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Joined: Jan 19, 2022

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Batman & Robin: Year One #1

By: Mark Waid, Chris Samnee
Released: Oct 16, 2024

REUNITING THE ACCLAIMED TEAM OF MARK WAID AND CHRIS SAMNEE! While Bruce Wayne adjusts to the realities of adopting orphan Dick Grayson, a mysterious new crime boss called the General has come to Gotham to claim the city by disrupting and destroying its other mobs. But what is his connection to Two-Face? Batman and his new sidekick, Robin, are out f...

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Max88 reviewed Batman & Robin: Year One #1 Oct 16, 2024

Pure joy. That's what this book is. Comic book magic brought by two masters of the craft. Samnee's trademark dynamic flair of pop energy and Waid's dialogue and understanding of these characters and the genre at a fundamental level make this story already one of the most enjoyable Batman comics I have read in a long time. They are the real Dynamic Duo here. As it's been the case in World's Fines more

Batman & Robin: Year One #1

By: Mark Waid, Chris Samnee
Released: Oct 16, 2024

REUNITING THE ACCLAIMED TEAM OF MARK WAID AND CHRIS SAMNEE! While Bruce Wayne adjusts to the realities of adopting orphan Dick Grayson, a mysterious new crime boss called the General has come to Gotham to claim the city by disrupting and destroying its other mobs. But what is his connection to Two-Face? Batman and his new sidekick, Robin, are out f...

C02goddess added Batman & Robin: Year One (2024) to their pull list Oct 21, 2024

Batman & Robin: Year One (2024)

REUNITING THE ACCLAIMED TEAM OF MARK WAID AND CHRIS SAMNEE! While Bruce Wayne adjusts to the realities of adopting orphan Dick Grayson, a mysterious new crime boss called the General has come to Gotham to claim the city by disrupting and destroying its other mobs. But what is his connection to Two-Face? Batman and his new sidekick, Robin, are out f...

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daspidaboy reviewed Green Lantern #16 Oct 17, 2024

this was really solid issue right now. I wish Carol Ferris was written as more experienced but so far the story is engaging.

Green Lantern #16

By: Jeremy Adams, Xermanico
Released: Oct 16, 2024

The seeds of war have been sown, and now a massive battle rages across the galaxy! Hal Jordan, John Stewart, and Guy Gardner must race to unlock the mystery of the Dark Star resurrection, what it means for their beloved friend Kilowog, and just how to battle an entire planet! The red rage of Mogo rains down on our heroes as the Civil Corps heats up...

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C02goddess added Knight Terrors: Nightwing (2023) to their pull list Jul 18, 2023

Knight Terrors: Nightwing (2023)

Pigs, pigs, pygs…and clowns! Dick Grayson wakes up in jail to realize a nightmare has come to life: he murdered someone he loves! And the only thing making it worse is his past coming to haunt him in the form of humanoid pigs playing the characters of his childhood at Haly’s Circus, scene by scene, leading up to the night of his parents’ deat...

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Knight Terrors: Nightwing #1

By: Becky Cloonan, Daniele Di Nicuolo
Released: Jul 19, 2023

Pigs, pigs, pygs…and clowns! Dick Grayson wakes up in jail to realize a nightmare has come to life: he murdered someone he loves! And the only thing making it worse is his past coming to haunt him in the form of humanoid pigs playing the characters of his childhood at Haly’s Circus, scene by scene, leading up to the night of his parents’ deat...

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superstan52 reviewed Daredevil #13 Jul 6, 2023

Art 10, Story 0.
I have sadly watched this arc go further and further off the rails, and into pseudo-Christian nonsense, and now it's descended into complete incomprehensibility. Not to mention that several dead and buried friends of Matt suddenly reappear on Earth, bodies intact, just taking a marked path back to the land of the living. And Matt single-handedly, even without a corporeal bod more

Daredevil #13

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Jul 5, 2023

DAREDEVIL IN HELL! Chip Zdarsky and Marco Checchetto are on the last leg of their tour de force through Matt Murdock's life...and afterlife.
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (2)
C02goddess - Jul 6, 2023

I took it as the “replaced” friends returning. So the Hand grabbed them, shoved them in hell, and assumed their forms/lives on earth. Matt just released these people. At least, that’s how it made sense to me.

