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Joined: Jan 04, 2022

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Detective Comics #1062

By: Ram V, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Jul 27, 2022

GOTHAM NOCTURNE PART 1 OF 4: OVERTURE. It's a new era for the detective of the night as we introduce award-winning new series writer Ram V (Catwoman, The Many Deaths of Laila Starr), and artist extraordinaire Rafael Albuquerque (American Vampire, Superman/Batman)! Together, they'll be turning Gotham into a tragic yet beautiful gothic opera for our ...

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hector Hammond rated Robin #16 Jul 26, 2022

Robin #16

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Jul 27, 2022

Robin's investigation into Lazarus Island is put on hold as Lord Death Man strikes. Damian and Hawke are called to Tokyo by Flatline to help her deal with her crazed mentor. Which means...killer-bros road trip!

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hector Hammond rated Robin #15 Jun 28, 2022

Robin #15

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Jun 29, 2022

Damian Wayne is back from the Shadow War and licking his wounds the best way a Wayne knows how...brooding (duh). But in light of the shocking death in the al Ghul family, Robin resolves to dig deeper into the world of the Demon...and a return to Lazarus Island-with Flatline at his side-leaves him with yet another shocking revelation!  

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hector Hammond rated Nightwing #93 Jun 21, 2022

Nightwing #93

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Jun 22, 2022

Battle for Blüdhaven's heart! After uncovering that Blockbuster isn't who he says he is-in fact, he's much worse-Nightwing, Babs, and Blüdhaven mayor Melinda Zucco battle to expose Blockbuster's...malpractices. With Blockbuster controlling more of the criminal underground than Nightwing ever thought possible, can Dick Grayson help stop him before...

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Dark Knights of Steel #7

By: Tom Taylor, Nathan Gooden
Released: Jun 8, 2022

With three kingdoms on the brink of war, Batman is in hiding, recovering from an attack and a shocking betrayal. But Bat-man finds he's not the only unfortunate soul to be taken in by his surprise rescuers-strange, magical youngsters have been given sanctuary alongside the bastard prince, Bruce Wayne. Will these teen outcasts change everything Batm...

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Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere
Released: Jun 8, 2022

Crisis on Infinite Earths. Infinite Crisis. Final Crisis. And now...Dark Crisis! The epic event years in the making is finally here! Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the rest of the Justice League are dead. The remaining heroes are left to protect the world from an onslaught of violent attacks by DC's greatest villains! Can the legacy heroes ste...

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hector Hammond reviewed Flashpoint: Beyond #1 May 3, 2022

This issue was a lot better than i expected specially the writing considering it has the Writer of teen titans academy co-writing it, let's just say that book isn't really what it should be. the only Problem i have with this series so far is that i wish We had a more Concrete reason to visit the flashpoint universe again.

Flashpoint: Beyond #1

By: Geoff Johns, Xermanico
Released: May 4, 2022

Batman's hunt for the Clockwork Killer brings him to Europe and face to face with the mad king, Aquaman. On the eve of Aquaman's sinking of London, Batman infiltrates his stronghold and goes on the warpath for answers. Nothing matters to Batman, whose world is already dead, but if he can track down the Clockwork Killer, Thomas can save his son's wo...

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hector Hammond reviewed Batman #123 May 3, 2022

The problem i have with some of the issues of this event specially the batman ones and the recent deathstroke one is that the things that happens in them could've been a Page or two in the robin book and nothing of Matter would've change and imo the pacing would've been better. the starting point for this event was decent enough ( even though i wasn't a fan of Ra's characterization and Bruce blami more

Batman #123

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: May 4, 2022

Batman and Robin are finally reunited! Together they will hunt for the truth behind the death of Ra's al Ghul! But then who is left to defend the Secret Society against the League of Shadows? Deathstroke's fight against the Demon's Shadow ends with a shocking cliffhanger! Plus, what happens when you get Deathstroke infected with Joker toxin? Find o...

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if you ignore the first few stupid pages with John this is Probably the best issue after issue 1( in nowhere of this world they would call this arse pull reveal as a story yet it gets this many pages). the problems i have with this is that Knowing Taylor's recent work so many of the ideas that he is planting here he is not gonna rap them up and probably so many of this cameos of different characte more

Dark Knights of Steel #6

By: Tom Taylor, Yasmin Putri
Released: Apr 27, 2022

Kingdoms are divided. Monarchs have fallen. Families have been torn apart. The Kingdom of Storms, the Amazons, and the Els are on the brink of all-out war. Can Constantine, Lois Lane, and Harley Quinn stop what's coming? Or is the prophecy correct? Do Superman and his family have to die to save the world?

hector Hammond rated Justice League #75 Apr 26, 2022

Justice League #75

By: Joshua Williamson, Rafael Sandoval
Released: Apr 27, 2022

Oversize special issue! Superstar writer Joshua Williamson pens the beginning of the next big DCU event! It all starts here! A new Dark Army made up of the DCU's greatest villains has formed on the edges of the Multiverse! The DCU's best and most powerful heroes are pulled together in an epic war to push the darkness back! But in the end, they are ...

