Absolute Z to the 4's Profile

Joined: Dec 23, 2020

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Absolute Z to the 4 commented on this:
themightylayman reviewed Titans #19 Jan 11, 2025

Another thrilling masterpiece by John Layman! How does he do it?!!?!

Titans #19

By: John Layman, Serg Acuna
Released: Jan 15, 2025

KILLER FROST BREAKS BAD! Revenge is a dish best served cold. Killers have ice in their veins, and villains are cold-hearted. See where we're going with this? This month's weather forecast predicts freezing overnight lows, ice storms, snow flurries, and a high chance of dead Titans. Brrrr!

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Absolute Z to the 4 - Jan 16, 2025


Absolute Z to the 4 rated Aquaman #1 Jan 8, 2025

Aquaman #1

By: Jeremy Adams, John Timms
Released: Jan 8, 2025

NEW POWERS, NEW MISSION...THE KING IS BACK, BABY! In the wake of Absolute Power, Arthur Curry's powers have evolved to powerful new heights, and this is one king ready to use them to kick some serious butt. Mammoth water-construct Kaijus have emerged from each of the seven seas, and only Aquaman's water-warping abilities can stop them--but not if t...

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When you have as much fun reading this as I did, this could just as well be a 10.0.

Stargirl: The Lost Children #5

By: Geoff Johns, Todd Nauck
Released: Mar 29, 2023

The battle for the fate of the Lost Children has begun as Stargirl leads a raid on the Childminder’s castle! But who has been asking the Childminder to round up these kids, and for what purpose? The buyer has arrived, and Stargirl is not ready for him!

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Absolute Z to the 4 reviewed Harley Quinn #23 Oct 27, 2022

FINALLY! There were glimmers in the writing last month, and now here it is: a well-written Harley Quinn book with excellent art.

Matteo Lolli's art is great. Clean and expressive. Possibly better than his extensive work at Marvel.

I guess people forgot Sami Basri's art on the last Harley Quinn series, the one that ran for 75 issues, but this is a lot like the beautiful art Ba more

Harley Quinn #23

By: Stephanie Phillips, Matteo Lolli
Released: Oct 26, 2022

Y'know, bein' dead is just like ridin' a bike. There's a big white light, and then Prince shows up and offers you a chance to host a house party in the clouds with Marilyn Monroe and Abraham Lincoln. Then suddenly you're brought back to life in a pit of goopy green snot, and you have to find the person who was rude enough to shoot and kill you. To ...

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Gets a 4.0 thanks to the backup which isn't great but is readable.

As for the main story, no comic has ever left me feeling this stupid. The artwork leaves me lost, the plot and dialog confused. It all goes right over my head. I have a feeling everything is actually quite simple, but obscured due to art I find difficult to understand despite the use of shading and some tones, and dialog more

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War #4

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Pasquale Qualano
Released: Oct 19, 2022

With Baron Cinder and his lieutenants kept occupied by the mother of all diversions, the team attempts a daring raid on the Blood Farm to retrieve the one person who can bring sunlight back to the world. However, they have not reckoned on the terrifying presence of the Baron's vampire knights-familiar faces whose blades are every bit as bloodthirst...

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Dex Rober - Oct 20, 2022 (edited)

I actually thought these last two issues were a little better overall (for the main story), but I think this book is being carried by the backups, which are generally much more interesting. It doesn't help that this feels like it's being written for the trade (unlike the main series, which works well on an issue-by-issue basis) so it feels like we're being given the story in pills.

Absolute Z to the 4 commented on this:

Cringey dialogue, confused artwork, a lackluster plot, horrible characterization, blatant queerbaiting, unsubtle meta commentary that misses the mark, and a tie-in that is in its penultimate issue and has yet to tie into the very event it is a part of, all combine to make such a waste of everyone’s time

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #5

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Oct 19, 2022

HERE'S MICKEY! Mickey Mxyzptlk, son of Mr. Mxyzptlk, built the "perfect world" where he and the boys of Young Justice could rule without being criticized, without having to change, without ever having to grow up. Mickey has an ugly soul and too much power. The boys of Young Justice will have to overcome their shortcomings and defeat him to get back...

