Preach, Brother!
Good concept, poor execution. Doom's major initiative/panacea has been instant open borders. It's sooooooo simplistic. Say what you will about keeping out "illegal aliens," borders exist for a reason. Doom can't wipe out religious intolerance, cultural differences, centuries-long animosities, etc, by magically proclaiming "open borders." Reed's plan to "expose" Doom makes zero sense. Really? Makemore
Doctor Doom has taken over the world, and Earth's mightiest heroes have failed twice: first to stop him, and now to overthrow him. But the Fantastic Four know Doom better than anyone, which makes them ideally suited to take on Earth's new Emperor...except for the fact that he knows THEM just as well. As Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, and Sue and Johnny ...
Art 7, story 2. Ridiculous. Suddenly Matt thinks he can reason with a demon? Pride feels bad because he completely CRUSHED Matt in court? Also, it seemed to me that 'Demon Foggy" made some pretty salient points in court that weren't rebutted. The worst storyline in DD history drones on and on without end.
After weeks of suffering at the hands of his literal demons, Matt Murdock has a single bout ahead of him, facing WRATH! The deadliest devil yet, Wrath has designs for Matt's soul...and it will stop at nothing to achieve them!
Rated T+
*SOME SPOILERS* This is just bad. Eighteen issues in and we’re still dealing with the Seven deadly sin storyline. We still have no idea how Matt is alive which I’m starting to think we’re supposed to just forget about it and be like “ohp, lawyer Matt Murdock is just back” like nothing happened at the end of Zdarsky’s run. Matt defeats a demon by feeling sorry for himself? What?????
After weeks of suffering at the hands of his literal demons, Matt Murdock has a single bout ahead of him, facing WRATH! The deadliest devil yet, Wrath has designs for Matt's soul...and it will stop at nothing to achieve them!
Rated T+
A month or two ago Kingpin was on the cover - no Kingpin inside.
This month Bullseye on the cover - no Bullseye inside.
I admit that i am hate-reading it at this point. It's the only kind of reading this claptrap, that goes absolutely nowhere in slow motion, month after tedious month, deserves.
As intrigue and violence swirl around them, Matt Murdock and Elektra Natchios are about to face the most intense conflict of their entire time as Daredevil...and it could be against one another!
Rated T+
Who said anything about "paying?" Although there is that phenomenon of paying for something you know is going to be terrible, just to see HOW terrible it can be. Akin to watching a train wreck. But in this case, no. Freeloading all the way. But Smithd33, you seem to resonate with my review. So whither the "9?"
To my original review above about "no Kingpin, no Bullsye," read the tease above for this month's issue, and add "No Elecktra!" Does anybody on this book know WTF is going on?
This series is TORTURE. Will this psseudo-Catholic claptrap storyline NEVER end? Why can't Foggy be pissed at Matt without being possessed by a demon? Matt attempting exorcisms? OMG. It's all nonsense. No pun intended, but this comic has gone
to Hell in a handbasked.
After literally tearing himself apart to escape from Hell, Matt Murdock's soul has been FRACTURED! Each portion corrupted and twisted into the image of one of the seven deadly sins! One by one, Matt has begun to conquer his demons and save his friends, but some demons aren't so easily exorcised - as Matt and one of his young wards are about to disc...
I’m feeling the same way as you with the current flash run. I love Wally. But what’s written now. Isn’t Wally. It’s junk.
Ahmed and Spurrier are both weaker at writing these characters than their previous authors for sure. Poppycock and malarkey I say! ;)
Solid fun. Doesn't try to re-invent the wheel, just gives us the kind of adventure fans of these characters crave. Exactly what a good one-shot should be.
Everyone's favorite hard-travelin' heroes are back and brought to you through the iconic lens of World's Finest! In the not-too-distant past, Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan find themselves at a crossroads...and only teaming up together once more will save them from the scope of the mysterious bounty hunter known in whispered tones throughout the under...
Lots of filler and large panels in this issue, making a rushed conclusion inevitable. The 'twist' ending makes no sense if you think about it for more than ten seconds. How/when could this have all been done undetected? Avoiding spoilers, but you'll see.
IT'S ALL LED TO THIS! As the final battle between Aethyr's forces and the heroes of Earth reaches its climax, the Phantom Zone is changed forever...altered from the ground up and ready for new prisoners. But who of the super family will be amongst them? It's the shocking finale to the Action Comics weekly, and you're going to have to read it to bel...
Captures the flavor of the original team-up, with a good dose of humor, and affection for how the characters interact.
Everyone's favorite hard-travelin' heroes are back and brought to you through the iconic lens of World's Finest! In the not-too-distant past, Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan find themselves at a crossroads...and only teaming up together once more will save them from the scope of the mysterious bounty hunter known in whispered tones throughout the under...
Most misleading cover ever! This storyline with its pseudo-religious Catholicism can't end too soon.
For months, Matt Murdock and those closest to him have been plagued by demonic entities bound to Matt's soul! Now one of those demons has bound itself to one of the people Matt cares about MOST! (Spoiler: They're not on the cover!)
