You not understanding, AGAIN, that just because I don't like something is already a classic. Btw, how could Luigi fly? Come on, explain that one.
Christopher Chance is a man on a deadline and working to solve a crime that might be unsolvable. Despite his better judgment, he’s falling for his lead suspect, and her violent ex-boyfriend isn’t happy about it. Oh, and that ex? He’s a Green Lantern.
THE HUMAN TARGET #3 is just another example of this creative team's unmatched brilliance. Read Full Review
While it's too early to say so definitively, The Human Target might be my favourite Tom King story yet. I love the nostalgic feel that King has woven into this fascinating mystery. I can hardly wait to see how this story develops as he interacts with further member of the JLI. Read Full Review
We getBooster Gold in almost all his glory (sadly, no Elvis collar) along with Gardner, and Ice are all put to great use here. The cherry on top here is an unexpected final cameo of the one person who could get Guy to back off which. Aside for being a pitch perfect nod to the comic history Tom King is playing in, it further illustrates how smart and innovative Chance is, even if he remains far from finding his killer. Read Full Review
Three issues in, Tom King's latest dark superhero mystery really hits its groove with an issue that indicates that this might be the defining Justice League International story"even if many of the original property's fans might object to it. Read Full Review
Smallwoods art style continues to brilliantly highlight the characters and the tone of the story King is creating with his series. Read Full Review
The Human Target #3 is a good issue that showcases a lover's quarrel in the world of spies and superheroes. It's entertaining to watch Guy Gardner and Christopher Chance match wits. Read Full Review
With Human Target, King teases the possibilities while frustrating the likely main target audience yearning for more JLI content with each issue. Read Full Review
Human Target #3 blends stellar art, a classic detective noir story, and amusing character moments to give readers a solid enough read. Unfortunately, the bizarrely egregious characterization of Guy Gardner robs the issue of any lasting enjoyment. Read Full Review
The Human Target is a perfectly fine comic with very solid artwork and a slightly obnoxious plotline. Read Full Review
Like another user said, the character interactions and art are so good that you get to kind of forget about rhe mystery. I love the JLI characters and Tom King is very much doing Ice, Booster; and Guy justice so far.
Man, Greg Smallwood's art is so insanely good in this book. I'm blown away by how he nails facial expressions, particularly Ice's. Absolutely perfect for the story.
I gave the previous issue a ten. I also gave the first issue a ten. Im giving this one a 9.7 but that rounds up to a ten.
The only flaw with this issue is that the ending is a little silly compared to the rest of the books grounded tone but at the same time I can't even really fault that because this is the DV Universe and they spent this issue talking to Booster Gold, the goofiest superhero of all.
Everything else is flawless. Ice is warm. Guy is a jackass. The story here is phenomenal. The mystery is there, and Chance is a nice private eye, but you almost get lost in the great character interactions and dialogue to even care about the mystery. This is pitch perfect noir storytelling in comic format, in lieu of B more
Man, this was great. Tom King gets so hung up on maudlin stories about PTSD, it's easy to forget that he can actually be hilarious when he tries. His Booster is properly hilarious, his Guy appropriately brash and imbecilic... I am shocked to say this, but I think I'd actually be down for a King JLI comic. While I'm still braced for the other shoe to drop, I have to admit this is so far the best thing he's done in years.
Such a great issue, Tom King is writing a fantastic book, it has dramatic, funny and grounded moments and they are all well paced
Just another beautiful, beautiful issue! Oh my God, what a incredible issue! Tom King in his best shape since Rorschach. Smallwood's art is charming as ever, and everything works perfectly. Loved it how Skeets is funny and both Guy and Booster are very well written, seryously. We're seeing a modern classic being born.
So Great. One of best series right now.
It's just that good.
It's like Brubaker meets The Incredibles.
Well color me schmeared! I like it a lot and I can't say enough good things about Smallwood. The feel, pace and aesthetics of this book are well done.
Guy Gardner can only be portrayed as a giga-chad so I can live out my superhero fantasies of plowing Power Girl. 0/10
Smallwood should win an Eisner for this, his work has been that good through the first three issues. King's script has met the lofty standard set by the art as well. The double page spread featuring a classic "red stoplight" scene was perfect match of form and function. The way Chance's internal dialogue meshed with Guy's droning on and Smallwood's quick panels was everything that's right about the medium.
Every page is expressive and pops with color. And the way he depicted the little aside between Chance, Ice and Booster this issue was golden and it perfectly set up the book's ending, as Chance pulls a fast one on the green-with-envy Guy Gardner. I can't wait for the next issue.
Edit: Merlyn not understanding the e more
Probably my favorite issue of this series so far.
I think the stuff with Guy is a little overdone, but the rest is still great.
Probably the weakest one. Didn't really get me excited like the first 2.
I’ll be the first to say this isn’t my genre, but three issues in, I’m not sure I care. Why should I keep at it?
I still can’t get into this book pretty art but..
I'm no fan of Tom King, everyone here knows that by now. Still, I thought the first two issues were really good and I've rated them as such, despite my dislike of him. This, right here, is pure garbage. Ignore the human bots who rate this with 10 or 9.5 without even reading it, this was a very, very bad issue. He doesn't get Guy Gardner and he still doesn't get Booster Gold, no matter how much effort he puts in to trick us that he does. And he's destroying Ice, I swear this guy has a hard-on for turning heroes into murderers, it probably helps him sleep better at night after the shit he pulled as CIA, at least superheroes are murderers, too, right?
And the twist at the end... yeah, if you have some functioning neurons you can see more