The Brave and the Bald's Profile

Joined: Jan 15, 2022

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Hex reviewed Detective Comics #1063 Aug 23, 2022

I feel like we all know enough about Batman by this point so if there is a complaint about Ram V or another writer trying to establish a new character it stands to reason they would try to give those newer characters depth so readers don't complain about them down the line for being underdeveloped and one-off. I for one am intrigued at this blooming antagonist. A rich, foreign entity trying to sec more

Detective Comics #1063

By: Ram V, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Aug 24, 2022

Old friends Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent share a moment together asking: At what point does Gotham not need a Batman anymore? As Batman's investigation around Gotham leads him to encounter more and more demonic beings, the one thing they all have in common is...they're all people he fights to keep off the streets and behind bars. But when Two-Face a...

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Hex - Aug 25, 2022

I myself have some takes on Batman runs and writers that are definitely not in line with the majority. I neglected to remind myself of that and certainly got more heated than was necessary in that regard. It's hard to see someone rail against something you feel so strongly for but that is the entire point of this site. To see differing opinions and hopefully generate discussion. While I don't agree with your rating on that, I respect your opinions as your own and am very glad you like this one.

Batmanaholic - Aug 25, 2022

Oh ya buddy no worries, we are just two massive Batman nerds. Who can agree this run kicks ass, while simultaneously being on compete opposite ends of the riddler special lol. I

motorik reviewed Robin & Batman Collected Aug 9, 2022

One the best Robin stories ever. The emotional depth is classic Lemire. After years of poor Robin stories, we are finally gifted this treasure. I had hoped Lemire would work with DC more. However, it seems Swamp Thing is his last. A shame.

Robin & Batman Collected

By: Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen

The legendary story of Batman and Robin has reached nearly mythic proportions. The crime-fighting Dynamic Duo are always one step ahead of the criminals they pursue and no case is too big for the pair. This isn't that story. This is the story of a young Dick Grayson, newly orphaned, struggling to find his way in a strange, difficult, dark new world...

The Brave and the Bald commented on this:

Before anything, I need those reading this to know I'm not King's biggest fan. And yes it's because of Batman and Heroes in Crisis. I haven't read anything else of his aside from Rorschach and the first 3 issues of Human Target. I know he's an EXTREMELY talented writer. I still have a hard time touching his work. I even love his first two arcs on Batman. This though...

This is simply am more

Batman: One Bad Day: The Riddler #1

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Aug 17, 2022

The Dark Knight's greatest villains get their greatest stories yet! The Riddler, Two-Face, the Penguin, Mr. Freeze, Catwoman, Bane, Clayface, and Ra's al Ghul-Batman's most iconic villains are all given 64-page Prestige format specials that show why they are the greatest villains in all of comics, spearheaded by today's top talent. We begin with Ba...

+ LikeComments (9)
motorik - Aug 21, 2022

Best review I've read on here in a very long time. I get that people are angry with King because of his run as the main Batman writer. He isn't anymore, let the hate go. I just read his Vision comic again. Utterly magnificent.

Hex - Aug 21, 2022

Thank you so much. I am glad some people have actually taken the time to read it and I really hope they enjoyed the issue as much as I did. I'm definitely trying to read more of King's work because of the bias I have. This has certainly helped erase a significant chunk of it.


King and Gerads together are a magical team and they do a killer job kicking off a new line dedicated to paying homage to Batman's greatest villains through the lens of The Killing Joke.

This spin on the Riddler is a bone chilling one; he's angry, meticulous and untethered from the usual rules. King spends a lot of time exploring the nature of the game between Bruce and Eddie, and then more

Batman: One Bad Day: The Riddler #1

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Aug 17, 2022

The Dark Knight's greatest villains get their greatest stories yet! The Riddler, Two-Face, the Penguin, Mr. Freeze, Catwoman, Bane, Clayface, and Ra's al Ghul-Batman's most iconic villains are all given 64-page Prestige format specials that show why they are the greatest villains in all of comics, spearheaded by today's top talent. We begin with Ba...