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Absolute Z to the 4 - Oct 18, 2022

So far the tie-in may be that the story starts out at a memorial for the apparently dead Justice Leaguers? Ridiculous. And yes, it's badly written and not much Braga can do with it. Maybe the final issue will tie in better but nothing can rescue this from being less than mediocre!

SomeRandomSmartA55 - Oct 18, 2022

Nothing can rescue this book at all. DC really needs to get rid of this writer and editorial team. I hate saying that, but this is just ridiculous, how this book got published I will never know.

ZONS9 reviewed DC vs. Vampires #8 Aug 3, 2022

I'm loving this series and I really liked this issue. I specially like, that despite being in essence an issue where we stop and take a look at our characers before they start their respective journeys (so basically a setup chapter) it still manages to maintain the tension and the sense of dread that they may not come out of this.

I love they're setting up some internal conflict in this more

DC vs. Vampires #8

By: James Tynion IV, Otto Schmidt
Released: Aug 3, 2022

THE BATTLE FOR EARTH CONTINUES IN THIS BLOODTHIRSTY SERIES! The surviving heroes put their various plans in motion in their last attempt to save humanity! The Birds of Prey are out for blood and head back into the heart of the vampire kingdom: Gotham City! Supergirl must cross a vampire-infested ocean and Green Arrow's mission is...just too horrify...

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Otto Schmidt's art is terrific as usual. But I don't agree with the reviewers who say the artwork is seamlessly shared. Daniele Di Nicuolo drew nine of the 22 pages - the scenes with Batgirl in and right outside of Hugo Strange's lab, and then on the boat with Supergirl, Steel and Black Manta. And while the static panels are okay, his scratchy manga style often meant incomprehensible action. Batgi more

DC vs. Vampires #8

By: James Tynion IV, Otto Schmidt
Released: Aug 3, 2022

THE BATTLE FOR EARTH CONTINUES IN THIS BLOODTHIRSTY SERIES! The surviving heroes put their various plans in motion in their last attempt to save humanity! The Birds of Prey are out for blood and head back into the heart of the vampire kingdom: Gotham City! Supergirl must cross a vampire-infested ocean and Green Arrow's mission is...just too horrify...

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Absolute Z to the 4 reviewed Catwoman #44 Jun 24, 2022

6 for the interior art - not a great showing by Bengal

3 for the storytelling. Seems this writer can't write, and I guess her editor can't read. Or thinks the resolution involving a wage inequity message overcame the otherwise weak storytelling.

This would be 4.5 but I'll bump it to 5.5 because of another superb cover by Jeff Dekal.

Catwoman #44

By: Tini Howard, Bengal
Released: Jun 22, 2022

Harley Quinn and Catwoman get their gals' out-of-town trip at the roller derby crashed when some mysterious creep runs them off the road...and then follows them around at the derby! But this is Catwoman and Harley Quinn-you stalk them, and you'll pay for it...maybe with a limb or two. Meanwhile, there seems to be more than one lurker in the shadows...

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Absolute Z to the 4 commented on this:

I really love how this issue opens, feels very respectful and proud about DC's history. The art is amazing too. Jon trying to assemble a new League was the best part for me. I can see this character becoming a good Superman easily. However... This reminds me how Jon already having this level of responsibilities feels wrong and forced. Kara should be the one taking Clark's place. I feel somew more

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere
Released: Jun 8, 2022

Crisis on Infinite Earths. Infinite Crisis. Final Crisis. And now...Dark Crisis! The epic event years in the making is finally here! Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the rest of the Justice League are dead. The remaining heroes are left to protect the world from an onslaught of violent attacks by DC's greatest villains! Can the legacy heroes ste...

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Absolute Z to the 4 - Jun 8, 2022

In the final couple of issues of Teen Titans Academy, Gar and Victor got merged into one being (sharing their minds in a merged odd-looking body), and Raven created an illusion that they had separate bodies that looked like their regular selves. That should mean if you actually see Gar, you must be seeing an illusion, and therefore the bullet must have missed. At least that's where I think this could be going! Maybe getting to that plot point is the only reason TTA's run was extended a bit.


Stephen Segovia is a superb artist, but his pages look rough and unfinished to me in spots, especially the major action scenes.

Howard Porter, on the other hand, while not usually one of my favorites, lent an appropriate horror vibe to his five epilogue pages that came across great.

