Love the review, loved this book, I'll be reading your review on my podcast Lunchbreak reviews!
As a much older fan off The Flash , I was seriously disappointed in this opening chapter. I understand the need at times to reinvent the wheel all over again but this was painful to read. The script was great but all the back and forward was to me so unnecessary and made the reading experience a whole lot disjointed. Hopefully as the story unfolds it will make it more enjoyable but to me there is more
JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Without the mentor...without the family...without the Speed Force, what's left is the Absolute Scarlet Speedster!
I've been reading Superman nearly all my 61 years. Long before I could read words , I could look at the wonderful pictures of a man that came to save us all. The story so far I have enjoyed but the art today by Rafa Sandoval brings me full circle to why I love comics. His art alone is worth everything to a real fan of Superman
.Absolutely the best interior art yet. Before anyone says this or more
BRACE YOURSELF FOR A HEARTBREAKING TALE OF THE FINAL FATE OF KRYPTON! Kal-El's life with his parents in the rural Redlands of Krypton is a happy one. But when that entire existence is suddenly threatened, the Els have no choice but to make a stand...and fight for the truth!
Love the review, loved this book, I'll be reading your review on my podcast Lunchbreak reviews!
Sam and Twitch Case Files 11. This new arc does not stop improving. Zombie drug dealers? We have a conspiracy against Detective Twitch Williams, and his partner Sam Burke trying to help him. The story is very well written, the dialogues are perfect, and the drawing is magnificent. Thomas Knachlik draws the stages, the streets, the offices, the restaurants, the vehicles very well. I'm really likingmore
Max Williams, aka Twitch, has always been a good cop and an honest cop, but someone has set him up. He's taking the fall for a shooting that wasn't his fault. Sometimes that's the job. You have to ride it out until you can prove your innocence. But now that someone is threatening his family, Twitch will have to take the law into his own hands.
This arc is seriously getting really good. The art is sublime and the dialogue is really on point. I'm a real fan of Sam and Twitch but suddenly they become relevant all over again. If you loved hard edged detective stories with a huge amount of nice little plot twists then at least give it a try.......JM
Max Williams, aka Twitch, has always been a good cop and an honest cop, but someone has set him up. He's taking the fall for a shooting that wasn't his fault. Sometimes that's the job. You have to ride it out until you can prove your innocence. But now that someone is threatening his family, Twitch will have to take the law into his own hands.
As Pam moves further and further away from the DC universe and into her own reality, I just seem to love her stories more and more. The art this issue is perfect for the tone of the book and the urban horror is a fantastic throw back to the early 50's comics that are just so under appreciated. Hopefully In months to come this book can and should get a whole lot darker and with luck and sales , hopmore
THE SHADOW OVER MARSHVIEW! The strange and startling secrets of Marshview are revealed as Poison Ivy, Janet, and Peter Undine explore the transient and hungry ghost town's past. But some things are best left dead and forgotten...lest they try to eat you alive.
It's all been leading to this! Justin has a plan... and he's ready to put everything on the line for a shot at his ultimate goal.
With his masterstroke just steps away, though, what will he be willing to sacrifice, and what lines will he cross to finally have it all?
I've no words to describe just how difficult this book is to read and score. The art by Brett Booth is an absolute joy to the eyes and fits Spawn perfectly. I could look at these spash pages all day long. Sumptuous colour heightens the superb line work. After that it's all down hill with some of the most boring simple dialogue I've read in months. I've been a Spawn fan from.near the beginning but more
Bludd has revealed his true motivations and a new, powerful form that he will use to finally kill Al Simmons.
The art is the star of the show and the story is what make the star shine bright. Episode after episode of this journey theom Death layers more questions than answers but never forgets to give the reader so much more than anticipated......outstanding......JM
Jess is enraged and ready to take on Annabel, restoring the balance with an army at her back.
But will her anger be enough, even if it drives her more than a desire for the throne itself?
