Blüdhaven mayor Melinda Zucco is in trouble-pretending to work for Blockbuster while secretly trying to take him and his gang of criminals down, while also working alongside Dick Grayson to uplift the city. But as his half sister sharing the last name of the man who killed his parents, it's...a lot to juggle, and enough for one to accidentally let slip a secret or two in the wrong company if she's not careful... Meanwhile, Nightwing and Oracle cuddle up and decide to finally define their relationship.
Every person who loves comics should be reading this series. Read Full Review
All the right beats are hit, and this title is that much better for it. Read Full Review
It was so good I refused to even make the obligatory Dick joke. Just too hard to fit it in. Read Full Review
Nightwing #92 delivers no shortcomings. Pacing, characterization, mood, development, and the interaction of all the characters are delivered in perfect pitch. There are lovely moments of levity, action, intrigue, and drama. Hopefully, DC leaves this book out of future Gotham crossovers so that it can continue to flourish. Read Full Review
Taylor and Redondo have plugged into everything that makes stories about the Bat-Family fun and deliver pure joy each and every month. This issue is full of wonderful character moments and clever superhero action. Read Full Review
As long as this creative team is in place, Nightwing is assured to be one of, if not the top book for DC. It's all about a hero striving to be a better person every day and having the time of his life while he's doing it. And that makes for an amazing comic experience. Read Full Review
Everything that Taylor and Redondo have touched in Nightwing has been perfect! This book bats .1000 so don't hesitate to buy it and all the past issues by this duo! Read Full Review
Community. Dick Grayson's entire life revolves around that word. His care and his actions are all manifestations of his love for community. Taylor's rendition of the well-loved hero emphasizes this in every episode, and I am impressed with how relatable and enjoyable Dick's constant friend and family interactions are. Read Full Review
It's another huge winner of an issue from one of DC's best books. Read Full Review
Nightwing's creative team continues to create one of the best books on the stands as they delve even deeper into the title character and the rest of the Batfamily and what makes them so fun and special. Tons of action and character moments all in service of the overall narrative and bringing various story threads closer together with a possible endgame in sight. Read Full Review
Nightwing #92 proves that the character is in good hands under the pencil of Taylor and Redondo. The entire creative teams ability to weave their way from the past and present of the Dick Grayson character, and by extension the supporting cast of the Batfamily, Titans, and Justice League, is a testament to their understanding of the characters. Read Full Review
Nightwing #92 continues to be one of the most electric comics on the stands. Blending superhero vibes with innovative art, you can't go wrong with Nightwing each and every issue. Read Full Review
Nightwing #92 is a strong start to a new story arc that brings the focus back completely on what Dick Grayson is doing to make things better in Bludhaven. Seeing Blockbuster be placed in a spot were he is working against all the odds is a unique spot for the main villain of a superhero comic to be in. This makes how Nightwing will deal with the big game changer at the end of this issue build greater interest for what will take place in this series moving forward. Read Full Review
Taylor's a very good writer, and Redondo and Lucas' artwork kills it every time, but the Blockbuster part is the weak link in this run. It's simply ineffective as a challenge to Nightwing insofar as its not threatening to - at the very least - this reader. I'm still loving the book, but its weaknesses are as consistent as its strengths. Read Full Review
Nightwing #92 manages to balance Tom Taylor's focus on characterization with the series' overarching narrative better than most recent issues. While the opening flashback delivers a great theme with fantastic art, it does result in Taylor's script not having much time to spend in the present day storyline. Bruno Redondo's pencils are as fantastic as ever, and Adriano Lucas makes yet another case for being the true superstar of the series. This issue also marks a good entry point for any new reader to the series. Read Full Review
Nightwing #92 has some things to like, but unfortunately, they are the same surface-level fan service stuff we keep getting. It looks fantastic, but we should be well past trying to convince everyone how great Dick Grayson is. Hopefully, the cliffhanger hints that we will get some story progression soon. Read Full Review