Daredevil #2

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Aug 17, 2022

After DEVIL'S REIGN, everything it has ever meant to be DAREDEVIL has changed. Thanks to ELEKTRA and her newfound role as the Woman Without Fear, Daredevil is more ambitious than EVER, with a who's-who of creators from across the fabled character's history (and some can'tmiss surprises along the way), this oversized epic kick...

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We can argue all day long over whether or not this is the Riddler's "Killing Joke", a definitive story, or "not my Riddler", but at the end of the day, what is here is a cat-and-mouse thriller that offers an interesting possibility for the Riddler's backstory. There are times when the exposition is a tad too much, but when it comes to Batman and Riddler confronting one another, it's just pure tens more

Batman: One Bad Day: The Riddler #1

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Aug 17, 2022

The Dark Knight's greatest villains get their greatest stories yet! The Riddler, Two-Face, the Penguin, Mr. Freeze, Catwoman, Bane, Clayface, and Ra's al Ghul-Batman's most iconic villains are all given 64-page Prestige format specials that show why they are the greatest villains in all of comics, spearheaded by today's top talent. We begin with Ba...


Nightwing #95

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Aug 17, 2022

Heartless has an extra-giant jar that has Blockbuster's name on it, but as a man of refined taste, Heartless doesn't just collect any type of heart...he waits for someone to experience a specific emotion in particular before taking it all away from them and adding it into his collection. Does Nightwing have what it takes to save the life of the ver...

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These DC vs Vampires tie-ins have not been good, and seem to miss the tension and intrigue of the main series.

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War #2

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Pasquale Qualano
Released: Aug 17, 2022

The survivors of a horrifying vampire attack, led by Deathstroke, take shelter with Talia al Ghul. With intel from a hero recently saved from vampirism, John Constantine prepares them for a (suicide) mission, while Midnighter goes through every scenario in his head and finds out the dark truth. Meanwhile the mysterious vampire Lord Cinder has becom...

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Batman: The Knight #7

By: Chip Zdarsky, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Jul 20, 2022

Magic is in the air as Bruce Wayne travels to New York City to study under the legendary John Zatara and his daughter, Zatanna. But there's dark magic loose in the Big Apple, and Bruce's path toward becoming Batman must cross it. Will a man who is training his body and mind to combat crime be ready for a spiritual threat?

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Nightwing #94

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Jul 20, 2022

There's a new commissioner in town, and it's none other than Maggie Sawyer! But one clean commissioner does not make a whole bad basket of Blüdhaven police officers good, and now Blockbuster is forced to lean more on Nightwing's sister, Mayor Zucco, to oversee the old commissioner's illegal dealings... Then, an attack on Haven reveals some sho...

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If I had a nickel every time Tom King wrote an event tie-in that ends up becoming the best part of said event, I'd have a couple of nickels.

Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League: Superman #1

By: Tom King, Chris Burnham
Released: Jul 13, 2022

When Pariah and his forces of the Great Darkness laid waste to the most powerful superheroes of all time, all hope was lost…with the Man of Steel suffering the same fate as that of his comrades, join us for a look at a world of dreams he would never have thought possible while alive. Where there’s life there’s hope, and with that hope comes a...

+ LikeComments (1)
DVE - Jul 14, 2022

Are you talking about that one Darkseid War Green Lantern comic he wrote


Looks like another home run from Daniel Warren Johnson. It's big, bombastic action centered on a core full of heart and down-to-earth drama.

Do A Powerbomb #1

By: Daniel Warren Johnson
Released: Jun 15, 2022

The creator of MURDER FALCON and Wonder Woman: Dead Earth is launching a brand-new limited series!

Lona Steelrose wants to be a pro wrestler, but she's living under the shadow of her mother, the best to ever do it. Everything changes when a wrestling-obsessed necromancer asks her to join the grandest pro wrestling tournament of all time, ...