I'd like to know how, if Geo-Force can raise a giant rock monster, can launch molten rock (I t more

Shadow War: Omega #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Stephen Segovia
Released: Jun 1, 2022

THE SHADOW WAR’S EPIC CONCLUSION! The shocking finale of the Shadow War! Lives have been lost. Heroes and villains have fallen in battle. And now the real mastermind behind the Shadow War has been revealed. But they are far from done! Batman and Robin are all that’s left to put a stop to their real plans. Can the father-and-son duo work togethe...

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Absolute Z to the 4 commented on this:
WhistleBlower reviewed Task Force Z #8 May 24, 2022

I can see why this book is being canceled. Sales are pretty low, huh? There are more sock puppet accounts astroturfing this than there are people reading. You can tell how they all use the same writing style. Very similar to a certain account that got banned for perverted and unspeakable deeds. It's very worrying, I fear his mental health will not hold up. Hopefully, he's barred from touching any more

Task Force Z #8

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: May 25, 2022

All-new team! Same old problems! After losing everything, Task Force Z has finally discovered who their real enemy is. Jason and his team are on the run, underpowered, and outgunned. But everyone knew this was really just a Suicide Squad when they signed up, right? One way or another, they are going to finish this. Only one thing stands in their wa...

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Absolute Z to the 4 - May 27, 2022

As I reader through these Reader Reviews, it eventually dawned upon me as well that most of the reviews were probably written from a single account. The number of reader reviews is way higher than what most books get. I think it's worth more than a grade of 1.5, but this was the weakest issue so far. Definitely was solicited as ongoing, at the very same time Arkham City: The Order of the World was solicited as limited. One tracking Arkham escapees; this one tracking Arkham fatalities.

Absolute Z to the 4 - May 30, 2022

Maybe maxi in some announcement by some partner site, but not in the solicitations until #9. Originally: https://www.gamesradar.com/dc-solicitations-october-2021/ https://www.cbr.com/dc-comics-solicitations-october-2021/ DC vs. VAMPIRES #1 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES | 1 of 12 ARKHAM CITY: THE ORDER OF THE WORLD #1 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES | 1 of 6 TASK FORCE Z #1 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES DC Connect #15 has the same info. https://media.lunardistribution.com/files/dc_connect_15.pdf

Absolute Z to the 4 reviewed Harley Quinn #15 May 28, 2022

I put off reading each issue longer and longer. Finally got to this.

With his art, Rossmo seems to be daring DC to fire him or cancel the book, and he's probably just going to continue on this determined trajectory until it happens. It's like he's shaking his head with laughter that DC is still paying him for this, and laughing that anyone can tolerate looking at this. His work has alwa more

Harley Quinn #15

By: Stephanie Phillips, Riley Rossmo
Released: May 25, 2022

They really tried to throw me in prison for somethin' I didn't do! I mean, this time I didn't do anything. In the past, I did things. Lots of things...But that's not the point. The point is, I'm innocent! It's a frame job, I tell ya! The only way out of this is to catch the real culprit, and for that I need Batwoman. Seriously, who doesn't need Bat...

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Absolute Z to the 4 - May 28, 2022

Maybe it is standard, but there is one spread that is particularly bothersome - the one with closeups of eyes and lips. It's just ugly, and with incomprehensible storytelling. A gun is nowhere near Verdict. She dives for it, and then has time to stand and shoot? How does Kate possibly let it get that far? But this is just a very narrow criticism of a larger disaster.

Absolute Z to the 4 rated Batgirls #4 Mar 9, 2022

Batgirls #4

By: Becky Cloonan, Jorge Corona
Released: Mar 9, 2022

The Batgirls have enough evidence to expose Tutor for his crimes: his underground art gallery of stolen goods. But will Steph be pulled into a hypnotic trance again like last time? Meanwhile, get ready for magical bookstores, a kick-butt fight scene, and to top it all off, Babs gets asked on...a date...with an ex? Also: first appearance of new vill...

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Reads like you would expect a single story written by 4 separate teams of writers would read.

I found nothing enjoyable about this. Stilted speech, over-the-top characterizations, tedious character interactions, and awkward transitions as the writers didn't quite sync up.

Mostly, it was boring. This is not an island I'd be in a hurry to visit.

