Κυανό's Profile

Joined: Jun 22, 2021

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Κυανό rated Nightwing #121 Dec 31, 2024

Nightwing #121

By: Dan Watters, Dexter Soy
Released: Dec 18, 2024

NIGHTWING TAKES HIS CITY TO THE BRINK! After tragedy strikes, Nightwing seeks to hold the gangs of Bludhaven accountable. But alliances in this city may not be what they seem, and powered-up Spheric police officers hover overhead seeking to dispense their own brand of justice...

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Κυανό rated Detective Comics #1092 Dec 31, 2024

Detective Comics #1092

By: Tom Taylor, Mikel Janin
Released: Dec 25, 2024

The streets of Gotham run red with blood--blood that the mysterious villain known only as Asema has taken quite an interest in. Who is this scalpel-fingered creature collecting the plasma of young men, and what is Asema's connection to Bruce Wayne? Tom Taylor and Mikel Janin continue their exploration of the darkest corners of Gotham City!

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Absolute Wonder Woman #3

By: Kelly Thompson, Hayden Sherman
Released: Dec 25, 2024

ENTER: STEVE TREVOR! A Harbinger is but a messenger. It is The Tetracide that you must fear, for The Tetracide leaves nothing behind. Diana's true enemy has been revealed--and it will take everything she has to save Gateway City from oblivion!

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fthissite reviewed Absolute Wonder Woman #3 Dec 26, 2024

All the pieces are there for something we haven't had in soooo long...a great WW comic, but here the pieces of the puzzle feel like they just don't fit together properly. I can see the image as a whole is beautiful but all the cracks between the sections mars the final picture. I've talked about it before and it continues to be the same situation every issue. I think this will be my last issue o more

Absolute Wonder Woman #3

By: Kelly Thompson, Hayden Sherman
Released: Dec 25, 2024

ENTER: STEVE TREVOR! A Harbinger is but a messenger. It is The Tetracide that you must fear, for The Tetracide leaves nothing behind. Diana's true enemy has been revealed--and it will take everything she has to save Gateway City from oblivion!

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Gio - Jan 12, 2025

Specifically thinking of that "Glory" remake from 2010, they made her big bulky and weird looking.

fthissite - Jan 14, 2025

I know what you mean. I see some panels and think of that WW evolution mini that came out a few years back. It's really up and down.

Κυανό rated Geiger #9 Dec 31, 2024

Geiger #9

By: Geoff Johns, Paul Pelletier
Released: Dec 25, 2024

Trouble brews within the last civilized town in America. The cause: Tariq Geiger, who attracts too many bounty hunters wanting the enormous sum for his corpse. But when Geiger loses control, will he ultimately become this town's protector... or its doom? Plus, the return of Junkyard Joe's creator and enemy, The Custodian. But what are his ties to G...

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Κυανό rated Nightwing #118 Oct 22, 2024

Nightwing #118

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Oct 16, 2024

THE FINAL ISSUE OF TOM TAYLOR AND BRUNO REDONDO'S AWARD-WINNING RUN! Embark on an exhilarating journey through the streets of Blüdhaven as we bid a heartfelt farewell to the dynamic duo of Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo in the epic conclusion to their award-winning run. With Nightwing's fear of heights overcome, he returns to Bludhaven for one final...

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Batman & Robin: Year One #1

By: Mark Waid, Chris Samnee
Released: Oct 16, 2024

REUNITING THE ACCLAIMED TEAM OF MARK WAID AND CHRIS SAMNEE! While Bruce Wayne adjusts to the realities of adopting orphan Dick Grayson, a mysterious new crime boss called the General has come to Gotham to claim the city by disrupting and destroying its other mobs. But what is his connection to Two-Face? Batman and his new sidekick, Robin, are out f...

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Κυανό rated Tin Can Society #1 Sep 24, 2024

Tin Can Society #1

By: Peter Warren, Francesco Mobili
Released: Sep 18, 2024

Series Premiere. The first stunning issue of a brand-new series from Giant Generator showcasing the first graphic novel work by screenwriter Peter Warren (The Incal feature film, Kill Me) with jaw-dropping art by Francesco Mobili (X-Men, Scumbag) and beautifully colored by Chris Chuckry (New X-Men). Johnny Moore i...

