Costa Rica Comic Club's Profile

Joined: Jun 22, 2021

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Tempra16v2.0Turbo reviewed Absolute Power #1 Jul 2, 2024

The art is good, but we have to wait. I didn't think it was a great start.

Absolute Power #1

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Jul 3, 2024

THE TRINITY OF EVIL HAS WON. DC's epic summer event kicks off with a bang, as the combined might of FAILSAFE and the BRAINIAC QUEEN has at last given Amanda Waller the ability to steal the metahuman abilities of every hero and villain on planet Earth. As chaos erupts in the streets and a massive misinformation campaign sways public opinion to her s...

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Costa Rica Comic Club - Jul 2, 2024

It was a great start, do not be a crying baby. the art is epic no good my friend


Deathstroke inc 8
Escrito por Joshua Williamson e ilustrado por Paolo Pantalena, después de la guerra en el segundo issue de este mini evento de Williamson vemos como las sombras del demonio empiezan a buscar a slade por cada rincón de la tierra.
Puntos buenos:
• Williamson tiene buenos puntos en la narrativa de este comic
Puntos malos:
• Nuevamente en el mismo event more

Deathstroke Inc. #8

By: Joshua Williamson, Paolo Pantalena
Released: Apr 27, 2022

Deathstroke and Respawn are on the run! Deathstroke Inc. has been destroyed, and his villain associates killed by the Demon's Shadow! Deathstroke must explain to Batman why he killed Ra's al Ghul...but first he must survive the hundreds of deadly killers coming for him!

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Costa Rica Comic Club reviewed Batman #122 Aug 27, 2022

Batman 122
Escrito por Joshua Williamson e ilustrado por Howard Porter, empieza inmediatamente después de shadow war Alpha.
Puntos buenos:
• Narrativa rápida.
• Un Batman un poco mas enfocado en su lado detective.
• Misterios lo suficientemente interesantes para mantener atento al lector.
Lo malo:
• En nuestra opinion arte no es el fuerte de este issue. more

Batman #122

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Apr 6, 2022

Ra's al Ghul is dead, and Talia is out for revenge! Batman is on the case to find Deathstroke before Talia's elite killers do! But Batman starts to piece together that not everything is what it seems in Ra's's death...and knows whom he must interrogate to get answers...Talia herself! Can the two former lovers ever work togeth-er again? Plus, a back...

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Escrito por Joshua Williamson e ilustrado por Viktor Bodganovic, la historia arranca con una narrativa de Ra's al ghul y su entrega voluntaria de si mismo y su hija a la policía.
Puntos buenos:
• Muy buen arte.
• Buena narrativa con misterios para el resto del evento.
• Excelente Introducción de Deathstroke como villano del arco.
Puntos malos:
• El cambio d more

Shadow War: Alpha #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Mar 30, 2022

"When Deathstroke assassinates Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul demands revenge and sends her League of Shadows to kill Deathstroke and Deathstroke Inc.! Batman and Robin must team up to track down Deathstroke and bring him to justice...but do they? Expect over-the-top fights, action, mystery, and betrayal as this crossover event creates a major impact ...

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Costa Rica Comic Club reviewed Batman #121 Aug 10, 2022

Batman 121
Historia por Joshua Williamson y Jorge Molina, empieza donde nos dejo el issue pasado con una plot twist the Batman inc contra Bruce y un murciélago que se ve obligado a hacer equipo con uno de los peores, luthor.
Lo Bueno
La historia continúa siendo una historia muy fácil de leer y entender, no es una lectura pesada es una lectura para relajarse y disfrutar del murci more

Batman #121

By: Joshua Williamson, Jorge Molina
Released: Mar 2, 2022

The deadly conclusion to the “Abyss” arc as Lex Luthor’s dangerous master plan for Batman Inc. is revealed. And an old ally returns to pull the lost Batman out of Abyss’s darkness and a new member of Batman Inc. rises! In the final chapter of “They Make Great Pets,” Maps finds the missing piece to the shocking and deadly mystery...with ...