The road to the end of GRIM begins here in an unmissable, unforgettable issue
It's frustrating at times to read your favourite characters year after year. You hope for something new but get really irate when change happens and it feels so wrong. Ivy is changing now into i have know idea what and I love it. The scope is huge and Janet brings fun and normality to something way way bigger. I'm not always a fan of the art but I think I just wanted something that was already themore
SPECIAL FLIP-BOOK ISSUE! Grievously injured after her encounter with the Order of the Green Knight's master, Poison Ivy finds herself wandering a strange liminal zone inhabited by The Grey. Meanwhile, Janet, on a search for answers about the mysterious town of Marshview, finds herself lost amongst The Green. As the two friends attempt to find their...
I made a kind of promise to myself this year that I would only review something outstanding and wickedly wonderful. Oh well let's face it this comic has to be the funniest well thought out story that I've read in forever. The writing and script by Charles are an utter joy but the art by Ryan is absolutely and utterly delicious on every single panel........fabulous.......Jonn
Mini-Series Premiere. Good Omens meets Curse Words in this new series from the duo behind smash-hit Eight Billion Genies! The Lucky Devils is a tale of two rebellious demons who decide to start a revolution in Hell-and the two ordinary, 20-something humans they're going to manipulate to do it. A cheeky, sat...
Occult and supernatural meshed into a highly art driven story about human sacrifice and so called friendships. Azzarello keeps enough story back to really drive the sense of the living forest and the art of Del Rey is perfect for the dark mood of the story.....JM
In the primordial forests of Norway, a young photographer investigates a grisly ritualistic murder-her own.
In the black metal occult underground, she discovers gods-ancient and older, that may be pulling the strings, the puppeteers of humanity. And she may be one of the ancients herself.
Nice art and pretty engaging story that was let down mostly because of crude dialogue.......JM
It's hellfire-fueled, claw-slashing action in the Mighty Marvel Manner as HELLVERINE blazes a new path across the Marvel Universe! The demon BAGRA-GHUL possessed WOLVERINE, turning him into a killing machine... but LOGAN is no stranger to caging the beast within his soul, and the demon learne...
This is a strange sort of story with near perfect art and colours wrapped up in a pretty enjoyable western like I used to love way back in the day. Problems come when the story is extremely light on the supernatural but as I love a good western I've little to complain about here.....JM
Series Premiere. One of the most mysterious characters in the Spawn Universe is the Gunslinger Spawn. In Deadly Tales, his true origin is finally revealed in full. Written by superstar creator Jimmy Palmiotti, with art by the exceptional Patric Reynolds, see the true origin of the deadly Gunslinger Spawn. From the charac...
Yoon as a character is awesome and the maga style art is absolutely wonderful. The script is witty and makes you think but in a good way. I absolutely and utterly love this kind of story and believe me the art really is outstanding......JM
Yoon has one single day to uncover who is trying to kill her, or that she's going to kill, and there are too many candidates! Is it the cop with the unexpected black strings? The gang leader with the Very Expected black strings? Maybe someone connected to the porn star whose pet was murdered? The icky rich family with WAY too many blue strings? Yoo...
I like Snyder's take so far on a young vibrant Batman with a truly great understanding of how all his friends eventually become his enemies. The down side i suppose is it's a bit rough and uneven in places and skips around timeliness to much. I say to much as it disrupts the action and makes it less than I think it will rad as a trade.....nonetheless I enjoyed it enough.....JM
NEW FRIENDS, NEW ENEMIES! Batman and Alfred have formed a tentative alliance, but the Black Mask has some new friends too...and they're coming to Gotham to wreak absolute havoc. Plus, discover the dark secret that will rock Bruce to his core and make him question everything...
The images of the Darkness that follows the Eye to the Door of Time is so perfect. Jeff brings the occult to life wrapped up in a tale of everyday family life. I absolutely love his wonderfully quirky art and colours as they fit so well with this sad story about having a curse that nobody sees and only the few believe......JM
In a desperate bid to free herself of this new "curse," Theresa finds herself thrown into the Unseen World once again.
Delving deeper into the mysterious realm, Theresa uncovers secrets that will prove vital to her understanding of this power... but also finds herself stalked by a Dark Figure whose presence grows increasingly sinister.
Future and past mesh together in a seamless noir horror that is brilliantly crafted. The art fits the theme perfectly and the colours pop of the page. I felt like I was watching a re run of some wonderful old sci fi that would grace any tube , past or present. I'm really loving these over sized graphic comics from DSTRLY and wow when it comes to taking on the super hero drivel and producing intellmore
Writer Scott Hoffman (Nostalgia, Wag) of Scissor Sisters fame teams up with artist Alberto Ponticelli (Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E., Goodnight Paradise, Orc Island) for a sci-fi/horror mystery that pushes the limits of the grotesque.