Toonstrack - Jul 6, 2023

C02 is correct. You need to do a second read through TC. Everything that's happening has been explained. Theres a portal to the underwold that matt entered into and thats what he sends them through

C02goddess commented on this:
sawright20 reviewed Daredevil #13 Jul 5, 2023

This feels like the culmination not just of Zdarsky’s run, but of every Daredevil story ever told. As always, Checchetto makes the action feel epic—there’s no other word for it—and it’s all backed up by an emotional gut punch. I’m sad that this creative team only has one more issue, but at the same time I’m glad that they were able to end their story so perfectly.

I’m st more

Daredevil #13

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Jul 5, 2023

DAREDEVIL IN HELL! Chip Zdarsky and Marco Checchetto are on the last leg of their tour de force through Matt Murdock's life...and afterlife.
Rated T+

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C02goddess - Jul 6, 2023

I hope The Wild was behind or manipulating Goldy because I also haven’t liked that aspect of this second half.

C02goddess rated Nightwing #105 Jun 21, 2023

Nightwing #105

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Jun 21, 2023

Masterminds Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo are back at it again to present Nightwing fans another special issue uniquely designed for them to be Nightwing for a day! This oversize story will feature Nightwing from his point of view, allowing readers to use his escrima sticks and leap through Blüdhaven! You don't want to miss this issue, as there'll ...

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C02goddess commented on this:
derbycomics reviewed Nightwing #105 Jun 20, 2023

How becoming of you, Dick Grayson. Literally.

Nightwing #105 is a unique issue that puts the reader in the mind of Dick Grayson as he takes on a new case in Blüdhaven. You are literally in the mind of Dick Grayson — the entire issue is from his POV! Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo have done it again with a profoundly different approach to how we experience comics (the entirety of Nightw more

Nightwing #105

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Jun 21, 2023

Masterminds Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo are back at it again to present Nightwing fans another special issue uniquely designed for them to be Nightwing for a day! This oversize story will feature Nightwing from his point of view, allowing readers to use his escrima sticks and leap through Blüdhaven! You don't want to miss this issue, as there'll ...

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C02goddess - Jun 21, 2023

That’s what was missing! We should have had a running flow of Dick’s thoughts if we’re him for the issue. We barely had any thought boxes, which honestly has been a complaint of mine for a while on this series, but stands out a lot in a first person perspective.

C02goddess rated Green Lantern #2 Jun 14, 2023

Green Lantern #2

By: Jeremy Adams, Xermanico
Released: Jun 14, 2023

Hal Jordan's homecoming is off to a rocky start! Carol Ferris is this close to firing him from the job he's only just begged his way into, his power ring isn't exactly working right, and off in the shadows, Sinestro, the architect of Hal's current crisis, is waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Plus, the hard-hitting John Stewart: War Journal ...

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C02goddess commented on this:
justonemore reviewed Green Lantern #2 Jun 13, 2023

this was a downright bad problem. Sorry, I don't want to be a hater, but there's a big problem here, jeremy addams writes Hal as a really stupid guy. this problem is basically Hal doing awkward things to win back a person who already has a partner and another life. I didn't like his behavior at all, except for the first scene, and it's basically the base of the number

Green Lantern #2

By: Jeremy Adams, Xermanico
Released: Jun 14, 2023

Hal Jordan's homecoming is off to a rocky start! Carol Ferris is this close to firing him from the job he's only just begged his way into, his power ring isn't exactly working right, and off in the shadows, Sinestro, the architect of Hal's current crisis, is waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Plus, the hard-hitting John Stewart: War Journal ...

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C02goddess - Jun 14, 2023 (edited)

I took him getting a job more as he’s stuck on Earth after quitting to GLC and needs money, not that he’s specifically trying to maintain a secret identity.

Quinn - Jun 14, 2023

Could be, so fair enough. But I still maintain that the whole going back to Ferris Air is just silly. I think Jusonemore gets it right. But I could be wrong. And let’s face it, Hal know a lot of people like Bruce Wayne, who can get him gainful employment without Hal being creepy around ex-girlfriend.

C02goddess commented on this:

I'm tired of Hal being a 40 years old child

Green Lantern #2

By: Jeremy Adams, Xermanico
Released: Jun 14, 2023

Hal Jordan's homecoming is off to a rocky start! Carol Ferris is this close to firing him from the job he's only just begged his way into, his power ring isn't exactly working right, and off in the shadows, Sinestro, the architect of Hal's current crisis, is waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Plus, the hard-hitting John Stewart: War Journal ...

