Weird Science Jim's Profile

Joined: Aug 12, 2020

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Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Softboy reviewed Hawkgirl #2 Aug 15, 2023

DC should rename this series Galaxy featuring Hawkgirl, because so far this series so far reads like Jadzia Axelrod is far more interested in writing her own original character than the titular character. This issue revolved around Galaxy’s place in the world far more than it did Kendra’s until the main antagonist showed up, but even then it focused far more on Galaxy and her girlfriend. The o more

Hawkgirl #2

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Aug 16, 2023

Hawkgirl’s made a new enemy, but also a new friend. Is Metropolis’s A-Town neighborhood big enough for the both of them? And will Galaxy discover the connection between Hawkgirl’s Nth metal wings and Vulpecula’s plans before it’s too late?

+ LikeComments (4)
Softboy - Aug 15, 2023 (edited)

Hawkgirl can have a comic that doesn’t involve Hawkman, it’s just obvious that this series is an disguised comic about Galaxy with Hawkgirl put in the front so Axelrod can trick readers into thinking they’re reading a Hawkgirl book. The other supporting characters are shallow; that lesbian girl from college and Galaxy’s girlfriend.. really that’s the best we can do for Hawkgirl’s own cast? The editors must’ve been asleep during the editing process of this book.

Weird Science Jim - Aug 16, 2023

@gorr Hawkman and Hawkwoman were supposedly omitted to not confuse newer readers

Weird Science Jim liked this:

A really strong 9 out of 10, this one. I wasn't sure about splashing out 7 bucks for it, but now that I've read it I think it's worth every cent. Mark Waid writes a great Superman and Lex, and Bryan Hitch delivers the goods with some truly stunning art. When he's firing on all cylinders, it's a joy to behold. I also want to shout out Kevin Nowlan who does a great job inking Hitch's pencils.

Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor #1

By: Mark Waid, Bryan Hitch
Released: Jul 26, 2023

Mark Waid and Bryan Hitch reunite to tell a tale centered on their favorite superhero. Superman learns Lex Luthor is dying, and he wants the Man of Steel to help him find the cure for whatever is causing his rapid decline. While the world wants to say good riddance to Luthor, Superman will go to the ends of the universe, through different dimension...

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Mout reviewed Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #1 Jul 18, 2023

Meh, nothing special, and since when is Hal Jordan Jewish?

Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #1

By: Jeremy Adams, Eduardo Pansica
Released: Jul 12, 2023

Back in space to face his greatest fear! Something is wrong in Sector 2814, and Hal Jordan, Kilowog, and a few other Lanterns must find the mysterious disturbance, despite a ban on any of Earth’s Green Lanterns leaving their world. What they discover is a planet controlled by a familiar face-the face of Hal’s greatest fear! And in a backup stor...

+ LikeComments (3)
Mout - Jul 20, 2023

This is that Tom King story right? From Darkseid War. But yeah, read the whole silver age stuff + Johns run, don't remember this being mentioned

Weird Science Jim - Jul 21, 2023

it was hinted at since Silver Age - his mom is jewish, which technically jewish

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Toonstrack reviewed Hawkgirl #1 Jul 19, 2023

When i saw this books score after reading it I knew something was off.

Sure enough, some genius hear basically spelled out that he was sent here by some Twitter right winger named Gabe Hernandez so this book is being review bombed.

Why you ask? Same old. It has a scene from a BLM protest and a gay character.

These guys must never tire of taking so many Ls, bur th more

Hawkgirl #1

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 19, 2023

Kendra Saunders, the winged warrior better known as Hawkgirl, has been one of the DCU’s greatest heroes for a long time, serving as a member of both the Justice League and the Justice Society. But with the Justice League disbanded, Kendra decides she needs a fresh start and heads to Metropolis to begin a new life. That life is quickly interrupted...

+ LikeComments (61)
Psycamorean - Aug 22, 2023

The real racist is the one who agrees with and believes racist things, even when black people say them. Thomas Sowell, for instance, is a giant critic of affirmative action, which I assume you agree with since you're criticizing the education system. Affirmative action is a good thing for minorities; it recognizes the socioeconomic imbalance between the different races due to a history of segregation, bigotry and violence.

Psycamorean - Aug 22, 2023

It allows people who otherwise would be stuck in their station to rise beyond it, instead of continuing a cycle of poverty that would otherwise be impossible to escape. The people against affirmative action are racist people, and Thomas Sowell is one of them.