New York City, over two decades into the future, has been devastated by crime, ongoing storms, radiation fr...
It's such a surprise when you pick up a book that's seriously not your thing , read it without much interest as remember its not really my thing , get kind of comfortable at the lovely sumptuous sexy art that is....well maybe a thing and then top it of with a huge dollop of Oh My God well didn't that turn out to be just my sort of thing.......this was absolutely and utterly maybe always my thing..more
A bloody love letter to New York City, The City Beneath Her Feet is an action/thriller love story for a new generation by lauded creators James Tynion IV (Spectregraph, Something is Killing the Children) and Elsa Charretier (Room Service, Love Everlasting).
Jasper Jayne was the girl of Zara's dreams, but their brief relationship came and went i...
An ambitiously Orwellian take on life in the age of algorithms and "AI", where people don't even notice how their own voices and ideas have been made extraneous to the ever-more-automated and controlled process of communication. I don't know if I'm convinced that magic dust is a thing Superman needs, but I really respect what Aaron & Sandoval are reaching for here enough to run with it
The Lazarus Corporation sent their most battle-hardened crew of Peacemakers to locate the mysterious fugitive interfering with their mining operations--but they weren't expecting one motor-mouthed, iron-willed woman to be the one to finally get the cuffs onto him!
This story is fascinating and macarbe all at the same time. It got me thinking about what makes a body up and what equates as life on a cellular level of existence. As I read it I have a stinking cold with the usual coughs , sneezing and general feeling of dying. I don't know if it was kismet or just plain luck that got me interested enough to give this a shot but I for one are grateful regardlessmore
43% of the cells within a healthy human body belong to something other than the human host. Microbiomes, invasive bacteria, fungal and viral agents, and something else, something... more.
When the BLOOM happened, humanity was changed forever, transformed by symbiotic fungal megasystems that infected their bodies.
Some affected pe...
Sorry to every other comic that hit the stands this week but for me and my pal this was an absolute and utter hilarious home run. This oozes charm , fun and at my advancing age.....a red face at how much I laughed till I cried....if comics were made to just entertain an old man on a Saturday night in , then Harley Quinn hit the number 1 spot for Xmas.....JM
ATTENTION RESIDENTS OF THROATCUTTER HILL! Art! Since the dawn of humanity, we have found emotional, spiritual, and even intellectual meaning through the visual arts. But sometimes...even art can suck real, real bad. Is a soulless and aesthetically meritless corporate statue ruining your view of a perfectly good park full of uncollected trash and de...
only 1 critical review and your 1 user review - that usually spells big trouble, especially for a book that just started a new run
The interaction between Bruce and Superman really hit the button on the way an aging superhero might think. The art was again next level and the amount of little plot lines keep this fresh and dynamic. The thought of a wonder drug that keeps you alive and young must make anyone stop and think about what is a life without death? This kind of writing is wonderful as I've been reading and watching Bamore
A BRAND-NEW VILLAIN STALKS THE STREETS OF GOTHAM CITY! When we last left Bruce Wayne he was offered a mysterious youth serum, known only as Sangraal, that promises to rejuvenate his body and mind--making him as strong and nimble as he once was. But can he possibly accept this strange gift? Meanwhile, the sinister, scalpel-fingered villain known as ...
The latest hit from the production line of wonderful Boom talent is starting to really ramp up the pace. Think Total Recall on steroids with as many little lovely plots and your on a winner. Polished art and tight layered script make it a complete joy to read. I can almost feel what it must like and that says all without giving anyone a spoiler. Go online or in story , hand over a few pennies for more
With enough risky behavior and a slowly emerging viral following, it's not long before Justin creates enough buzz to get invited to a Proxy party, where he meets Sylvia Synn- someone who will change his life forever.
It's time for a new persona and a new manager, but as with any work that is less than legal, the authorities aren't far behi...