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C02goddess - Jun 13, 2023 (edited)

Yeah, I feel like Hal did show growth across Johns’ run and Venditti’s HJGLC. We saw Hal deal with seeing Carol in serious relationships (she was even married when he came back to life), then they move into a close friendship, then back to a romantic couple (well after her divorce). Hal has gained maturity. He’s situated to be able to have a more stable hero life - we’ve got lots of GLs. I hope the run gives him and Carol development toward The End. The immaturity cycle is what feels forced.

justonemore - Jun 13, 2023

Yeah, totally. What I like about Hal is that he seems like an inmature character, and sometimes he is, but he always ends Up behaving like a Hero and an adult Who knows how yo deal with the weight he has. Here we simply see that inmaturity multiplied, and nothing more. Its still soon so i hope It gets better.

C02goddess rated Nightwing #104 May 24, 2023

Nightwing #104

By: Tom Taylor, Travis Moore
Released: May 24, 2023

Nightwing and the Titans realize the only way to save Olivia is to...go to hell! Seeing how ineffective his punching was when he last confronted Neron's demons, Nightwing is temporarily powered up by magic in order to make it through the depths of hell alive...literally. Then, in the backup: Nightwing and Jon Kent find an important clue as to who's...

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C02goddess rated Green Arrow #2 May 24, 2023

Green Arrow #2

By: Joshua Williamson, Sean Izaakse
Released: May 24, 2023

Green Arrow is alive...but where the hell is he?! That's what Roy Harper and Black Canary want to know, and their search takes them into the bowels of Belle Reve. But they'd better hurry-the stranded Oliver Queen and another lost member of the Green Arrow family are both being hunted by a brand-new villain called...Troublemaker.

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C02goddess commented on this:
ResearchReader reviewed Nightwing #104 May 24, 2023

This isnt so much a knock against this issue, but more of what this run has become. As many have previous mentioned, it is all empty calories. Is Nightwing great? Yes. Is he a good guy? Yes. Does this book have any tension? No. The entire plot of "would nightwing send a little innocent girl to hell for some powers" is so dumb considering how he has for like 20 issues, constantly told us how great more

Nightwing #104

By: Tom Taylor, Travis Moore
Released: May 24, 2023

Nightwing and the Titans realize the only way to save Olivia is to...go to hell! Seeing how ineffective his punching was when he last confronted Neron's demons, Nightwing is temporarily powered up by magic in order to make it through the depths of hell alive...literally. Then, in the backup: Nightwing and Jon Kent find an important clue as to who's...

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C02goddess - May 24, 2023

Yeah, I thought this issue was going to have Dick pretend to want the powers to trick Neron or something. The lack of stakes, urgency, real temptation, etc. really hurt this issue. I think the imp issue even had more weight and dynamic fighting than this one.

C02goddess added Green Lantern (2023) to their pull list May 9, 2023

Green Lantern (2023)

Spinning out of the events of Dark Crisis, the Guardians of Oa at the heart of the Green Lantern Corps have quarantined Sector 2814, home of the planet Earth-and its champion along with it! A heartbreaking defeat has sent Hal reeling, returning home to rediscover his roots...and find the man responsible for ruining his life: Sinestro. From the visi...

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C02goddess rated Nightwing #102 Apr 26, 2023

Nightwing #102

By: Tom Taylor, Travis Moore
Released: Mar 22, 2023

Nightwing is a great leader, not just because Batman trained him, or because of how Alfred raised him, or even because he has a heart of gold-it’s because of his friends, and now that the Titans are in Blüdhaven with him, they can leap into the light together…which is perfect timing for the demon of darkness Neron to do something about it.

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C02goddess rated Nightwing #101 Apr 26, 2023

Nightwing #101

By: Tom Taylor, Travis Moore
Released: Feb 22, 2023

After the events of Dark Crisis, Superman has a talk with Nightwing, letting him know that now is Dick’s time to lead…so Nightwing gathers a group of friends to be the premier league in the DC Universe and moves their base of operations to Blüdhaven. Meet the new Titans! Then, following the events of the Nightwing 2022 Annual and the Superman ...

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C02goddess rated Nightwing #99 Apr 26, 2023

Nightwing #99

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Dec 21, 2022

"The Joker War" part five of six! Things have changed, as Batman realizes he can't fight this war alone. He's going to need help. Before he faces down The Joker, he must call up his trusty partner Dick Grayson! But can Dick reclaim his lost memories in time to join the battle?