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The Brave and the Bald commented on this:
Batmanaholic reviewed DC Pride: 2022 #1 Jun 7, 2022

....... 9.8/10 and 9.6/10.

So this anthology issue is the best boon dc has made since the court of owls? Is what your telling me?

Just because it says pride on it, doesn't make it the greatest comic ever written. My god people. Use logic during your reviews.

DC Pride: 2022 #1

Released: Jun 8, 2022

DC's 2022 celebration kicks off with more stories, more characters, and more pride than ever before! This anthology features 13 all-new stories spotlighting LGBTQIA+ fan-favorites new and old including Superman (Jon Kent), Nubia, Tim Drake, Kid Quick, Aquaman (Jackson Hyde), Green Lantern (Jo Mullein), Alysia Yeoh, the Ray, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy...

+ LikeComments (54)
Batmanaholic - Jun 13, 2022

Ya Tom kings two issue double date with Clark and Lois was probably the best two issues of his run. Which should prove why I make fun of his run the way I do.... And Batman imposter is not better then court of owls, the white knight I might give you on part but not better and the sequel while gorgeous isn't as good as 1, endgame not better then court three jokers was beautiful but a better story... no just no.

Psycamorean - Jun 14, 2022

I thought Imposter was incredibly middling and was disappointed in hindsight to realize it really was similar to the movie's tone.

The Brave and the Bald commented on this:
uktsr reviewed DC Pride: 2022 #1 Jun 7, 2022

Corporate cringe

DC Pride: 2022 #1

Released: Jun 8, 2022

DC's 2022 celebration kicks off with more stories, more characters, and more pride than ever before! This anthology features 13 all-new stories spotlighting LGBTQIA+ fan-favorites new and old including Superman (Jon Kent), Nubia, Tim Drake, Kid Quick, Aquaman (Jackson Hyde), Green Lantern (Jo Mullein), Alysia Yeoh, the Ray, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy...

+ LikeComments (13)
The Brave and the Bald - Jun 10, 2022

Looks like the Matt Gaetz account got banned

davepete - Jun 12, 2022

The guy who gave DC's summer event comic a 9.0 says this book about gay superheroes is corporate cringe.

Mout reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #93 Jun 9, 2022


Amazing Spider-Man #93

By: Zeb Wells, Patrick Gleason
Released: Mar 30, 2022

•  SPIDER-MAN VS. SPIDER-MAN! You may surprise yourself with who you're rooting for.
•  Don't miss the conclusion to one of the most surprising Spider-Stories of the past decade.


Jawsh reviewed Nightwing #92 May 20, 2022

Redondo's art is getting better and better.
And the story is heading towards an impact! Nightwing's best achievement all these past months: it's sincere optimism. It's the heart of this title and an aspect and theme of the series that isn't discussed much.

Nightwing #92

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: May 18, 2022

Blüdhaven mayor Melinda Zucco is in trouble-pretending to work for Blockbuster while secretly trying to take him and his gang of criminals down, while also working alongside Dick Grayson to uplift the city. But as his half sister sharing the last name of the man who killed his parents, it's...a lot to juggle, and enough for one to accidentally let...

Jawsh reviewed Black Hammer: Reborn #12 May 20, 2022

Feel weird rating this "ending" considering that it is not the end.
I can't even really say that this series has taken advantage of the roster of characters it's spent a lot of time and energy developing the last seven years.
The status quo shifts, choices are made, and the worlds are ending... just another day in SPIRAL CITY.

Black Hammer: Reborn #12

By: Jeff Lemire, Caitlin Yarsky
Released: May 18, 2022

Multiple worlds collide in this final issue of the hit Black Hammer superhero saga where villains and heroes unite to stop the multiverse from unraveling.