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This series put's a smile on my face.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest #2

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Apr 20, 2022

The Man of Steel and the Dark Knight have arrived at the compound of Niles Caulder-the Chief in charge of that strange band of misfits known as the Doom Patrol-but all is not as it seems. While Batman works with Niles to cure Superman of his freakish transformations, a side mission to track a mysterious figure known as "the Demon" attracts the Dark...

hector Hammond liked this:
Quinn reviewed Batman #122 Apr 5, 2022

Don’t care about this issue. Part of some huge plot that I am not following. The art was nice, but the story ends with Bats kissing Talia.

Caution old man rant coming. You kids stay off my lawn.

My. Problem is that Talia is a terrible character. Terrible in both senses evil and poorly written. At first she. Hangs around her dad and calls Bats beloved and helps Bags escape d more

Batman #122

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Apr 6, 2022

Ra's al Ghul is dead, and Talia is out for revenge! Batman is on the case to find Deathstroke before Talia's elite killers do! But Batman starts to piece together that not everything is what it seems in Ra's's death...and knows whom he must interrogate to get answers...Talia herself! Can the two former lovers ever work togeth-er again? Plus, a back...

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Comics Code Authorities - Apr 19, 2022

That's why I haven't liked her for the last 20 or so years. She no longer has that kinder side O'Neil gave her 50 years ago. The one that actually disapproved of her father's cruel ways. These days she practically embraces them. And she thinks she's as "great" as her father and has molded their son into a yet even more arrogant spoiled brat. I lost any hope for a future between Batman and her when her character went downhill a couple of decades ago.

hector Hammond reviewed Batman #122 Apr 5, 2022

Nothing much really happened. nothing of importance that is. that page with the hint of Fake deathstoke's Identity was probably the best part in this issue. not a fan of Talia and bruce. the art can be confusing sometimes specially when in the flight scenes.

Batman #122

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Apr 6, 2022

Ra's al Ghul is dead, and Talia is out for revenge! Batman is on the case to find Deathstroke before Talia's elite killers do! But Batman starts to piece together that not everything is what it seems in Ra's's death...and knows whom he must interrogate to get answers...Talia herself! Can the two former lovers ever work togeth-er again? Plus, a back...

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arroniero45 reviewed Shadow War: Alpha #1 Mar 29, 2022

Didn't like the part with Ra's. it was kind of foolish for Ra's to act like that and do the whole information exposure in public. and art was bad for me. other than that it was solid.

Shadow War: Alpha #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Mar 30, 2022

"When Deathstroke assassinates Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul demands revenge and sends her League of Shadows to kill Deathstroke and Deathstroke Inc.! Batman and Robin must team up to track down Deathstroke and bring him to justice...but do they? Expect over-the-top fights, action, mystery, and betrayal as this crossover event creates a major impact ...

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Shadow War: Alpha #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Mar 30, 2022

"When Deathstroke assassinates Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul demands revenge and sends her League of Shadows to kill Deathstroke and Deathstroke Inc.! Batman and Robin must team up to track down Deathstroke and bring him to justice...but do they? Expect over-the-top fights, action, mystery, and betrayal as this crossover event creates a major impact ...

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hector Hammond reviewed DC vs. Vampires #6 Mar 29, 2022

Holly sh!t. wasn't expecting that reveal. i already know people gonna cry about it here. this is a elseworld accept it. it was good to see some characters with plot armour gone for good. but now i have a question about a one shot that they're going to release about a certain character in the Gap between the issues considerin that character is kind of dead.

DC vs. Vampires #6

By: James Tynion IV, Otto Schmidt
Released: Mar 30, 2022

Batman gets the upper hand on the vampires who have infiltrated the Justice League...but the Vampire King finally reveals himself, and it will be the most jaw-dropping moment of 2022! The shocking, bestselling series reaches its blood-drenched halfway point!

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hector Hammond commented on this:
allenquanobi reviewed Nightwing #90 Mar 15, 2022

I'm seeing a lot of reviews bash Taylor for not having an over arching story and just adding filler. It's like people have never read comics before the 2000s. If you read anything from the Silver Age, Bronze Age, or even the early Modern Age, almost every series had filler issues and one off issues. A lot of the time, these issues were among the best since they were easy to read and allowed the more

Nightwing #90

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Mar 16, 2022

A Nightwing and Wally West story, part 1 of 2! When it's easier to go buy bagels as Nightwing than as Dick Grayson because everyone is either trying to get him for his money or kill him for the price on his head, Nightwing realizes he'll need to enlist the help of his Teen Titan friends as his bodyguards, and the first to volunteer is of course his...