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
General C K reviewed Hawkgirl #1 Jul 18, 2023

Wow, I'm actually agreeing with Gabe Hernandez for once. The fact that we're getting this instead of a Hawkman series from Venditti is an insult to me.

Hawkgirl #1

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 19, 2023

Kendra Saunders, the winged warrior better known as Hawkgirl, has been one of the DCU’s greatest heroes for a long time, serving as a member of both the Justice League and the Justice Society. But with the Justice League disbanded, Kendra decides she needs a fresh start and heads to Metropolis to begin a new life. That life is quickly interrupted...

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Weird Science Jim - Jul 19, 2023

Agreeing with Gabe? 100% sus!

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
KittyNone reviewed Wonder Woman #798 Apr 18, 2023

Incredible work from Nahuelpan and Bonvillain remains the best colorist in the business. It's a shame to see Josie Campbell's wonderful New Champion series getting shoved aside for (what I assume will be) a nostalgia piece (even one by Waid & Mora) but it was nice to get at least a little bit more from her first

Wonder Woman #798

By: Becky Cloonan, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Apr 19, 2023

BRING ON THE THUNDER! A Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods tie-in! To save Themyscira, Wonder Woman must join forces with an unexpected ally: a sworn enemy of the Amazons! But to finally defeat the gods, Diana needs the new champion of Shazam at her side. Will the heroines find each other before it's too late?

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Weird Science Jim - Apr 20, 2023

I don't think they are shoving Mary aside at all - I bet they are making her a different kind of Shazam to keep her, but not have her share the same power with Billy - maybe a different power set or different Pantheon to get her powers from - hopefully, an all-female group of Godesses and Heroes that will share their powers with Mary

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
fzanca reviewed The Variants #2 Jul 31, 2022

I'm really liking this series. It's unique and it was good to see Tigra. Haven't seen her in ages. I like how they introduced Luke and Gail wasn't afraid to give the male character the spotlight for a second. There was no pandering. There were strong females and strong males and they worked in tandum. No one upping the other. I liked the scene with Daredevil. There are a lot of good moments here f more

The Variants #2

By: Gail Simone, Phil Noto
Released: Jul 27, 2022

Jessica Jones is experiencing terrifying blackouts and leaving chaos and pain in her wake. But will the latest effects of her missing time leave her on the wrong side of the law AND her own family? Meanwhile, the mysterious VARIANTS arrive, and Jessica fears for her own sanity!

+ LikeComments (2)
Weird Science Jim - Aug 6, 2022

If you like Tigra, you should check out the Moon Knight book. She has been in it for a bit now

fzanca - Aug 6, 2022

I like Moon Knight, but I'm tapped out on the number of books I'm buying. What's the writer. I'll pick up the trade. I have heard good things about this run.

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
fzanca reviewed The New Champion of Shazam! #1 Aug 6, 2022

It was a slow start, but this is almost an origin story. The story really picks up when the rabbit starts talking. That was a nice touch. Then she fights a no-name villain and then the reveal about her parents.

I got the alternate cover which is simply gorgeous.

The New Champion of Shazam! #1

By: Josie Campbell, Evan "Doc" Shaner
Released: Aug 3, 2022

Mary Bromfield has always struggled to determine who she is outside her family...kinda hard to do when you're all superheroes! Now, after Billy Batson's heroic sacrifice, the power of Shazam has vanished, and she's been left powerless. Most heroes would be distraught, but not Mary. It's finally time for a voyage of self-discovery as she prepares fo...

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Weird Science Jim - Aug 6, 2022

No name villain is a classic Shazam villain, btw. This 4-parter seems to be trying to sort out all the convoluted stuff that has happened to Billy over the last 2-3 years.

fzanca - Aug 6, 2022

Yeah, I get that. He's been stuck on the rock for a while.

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
fzanca reviewed Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #22 Jul 28, 2022

Not sure if Patrick and I read the same book. This story could have been told in 3 pages. The artwork was pretty bad in comparison to some of the other issues. We learned that Aphra's possessed and screws people over. These are things we already knew. The possession portion could have been cut down drastically to get to the next plot point. Instead, we stay there for the entire issue.

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #22

By: Alyssa Wong, Minkyu Jung
Released: Jul 27, 2022

• Tainted by the SPARK ETERNAL, DOCTOR CHELLI APHRA is not herself! Trapped in her own mind, Aphra's only hope for escape lies in her own memories...
•  ...but will she find a way out before the Spark consumes her completely?