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Costa Rica Comic Club reviewed Batman #120 Aug 9, 2022

Batman 120
Historia por Joshua Williamson, Karl Kerschl y ilustrado por Mikel Janin, Karl Kerschl, Jorge Molina, seguimos al murciélago después de su pelea con the abyss y vemos a un Batman derrotado y con muchas preguntas acerca del daño a sus ojos.
Lo Bueno
Se ven cosas interesantes como un Luthor con una armadura de Batman bastante llamativa a pesar de que es una idea reciclad more

Batman #120

By: Karl Kerschl, Mikel Janin
Released: Feb 2, 2022

“Abyss” part three! The new Batman Inc.’s heinous crimes have landed them in a high-security prison. Batman believes the only way to help his old allies is to break them out…but they don’t want his help! Meanwhile, Batman Inc.’s mysterious benefactor uses the chaos to enact their plans, but finds themselves lost in the dark against Abys...

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Costa Rica Comic Club reviewed Batman #119 Jun 23, 2022

Ilustrado por Jorge Molina con Guion de Joshua Williamson, en esta segunda entrega seguimos con el misterio que se nos presenta en Batman 118 sobre el asesinato de The Abyss por Batman Inc.

Lo bueno
El dibujo de Molina es lo principal en este minirun de Batman, por parte de Williamson sigue jugando la carta de la nostalgia en los lectores con flashback sobre Alfred y diálogos per more

Batman #119

By: Karl Kerschl, Mikel Janin
Released: Jan 5, 2022

“Abyss” part two! For years Batman used the darkness as a weapon, but now a new enemy turns that darkness against him! Batman must team with Batman Inc.’s mysterious new benefactor to bring the deadly Abyss into the light! Wait…who is Batman Inc.’s new benefactor?

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Costa Rica Comic Club reviewed Batman #118 Jun 23, 2022

Escrito por Joshua Williamson e ilustrado por Jorge Molina después de un no tan aclamado final de fear state por parte de Tynion, el escritor encargado de la próxima crisis nos trae una mini historia de 4 numeros sobre Batman afuera de Gotham siguiendo una pista sobre la muerte de The Abyss por parte de Batman inc.

Lo bueno
El arte de Jorge Molina esta muy a la altura del comic, more

Batman #118

By: Joshua Williamson, Jorge Molina
Released: Dec 8, 2021

New creative team! Start of a new story arc as Batman leaves Gotham! “Abyss” part one! As Gotham celebrates surviving Fear State, Batman retreats alone into the darkness. But when he learns of a mystery involving Batman Inc., it forces the Caped Crusader to leave Gotham for a brand-new adventure! Thrills, chills, and international intrigue awai...

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World’s Finnest 1
Escrito por Mark Waid e ilustrado por el héroe nacional Dan mora nos traen una historia por fuera de la línea cronológica principal, de probablemente de los héroes mas importantes para la cultura geek en general

Lo bueno
El comic empieza con un altercado en Metropolis por parte de posion Ivy y traes ser rastreada por Batman y un Nightwing en su etapa more

Batman / Superman: World's Finest #1

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Mar 16, 2022

The Dark Knight. The Man of Steel. They are the two finest superheroes that the world has ever known...and they're together again in an epic new series from the legendary talents of Mark Waid and Dan Mora! In the not-too-distant past, Superman's powers are super-charged from a devastating chemical attack by the villain Metallo...and the only ally t...

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We have demons 3
Escrito por Scott Snyder, ilustrado por Greg Capullo, entintado por Jonathan Clapion y con colores de Dave McCaig, esta tercera y última entrega (por ahora) nos brinda un muy buen final con una posible continuación por parte de sus creadores.

Lo bueno
Después del giro de guion fabuloso que nos deja Snyder al final de la segunda entrega, se siguen desarrol more

We Have Demons #3

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Jan 19, 2022

Faith is put to the ultimate test as Lam and Gus face the demons of their past. The angelic and demonic forces of the world collide in this showstopping first arc’s finale!

The best-selling creator duo of the last 25 years, writer SCOTT SNYDER and artist GREG CAPULLO, present a new blockbuster series--WE HAVE DEMONS! Years in the m...

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We have demons 2
Escrito por Scott Snyder, ilustrado por Greg Capullo, entintado por Jonathan Clapion y con colores de Dave McCaig, esta segunda entrega solo nos viene a demostrar el gran mundo que están creando su guionista y su artista.

Lo bueno
Snyder con su narrativa nos explica nuevos conceptos que nos ayudan a desarrollar una mitología con este mundo nuevo que ha desa more

We Have Demons #2

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Nov 10, 2021

As Lam and the Angels continue the mission that her father started, Gus tells the story of a man who lost everything, and the one person who deemed him worth saving.

