of Steel!

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daspidaboy - Nov 9, 2024

you should read Absolute Wonder Woman when you have the time

Hex - Nov 27, 2024

I did a few days ago now. Was really good. The Absolute line has been solid so far. Really looking forward to Absolute Flash.

Criminology. reviewed Ultimates #6 Nov 6, 2024

This was totally insane. The callbacks to the og ultimate are brilliantly used, they bring a lot of tension. Definitely made me scared if things are going to be repeated. You know for a comic that was fairly tame with not much blood and gore and even action, this issue hits like a hammer. It uses its gore, its brutality to show you the stakes are different, and that this is an intense world, that more

Ultimates #6

By: Deniz Camp, Juan Frigeri
Released: Nov 6, 2024


The entire roster of THE ULTIMATES unites for the first time in this high octane, climactic conclusion of the first arc! Iron Lad has a plan to defeat the Hulk, the most powerful and imposing member of the Maker's Council - but has he gotten his team in over their heads?

Rated T+

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Criminology. reviewed Wolverine: Revenge #3 Nov 5, 2024

I think that Hitchman's coldness, and scarceness as a writer as well as the feeling of apathy and desolation he brings serves the story really well here. It's a very Hickman-like comic, without the overly intellectual part, much more is given to the art and to the action here than a lot of times, which I think is also a reason for the strong vibe. This comics in it's emptiness made me think and al more

Wolverine: Revenge #3

By: Jonathan Hickman, Greg Capullo
Released: Oct 30, 2024


WOLVERINE's quest for vengeance leads him from old friends to old enemies - with death in his hands! Jonathan Hickman and Greg Capullo take LOGAN to the brink - setting the stage for the next unbelievable chapter. Trust us - you'll never guess where this one leads.


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Criminology. reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #60 Nov 5, 2024

This is most definitely on the anticlimactic side, not even like the ending to Immortal Iron Fist for example was anticlimactic, where the anticlimactic was the contrast to a run with was full of big moments. This just feels like a Saturday afternoon type of issue, not even in this charming type of way in the way that it does not manage to tie the web of themes of run. but it does deliver you the more

Amazing Spider-Man #60

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: Oct 30, 2024


Zeb Wells says goodbye to the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN in style with his collaborators JOHN ROMITA JR., ED McGUINNESS and some other special surprise guests. When one era ends though, another begins as THE EIGHT DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN gets a special prelude by JOE KELLY!

Rated T

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Psycamorean reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #60 Oct 30, 2024

This issue bothers me.

I don't hate this run. I don't fundamentally dislike the plot points, either. I just wanted something more from this conclusion. The scene where Tombstone talks to Peter is great by itself. How quickly the entire plotline wrapped up is so odd to me. We just got two issues of a giant fight. Where is the editor?? I read Wells' letter in the back, and he claims that more

Amazing Spider-Man #60

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: Oct 30, 2024


Zeb Wells says goodbye to the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN in style with his collaborators JOHN ROMITA JR., ED McGUINNESS and some other special surprise guests. When one era ends though, another begins as THE EIGHT DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN gets a special prelude by JOE KELLY!

Rated T

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KittyNone reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #60 Oct 30, 2024

Certainly the best thing about Wells's finale is the same thing as what was best about his run: the small character moments, like Tombstone's chat with Peter outside the courthouse that emphasizes the weaknesses of being a good man in a bad world. But the worst thing is what was worst about his run: the general lack of direction. The scenes with May are touching and well-wrought and could be a gre more

Amazing Spider-Man #60

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: Oct 30, 2024


Zeb Wells says goodbye to the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN in style with his collaborators JOHN ROMITA JR., ED McGUINNESS and some other special surprise guests. When one era ends though, another begins as THE EIGHT DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN gets a special prelude by JOE KELLY!

Rated T

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Psycamorean - Oct 30, 2024

Oh, and it hasn't been announced anywhere yet, but I've heard through the grapevine that Buckingham will be picking up with Kelly post-8 Deaths.Maybe they'll have figured out the coloring by then.

KittyNone - Oct 30, 2024

Oof, I had misread it and thought the ending was her putting the pieces together and realizing he's Spider-Man. Now that I see that it doesn't even give us that, that takes my opinion down considerably. And I hope that's true! I am definitely excited for Kelly/Buckingham

Criminology. reviewed Captain America #14 Oct 31, 2024

While my excitement for this arc is definitely the highest it's been in this run so far, it's still full of weirdness. The way Straczynski writes cap, especially speaking here is so absent of any tack. I get making cap more vulnerable and relatable, that he has some issues on his own, especially some of those in some ways were fundamental to the character(not all). But the way they are expressed i more

Captain America #14

By: J. Michael Straczynski, Carlos Magno
Released: Oct 30, 2024


J. Michael Straczynski revisits THOR and SPIDER-MAN! Still reeling from recent events at the Front Door Cabaret, Captain America needs friends now more than ever. But Spidey and Thor have problems of their own, and so the impromptu Warriors Three set out on an adventure that will either draw them closer together or...