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fzanca - Aug 5, 2022

You mean the droids that tried to kill her numerous times. I'm not sure why she would want them back

Weird Science Jim - Aug 6, 2022

I’m not sure if you are reading or understanding the book - the Spark Eternal wants the droids! Aphra even tells it that the droids will kill them!

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Merlyn reviewed Justice League: Incarnate #4 Feb 1, 2022

I liked this. While the narration was at times a bit stiff, it all made sense. We all know Thomas Wayne isn't really dead since we'll have Geoff Johns' and Jeremy Adams' Flashpoint Beyond book (which I'm pretty excited about) so there's that. Unfortunately I don't care all that much about the JL Incarnate characters, they're pretty bland, except for Thomas. But the story is a decent one.

Justice League: Incarnate #4

By: Dennis Culver, Andrei Bressan
Released: Feb 2, 2022

THIS ISSUE…A HERO DIES! Doctor Multiverse discovers there is a threat greater than Darkseid! Is the Justice League Incarnate’s only option to work with the Lord of Apokolips? Meanwhile, on Earth-7, Orion and Aquawoman lead the rest of the team to gain control of the Oblivion Engine! But by the time this issue is over…a member of Justice Leagu...

+ LikeComments (18)
Merlyn - Feb 9, 2022

As per the Injustice Superman, people hate me here for criticizing Tom Taylor but I really loved Injustice, not gonna lie. I can't remember what he did in that particular issue and you are right, without values we are turning into animals. It's just that I could get that A Superman out of, say a multiverse of them, could snap when he's killed the pregnant love of his life and could after that try to prevent that from happening to someone else.

Merlyn - Feb 9, 2022

And, as we know all too well sadly, a lot of men who were initially "saviors" or "heroes" to their people turned into dictators and genocidal maniacs believing they are doing what they're doing for the greater good, for a better tomorrow.

Weird Science Jim commented on this:

$20 too much to get this far - I am done. Unpopular opinion: Darkseid is one-dimensional, lame, and boring character: "all evil," (which is never described) meaning DC writers never have to actually take a stand on ANYTHING, let alone something "heroic" on Earth. "Darkseid is:"... "Safe (dull) Sci-Fi solution to write about 'heroism.'" The point of this series for was to read about the actual Just more

Justice League: Incarnate #4

By: Dennis Culver, Andrei Bressan
Released: Feb 2, 2022

THIS ISSUE…A HERO DIES! Doctor Multiverse discovers there is a threat greater than Darkseid! Is the Justice League Incarnate’s only option to work with the Lord of Apokolips? Meanwhile, on Earth-7, Orion and Aquawoman lead the rest of the team to gain control of the Oblivion Engine! But by the time this issue is over…a member of Justice Leagu...

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Weird Science Jim - Feb 5, 2022

Seeing all the crisis shows that all the realities exist though - that may not be enough at the moment, but a timeline that includes crisis on infinite earth with the current post new 52/rebirth/infinite frontier timeline means all realities do exist now

Weird Science Jim commented on this:

Unreal concepts one after another regarding Bruce. Please, it's a joke to give the throne to the partner, I'll laugh a lot about it.

Yasmine's art is what it's worth, but in this issue I didn't feel her presence, there were parts I didn't even like.

Dark Knights of Steel #4

By: Tom Taylor, Bengal
Released: Feb 2, 2022

The arrival of the Els by spaceship 19 years earlier was a pivotal moment for the kingdom, and a prophecy was born! But what were those early years like for the Els, and how did they come to be monarchs of the kingdom? And what catastrophic event triggered everything that was to follow?

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SenpaifenixJäger - Feb 2, 2022

Thank @Jim, yes I detect the change or her absence, even though the palette is somewhat similar, I imagine that it was only in charge of the cover. Great just to see Putri's art reading this thing.

Weird Science Jim - Feb 2, 2022

I know!

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Merlyn reviewed Thor #20 Jan 5, 2022

Yeah, this is bad, so Mjolnir is a... chick now? Kind of? Just get Donny Cates off the book, he doesn't care about it and he's just not in a good form lately, he's also bad on Hulk. I don't know what happened, maybe success got to his head, maybe he's having a hard time like King did when he wrote the second half of Batman, point is this is just bad, more Odin-bashing, angry-for-nothing Thor and a more

Thor #20

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Jan 5, 2022

Mjolnir is on a rampage across the realms and is leaving death and destruction in its path! Thor must act fast to save his kingdom for the deadly prophecy of the God of Hammers is about to be unleashed!