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C02goddess added Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) to their pull list Apr 26, 2023

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022)

The Dark Knight. The Man of Steel. They are the two finest superheroes that the world has ever known...and they're together again in an epic new series from the legendary talents of Mark Waid and Dan Mora! In the not-too-distant past, Superman's powers are super-charged from a devastating chemical attack by the villain Metallo...and the only ally t...

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C02goddess reviewed Green Arrow #1 Apr 24, 2023

This comic had a moment I've been wanting to see for a very long time. It was great and moving and everything I could hope for in a "Dawn" title. Then, of course the plot kicks back in gear, lol. We have a mystery to solve and energy riding into the next issue.

The art was solid. I like all the character designs. Roy especially stood out to me.

Green Arrow #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Sean Izaakse
Released: Apr 26, 2023

The Emerald Archer is lost, and it will take Oliver Queen's whole family to find him! But dangerous forces are determined to keep them apart at any cost! Spinning out of Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths, Green Arrow by DC architect Joshua Williamson (Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths, Superman) and artist Sean Izaakse (Thunderbolts) is an action-packed ...

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C02goddess added Green Arrow (2023) to their pull list Apr 24, 2023

Green Arrow (2023)

The Emerald Archer is lost, and it will take Oliver Queen's whole family to find him! But dangerous forces are determined to keep them apart at any cost! Spinning out of Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths, Green Arrow by DC architect Joshua Williamson (Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths, Superman) and artist Sean Izaakse (Thunderbolts) is an action-packed ...

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C02goddess rated Superman #1 Apr 20, 2023

Superman #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell
Released: Feb 22, 2023

IT’S THE DAWN OF DC! Superman has returned to Metropolis and his greatest enemy Lex Luthor is finally behind bars. The future of the Superman family has never been brighter! As Clark Kent settles back into his life, iconic and new enemies erupt from the shadows to strike down the Man of Steel! But waiting in the wings to back up Big Blue is…Sup...

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C02goddess rated Superman #2 Apr 20, 2023

Superman #2

By: Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell
Released: Mar 22, 2023

NIGHT OF THE PARASITE! Superman is overwhelmed as Parasite's new powers are unleashed! Can Superman stop all of Metropolis from being consumed by the power-hungry Parasite or will he need Lex Luthor's help to save the day? Introducing a new antihero-Marilyn Moonlight, the Spirit of Metropolis-who only operates at night! Is she friend or foe to the ...

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C02goddess added Superman (2023) to their pull list Apr 20, 2023

Superman (2023)

IT’S THE DAWN OF DC! Superman has returned to Metropolis and his greatest enemy Lex Luthor is finally behind bars. The future of the Superman family has never been brighter! As Clark Kent settles back into his life, iconic and new enemies erupt from the shadows to strike down the Man of Steel! But waiting in the wings to back up Big Blue is…Sup...

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C02goddess rated Wonder Woman #798 Apr 20, 2023

Wonder Woman #798

By: Becky Cloonan, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Apr 19, 2023

BRING ON THE THUNDER! A Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods tie-in! To save Themyscira, Wonder Woman must join forces with an unexpected ally: a sworn enemy of the Amazons! But to finally defeat the gods, Diana needs the new champion of Shazam at her side. Will the heroines find each other before it's too late?

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C02goddess rated Superman #3 Apr 20, 2023

Superman #3

By: Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell
Released: Apr 19, 2023

SUPERMAN'S LOVED ONES ARE TRANSFORMED INTO RAVENOUS PARASITES! If Superman wants to find Parasite-Zero before its influence spreads to the whole world, he must take Lex up on his offer to work together! Even if it means using another of Superman's enemies as bait!

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C02goddess rated Nightwing #103 Apr 20, 2023

Nightwing #103

By: Tom Taylor, Travis Moore
Released: Apr 19, 2023

Who is the Grinning Man, who's always grinning no matter what he's doing, even when he's murdering people, and what kind of deal did he make with Neron? Nightwing and the Titans better figure that out soon before they lose one of their team members... Then, in the backup, Nightwing continues his lessons mentoring Jon Kent, a.k.a. Superman, and this...

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest #14

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Apr 19, 2023

BRUCE WAYNE...A MURDERER? Bruce Wayne's billionaire rival Simon Stagg is dead. And Bruce Wayne is suspect number one! With their friend's freedom and reputation on the line, Superman, Robin, and Metamorpho, the Element Man, join forces to exonerate the Dark Knight's alter ego the best way they can: by finding Stagg's real killer before they strike ...

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