The best-selling creator duo of the last 25 years, writer SCOTT SNYDER and artist GREG CAPULLO, present a new blockbuster series--WE HAVE DEMONS! Years in the making, th...

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uktsr reviewed DC Pride: 2022 #1 Jun 7, 2022

Corporate cringe

DC Pride: 2022 #1

Released: Jun 8, 2022

DC's 2022 celebration kicks off with more stories, more characters, and more pride than ever before! This anthology features 13 all-new stories spotlighting LGBTQIA+ fan-favorites new and old including Superman (Jon Kent), Nubia, Tim Drake, Kid Quick, Aquaman (Jackson Hyde), Green Lantern (Jo Mullein), Alysia Yeoh, the Ray, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy...

+ LikeComments (13)
The Brave and the Bald - Jun 10, 2022

Looks like the Matt Gaetz account got banned

davepete - Jun 12, 2022

The guy who gave DC's summer event comic a 9.0 says this book about gay superheroes is corporate cringe.


La dupla inigualable de Scott Snyder y Greg Capullo vuelven a formar equipo para traernos por los rumbos del comic indie con una historia un poco cliche sobre el bien y el mal pero inigualable conforme el arte de Capullo y la Narrativa de Snyder nos crean otro mundo que como hemos visto en las paginas de Metal y Batman new 52 parece tener vida propia.
La historia empieza presentando a su pers more

We Have Demons #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Oct 6, 2021

The conflict between good and evil is about to come to a head when a teenage hero embarks on a journey that unveils a secret society, monsters, and mayhem.

The first creator owned collaboration from the superstar team of writer SCOTT SNYDER and artist GREG CAPULLO! After block-buster work on titles like DC's Batman, this best-selling...

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Costa Rica Comic Club reviewed The Closet #1 Jun 2, 2022

The Closet
Nuevo comic de terror de parte de Images comics. El escritor estrella James Tynion lV junto a Gavin Fullerton y Chris O’halloran nos dan una historia de terror familiar que nos cuenta como el monstruo del closet es real y puede ser eliminado con orina de unicornio.

Lo malo.
A nuestro parecer James Tynion está siendo muy repetitivo en su tipo de escritura, ya que more

The Closet #1

By: James Tynion IV, Gavin Fullerton
Released: Jun 1, 2022

A tale of existential familial horror by JAMES TYNION IV (THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH, RAZORBLADES) and GAVIN FULLERTON (BOG BODIES, Bags). Thom is moving cross-country with his family and dragging the past along with them. His son, Jamie, is seeing monsters in the bedroom closet and will not let them go.

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Costa Rica Comic Club added Newthink (2022) to their pull list Jun 2, 2022

Newthink (2022)

This Black Mirror-style anthology examines the rapid proliferation of technology, the cultural and political polarization of the country, and the technocrats that have driven us to such extremes of thought that we need to present the present as something...futuristic. Each of the five issues is a stand-alone tale with its own art team

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Costa Rica Comic Club reviewed Newthink #1 Jun 2, 2022

Este comic viene de la mano del escritor Gregg Hurwitz y de varios artistas. La casa de comics independiente AWA Studios nos muestra un comic muy al estilo Black Mirror, la cual muestra mucho sobre el uso de la tecnología y el daño que puede llegar a ser para nosotros.

Lo Bueno.
La Historia.
Se puede ver como empezamos desde el inicio del nacimiento de la era computarizada, more

Newthink #1

By: Gregg Hurwitz, Mike Deodato
Released: Jun 1, 2022

This Black Mirror-style anthology examines the rapid proliferation of technology, the cultural and political polarization of the country, and the technocrats that have driven us to such extremes of thought that we need to present the present as something...futuristic. Each of the five issues is a stand-alone tale with its own art team

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Costa Rica Comic Club reviewed X-Men #11 May 13, 2022

Escrito por Gerry Duggan, quien ha llevado la línea de los mutantes desde ya unos meses atrás.

Pepe Larraz sigue siendo un dios visual, que da en cada comic demuestra porque es uno de los mejores del mundo.

Marte Gracia nos regala unos colores, que al mezclarlos con el arte de Pepe Larraz, nos da todo un mundo visual maravilloso.