+ LikeComments (7)
Weird Science Jim - Jan 6, 2022

God Tempest was dead after Jane Foster was brought back to life, but came back Iin War of the Realms, when Thor made it remake Mjolnir in the sun. Donny Cates dips into the well again, though, by making Odis’s enchantments go down (why others could pick it up recently)and now god tempest wants revenge as god of hammers

Weird Science Jim - Jan 6, 2022

The continuity works enough, it’s more of a “been there done that” lazy storytelling problem

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Loafy Trophy reviewed Human Target #3 Dec 30, 2021

Smallwood should win an Eisner for this, his work has been that good through the first three issues. King's script has met the lofty standard set by the art as well. The double page spread featuring a classic "red stoplight" scene was perfect match of form and function. The way Chance's internal dialogue meshed with Guy's droning on and Smallwood's quick panels was everything that's right about th more

Human Target #3

By: Tom King, Greg Smallwood
Released: Dec 29, 2021

Christopher Chance is a man on a deadline and working to solve a crime that might be unsolvable. Despite his better judgment, he’s falling for his lead suspect, and her violent ex-boyfriend isn’t happy about it. Oh, and that ex? He’s a Green Lantern.

+ LikeComments (38)
Loafy Trophy - Jan 3, 2022

You accusing me of “not reading” is pretty funny when you refuse to read the Black Label stamp on the cover of the book.

Toonstrack - Jan 27, 2022

Excellent review. This is Guy if I've ever seen him. If I described this character and his actions to someone with even a passing knowledge of DC, without naming the character, they'd be able to tell you it was Guy very quickly.

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Swanktub reviewed Justice League #70 Dec 28, 2021

Ram V's work deserves so much better than to be the backup for one of the worst Justice League runs in recent memory.

Justice League #70

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Phil Hester
Released: Dec 29, 2021

Place your bets, folks! The Royal Flush Gang is BACK and ready to take down the Justice League! Find out their connection to Deathstroke and their growing plot to destroy Green Arrow and Batman. Meanwhile, a villain from the Dark Multiverse has returned and he’s about to turn the Justice League Dark’s world upside down! Could this be the end of...

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Swanktub - Dec 29, 2021

The book was still selling above 20,000 units before the Endless Winter crossover. While not spectacular numbers, that is usually enough to keep a well received book going. To be fair though I would be fine with JLD being a backup story, if the main JL story book was better. I've only read 3 issues since Infinite Frontier so I can't really agree or disagree if the backups are overrated, but I do generally enjoy Ram V's writing.

Weird Science Jim - Dec 29, 2021

There weren’t really actual reported numbers for any of Ram Vs issues… it was selling 22k in March, but seemed to dip below books that were selling much lower when sales were reported by the time Endless Winter started. Ram V was only on a handful of issues so the sales weren’t his fault, but that shows again that DC had faith in him. I am so-so with Ram V overall (Laila Starr is great though, if you haven’t checked it out)

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Ebonyc reviewed Justice League #70 Dec 28, 2021

This is today's entertainment business: just like the Batwoman shows got rewarded for shit writing with a Gotham Knights show, Bendis gets rewarded for a crappy writing with a Justice League title while Ram V, the competent writer that he actually is, gets to have his story as a backup to Bendis' shitshow. It's 1/10 for Bendis. Would be an 8/10 for Ram V.

Justice League #70

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Phil Hester
Released: Dec 29, 2021

Place your bets, folks! The Royal Flush Gang is BACK and ready to take down the Justice League! Find out their connection to Deathstroke and their growing plot to destroy Green Arrow and Batman. Meanwhile, a villain from the Dark Multiverse has returned and he’s about to turn the Justice League Dark’s world upside down! Could this be the end of...

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Weird Science Jim - Dec 29, 2021

I think people are looking at this Ram V backup vs Bendis Justice League book thing the wrong way. After Ram V took over the JLD book from Tynion, the sales were pretty bad, so it’s actually surprising he even got this backup. I think DC did it because Ram V is a writer they want to support and hoped more people would read these JLD backups and maybe lead to another regular JLD book. I am thinking the JLD trade sales may determine if it happens now.

Mingthemerciless - Dec 30, 2021

Looks like a new team is taking over the book in April. Yeah I ll wait for the JLD trade to come out.