As a psychological thriller this was for me a perfect take on Selina. All the elements of the Bourne Identity wrapped up in one of my all time favourite characters. Add in a bit of Mafia and it's a home run. The only thing was the art wasn't quite up to the story telling and although didn't spoil it at all , it could have been a whole lot better. Selina really needs a much stronger artist going fomore
CATWOMAN STALKED BY DEADLY ASSASSINS! In search of clues regarding the bounty that's been placed on her head, Selina travels to Berlin hoping to reconnect with one of her old accomplices from her days as a roaming international thief. But it seems not even her cache of disguises and tricks can protect Catwoman from the watchful eyes of those huntin...
My biggest concern about the direction of this comic recently is the use of various more original stories from the past. The mass burning of books during WW2 , the Book of Eli , the burning of comics in the 50's along with the many districts of the Hunger games with a little of Divergent thrown in as a side dish.
I loved the first 5 issues but it really is starting to tread others stories wa more
The Glowing Man's quest for a cure continues as Geiger, his two-headed wolf Barney, and Nate the Nuclear Knight encounter a town that's discovered the secret to peace in this post-nuclear war world. But that tranquility is threatened with the arrival of Nate's former brothers-in-arms from The Camelot Casino and their formidable leader, the New King...
This new western take on Manga really hit a home run. Fast paced and witty with lots of adult themes running through fabulous art. In a crowded comic rack this should seriously have a blue line drawing you to it as its wonderfully.......Jonn
Yoon-Sook Namgung is a 25-year-old Korean-American woman with the remarkable ability to see two types of "strings" connecting various people. The first is blue and stretches between sexual partners. The second-dark black-connects murderers and their victims. If you have a murder that needs solving, Yoon can help. Worried your partner is cheating on...
As a second issue it rather slow burned its way to the end. The art was nice but the overall feel of the black hole was for some strange reason lost. The character division was great as that's life and the way Art is treated really highlights humans as a poor inadequate species. Still i really enjoyed it for the couple of really rather minor flaws..........JM
Fear mounts. Psychologist Joy Frank, her estranged husband, and a team of soldiers and scientists set out on a mission to take the mysterious human girl to the center of the black hole, but as they cross into the cosmic maelstrom, and into a strange world that contains surreal alien life from the black hole itself, they will soon learn why the othe...
Okay I'm a space junky and this is my kind of story but....The way the story came together has raised way more questions than my average sci-fi fare. On the art front all I can say is if this was on TV I wouldn't have enjoyed it more.lush lovely colours that made me remember Stargate , great start.......JM
Scientists have created a stable, microscopic black hole in a secret underground compound, but when they lose control, the black hole spews out a cosmic maelstrom, strange dangerous creatures, and most surprisingly...a mysterious human teenage girl. Now, a depressed but brilliant psychologist must help her estranged husband and the other scientists...
As a psychic medium myself that has fought against the curse for all my life , this story of Theresa resonates on every level. The words, drink , feelings are all the same and is superbly written and drawn..........Jonn
In the conclusion to the mystifying first chapter of the new original series from Jeff Lemire, Theresa is worse for wear after her emotional encounter and first journey into The Unseen World.
Intoxicated on spirits, she channels her frustration in the front yard of an old ex, where the embers of a love lost are still painful.
This has been a roller coaster of an 8 issue story. To be fair to the inconsistencies that have come and went the story in its was rather enjoyable. This issue wrapped up everything neatly and was probably thar highlight of the run. The art on the other hand by Szymon was absolutely and utterly outstanding. On its own it told the complete story and I challenge anyone on a second read through not tmore
Twitch just needed some space from his partner, Sam. That's how this all started. Now, Sam may be the only person who can save Twitch's life in time.
Barry was my first Flash. Issue 306 to be exact (great issue). I read Barry backwards from there. Before the death of Iris, Barry met the stereotype of the silver age hero that had no hero’s journey. A hero right out of the box. Wally had a hero’s journey, which is why for me he is the better character. We are late stage in that journey in the main continuity (the whole main dcu feels late stage frankly), so I am looking forward to seeing where this goes.
I respect your opinion, but for me, Wally has always been my Flash (and for a lot of people too). I’ve always found Barry pretty boring (in fact, even in the CW show, they just gave Wally’s personality to Barry Allen). Plus, since this is a reinvention, it makes sense to go with the younger, more reactive Flash who still has to find his way. (I agree with you regarding the back and forward.)