I'd like to know why more

Trial of the Amazons #1

By: Becky Cloonan, Joelle Jones
Released: Mar 9, 2022

"After the events of Nubia & the Amazons, the dangers of Doom's Doorway have found their way to Man's World and garnered the attention of not one, but all three Amazonian tribes. The Bana-Mighdall consider it to be a weakness in the current regime and have decided to return to the shores of Themyscira to stake their claim over the island. Little do...


Seems more like a cash grap than anything else. Too long, too expensive, and too chaotic.

So much time spent with Task Force X characters we've never even seen before - I have no idea who any of the new ones are and no reason to care. They don't even get named, but they do get dialog.

So - nothing for anyone. Suicide Squad readers? Too much Task Force X that we don't know and more

War For Earth-3 #1

By: Dennis Hopeless, Steve Pugh
Released: Mar 2, 2022

The Teen Titans, the Flash and the Suicide Squad all collide on Earth-3-home of the evil Crime Syndicate-on the hunt for former Task Force X mastermind Amanda Waller. As Waller tries to take over the alternate Earth and dethrone evil versions of Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and other heroes that rule it, her former partner-Rick Flag-arrives on E...

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REYNARD reviewed War For Earth-3 #1 Mar 1, 2022

Schizophrenic event, and not in the fun Final Crisis type way. Cast is starting to get unmanageable, the pacing is terrible, and the art is mediocre. This version of the Syndicate is very uninteresting. Fucking mid book.

War For Earth-3 #1

By: Dennis Hopeless, Steve Pugh
Released: Mar 2, 2022

The Teen Titans, the Flash and the Suicide Squad all collide on Earth-3-home of the evil Crime Syndicate-on the hunt for former Task Force X mastermind Amanda Waller. As Waller tries to take over the alternate Earth and dethrone evil versions of Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and other heroes that rule it, her former partner-Rick Flag-arrives on E...

Absolute Z to the 4 reviewed Suicide Squad #13 Mar 2, 2022

I've read this whole run of Suicide Squad and this issue was just not good.

The Before/Now/Before/Now/Before/Now structure was especially pointless and did nothing but make the story a slog to get through. Each time I saw another time hop, I just steamed to myself "What? Again!" Is this supposed to make a bad story more interesting?

The writing is different enough that it mus more

Suicide Squad #13

By: Robbie Thompson, Dexter Soy
Released: Mar 2, 2022

As the War for Earth-3 begins to rage, Rick Flag's new Squad-including Cheetah, Mirror Master, Peacemaker, and a parademon of Apokolips-confronts Waller with a mission to bring her home and stand trial for her crimes. But Waller didn't go to Earth-3 alone and now the Squad must face its predecessors, including the deadly Talon, Match-a clone of Sup...

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Absolute Z to the 4 commented on this:
REYNARD reviewed Suicide Squad #13 Mar 1, 2022

Dennis Hopeless has brought this book down. Still love you Robbie Thompson. You too Eduardo & Dexter; ya'll need to get put on bigger books because you definitely have the talent.

Suicide Squad #13

By: Robbie Thompson, Dexter Soy
Released: Mar 2, 2022

As the War for Earth-3 begins to rage, Rick Flag's new Squad-including Cheetah, Mirror Master, Peacemaker, and a parademon of Apokolips-confronts Waller with a mission to bring her home and stand trial for her crimes. But Waller didn't go to Earth-3 alone and now the Squad must face its predecessors, including the deadly Talon, Match-a clone of Sup...

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Absolute Z to the 4 - Mar 2, 2022

Pretty sure you are right.


Red X: "Oh. you were so confident we'd come to the end... but this was just the beginning. For you and the rest of your little flock. What's left of it."

Oh wait, I think that's Tim Sheridan speaking, not Red X, and he's talking to us the readers, or what little is left of the readership. Fools who thought this would be a satisfying reveal and ending.

Mike Cotton, the editor, more

Teen Titans Academy #12

By: Tim Sheridan, Tom Derenick
Released: Feb 23, 2022

It’s all come down to this! As their lives are literally tumbling down around them, the Titans must contend with the betrayal of their most troubled student-who has just unmasked themselves as Red X-plus a familiar face from deep in their darkest days, determined to exact an unholy vengeance upon Nightwing. In the end, after the epic collision of...