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allenquanobi - Mar 16, 2022

Im not gonna change ur mind, I just stated my opinion and reaction. You feel free to believe what you want and gatekeeper. All I can say is boy am I glad u are not an editor or writer at any comic book company

hector Hammond - Mar 16, 2022

Gald that we have the same opinion about each other. if you like decompressed watery humour filler than Hat's off to you i guess terrible books have their own audience. farewell.

hector Hammond reviewed War For Earth-3 #1 Mar 1, 2022

i liked this. even though the Titans didn't appear but i also understand this is a short event in fact only 5 parts or issues and also mainly a suicide squad event. there's no reason to be angry about it cause I'm sure they are gonna appear in their own book. also Please get hopeless out of here, his writing is bad. I'm pretty sure the bad dialogues in this issue comes from him.

War For Earth-3 #1

By: Dennis Hopeless, Steve Pugh
Released: Mar 2, 2022

The Teen Titans, the Flash and the Suicide Squad all collide on Earth-3-home of the evil Crime Syndicate-on the hunt for former Task Force X mastermind Amanda Waller. As Waller tries to take over the alternate Earth and dethrone evil versions of Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and other heroes that rule it, her former partner-Rick Flag-arrives on E...

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hector Hammond rated Task Force Z #5 Feb 22, 2022

Task Force Z #5

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: Feb 23, 2022

Heads? Everyone gets eaten by a zombie. Tails? Aw, who am I kidding…everyone’s going to get eaten by a zombie. It’s always a trick question when Two-Face is involved…and Harvey Dent’s role in this whole zombie Suicide Squad thing (zombicide? Is this a Zombicide Zquad?) is a whole lot weirder than you think it is. Or maybe not, I don’t k...

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hector Hammond rated Robin #11 Feb 22, 2022

Robin #11

By: Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov
Released: Feb 23, 2022

They survived the League of Lazarus tournament! Damian, Flatline, Ravager, and Connor Hawke celebrate with the rest of the fighters, but their party quickly turns into another deadly fight! Secret crushes are revealed, hearts are broken, and Hawke has one last confrontation with an old enemy before he can return to his former life!

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Contessa reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #8 Feb 8, 2022

The art is terrible, the writing’s terrible, the way Jon was drawn he looks like a constipated beaver

Superman: Son of Kal-El #8

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Feb 9, 2022

Henry Bendix's plans for ultimate control threaten every superhero on Earth. And, in trying to stand against the dictator of Gamorra, Superman makes himself a target of business and world leaders. He is seen by too many as a force that must be stopped. How much can even a Man of Steel stand against before he bends?

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Merlyn - Feb 8, 2022

I genuinely loled at the beaver comment. :)))

hector Hammond liked this:
Merlyn reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #8 Feb 8, 2022

The only thing I liked here is that we FINALLY get an idea about Bendix's plan, that's the only good thing here. Everything else is just stupid and propagandistic beyond belief. The good news is this book isn't selling and I think it's going to get cancelled pretty soon. If Wonder Girl got cancelled, which wasn't a great book but it was definitely better than this crap, I think this will get cance more

Superman: Son of Kal-El #8

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Feb 9, 2022

Henry Bendix's plans for ultimate control threaten every superhero on Earth. And, in trying to stand against the dictator of Gamorra, Superman makes himself a target of business and world leaders. He is seen by too many as a force that must be stopped. How much can even a Man of Steel stand against before he bends?

hector Hammond added Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) to their pull list Feb 8, 2022

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021)

Jonathan Kent has experienced a lot in his young life. He’s traveled the galaxies with his Kryptonian grandfather and lived in the future with the Legion of Super-Heroes, who were intent on training him for the day his father, Clark Kent, could no longer be Superman. There is a hole in the Legion’s history that prevents Jon from knowing exactly...

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hector Hammond reviewed Batman #120 Feb 1, 2022

Fabulous. i relly like the voice of Luthor here. and the art is amazing. if there's something that i have a little problem with is Batman being blind and it's effects. i was hopping for it to have a bigger role and effect here but still enjoyed it.

Batman #120

By: Karl Kerschl, Mikel Janin
Released: Feb 2, 2022

“Abyss” part three! The new Batman Inc.’s heinous crimes have landed them in a high-security prison. Batman believes the only way to help his old allies is to break them out…but they don’t want his help! Meanwhile, Batman Inc.’s mysterious benefactor uses the chaos to enact their plans, but finds themselves lost in the dark against Abys...

