The return of the Iron Monger! Roxxon's revealed their latest C-suite recruit. Who's in the suit? And does the appearance of the new armor have anything to do with the absolute destruction of every. Single. One. Of Tony's own suits? Forced back to basics in an offline clunker, Iron Man's reduced to raw firepower and sheer force of will. And now...A.I.M. is going to strip that away too. Another familiar face wields the knife that'll take Tony down. Iron Man is no longer invincible. Part Two of "The Stark-Roxxon War" by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Spencer Ackerman and extraordinary artist Julius Ohta!
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Iron Man #2 continues to push the Armored Avenger to his limits, but not before giving him a new suit in the process. It also introduces the promise of Iron Man wielding a massive sword, and that's the kind of thing more comics could use. Read Full Review
Overall, Iron Man #2 is a must-read for fans of the character. It delivers on the promise of a thrilling and action-packed story, while also exploring the deeper themes of power, corruption, and the human spirit. Read Full Review
While I'm interested in where this story will go, the odd pacing and uneven storytelling left me unimpressed with this issue as a whole. The promise of more to come and the art are what will keep me coming back to this title. I have no doubt that this series will pick up soon but for now this was a lackluster entry in the Iron Man mythology. Read Full Review
Good, solid second issue builds off the first while bringing all manner of new characters and complexities to the table. Read Full Review
Iron Man #2 continues the downward spiral of Tony Stark and readers' hopes of getting a good Iron Man story when Spencer Ackerman makes Tony and everyone around him make the worst decisions possible. If you have to make everyone an idiot to get your plot to work, I've got bad news for you. On a brighter note, the pseudo-steampunk suit is starting to grow on me. Read Full Review
Enjoyable corporate drama, with Tony appealing to the board members to no avail. Solid art and good writing, I'm enjoying the direction of the relaunch. Bonus points for the ZZ Stark look.
Not has good as the first issue but still enjoyed it I liked how is trying stop the company take over with the improvised suit and can’t wait to see what happens next
I don't think this is particularly bad, but I feel that it goes for an intensity, roughness, and excitement I kinda can't feel. It's aesthetically pleasing for sure both from story and designs and has neat ideas and moments, but somehow when it comes to putting it all together it struggles with the balance, and from the good'' this is too much'' goes to ''this is so much, that it is nothing''.
So individually I like a lot, I like a lot of the sophisticated, tense sharky dialog, I like the talks about economics and political allies, stark being in this position of a huge underdog and I like the idea of everything happening so fast has potential, plus the dream sequence with quite strong ideas, but as for right now as I've said mi more
kind of disappointing after the first issue