Jurassic League is a dopey fun book that makes no apologies about what it is. It unashamedly embraces its inherent silliness and leverages its simplistic plot to showcase its creative visual designs. It's loud and dumb, but in a stark contrast to some of DC's other output, Jurassic League is perfectly aware of how dumb it is, and seeks to simply entertain instead of cheaply imitating Alan Moore or more

Jurassic League #1

By: Daniel Warren Johnson, Juan Gedeon
Released: May 11, 2022

You know the story: an infant escapes the destruction of its home planet and is deposited on Earth to be raised by human parents. A goddess from a lost city defends truth. A Tyrannosaurus rex dons the visage of a bat to strike fear into evildoers' hearts. This heroic trinity, alongside a league of other super-powered dinosaurs, join forces to save ...

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I wish I could say this issue worked for me as well as issue one did, but I just can't. The contrivance of Jack existing in Bruce's head - but not - may be seen as a welcome addition to the story, because everyone loves Jack, I guess. But I don't care about Jack, and I find this sort of thing lazy, same as I did when Arkham Knight did it.

I really liked the concepts presented in issue o more

Batman: Beyond the White Knight #2

By: Sean Murphy
Released: Apr 27, 2022

The humble beginnings of Terry McGinnis are revealed as Bruce Wayne becomes Gotham’s most wanted man! With the GTO on the case, does Captain Dick Grayson have what it takes to bring down his old mentor? It’s father versus son in the next chapter of this fan-favorite series! Plus, an unexpected ally from Bruce’s past could hold the key to savi...

The Brave and the Bald commented on this:

First half of the book was ACAB propaganda with a nice touch of "the white man is the root of all my problems" Victimhood.

The second half of the book was actually pretty great with some nice, touching character beats with Warpath meeting his grandma for the first time since he was just a baby.

Giant-Size X-Men: Thunderbird #1

By: Rose, David Culter
Released: May 4, 2022

All Elite Wrestling superstar Nyla Rose slams into Krakoa with a back-breaking one-shot featuring the first X-Man to die in action! In this mega-sized one-shot, Rose teams up with comics star Steve Orlando and First Nations artist David Cutler to grapple with the ramifications of Thunderbird's recent resurrection! The world John Proudstar has retur...

+ LikeComments (8)
The Brave and the Bald - May 8, 2022

Please calm down, sir. You're letting emotions override rational thought.

Psycamorean - May 8, 2022

Can I join your blog?


This is, by far and away, the best Batman book that DC is putting out, with maybe Killing Time a distant second. Chip Zdarsky has found the perfect voice for a young Bruce Wayne, as someone who's a bit of a hothead but also a stubborn moral streak. A comic that can jump from some locale to another without missing a beat is special. Zdarsky's raised the bar very high for his upcoming run on Batman.

Batman: The Knight #4

By: Chip Zdarsky, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Apr 20, 2022

Bruce Wayne's journey to become Batman continues in the cold mountains of North Korea, where he seeks to learn the legendary fighting style of Master Kirigi! This will be his most difficult challenge yet, and he might not survive without the help of a mysterious new "friend."

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Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #8

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Feb 16, 2022

Krem’s fate revealed! As Supergirl continues her battle against the Brigands, Ruthye squares off against this most vile villain in hopes of avenging her father and completing their mission. Will justice be served on both accounts? Or will our heroes fail? You won’t want to miss thrilling conclusion of the acclaimed miniseries that has changed K...

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Dave reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #10 Apr 11, 2022

Another stellar issue
Lois Lane is a bad ass

Forget it this issue was so good I am letting go of my no ten till he is . Mama bear Lois scares me

Superman: Son of Kal-El #10

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Apr 13, 2022

Henry Bendix's plans are now clear. Gamorra's president won't stop until he has total control. He's now sold his strategy to other dangerous regimes. Only Superman and his allies stand in the way of Bendix's dark vision for the world...a world where superheroes are put in their place, discredited, and even destroyed. A world where heroes are replac...

The Brave and the Bald commented on this:
Psycamorean reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #9 Mar 26, 2022

Really solid end to this fun little crossover. I really don't understand the hate this issue is getting, but I guess you can't take wrongness out of the degenerates.