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Κυανό rated Catwoman #68 Sep 24, 2024

Catwoman #68

By: Tini Howard, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Sep 18, 2024

As the forces of the WHITE GLOVE prepare to put Gotham City in a stranglehold, Selina finds herself in need of emergency medical treatment from the steady hands of none other than HUSH. Will the Feline Fatale survive her procedure and live to protect her beloved precious city…or will she be reduced to fish food at the bottom of the Gotham City ba...

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The worst state quo in history, they make him an adult to make him gay and that any degenerate can have relationships with someone underage, because they could make him look like an adult but he lacks his own experiences, therefore it is like abusing a person neurodivergent with mental retardation. I hate the degenerate who came up with this idea.

And as for their adventures, well they more

Absolute Power: Super Son #1

By: Sina Grace, John Timms
Released: Sep 18, 2024

JON KENT FIGHTS BACK IN THIS OVER-SIZED ABSOLUTE POWER SPECIAL! Jonathan Kent has suffered more than most at the hand of the Trinity of Evil - but the son of Superman will summon the will to FIGHT BACK. In this special, over-sized edition of ABSOLTUE POWER, we'll travel to the depths of despair as one of the most powerful beings on planet Earth mus...

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Hex - Oct 14, 2024

But... he does have his own experiences. He didn't just go from 10 to 18 years old. He was kidnapped by Ultraman for a few years and then spent time in space with Jor-El. So he's an adult. It's weirder that people want him to de-age back to a child now that he's a fully functioning and developed adult.

Κυανό reviewed Dazzler #1 Sep 24, 2024

this shit is complete stupid

Dazzler #1

By: Jason Loo, Rafael Loureiro
Released: Sep 18, 2024


DAZZLER, Marvel's glittering mutant songstress, has been in and out of the limelight over the years - but now the time has finally come for her to take center stage! Dazzler embarks on a new world tour, the culmination and celebration of her entire musical career! And along for the ride is her new road crew: Domino, S...

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Κυανό reviewed Task Force Z #10 Jul 26, 2022

A huge accumulation of action, however the plot is missing.

Task Force Z #10

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: Jul 27, 2022

The rise of Powers Industries! Red Hood and what remains of his Task Force Z squad are on the run and investigating the secrets of their former benefactor, Powers Industries. What they discover will change Batman history forever. Meanwhile, inside Powers Industries, Mr. Bloom and Man-Bat are hard at work betraying their teammates with no remorse.

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Κυανό rated Task Force Z #9 Jul 5, 2022

Task Force Z #9

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: Jun 29, 2022

Are we the baddies? After the shocking (but not really) betrayal by Mr. Bloom, the new Task Force Z are public enemy number one. All of Gotham is hunting for them. They are out of money, out of friends, and out of Lazarus Resin. But now they will have to face their most dangerous foe yet-and it's one of their own!

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Κυανό rated Nightwing #92 May 25, 2022

Nightwing #92

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: May 18, 2022

Blüdhaven mayor Melinda Zucco is in trouble-pretending to work for Blockbuster while secretly trying to take him and his gang of criminals down, while also working alongside Dick Grayson to uplift the city. But as his half sister sharing the last name of the man who killed his parents, it's...a lot to juggle, and enough for one to accidentally let...

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Κυανό commented on this:
WhistleBlower reviewed Task Force Z #8 May 24, 2022

I can see why this book is being canceled. Sales are pretty low, huh? There are more sock puppet accounts astroturfing this than there are people reading. You can tell how they all use the same writing style. Very similar to a certain account that got banned for perverted and unspeakable deeds. It's very worrying, I fear his mental health will not hold up. Hopefully, he's barred from touching any more

Task Force Z #8

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: May 25, 2022

All-new team! Same old problems! After losing everything, Task Force Z has finally discovered who their real enemy is. Jason and his team are on the run, underpowered, and outgunned. But everyone knew this was really just a Suicide Squad when they signed up, right? One way or another, they are going to finish this. Only one thing stands in their wa...

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Absolute Z to the 4 - May 27, 2022

As I reader through these Reader Reviews, it eventually dawned upon me as well that most of the reviews were probably written from a single account. The number of reader reviews is way higher than what most books get. I think it's worth more than a grade of 1.5, but this was the weakest issue so far. Definitely was solicited as ongoing, at the very same time Arkham City: The Order of the World was solicited as limited. One tracking Arkham escapees; this one tracking Arkham fatalities.