Rated T+
"Action-packed issue?" Not unless you count lots of talking "action." A few pages wasted at the start: MJ has to school Jonah and Ben that break-out views and circulation is actually a good thing? Best part was seeing the seeds of GG eventually becoming an arch-foe. Otherwise, fairly pedestrian.
But WHO are the Sinister Six? The first member throws down with Spider-Man and Green Goblin in this action-packed issue! Plus, with Tony Stark's return, Peter must also explore the limitations of his new suit...
Rated T
Oh,please stop with the over-the-top hyperbole. A few months ago we had "the most shattering event in the last 50 years" (paraphrasing)- the death of whatshername. Now this is "the most brutal fight in Marvel's history?" Not even in the top 50. And the issue ends virtually identical to where it started. Large panels, filler chase scenes. Bo-ring.
The most visceral issues in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN history begin here!
Rated T
Oh, I am so so SO sick of this Catholic religious "sins" garbage. Marvel should rename this comic X-orcisms Man. The only exorcism I want to see is Ahmed removed from this book.
After the pulse-pounding frenzy that started in DAREDEVIL #8, Matt Murdock and Elektra Natchios are surrounded by their deadliest foes! The vow Elektra and Matt have taken as DAREDEVIL will face its greatest challenge yet, as they must protect not only themselves but also all of Hell's Kitchen from BULLSEYE'S dastardly designs!
I've always loved Mxy and Bat-Mite (one of my favorite comics ever is "World's Funnest" one-shot.) Only poignant moment is Waid signaling that this might be the LAST time we ever see Bat-Mite.
Something is destroying the fifth dimension--and if an army of evil imps can obliterate all the joy and life from an entire reality, what chance do Superman and Batman stand against it? A multitude of DC guest stars--and their fifth-dimensional counterparts--join the World's Finest duo in a last-ditch attempt to save Earth from the ultimate darknes...
Superstan52 said many of the same things I thought so good for him and bad for me since I want to be original. I will say they’ve set up two future stories. Clone that gave Bruce his hand and was buried in backyard of Wayne Manor 2.0 will be dug up and we will have another Dark reflection of Bruce villain who was dumped into a Lazarus pit for evil reasons.
Damian is also right about e more
DARK PRISONS--EPILOGUE When confronted with the totality of your life, and all the choices that led you to where you are, do you build on the ashes, or rise from them? The Batman who is left standing will have to answer this question quickly, as someone is already sifting through those ashes, with an eye toward saving the world!
So, just like that Bruce is a billionaire again, Selina is back in good graces, and Bruce 2.0 is aged out. And there are no consequences for Bruce whatsoever for all the havoc he's unleashed on Gotham these past months. Only in the funnies.
DARK PRISONS--EPILOGUE When confronted with the totality of your life, and all the choices that led you to where you are, do you build on the ashes, or rise from them? The Batman who is left standing will have to answer this question quickly, as someone is already sifting through those ashes, with an eye toward saving the world!
Well said, sir. And Bruce gets to rebuild Gotham. Again. Wonder when he will have to learn to trust family. Again.
Bruce Wayne has had years of consequences. It was nice to see Chip finally give him a break for a change. I got tired of the negativity. I can get that for free.
Another awful issue. Frank Miller's reprint - one of his earliest writer/artist efforts --THATS how you portray Kingpin and tell a story. Kingpin whines about being controlled but aside from being more brazen, nothing he does is out of character. And DD has become totally uninteresting as a character.
He's on the hunt: One of DAREDEVIL's deadliest and most dangerous foes, empowered by forces unknown even to himself, prepares for the kill. Yes, none other than KINGPIN, stalking the streets of Manhattan by night. And no matter the speed with which Daredevil moves...there will be blood.
PLUS: Includes a re...
What a fun comic! I especially love that Waid digs DEEP into the Silver Age, to a time most readers aren't familiar with, to utilize Jimmy's multiple transformations. And his Bat-Mite was perfect! If the "canon" comics are unfortunately too serious to depict these characters, it's great that there still is a place for them in books like these.
IT'S AN IMP-LOSION OF GLOBAL PROPORTIONS! As Mxy and Bat-Mite flee the dreaded Doom-Mite of the fifth dimension, Batman and Superman must travel to the fifth dimension to do battle within a dimension of omnipotent mayhem! All this, plus the march of the Legion of Doom-Mites and an absolutely ADORABLE weapon of mass destruction in this startling sec...
So.. WHY did Osborn keep his Goblin costume and weapons so handy instead of burning them?
THE GREEN GOBLIN RETURNS in this landmark and massive issue of ASM that boasts not only a double-sized main story but some instant Spider-Man classics by legends and legends to be! The Sins of Norman Osborn have found their way home and Norman shows his true color - green. But is it truly that simple? Spidey and Gobby's brut...
The art in this run is really a come-down from the last few teams. very pedestrian. my main quibble is: Hell's Kitchen is not that big - and DD has not exactly been hidden for all these months. so how the hell did foggy not know matt was alive?