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Schultz could write a good Elektra, but her style of writing requires a very good story built around Elektra for this to have any weight and sadly I do not think last few issues especially had that. Wonders are possible with a more complete idea of a story and better planning.

Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #4

By: Erica Schultz, Michael Dowling
Released: Oct 16, 2024


Elektra Natchios knows better than anyone just how much blood is on her hands - but unfortunately for her, "anyone" in this case happens to be JOE GARRISON, THE NEW PUNISHER!

Rated T+

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Toonstrack reviewed Detective Comics #1089 Sep 26, 2024

This finale puts to go for a poetic and artistic one rather than one of bombastic action sequence. This decision proves to be the right one.

Ram V and Dan Watters manage to close out every relevant plot thread(although one does get left hanging its handled well enough) and end on a note that provides a final word to the thesis presented at the outside. That alone is worthy of praise. more

Detective Comics #1089

By: Ram V, Guillem March
Released: Sep 25, 2024

WITNESS THE FINAL CURTAIN OF RAM V'S GOTHIC OPERA! It began with a melody, strange and haunting, drawing Batman deeper and deeper into a demonic odyssey. From the sewers under Gotham to a hallucinatory desert, from the brink of death to a strange rebirth, from the iron grip of order to the deadly blades of chaos, it has all led to this moment. And ...

Criminology. reviewed Titans #15 Oct 15, 2024

(Score for the whole run, this issue, in particular, and finale, would rate like a 5)

For this type of story, this run felt rushed. It started very well, very slow and methodical, used Beast World to up the stakes greatly and unexpectedly and it felt driven, the decisions Taylor was making felt meticulous, and now we are here. The finale felt even smaller than this run was and this run more

Titans #15

By: Tom Taylor, Lucas Meyer
Released: Sep 25, 2024

THE DARK WINGED QUEEN IS RISING AND THE DCU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME! A major death will shake the DCU. There is no stopping it. Dark destiny is coming, and countless worlds shake with fear. The Dark Winged Queen is rising. Stronger than the Titans. Stronger than Trigon and all his demonic children. Can the Titans save the world and their friend? Or ...

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Criminology. reviewed Fantastic Four #26 Oct 11, 2024

if this run does not explore some of the most insanely creative comics logics and concepts with a good-natured smile on its face, it builds upon preexisting relationships and redefines them, while having tons of fun with it. It's so endearingly dumb and smart at the same and I am completely in love with it. Best comics out rn.

Fantastic Four #26

By: Ryan North, Ivan Fiorelli
Released: Oct 9, 2024

The World's Smartest Man (Reed Richards, universally acknowledged) and the World's Hottest Man (Johnny Storm, self-proclaimed) are home alone. Their only job is to make sure nothing untoward happens to the farmhouse while everyone else is away. But when Reed develops a magic detector that goes haywire when pointed at a specific spot in their baseme...

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Criminology. reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #59 Oct 11, 2024

Really cool. This long action scene reminds me of something from Mission Impossible with being so incredibly long and tense throughout. It just holds your breath and does not let you take it and I like this, every moment looks like it could be a deal breaker. it's simple, but it breaks the monotony and it holds weight because this arc from its beginning was way more grounded and raw and here it go more

Amazing Spider-Man #59

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 9, 2024

The mano a mano fight that started last issue is so huge it took over the cover to here! Come see John Romita Jr. do what he does best with the most brutal fight in Spider-Man history - SPIDEY VS. TOMBSTONE!

Rated T

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Toonstrack reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #57 Sep 11, 2024

This issue was intense af.

Turns out my prediction was the same one the characters made... and the wrong one. This is one of the strengths wells has that gets overlooked I feel. Our expectations are "Lonnie would never hurt Janice directly, hed just kill someone close" and at the beginning of this run he wouldn't have. Thats something Tombstone practically laid out himself over th more

Amazing Spider-Man #57

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Sep 11, 2024

Tombstone finds himself in prison after the brutal beatings he dished out, and also took, in the previous issue. But if you know Tombstone, you know that this is not quite the end of a story starring Lonnie Lincoln...

Rated T

Criminology. reviewed Fantastic Four #25 Sep 11, 2024

I guess this was what kids felt when reading FF in the 60s.

Fantastic Four #25

By: Ryan North, Carlos E. Gomez
Released: Sep 11, 2024

When an excursion to Latveria magically sends the Fantastic Four to an alien world, they have to work just to survive - and to make their way back to Earth! But that won't be easy on a world so unlike our own and with an alien civilization hundreds of years behind where we are...and it's not made any easier when JOHNNY STORM hooks up with one of th...

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