Lo malo.
La historia nos mu more

X-Men #11

By: Gerry Duggan, Pepe Larraz
Released: May 11, 2022

The women of the X-Men are heading for the hottest action in the galaxy - Gameworld! But if it's true that the house always wins, our X-Ladies might be in over their heads...

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Costa Rica Comic Club added X-Men (2021) to their pull list May 13, 2022

X-Men (2021)

The heroes of Krakoa are here to save the planet! Things might be complicated between the nation of Krakoa and the rest of the world, but to the X-MEN, things are simple - you do what's right, you protect those who need protecting and you save the world we all share. Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Sunfire,...

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Review de Comics
X-men House of XCII
Un comic que nos muestra la era del dios Hickman para los mutantes, pero desde la serie animada del año 1992. Con su mismo estilo y mismos diseños.

Lo malo.
Dentro lo poco que le puedo mencionar que el comic tiene como malo, es la poca afinidad al arte de la serie original, no parece un comic de los 90’s ni tampoco parece el arte d more

X-Men '92: House of XCII #1

By: Steve Foxe, Salva Espin
Released: Apr 13, 2022

Everyone's favorite '90s incarnations of the X-Men have returned...but this time, everything is even all-newer and all-more different! Mutantkind is taking a huge leap forward by founding their own nation on the island of Krakoa, guided by Professor X, Magneto, and a mysterious long-lived woman who knows more than she...

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Costa Rica Comic Club commented on this:

X-Men '92: House of XCII #1

By: Steve Foxe, Salva Espin
Released: Apr 13, 2022

Everyone's favorite '90s incarnations of the X-Men have returned...but this time, everything is even all-newer and all-more different! Mutantkind is taking a huge leap forward by founding their own nation on the island of Krakoa, guided by Professor X, Magneto, and a mysterious long-lived woman who knows more than she...

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Costa Rica Comic Club - Apr 14, 2022

Why 5 without comment

BG1904 - Apr 15, 2022

@Costa Rica Comic Club mind your goddam bizness!

Costa Rica Comic Club reviewed X-Men: Red #1 Apr 10, 2022

X-men Red.
Un comic de la nueva etapa de los mutantes, que nos demuestra un poco de la vida en el planeta Arako.

Lo @#$@#%
El comic demuestra como los mutantes han evolucionado, y ahora se toman su papel muy muy enserio. Al Edwing como escritor demuestra como se puede hacer una historia fresca y llamativa para algo que estaba en pañales como lo es el mundo de Arako.

X-Men: Red #1

By: Al Ewing, Stefano Caselli
Released: Apr 6, 2022

The mutants of Arakko spent millennia scarred by war - but on what was once called Mars, they're learning to live in peace. STORM knows the red planet needs something greater than a queen. But ABIGAIL BRAND has other plans, along with an unstable VULCAN on her side and CABLE keeping his own secrets. Welcome to X-MEN...

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Costa Rica Comic Club added X-Men: Red (2022) to their pull list Apr 10, 2022

X-Men: Red (2022)

The mutants of Arakko spent millennia scarred by war - but on what was once called Mars, they're learning to live in peace. STORM knows the red planet needs something greater than a queen. But ABIGAIL BRAND has other plans, along with an unstable VULCAN on her side and CABLE keeping his own secrets. Welcome to X-MEN...

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REYNARD reviewed War For Earth-3 #2 Mar 29, 2022

What a garbage event. The only thing worse than the writing is the pacing of this book; a band of uninteresting storylines Frankenstein-ed together into this monstrosity. I'm only pissed because Thompson's 12 issues of Suicide Squad were fucking solid, and I hope I'll look back at that run with rose tinted glasses and ignore whatever the hell this is.

War For Earth-3 #2

By: Dennis Hopeless, Steve Pugh
Released: Mar 30, 2022

The War for Earth-3 comes to a close as the Crime Syndicate, Teen Titans, the Flash, and Suicide Squad all battle in one final conflict that decides who lives, who dies, who makes it back home, and who’s left stranded on Earth-3. With the Justice Squad’s plan to take over the alternate Earth and claim it as their own, the heroes of the Teen Tit...