The peace Matt Murdock thought he had found has started to crumble into bloody rubble - and as enemies surround Matt and Elektra from all sides, WILSON FISK makes a mysterious and dangerous return!
Rated T+
Holy shit I love this art.
She came in trouble, all five feet, six inches of it. Even her name was a warning that things were about to get bad for me, real quick: "Storm." Miss Susie Storm, standing there in a blue gown custom-made to take years off the life of anyone who saw her, big as life in my crummy office. The doll needed a private eye to find her boyfriend. Seems he'...
Fantastic. Great coloring, art, and noir dialogue. And then the "twist" that revealed it wasnt a novelty one -off but actually part of continuity made it perfect.
She came in trouble, all five feet, six inches of it. Even her name was a warning that things were about to get bad for me, real quick: "Storm." Miss Susie Storm, standing there in a blue gown custom-made to take years off the life of anyone who saw her, big as life in my crummy office. The doll needed a private eye to find her boyfriend. Seems he'...
Joker is the loon who thought Joker Fish would make him rich, not this imposter.
The explosive Dark Prisons continues as Batman learns from an old mentor what Zur's plans are for Gotham City...and the world! Can the Dark Knight escape from a prison designed by the ultimate version of himself? And what nefarious role does The Joker play in all of this?
Want to read a GREAT Joker story from recent times? One who’s simply delusional and insane? Read Waid’s BATMAN/SUPERMAN WORLD’S FINEST #25 from March. Zdarsky’s Joker and Damian characterizations are pure nonsense. Just end this run already.
The explosive Dark Prisons continues as Batman learns from an old mentor what Zur's plans are for Gotham City...and the world! Can the Dark Knight escape from a prison designed by the ultimate version of himself? And what nefarious role does The Joker play in all of this?
still no Foggy. the storyline such as it is, is asinine with "instant priest" Matt apparently annointed to do God's dirty work on Earth, even though in the previous storyline he was completely duped by the Beast. still no hint of how he came back to Life, what parts of his memory are gone. Just a boring mess.
THE WOLF IS AT THE DOOR! The pulse-pounding DAREDEVIL saga from Saladin Ahmed and Aaron Kuder continues - as whatever mysterious force that has made Matt Murdock's life a living hell for weeks has now put him and his fearless alter ego DAREDEVIL on a collision course with the one and only WOLVERINE!
Rated T+
This gets most of its points for saving me the time and trouble of reading these storylines when they actually appear. Just change the titles to Jumped-the-Shark Man and be done with it. Not one good thing has happened in S-M since Wells took the helm.
2024 is primed to be one of the biggest years in Spider-History and you've only seen the tip of the iceberg! In the pages of this one-shot, we're going to lay out some of the biggest upcoming Spider-Stories and characters in the Spider-Verse through the beginning of 2025, and you aren't going to want to miss this!
Rated T
Fun, great characterization, and March can draw him some WW.
FOR THE BATMAN WHO HAS EVERYTHING! Amidst their adventures as Superman and Wonder Woman, Clark and Diana take a thrilling journey into space to get a birthday gift for their dear friend Bruce.
The art, when this series rebooted, was SO INNOVATIVE and imaginative. WHAT HAPPENED? this looks nothing like Supes and Lois comes off like a simpering 16 year old. Very cartoonish. Script lacked tension or surprises, and I expect more from Lex than reluctant compliance.
Superman is the brains while Lex is the brawn, as they team up to battle the Lex Luthor Revenge Squad for the fate of Metropolis. Lex has sworn to Superman that he is a changed man, but to what lengths will he go to stop his enemies?! And what danger from deep space rapidly makes its way toward Earth?
This not am Bizarro story. Bizarro am funny. Bizarro am looney. Bizarro no am evil. Me like old Bizarro, not new Bizarro.
The startling finale of I, Bizarro sees the Man of Steel making his most shocking team-up ever as part of the mind-blowing final battle against the ultimate Bizarro.
You am wrong. This story is best there has ever been. DC definitely didn't just keep cheapest writers they could to write book they care the most about. DC not scrap bottom of barrel for talent.
Great characterizations and dialogue. Art fell down a bit. Some filler material as well
After the massive battle at the White House, Superman is forced to turn to his sworn enemy Lex Luthor for help in his fight with Metallo. But what does the greatest criminal mind of our lifetime know about the Russian war machine, and just how will Superman use the info to take the fight to Metallo?
Zdarsky's entire run has essentially been Batman creating menaces to save the world from a "Batman gone bad" who wind up as worse menaces than Batman could ever be. Failsafe throws Gotham into turmoil twice already in this run, and yet Bruce is not held accountable, or Batman arrested, when the dust clears. Where is J. Jonah Jameson when we need him, alerting the world to the danger that is Batmanmore
A THRILLING NEW ARC IS HERE... DARK PRISONS BEGINS! Following The Joker: Year One's stunning reveals, Batman must engineer an escape from Zur's prison...but what dark secret does Zur now hold that's a game changer for the Dark Knight and the entire DC Universe?!