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Absolute Z to the 4 reviewed Robin #9 Dec 29, 2021

Finally - after giving Batman the"R" and announcing he's not Robin, which I guess was more than a year ago. And he wasn't - but now he's grown into and reclaimed it.

Robin #9

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Dec 29, 2021

The Lazarus demon rises! The deadly end of the League of Lazarus is at hand! Countless fighters have fallen! And now, to save everyone on Lazarus Island, Damian must go one-on-one with a literal giant demon. Can Damian utilize everything he’s learned in the tournament, or will he die for the last time?

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I stuck with this series. This finale is as expositional as anything I've read. It's nonsense. The theme peeks out from time to time, as Shilo becomes accepting of himself, but the plot?! Don't read this for the plot.

This does follow the style of plotting you find on the Berlanti DC TV shows, though, so if you like the ridiculous way stories are told on The Flash or Supergirl TV, then more

Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #6

By: Brandon M. Easton, Fico Ossio
Released: Nov 3, 2021

Final issue! Shilo’s Greatest Escape! Shilo returns to where the story started-the future! With the help of Oberon, Shilo travels to the revolution that sparked N’Vir’s mission in the first place, hoping to end this conflict with N’Vir once and for all. But there is more to this revolution than Shilo realizes. Who really sparked the revolut...

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Absolute Z to the 4 reviewed Green Lantern #5 Aug 5, 2021

Why did they have to make Kelli transform into straight-haired and with a conventional mask? Looks like yellow-hooded "spoiler-person" undoes the construct so Kelli's real form appears. It's not just the hair - her real headgear is goggles of a different shape and fit than the mask, and I know the overall uniformed was changed in other ways.

Why still with the Spanish? I've used transla more

Green Lantern #5

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Andy MacDonald
Released: Aug 4, 2021

As Far Sector’s Jo Mullein begins to investigate the suspects most likely responsible for the destruction of the Green Lantern Corps, she winds up face-to-face with one of its greatest enemies-Sinestro. Was this the former Green Lantern’s plan all along? Did he destroy the Green Lantern’s Central Power Battery so his Sinestro Corps could take...

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Not a fan of the art. Some panels look almost like layout sketches. I guess that's the style they're going for here. Maybe I'll get better at distinguishing the characters eventually.

Is that Duke wielding Jefferson in the sword? It doesn't look like Jefferson holding the sword, but Duke is never named so maybe I'm just trying unsuccessfully to figure that out.

Is Jason remin more

Future State: Gotham #2

By: Dennis Culver, Giannis Milonogiannis
Released: Jun 9, 2021

Tragedy has brought Gotham City to its knees. Countless people are dead, seemingly at the hands of the Next Batman. Gotham demands justice, and Red Hood has vowed to answer their call. Even if that means beating his way through Nightwing and the rest of the Bat-Family to do it.

+ LikeComments (2)
Toonstrack - Jun 12, 2021

It is Duke Thomas and black lightning in the sword, you nailed it. They were in the initial future state next batman back up issues

Absolute Z to the 4 - Jun 12, 2021


Absolute Z to the 4 commented on this:
Merlyn reviewed Future State: Gotham #1 May 11, 2021

The first story is really interesting though if my suspicion of who Jason is working with turns out to be true they'll have to really sell me on that one otherwise he's pretty gullible. The second story drags the issue down, there was really no need for it.

Future State: Gotham #1

By: Dennis Culver, Giannis Milonogiannis
Released: May 12, 2021

The event that was DC Future State continues in its own ongoing title starring the Bat-Family, beginning with the epic story “Hunt the Batman.” Disaster strikes Gotham City, and all evidence points to the Next Batman! Red Hood must choose justice over his family and allies when the corrupt Magistrate enlists him to bring in the new Batman dead ...

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Absolute Z to the 4 - May 16, 2021

This was standard price $3.99. Twenty two page story, 2 pinup pages, 8 page backup, and no ad or promo pages. I don't expect future issues will be similarly sized but we'll see.

Weird Science Jim - May 16, 2021

Again, backup is 25 year old reprinted story so at least they didn’t charge more for it


Nice to see an extra-sized 26 page story for the standard price of $3.99. Pretty rare!

The credits are unremarkable on the cover, but the inside credits name Kubert before Taylor. I wonder if that will be true with each issue, and besides it being atypical, whether it has any significance.