Costa Rica Comic Club commented on this:
SamComics rated Rogues #1 Mar 23, 2022

Rogues #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Leomacs
Released: Mar 23, 2022

Ten years ago, the Rogues disbanded and went their separate ways. But time hasn't been kind to the former blue-collar super-criminals. Caught in an endless cycle of prison, rehab, dead-end jobs, broken relationships, probation, and endless restitution fees, the Rogues are sick of paying for their crimes. Luckily, Captain Cold has a plan. One last j...

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Costa Rica Comic Club - Mar 24, 2022

Why 4.5 without any opinion?


Escrito e ilustrado por Jollene Jones.
Tintas por Jordie Bellaire.
Parte número 4 del evento amazónico “Trial of the Amazons”, el cual nos demuestras las tribus de todas las amazonas enfrentándose por saber quién será la nueva reina.

Tenemos flashbacks de la historia de la tribu de Yara y la investigación de la muerte de la exreina Hypollita. Además de la aparición more

Trial of the Amazons: Wondergirl #1

By: Joelle Jones
Released: Mar 23, 2022

"Trial of the Amazons" part four! As Diana's hands become tied from pursuing her investigation, she recruits a former ally to help her cause...Cassie Sandsmark! As Wonder Girl begins to question the Amazons, Yara Flor joins the Contest hoping to reconnect with the memory of her lost mother. Meanwhile, the evils behind Doom's Doorway grow restless a...

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Costa Rica Comic Club added Trial of the Amazons: Wondergirl to their pull list Mar 22, 2022

Trial of the Amazons: Wondergirl

"Trial of the Amazons" part four! As Diana's hands become tied from pursuing her investigation, she recruits a former ally to help her cause...Cassie Sandsmark! As Wonder Girl begins to question the Amazons, Yara Flor joins the Contest hoping to reconnect with the memory of her lost mother. Meanwhile, the evils behind Doom's Doorway grow restless a...

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Costa Rica Comic Club reviewed Rogues #1 Mar 22, 2022

Comic escrito por uno de los escritores estrella de DC comics en estos momentos:Joshua Williamson. Quien tiene buenos trabajos para DC y otros no tanto.

Ilustrado por Leomacs quien nos deleita con su estilo tosco y muy simple pero hermoso.
El color es puesto en marcha por Matheus Lopes, quien cumple con su estilo y el de Leomacs.

Un comic que nos muestra un ultimo atraco more

Rogues #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Leomacs
Released: Mar 23, 2022

Ten years ago, the Rogues disbanded and went their separate ways. But time hasn't been kind to the former blue-collar super-criminals. Caught in an endless cycle of prison, rehab, dead-end jobs, broken relationships, probation, and endless restitution fees, the Rogues are sick of paying for their crimes. Luckily, Captain Cold has a plan. One last j...

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Costa Rica Comic Club added Rogues (2022) to their pull list Mar 22, 2022

Rogues (2022)

Ten years ago, the Rogues disbanded and went their separate ways. But time hasn't been kind to the former blue-collar super-criminals. Caught in an endless cycle of prison, rehab, dead-end jobs, broken relationships, probation, and endless restitution fees, the Rogues are sick of paying for their crimes. Luckily, Captain Cold has a plan. One last j...

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Costa Rica Comic Club added Mirka Andolfo's Sweet Paprika to their pull list Mar 17, 2022

Mirka Andolfo's Sweet Paprika

Paprika is a successful businesswoman, a New Yorker of Italian origin. Job and career consume her, forcing her to neglect her personal needs as well as her friends and family. Her heart is broken from a previous relationship and its consequences, and a rigid upbringing has made her a very introverted person. She wants a romantic relationship, but s...

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Costa Rica Comic Club reviewed Slumber #1 Mar 17, 2022

Slumber 1
Un comic producido por Images comics. Escrito por Tyler Smith e ilustrado por Nathan Fox y Vanessa Cardinali. Una serie regular que empezó el 16 de marzo del 2022.
Una detective/cazadora de sueños es contratada por clientes para acabar con sus pesadillas, podemos ver 4 personajes principales, dos cazadores y dos detectives. Los cuales están unidos por una el mismo obje more

Slumber #1

By: Tyler Burton Smith, Vanessa Cardinali
Released: Mar 16, 2022

Stetson is a nightmare hunter. A dream detective. She runs a shoddy back-alley business where she helps clients sleep at night by entering their dreams and killing their nightmares. But Stetson's past comes back to haunt her when she tracks down a literal living nightmare - a serial killer that murders people in their sleep.

SLUMBER is an ...

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