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hector Hammond reviewed Detective Comics #1051 Feb 1, 2022

the story's going somewhere.........
i guess.

Detective Comics #1051

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Fernando Blanco
Released: Feb 2, 2022

Psycho-Pirate! Qu’est-ce que ç’est? The mind manipulations of one of the DCU’s most calamitous villains are revealed at the heart of Arkham Tower…but who’s really calling the shots? As Batwoman’s undercover operation takes a disastrous turn, Huntress finds her own mission inside the Tower growing more perilous by the moment! All is rev...

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Merlyn reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #7 Jan 18, 2022

I think someone should let in Jon on the fact that he joined a cult. Yeah, "the Truth" is a cult, even though Taylor tries to sell it as something else, a "rEvOlUtIoN". And the art is bad, I wasn't a fan of Timms' art but this is much, much worse. I swear there's a panel where Jon looks like a girl, I've seen this in the annual too but ignored it, when it's repeated though I can't ignore it. There more

Superman: Son of Kal-El #7

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Jan 19, 2022

Superman has recovered from the devastating attack against him. After the life-changing events of issue #5, Jon Kent and his new ally Jay Nakamura are ready to strike back. They are on a collision course with the type of power that is used to swatting problems out of the way. But Superman is not so easily swatted.

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Bats44121 - Jan 23, 2022

When you think of a character like Superman whose fiction stories included fighting real enemies: Nazi Germany, imperial Axis Japan, KKK, etc., Gamorra seems absurd. But that was another age when comics writers, like Sandman Wesley Dodds co-creator, fought and died for freedom. Today, as read this, mass-murder in Chicago is routine, and children regularly sacrificed. Not one comics hero lifts a finger to encourage protecting their lives. Comics sci-fi writers simply squeeze eyes shut to reality.

Merlyn - Jan 23, 2022

Not only that, they encourage the dissolution of society's norms and institutions in the hopes that if enough people will give up on that and their freedoms, eventually their "revolution" will come to fruition.

hector Hammond commented on this:

Just loved the issue. It was so fast in a good way - I mean, I was really afraid that Taylor would start this next arc so slow, and, in the same time, advance nothing with the story. But no! The writing is smart, talk about everything and has no holes in it. Just don't liked the art, as usuall.

Superman: Son of Kal-El #7

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Jan 19, 2022

Superman has recovered from the devastating attack against him. After the life-changing events of issue #5, Jon Kent and his new ally Jay Nakamura are ready to strike back. They are on a collision course with the type of power that is used to swatting problems out of the way. But Superman is not so easily swatted.

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hector Hammond - Jan 18, 2022

You have a very interesting definition of smart writing like I'm really baffled by it.

RKS - Jan 22, 2022

No plot holes? Jay asks Jon to join a group that requires masks and fake names that meets on an abandoned boat in secret...Yet Jon doesn't question any of these activities, their objectives, or how they plan reach their goals? Not even a little? They basically reduced the intelligence of Jon to nothing here.

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Asger rated Batman: The Knight #1 Jan 18, 2022

Batman: The Knight #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Jan 19, 2022

The origin of Batman and his never-ending fight against crime in Gotham City is modern mythology, but what of the story in between? How did an angry, damaged young man grow into the most accomplished detective and crime-fighter the world has ever known? How did the Dark Knight…begin? Superstar writer Chip Zdarsky (Daredevil) and acclaimed artist ...

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Afre reviewed Batman: The Knight #1 Jan 18, 2022

It's just fine. There is nothing wrong with this, but it's not entirely new concept, so it gave a little "been there done that" -feeling after reading this. Sure, there are new elements here, but Batman's origins have touched upon so many times, it's hard to make it interesting and compelling read.

Thankfully the art is good and script solid. It's just not as good as I wanted it to be, more

Batman: The Knight #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Jan 19, 2022

The origin of Batman and his never-ending fight against crime in Gotham City is modern mythology, but what of the story in between? How did an angry, damaged young man grow into the most accomplished detective and crime-fighter the world has ever known? How did the Dark Knight…begin? Superstar writer Chip Zdarsky (Daredevil) and acclaimed artist ...

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KFuqua rated Superman: Son of Kal-El #7 Jan 18, 2022

Superman: Son of Kal-El #7

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Jan 19, 2022

Superman has recovered from the devastating attack against him. After the life-changing events of issue #5, Jon Kent and his new ally Jay Nakamura are ready to strike back. They are on a collision course with the type of power that is used to swatting problems out of the way. But Superman is not so easily swatted.

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