Batman: The Detective #1

By: Tom Taylor, Andy Kubert
Released: Apr 14, 2021

An epic tale begins that will take Batman on a harrowing, action-packed European adventure in a new miniseries by superstar creators Tom Taylor and Andy Kubert! A horrific tragedy in the United Kingdom sends a very personal and deadly message to the Dark Knight—one that will draw Batman out of Gotham City to investigate! From the moment he la...

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Absolute Z to the 4 commented on this:

The New Batman "Crime is Mostly OK" issue number 4 decides portrays a bat family, with "justice" values to aid killers, give a killer a device used in suicide bombing, have several Magistrate figures killed and mutilated, and reject law enforcement punishment for hardened criminals. For a lot of fans, that will be worth $8. Unlike pro-crime figures in Crime Syndicate, we now have justification in more

Future State: The Next Batman #4

By: Vita Ayala, Aneke
Released: Feb 17, 2021

The next Batman goes head-to-head with the Magistrate’s shock troops to protect the...guilty?! It’s a savage running battle across Gotham City, and it will have the next Dark Knight fighting overwhelming odds to prove that justice still lives in the heart of a broken city.
In the finale of “Batgirls,” after discovering the person lo...

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Absolute Z to the 4 - Feb 21, 2021

A late comment: I enjoyed your review more than the stories :). Agree with much. I also wondered where Cass's costume came from, but eventually noticed she opens a locker in what is labelled the "Contraband Collection Room," and one of the lockers was labelled "The Orphan." I guess both suits were stashed in lockers. The Next Batman should have been the "flagship" of Future State, but was far from it. Some FS stories have actually been good, but not these.

Nihilist reviewed Future State: Catwoman #2 Feb 16, 2021

The first issue did fantastic job setting up the tone, main plot and a final twist. This one offers more emotion, and while of course there's a lot of action sequences here, they're not what I found the most, or even more entertaining about it. It's the main characters' personal struggles, hopes and fears, that drive this comic and make it something truly special.

Ram V did it again, sc more

Future State: Catwoman #2

By: Ram V, Otto Schmidt
Released: Feb 17, 2021

Catwoman has clawed her way through half of the Magistrate’s bullet train, but her fight has only just begun! Now, with Onomatopoeia in tow, Selina makes her way toward the car carrying a ghost of her past, and Gotham’s as well. It’s Bruce Wayne…but is it really him? And with Talia al Ghul on board as well, will this be a long-awaited reuni...

Absolute Z to the 4 commented on this:

Here it is - a line ending the issue, but not really. It's there, we can't deny it, and it's there to make you believe it's an end for this series, but I can't say it does its job. Not when it's pretty much clear why it's there to begin with - and it's there because DC ditched the idea of Generation 5, turning it into a 2 month long event. Everything they've planned, all the long running new serie more

Future State: The Next Batman #4

By: Vita Ayala, Aneke
Released: Feb 17, 2021

The next Batman goes head-to-head with the Magistrate’s shock troops to protect the...guilty?! It’s a savage running battle across Gotham City, and it will have the next Dark Knight fighting overwhelming odds to prove that justice still lives in the heart of a broken city.
In the finale of “Batgirls,” after discovering the person lo...

+ LikeComments (11)
Bats44121 - Feb 18, 2021

Psycamorean - for the idea that "comic book publishers don't really regard digital sales the way they regard physical sales" - DC Comics is definitely driving its future issues based on digital distribution.

Psycamorean - Feb 18, 2021

Well, we know that digital sales are low, and didn't boost at all during the pandemic despite a renewed focus on it, and that DC has cut back on its digital distribution plans because of that. We know that digital sales can't compete with physical sales, and therefore, they're not looked at as the main source of the profits, but rather extra on top.

Merlyn reviewed Future State: Teen Titans #2 Feb 9, 2021

This is such a huge mess, I'm sure the story didn't make sense even in Sheridan's head.

Future State: Teen Titans #2

By: Tim Sheridan, Rafa Sandoval
Released: Feb 10, 2021

Red X returns to the Teen Titans! The mysterious former Teen Titans Academy student joins the surviving Titans in a final fight to stop the threat unleashed by one of the school’s students. Nightwing, Raven, Crush, Shazam, Starfire, Cybeast, and Red Arrow face their demons as one of these heroes must make the ultimate sacrifice to save their worl...

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