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
KFuqua reviewed Batman / Catwoman #9 Dec 21, 2021

I keep trying and this book just continues to be awful. I shouldn't be surprised because everything Tom King writes is garbage, but the art by Liam Sharp is also awful, which surprises me.

Batman / Catwoman #9

By: Tom King, Liam Sharp
Released: Dec 22, 2021

Batman and Catwoman may have just gotten back together, but Joker is ready to complicate things by asking Selina for a favor that could lead to Batman’s demise! That’s not the only trick he has up his sleeve…he’s also hiding a secret that will drive Phantasm mad. Plus, Batwoman hunts down her own mother!

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Weird Science Jim - Dec 22, 2021

I think Liam Sharpe's art fits some things better than others and being a fill-in for Clay Mann was an odd choice

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Merlyn reviewed Batman / Superman Annual: 2021 Aug 31, 2021

I liked this but I feel cheated by it. The last page from the last issue proposed an encounter with Darkseid. No such thing happened here. Both stories are good but I hate it when writers bait people to buy their books. I'm giving it 7.5 not just for this issue but overall because this series was pretty good from the beginning and who knows when the next Batman/Superman book will come out given DC more

Batman / Superman Annual: 2021

By: Gene Luen Yang, Francesco Francavilla
Released: Sep 1, 2021

The epic epilogue to the Archive of Worlds saga! In his pursuit of perfection, the godlike sought to create and destroy worlds with the wave of a hand and a flair for the dramatic. But against all odds...the World of the Knight and the World of Tomorrow live on! The Batman of the noir-tinged streets of Gotham City finds himself stranded i...

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Weird Science Jim - Sep 4, 2021

Still one more issue, but it's a Mxy issue... the Darkseid stuff is continuing in the Joshua Williamson stories it seems. If you look at last issue, it says the Annual will continue the filmverse stuff and then there is the seperate epilogue with Darkseid.

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Batman Jones reviewed Nightwing #83 Aug 17, 2021

1.I’m getting a little tired of some fans saying Taylor is a bad writer. I’m not sure that anyone is writing a better series than this one, possibly at any company. He has also made me a fan of Jonathan Kent and even of him in the Superman role in one issue flat. I didn’t think any writer capable of that. The guys is shitting gold lately. DC should give him the run of the place or at least g more

Nightwing #83

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Aug 18, 2021

It’s a fight for the soul of the city! Now that Dick Grayson has inherited more money than he could possibly need, he has an idea on how he can help the city with it-and it’s time for him to announce it to the world! But with Blüdhaven's so beyond saving, what idea does he have that could possible save it? Meanwhile, an unexpected figure comes...

+ LikeComments (25)
FuzzyCracker - Aug 21, 2021

@Weird Science Jim. No one is complaining about you. They're complaining about the obvious review bombing from newly made accounts, and that one idiot who thinks everything is an attack on his precious Trump.

Psycamorean - Aug 29, 2021

Not gonna get deep into the Afghanistan pullout because nuance is dead here, but "Afghani" is a currency. Calling the Afghan people "Afghanis" is basically telling everyone in the room that you don't know anything about the conflict.

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Merlyn reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #1 Jul 27, 2021

If there was no name on the cover I still would have known who wrote this. All the cliches are there, there is not an original bone in Tom Taylor's body. The refuse to use the classic catchphrase "Truth, Justice and the American Way" because in his leftist mind America sucks, the tireless complaining about climate change (that's not why those fires are happening in California btw, you have to be v more

Superman: Son of Kal-El #1

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Jul 28, 2021

Jonathan Kent has experienced a lot in his young life. He’s traveled the galaxies with his Kryptonian grandfather and lived in the future with the Legion of Super-Heroes, who were intent on training him for the day his father, Clark Kent, could no longer be Superman. There is a hole in the Legion’s history that prevents Jon from knowing exactly...

+ LikeComments (25)
Merlyn - Aug 1, 2021

I don't know what thing you are referring to, be more specific, I've complained about a lot of stuff. :))

PeteRick - Sep 13, 2021

The story is screwed up from the get go, Bendis ruined this franchise and they just pretend it's nothing I'm baffled at some of ya'll who thinks this is a good storyline, even might be, but due to what bendis have done with the character background, it is impossible to like, even if Jerry siegel came back from the dead to write this shit!!!

