The Teen Titans, the Flash and the Suicide Squad all collide on Earth-3-home of the evil Crime Syndicate-on the hunt for former Task Force X mastermind Amanda Waller. As Waller tries to take over the alternate Earth and dethrone evil versions of Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and other heroes that rule it, her former partner-Rick Flag-arrives on E-3 bent on making Waller pay for her crimes, while the Titans and Flash hunt for a missing academy student they believe was kidnapped by Waller to form her mysterious Justice Squad.
Mr. Toad had less exciting, and wild rides than what weve had over the last year with Thompsons Suicide Squad, and this looks like its going to just get weirder. Wallers tipping her hand, and shes going to show us just why the acronym of HBIC was created. Read Full Review
This was a solid opening act for the yearlong Suicide Squad arc. The third faction in this event didnt show up yet so War for Earth-3 is only going to heat up in upcoming installments. Read Full Review
War for Earth-3 #1 is an explosive continuation of multiple ideas. With both the Crime Syndicate and Suicide Squad books flowing into this larger river, this comic is the result of the collision course the groups have been set on. Hopeless and Thompson script a heavy metal comic that delights in devastation, with the artists gloriously fuelling the fire. Read Full Review
Overall, this story is just an oversized, more explosive version of the story playing out in Suicide Squad, but with the same writers on every upcoming issue, it's likely to at least remain consistent. Read Full Review
For our first part in the War For Earth-3, I think the writers have come at this hard in trying to pique our interest and as far as the Earth-3 stuff is concerned they totally did. The only faults I really have with this book are the Rick Flag stuff, which is funny because in the Suicide Squad on-going, that's the part that I couldn't wait to see. The art is cool throughout and there's a very worrisome cliffhanger and ultimately, while parts of this book left me disappointed, everything Earth-3 here makes me can't wait to read the next issue. Read Full Review
Although this was quite entertaining, I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to. Ultraman and The Crime Syndicate are just being written as Homelander and The Boys now it seems, which is ironic as they may have been part of the original inspiration for that book back in the day. No nuances at all, just evil archetypes, albeit amusing and moderately interesting ones. I never really cared for any of the characters, not a good sign for any book. Apart from Waller, most characters got a few panels tops, so it was hard to get fully drawn into everything. The changing art styles didn't help either, adding to the general feeling of choppiness and instability. Despite all that, there was something here, a glimmer that the second issue might yet pull this over the line. Read Full Review
Overall, the War For Earth-3event is off to an action-packed start. Set so far apart from the main continuity, it truly feels as if anything can happen here. The story also makes enough sense as a jumping on point for someone like me who's not caught up on the main Suicide Squad title. I do wish there could have been more art style consistency across the issue, especially before we get into the actual event that will span entirely different books helmed by even more creative teams. Despite this and the high cover price, I still enjoyed the issue and look forward to what's to come. Read Full Review
An interesting opening conflicts with the story's promises in this event debut. Read Full Review
War for Earth-3 #1 is a decent enough book. There's plenty of action, a lot of interesting payoffs for those who have been following Suicide Squad, and it's just removed enough from the "main" continuity that there's space for pretty much anything to happen. But with the hard shifts between narratives, and a sort of "drop in" feeling, the issue can be disorienting and requires an adjustment that detracts from the overall fun of events. Read Full Review
While Waller's team takes down Power Ring and then Owlman, Ultraman is distracted by the sex games of Owlman and Superwoman providing the Squad with just the opening they need and Waller time to make her pitch to the world's most dangerous man. Aside from the seedy Owlman / Superwoman / Ultraman stuff, ick, there is plenty of action (although nowhere near $6 worth) and Waller does have a plan which her team executes leading to a new status quo. The war has begun. Hmm, okay? Read Full Review
This issue features two writers, six artists, hundreds of superhumans and a ton of back-stabbing, coming together into an explosive (and not entirely coherent) whole that doesn't really earn its price tag. Read Full Review