Absolute Z to the 4 - May 30, 2022

Maybe maxi in some announcement by some partner site, but not in the solicitations until #9. Originally: https://www.gamesradar.com/dc-solicitations-october-2021/ https://www.cbr.com/dc-comics-solicitations-october-2021/ DC vs. VAMPIRES #1 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES | 1 of 12 ARKHAM CITY: THE ORDER OF THE WORLD #1 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES | 1 of 6 TASK FORCE Z #1 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES DC Connect #15 has the same info. https://media.lunardistribution.com/files/dc_connect_15.pdf

Κυανό reviewed Task Force Z #8 May 25, 2022

Nice story for an elseworld, because if it were canon this would have a million mistakes

Task Force Z #8

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: May 25, 2022

All-new team! Same old problems! After losing everything, Task Force Z has finally discovered who their real enemy is. Jason and his team are on the run, underpowered, and outgunned. But everyone knew this was really just a Suicide Squad when they signed up, right? One way or another, they are going to finish this. Only one thing stands in their wa...

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Κυανό rated Task Force Z #7 May 5, 2022

Task Force Z #7

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: May 4, 2022

Solomon Grundy. Victor Zsasz. Madame Crow. Copperhead. No, these are not this year's nominees for sexiest maniac alive...they are the new recruits for Task Force Z! What does this mean for Red Hood and Bane? Will Mr. Bloom's Lazarus Resin heist spell certain doom for the Resurrection Twins? How many rhetorical questions can I possibly squeeze into ...

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Κυανό reviewed Task Force Z #6 Mar 22, 2022

This is getting twisted, I think Jason is hitting a rock and a hard place now. An incredible delivery.

Task Force Z #6

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: Mar 23, 2022

Secret-origin issue, baby! Task Force Z #5 was quite the disaster for Bane and Jason, huh? Let’s give those two a minute to sort out their lives and travel back to the very beginnings of the team: where the black market Lazarus trade has just begun, and Two-Face makes a call that heywaitaminute this is going to inform the current story, isn’t i...

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Κυανό rated Iron Man #17 Feb 25, 2022

Iron Man #17

By: Christopher Cantwell, Ibraim Roberson
Released: Feb 23, 2022

Tony Stark roils with the Power Cosmic - the Iron Man now the IRON GOD! But despite his best intentions, is this truly a good thing for the Earth and the universe? Patsy Walker, A.K.A. HELLCAT, really doesn't think so...which is why she's gone for broke and enlisted the help of one DOCTOR DOOM. But if there's anybody who can make Tony angry, it's V...

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Κυανό rated Carnage Forever #1 Feb 25, 2022

Carnage Forever #1

By: Philip Kennedy Johnson, Edgar Salazar
Released: Feb 23, 2022

Cletus Kasady is the most notorious serial killer in the Marvel Universe - and it's been thirty years since his first introduction! Thirty years of monsters, mayhem and murder - AND YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING YET! With an awesome assembly of creators, this issue will HAVE IT ALL! A look back on Carnage's past, his present a...

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Κυανό rated Amazing Spider-Man #90 Feb 25, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man #90

By: Patrick Gleason
Released: Feb 23, 2022

•  The Daily Bugle is decimated.
•  Can Ben Reilly bounce back and take down the Queen Goblin?
Rated T+

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Κυανό rated Task Force Z #5 Feb 25, 2022

Task Force Z #5

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: Feb 23, 2022

Heads? Everyone gets eaten by a zombie. Tails? Aw, who am I kidding…everyone’s going to get eaten by a zombie. It’s always a trick question when Two-Face is involved…and Harvey Dent’s role in this whole zombie Suicide Squad thing (zombicide? Is this a Zombicide Zquad?) is a whole lot weirder than you think it is. Or maybe not, I don’t k...

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Κυανό rated BRZRKR #7 Feb 25, 2022


By: Matt Kindt, Ron Garney
Released: Feb 23, 2022

Diana pushes B. to uncover more about his past.
Triggering a memory of WWI, where B. fights alongside his first U.S. handler, an artillery shell explosion results in a piece of B. making its way through history as a legendary artifact.
Back in the present, Caldwell reunites B. with his artifact, revealing himself as the top historical exper...

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Κυανό liked this:

Feel like I'm reading Tom Taylor's fanfiction.