Superman: Son of Kal-El #9

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Mar 9, 2022

Superman/Nightwing crossover part 2 of 2! Nightwing promised Clark Kent that while he's off-planet, Nightwing would look after Clark's son, Jon, as he tries to fill his father's shoes as Superman. But with someone out there murdering superpowered people, is Nightwing in over his head? Read Nightwing #89 (in stores 2/15/22) for part 1 of this crosso...

+ LikeComments (2)
Psycamorean - Apr 8, 2022

What the fuck are you talking about?

The Brave and the Bald - Apr 8, 2022 (edited)

@Gaymisrepresented Got any good 4K projectors on sale? edit: lol he got banned


This issue by itself was a solid turning point in Chip Zdarsky's Daredevil saga, closing off some plotlines while opening the door for others, but Devil's Reign as a whole absolutely did not need to be an event. This whole arc was all about Matt and Wilson, and bringing in the rest of the Marvel universe did the pacing no favors.

Devil's Reign #6

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Apr 6, 2022

Wilson Fisk's hubris as mayor of New York has cast the city in the waiting arms of a cadre of dangerous and deadly super villains! Worse still, Fisk's vendetta against the heroes who have stood against him for so long has left the city defenseless. You may think you've heard a tale like this before, but there will be no last minute bargains struck ...

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Historia captures the atmosphere of a Greek myth told through oral tradition. There's an exquisite attention to detail, with the feeling that every action carries a great consequence. This is comic that deserves its prestige label.

Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons #2

By: Kelly Sue DeConnick, Gene Ha
Released: Apr 6, 2022

The second installment of the jaw-droppingly ambitious history of the Amazons finds their future queen, Hippolyta, cutting a swath through the world of men, desperate to be reunited with the astonishing women who saved her life...but unfortunately for her, they're hard folk to find. Perhaps it is the will of the Goddesses that they cross paths agai...

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Immortal X-Men #1

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Mar 30, 2022


The Quiet Council rules the Krakoan age, for better... or worse. Now, shaken by INFERNO and X LIVES / X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE they strive to hold together, no matter how much they want to tear each other apart. Writer Kieron Gillen (UNCANNY X-MEN, ETERNALS, The Wicked + The Divine, Die) retur...

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Mout reviewed Batman, Inc. #4 Apr 1, 2022


Batman, Inc. #4

By: Grant Morrison, Chris Burnham
Released: Mar 23, 2011

Superstar writer Grant Morrison and artist Yanick Paquette have sent The Dark Knight on a trip to Japan and Argentina, but now Batman's taking a brief breather back in his home base of Gotham City for a team-up with Batwoman! And don't miss the first issue of BATWOMAN's new monthly series, on sale this month!

Mout rated Batman, Inc. #1 Mar 30, 2022

Batman, Inc. #1

By: Grant Morrison, Yanick Paquette
Released: Nov 17, 2010

Grant Morrison continues his earth-shattering run on the Batman titles with this exciting, new ongoing series! Featuring; Art by the remarkable Yanick Paquette (SEVEN SOLDIERS: BULLETEER), BATMAN, INC. marks the next stage of evolution for The Dark Knight. This can't-miss series will star not just Bruce Wayne as Batman, but also a huge number of gu...

Loafy Trophy reviewed Immortal X-Men #1 Mar 31, 2022

I had really high hopes for this book and damn did the first issue deliver. Mister Sinister has been one of the brightest spots in the Krakoan era and that hot streak continues here with some absolutely wild revelations that meet the scope of the book's title. Seriously, I won't spoil the end of the issue but damn does it really allow for a whole new direction of stories. I also loved the way Gill more

Immortal X-Men #1

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Mar 30, 2022


The Quiet Council rules the Krakoan age, for better... or worse. Now, shaken by INFERNO and X LIVES / X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE they strive to hold together, no matter how much they want to tear each other apart. Writer Kieron Gillen (UNCANNY X-MEN, ETERNALS, The Wicked + The Divine, Die) retur...

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