Weird Science Jim rated New Superman #19 Jul 17, 2021

New Superman #19

By: Mariko Tamaki, Brent Peeples
Released: Jan 10, 2018

"A Day in the Life"! The New Super-Man and Justice League of China changed the metahuman landscape of China forever, and Laney Lan has reported on their heroics since day one. But there's more to Shanghai's ace reporter than meets the eye, and when faced with turmoil in her own family, Laney's commitment to reporting the truth will be tested like n...

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Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Merlyn reviewed Flash Annual: 2021 Jul 13, 2021

I have to congratulate Adams for cleaning up one of Tom King's worst mistakes ever and making a fun and meaningful moment out of it. I have to confess I didn't like his beginning of the run but the last issues were better and better. I'm more of a Barry Allen fan but seeing Wally happy again put a smile on my face.

Flash Annual: 2021

By: Jeremy Adams, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Jul 14, 2021

The lightning-fast and action-packed “Surge” story line races to its conclusion as Wally West returns to the present day with a new perspective on the past and a reinvigorated desire to take back the mantle of the Flash. With one last hurdle to leap, Wally puts the past behind him, but he’ll need to propel himself further and faster than ever...

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Weird Science Jim - Jul 14, 2021

I am more of a Barry fan as well, but this is good. Tom King is the only writer who would use Wally’s Family as a way to set up murder and death and this makes it better

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Antenovial reviewed Wonder Woman #774 Jun 22, 2021

Enter Olympus. Diana is finally in the right afterlife, but things aren’t as they are supposed to be. The mystery is set up quite well. Janus is an intriguing villain, and the appearance of one of them is familiar to readers of this run.

Instead of Travis Moore (who will return in September), Andy MacDonald is on art. While the art is a bit of a step down in quality – especially whe more

Wonder Woman #774

By: Jordie Bellaire, Paulina Ganucheau
Released: Jun 23, 2021

Olympus has fallen! With the kingdom of the gods in ruins, Wonder Woman finds that only two remain, wounded and abandoned by one of their own! The rest of the Olympians are dead and now it’s up to Diana to travel to the Graveyard of the Gods to recover their souls. Seems like even in the afterlife there is no rest for our hero. Will she ever be a...

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Antenovial - Jun 22, 2021

@Abrakadabra: I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you are talking about. When I wrote "I can't wait to see who the big bad is" I was refering to the backup by Bellaire and Ganucheau. @WeirdScienceJim: That's valid. Personally I've seen enough of Olympus over the years that its destruction works for me here without having to see the gods prior to their demise.

Weird Science Jim - Jul 12, 2021

My point wasn’t about seeing them prior, my point is that Olympus has been destroyed in the Wonder Woman book for almost 4 years now - this isn’t new

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Merlyn reviewed Green Lantern #4 Jul 6, 2021

...Of course Hal is Parallax again, the move literally no one asked for but Thorne needed to put in the book to satisfy his Hal Jordan hate boner. A mess overall, I'm giving up on this book. I'll give him something, though, he managed to make Teen Lantern even more annoying than in the Bendis era, something I thought would be difficult to do.

Green Lantern #4

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Tom Raney
Released: Jul 7, 2021

Improve. Adapt. Overcome. The same lessons John Stewart learned in the Marine Corps help him begin his quest to find the other lost Lanterns in the dark sectors of space. Meanwhile, back on Oa, one of the Corps’ newest members, Jo Mullein, alongside Young Justice’s Teen Lantern and Simon Baz, tends to the wounded and investigates who or what ca...

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Merlyn - Jul 11, 2021

Still, I'm glad to see I'm not in the minority, at least here. I don't get why DC would try so hard to kill a book that's going to have a tv series on HBO, but it is what it is.

RKS - Jul 12, 2021

Thorne is clueless as a GL writer.

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Fracadactyl reviewed Avengers #46 Jul 8, 2021

This felt a little awkward going in after Heroes Reborn. Plus the motivations feel like they happen out of nowhere for Gorilla-Man. I just hope Starbrand and Phoenix get more focus this time around.

Avengers #46

By: Jason Aaron, Javi Garron
Released: Jul 7, 2021

After the shocking events of "Enter the Phoenix," the Earth has become more fractured and volatile than ever, especially for the Avengers. Once She-Hulk is declared a global menace, Russia's mightiest heroes, the Winter Guard, are tasked with bringing Jen to justice, to face a fate no Hulk could hope to endure.
Rated T+

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Weird Science Jim - Jul 8, 2021

It's been a long time, but Gorilla-Man was pointed out as a traitor way back when he was first introduced in the book. Aaron should have referenced it a bit more

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Merlyn reviewed Batman #110 Jul 6, 2021

Another issue where Jimenez can't save Tynion despite his great dynamic art.