Dark Knights of Steel #1

By: Tom Taylor, Yasmine Putri
Released: Nov 3, 2021

An entire medieval world will be forever changed when a spaceship crash-lands from a doomed planet. Monarchs will die, kingdoms will rise, and what seemed the end of the world for many…was only the beginning! An epic high-fantasy story set in a DC Universe where nothing is what it seems… From worldwide bestselling writer Tom Taylor (DCeased, S...

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Dave - Nov 4, 2021

He’s a fan and it is fiction. Aren’t most comics fan fiction

Κυανό liked this:

The art is incredible.

Dark Knights of Steel #1

By: Tom Taylor, Yasmine Putri
Released: Nov 3, 2021

An entire medieval world will be forever changed when a spaceship crash-lands from a doomed planet. Monarchs will die, kingdoms will rise, and what seemed the end of the world for many…was only the beginning! An epic high-fantasy story set in a DC Universe where nothing is what it seems… From worldwide bestselling writer Tom Taylor (DCeased, S...

Κυανό liked this:

Dark Knights of Steel #1

By: Tom Taylor, Yasmine Putri
Released: Nov 3, 2021

An entire medieval world will be forever changed when a spaceship crash-lands from a doomed planet. Monarchs will die, kingdoms will rise, and what seemed the end of the world for many…was only the beginning! An epic high-fantasy story set in a DC Universe where nothing is what it seems… From worldwide bestselling writer Tom Taylor (DCeased, S...

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Κυανό liked this:
Merlyn reviewed Dark Knights of Steel #1 Nov 2, 2021

I really don't get the people who feel the need to attack others preemptively just because they simp for some writers but oh well, crazies everywhere these days, right? The art from Putri is great and the premise for the story is interesting enough. Was it perfect? No, there are still some lines from Taylor that make me cringe all over, where his ideological obsessions still come through, but I li more

Dark Knights of Steel #1

By: Tom Taylor, Yasmine Putri
Released: Nov 3, 2021

An entire medieval world will be forever changed when a spaceship crash-lands from a doomed planet. Monarchs will die, kingdoms will rise, and what seemed the end of the world for many…was only the beginning! An epic high-fantasy story set in a DC Universe where nothing is what it seems… From worldwide bestselling writer Tom Taylor (DCeased, S...

+ LikeComments (15)
SenpaifenixJäger - Nov 2, 2021

The Red Ronin funko was pre-sold the same day. Damn, I wanted one. And you've seen the RH samurai, I stayed in panties for one of those. But it will be worth it when I get my hands.

Merlyn - Nov 2, 2021

Yeah, diversity of thought really is too much for the diversity crowd, they need to control thought or at least speech so that's a no-no for them. I'm not a huge fan of the Red Ronin thing. I think I'm just too attached to the Red Hood version, I don't know. I love a lot of Japanese stuff but I'm not sure Jason would mix up that well in that setup. I know Dexter Soy drew all this Ronin stuff and I would probably like to see a one-shot with this concept at least for his sake.

Κυανό liked this:

It is a delight to see the art of Yasmine Putri, simply for this reason I could acquire it at TP. As for the story, not bad, but I didn't feel so trapped. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now.

Dark Knights of Steel #1

By: Tom Taylor, Yasmine Putri
Released: Nov 3, 2021

An entire medieval world will be forever changed when a spaceship crash-lands from a doomed planet. Monarchs will die, kingdoms will rise, and what seemed the end of the world for many…was only the beginning! An epic high-fantasy story set in a DC Universe where nothing is what it seems… From worldwide bestselling writer Tom Taylor (DCeased, S...


X-Men: Onslaught Revelation #1

By: Simon Spurrier, Bob Quinn
Released: Sep 22, 2021

•  The X-Men's greatest foe, mutantkind's primal evil, slithers in the minds of its most senior leaders...
•  The kids whisper of the CRUCI-BALL: a party to end all parties. A party to end everything.
•  The seals are broken, the trumpets have sounded; only a sma...

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Κυανό rated Once & Future #20 Sep 23, 2021

Once & Future #20

By: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora
Released: Sep 22, 2021


Knowing that Grail Castle may be their best chance at survival, Bridgette, Duncan, and Rose hunker down and prepare for the worst.

Elsewhere, the resurrected King Arthur challenges an arriving usurper to his rightful throne, another King Arthur, and raises an army of the undead to do it. But the new Arthur...

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