Fantastic issue, Abyss is growing in every single issue, his presence is thretening, Williamson's voice for Batman and Luthor is great and the plot twist was interesting. Great art by Jorge Molina and Mikel Janin
So, it's nice to read a ongoing Batman book I actually like.
Another solid issue from joshua williamson batman with great art and an interesting plot
Silly twists but I am really enjoying this run so far and it may be the best ive read from Williamson
This is solid. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster, but not in a fun way. Like, we're headed up the hill and the drop is when Williamson fails to deliver and I go back to seeing this title as a chore rather than something I enjoy. I understand this is a very cynical take to have when my score is an 8/10. It's just a dreading feeling I've got. You notice a couple peculiar things in this issue and it's like the calm before the storm. I hope I'm wrong, seriously. I'd love to keep enjoying Batman. But yeah, something about this issue just rubs me the wrong way. The backup was a thing that existed.
Still good, though a little weaker than the first two issues.
Okay, this issue was very interesting. Williamson's run is getting better week after week, and the mistery do make me curious. Abyss is quickly becoming a great villain, an excellent addition to Batman's rogues gallery. And it's interesting to think about his relationship with Batman Inc., as he probably sees himself as a hero and maybe he's seen that way by the rest of Batman Inc. And I really liked the armor that Lex is wearing.
The art is also great.
Amazing art and a solid story with an interesting twist. Like it.
Fabulous. i relly like the voice of Luthor here. and the art is amazing. if there's something that i have a little problem with is Batman being blind and it's effects. i was hopping for it to have a bigger role and effect here but still enjoyed it.
This is probably the dullest issue of this arc. I'm hoping the conclusion is better, and that it doesn't leave nothing resolved so we'll have to deal with more as comic arcs tend to do these days. There just wasn't much to the main story except the revelation at the end. As for the backup story I'm getting tired of Batman mysteries that are better suited for Dr. Who. Batman's supposed to fight criminals, not unnatural creatures. And let's face it, he's been doing a lot of that lately.
Some really uneven pacing brought this issue down. I'm not sure if that was intentionally done, to mimic whatever Abyss has done to Batman and 'disorient' the reader but it had the effect on me either way. The actual mystery behind Abyss still has my full attention and the addition of Luthor to the story has brought some much needed levity to the title.
It's a nice issue, amazing art and the voice of Luthor was interesting. I did not see the Batman Inc working for abyss coming (I was surprised) but since we know nothing about abyss its hard to understand what to make of this twist, this issue falls behind a little from the previous two because it changes batman for no reason; he is screaming and yelling at people and jumping on conclusion really quickly. This issue falls into a weird place because there is just one issue left next month before the Shadow war event starts so they had to do something big in this issue to solve in the next issue to somewhat complete the abyss arc. In the next issue, either we are going to know a little about abyss like his/her identity or motives and mostly focus on Luthor or we get nothing new about abyss and just focus on batman & Luthor go against abyss's batman inc and use the last couple pages to tease shadow war. more
I'm sorry but I don't feel this. The dialogue is all over the place, I'm not sure if the twist at the end will make any sort of sense, at this point it doesn't. I wasn't impressed by this, to say the least. The backup is also very boring. I liked the way he writes Luthor and what he's trying to do with him and I also liked the art, that's about it in terms of strengths. And Cayha, coming right after Wong from the Imposter, comes across as a shallow copy of that. I really hope next issue will explain some stuff and we'll see some team-up between Batman and Luthor because the book needs a big win at this point. It's better than Tynion's run but that's not very hard, to be honest.
Batman 120
Historia por Joshua Williamson, Karl Kerschl y ilustrado por Mikel Janin, Karl Kerschl, Jorge Molina, seguimos al murciélago después de su pelea con the abyss y vemos a un Batman derrotado y con muchas preguntas acerca del daño a sus ojos.
Lo Bueno
Se ven cosas interesantes como un Luthor con una armadura de Batman bastante llamativa a pesar de que es una idea reciclada tiene un diseño bueno, después e nos plantan varias preguntas en el comic como los objetivos de abyss, que le paso a Bruce en los ojos, porque Luthor compro Batman inc y obvio el misterio principal del arco del encierro de los miembros de Batman Inc.
Lo malo
Hay muchas cosas sin sentido en el issue como Batman inc trabajando en contra de Batman, un Lex Luther que aparece después de una pelea con Abyss sin ningún tipo de consecuencia y una trama extremadamente básica después de venir de un run enrelidad muy decente por parte de tynion.
Para Terminar
El club piensa que no es una mala historia, pero no una para recomendar, Batman esta en un momento de transición mientras el nuevo equipo creativo se prepara.
The pacing of this book is jarring and the dialogue is completely stilted. Some of the lines the characters speak leave me confused; I don't think anybody talks like that. Williamson is trying to do a Morrison impression, but it comes off as braindead.
These are mostly the same problems I had last week with Deathstroke Inc, which leaves me conflicted since his previous work was cohesive and well put together. I do believe the strain of tackling 5+ books at the same time is getting to Williamson, which is really unfortunate.
The art is still great, but Josh needs to get his ideas (which are interesting and have a lot of potential) and develop/present them with more finesse. I'm all for compressed storytelling and getting a lot out of a single issue, but the pacing and idea distribution is hurting the plot. more
Meh. Middle of the road comic in terms of story. AT LEAST it has Batman in it unlike Detective Comics. The back up story was pointless and waste of paper.
Again, this all setup. Batman escapes from morgue by being transported in a body bag. Police are so stupid that they don’t look for a body sized man in a body bag. That’s bad writing. Batman and the female detective talk about Bat’s weakness and we learn he is aware of some problem with his eyes. That sounds dumb to me, jumping to a conclusion without evidence. It be his brain or some sort of spell.
Given all Batman has experienced, jumping to a conclusion without evidence is dumb. We learn Lex believes there must be a Batman and it might as well be him. I guess he got tired of saying there must be Superman and it might as well be him.
Bruce does a lot of yelling at Bats Inc. TELL ME!! That strikes me as being like a petulant child and not being the world’s greatest detective, so bad characterization.
Turns out Bats Inc. serves Abyss, whoever that is. So two issues in, we don’t know much and the action is dull, the characterization poor and the mystery, well let’s just say, uncompelling. The art was nice, but I am not a fan of Bruce being drawn as shouting and looking like a spoiled child angry who is angry that no one will play with him.
This Batman isn’t cool or smart. He is taken by surprise at every turn and will only win because it is his book, not because the writer has created a clever plot and shown us how Batman outwits the enemy and unravels the plan.
Not a fan. Or I could be wrong. more
this comic has degraded from mediocre to just plain terrible. this is an absolutely awful depiction of Batman, as well as Batman Incorporated. Batman comes off as a screaming moron in this.