Batman #110

By: James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Jul 7, 2021

Main: Batman’s bloody, no-holds-barred fight with Magistrate enforcer Peacekeeper-01 rages on in epic fashion! Simon Saint’s master plan comes to fruition as his Magistrate program makes its move on Gotham City, and things are about to heat up! (Not in a good way!)
Backup: The Instigator versus Ghost-Maker in a kung fu showdown! Need we...

+ LikeComments (2)
Weird Science Jim - Jul 6, 2021

The art was so dynamic! I think that it's Tynion trying to take advantage of the art because he is stalling until Fear State actually hits and not even telling much of a story, just setting up things in a haphazard way at this point.

Batman Jones - Jul 6, 2021

Jimenez is the most dynamic artist that’s drawn for DC in I don’t know how long.

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
SenpaifenixJäger reviewed Daredevil #31 Jul 2, 2021

In general, this series is usually quite good and Chip Zdarsky is usually excellent in the development of this character, but I am afraid that this number felt like a lot of violence and pointless discussions, I do not know how DD can have the mayor where he wants. Elektra somewhat uncontrolled making a tremendous tantrum because the protégé is traumatized in a totally normal way.
Pfff, I h more

Daredevil #31

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Jun 30, 2021

•  Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto and all their collaborators have redefined the life of the Man Without Fear. IN THIS ISSUE, they do it all over again and, what's more, they go a step further and UP THE ANTE!
•  WILSON FISK's gambit from the past few months risks upending his life and tenure as...

+ LikeComments (1)
Weird Science Jim - Jul 5, 2021

He has the warden, not the mayor where he wants. I think he means that now the warden will be scared of what DD can do and will make a mistake that will be his own undoing

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
daspidaboy reviewed Infinite Frontier #1 Jun 22, 2021

A REALLY strong start to DC Comics first crossover since the relaunch is happening. Great characters, great art, and interesting plot twists. This feels similar to Original Sin.

Infinite Frontier #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Xermanico
Released: Jun 23, 2021

When our heroes saved the Muliverse from Perpetua in Dark Nights: Death Metal, everything was put back where it belonged...and we do mean everything. All the damage from all the Crises was undone, and heroes long thought gone returned from whatever exile they had been in. Most of them, at least. Alan Scott, the Green Lantern from the Justice Societ...

+ LikeComments (3)
Weird Science Jim - Jun 24, 2021


daspidaboy - Jun 24, 2021

yes, this is technically a crossover since it will have some tie-ins and features multiple heroes.

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
REYNARD reviewed Infinite Frontier #1 Jun 22, 2021

Xermanico is a dynamo. Will definitely be a superstar in no time.

Williamson is going Morrison-lite, and its pretty great so far.

Infinite Frontier #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Xermanico
Released: Jun 23, 2021

When our heroes saved the Muliverse from Perpetua in Dark Nights: Death Metal, everything was put back where it belonged...and we do mean everything. All the damage from all the Crises was undone, and heroes long thought gone returned from whatever exile they had been in. Most of them, at least. Alan Scott, the Green Lantern from the Justice Societ...

+ LikeComments (1)
Weird Science Jim - Jun 24, 2021

I love Xermanico's art so much - he has been working for DC for almost 10 years now

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
SenpaifenixJäger reviewed Infinite Frontier #1 Jun 22, 2021

They only throw things this series is so messy, redundant, it is notorious that they do not have much idea what to do with the characters and the story.

I was very amused to find Thomas Wayne in a capsule being found by a couple, superman type, in my head the idea that the couple adopt him for a moment.
Roy, well I think he's the star of this issue.

Infinite Frontier #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Xermanico
Released: Jun 23, 2021

When our heroes saved the Muliverse from Perpetua in Dark Nights: Death Metal, everything was put back where it belonged...and we do mean everything. All the damage from all the Crises was undone, and heroes long thought gone returned from whatever exile they had been in. Most of them, at least. Alan Scott, the Green Lantern from the Justice Societ...

+ LikeComments (2)
Weird Science Jim - Jun 24, 2021

Those are superman's parents that find him too

SenpaifenixJäger - Jun 24, 2021


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