Love the review, loved this book, I'll be reading your review on my podcast Lunchbreak reviews!
A truly outstanding cliffhanger ending and dynamic artwork are offset a bit by a plot that doesn’t move the story forward so much as sideways. More great work from Waid, but this middle chapter gets a bit repetitive with its themes.
THE LONG AWAITED SECOND ISSUE ARRIVES! Superman continues his mission to find a cure for what's killing Lex Luthor. When the present has no answers, maybe the future will! But will the Legion of Super-Heroes help Clark find a cure for a man like Luthor?
The storyline ratchets up the tension in a gripping chapter that feels like it’s leading to a resolution, while at the same time opening up a new mystery in its final pages after several exciting narrative twists.
ASEMA'S BLOODY REIGN OF TERROR CONTINUES! Batman has employed the full force of the Bat-Family to uncover the mystery of the murders that continue across Gotham. But even Batman's most trusted allies have failed at preventing the deaths of young men at the hands of the bloodthirsty Asema. But who is Asema? As the World's Greatest Detective unravels...
RAVEN IN THE CLUTCHES OF THE PSYCHO-PIRATE! Overly emotional empath Raven has completely lost it--and she's taking the Titans with her. Of course, she's being nudged along by the psycho-est of the psychos, Psycho-Pirate! And he's got a plan: first Raven, then the Titans...then the world!
Snyder and team stick the landing to “The Zoo” with this dark, action-packed, emotional and FUN final chapter!
THIS IS IT! CATCH UP TO ARC ONE BEFORE THE START OF ARC TWO! Bruce Wayne, a young man who has built his entire life on leveling up, on becoming a bigger man than both his enemies and the obstacles that stand in his way, will have to break down the Black Mask and his gang of Party Animals. Will he be able to do this without the help of his unlikely ...
This is yet another stellar Absolute launch, and my personal favorite of all the Absolute first issues. It’s an adrenaline-soaked thrill ride with lots of mysteries thrown in for good measure. If this book is anything like Lemire’s Animal Man from the New 52, we are in for an absolute treat!
JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Without the mentor...without the family...without the Speed Force, what's left is the Absolute Scarlet Speedster!
This story continues to thrill even as we hit the 6 month mark! A mix of great character work and a scary new villain keeps the momentum going. This team hit the ground running when they took over the book last fall.
JASON TODD TO THE RESCUE?! As Memento's reign of terror continues, the city's inhabitants find themselves locked in fear as Gotham awaits his next move. Meanwhile, Damian Wayne doubts if Batman and Robin are enough to save their city. Are the Dynamic Duo truly helping to keep Gotham safe, or does their presence simply enable violence and villainy t...
Another great chapter that moves the story forward. Solid foundation for this latest incarnation!
SINESTRO...BACK IN GREEN?! The Lanterns return to Thanagar, decimated in the aftermath of the Civil Corps! But this time John Stewart and company are fighting with Hawkwoman by their side. Meanwhile, the mystery of the Fractal Lanterns deepens, as Atrocitus seeks revenge for the theft of his powers! So why is the answer seemingly within the remains...
I've been reading Superman nearly all my 61 years. Long before I could read words , I could look at the wonderful pictures of a man that came to save us all. The story so far I have enjoyed but the art today by Rafa Sandoval brings me full circle to why I love comics. His art alone is worth everything to a real fan of Superman
.Absolutely the best interior art yet. Before anyone says this or more
BRACE YOURSELF FOR A HEARTBREAKING TALE OF THE FINAL FATE OF KRYPTON! Kal-El's life with his parents in the rural Redlands of Krypton is a happy one. But when that entire existence is suddenly threatened, the Els have no choice but to make a stand...and fight for the truth!
Love the review, loved this book, I'll be reading your review on my podcast Lunchbreak reviews!
Improves over the previous issue with a much stronger “hook” to pull in the reader. I’m interested in seeing where Adams takes us. Artwork is gorgeous!
ATLANTIS...OBLITERATED! After the shocking events of Aquaman #1, Arthur Curry is now a king without a home! But is hope truly lost? The answer lies in Aquaman's mysterious new water-morphing abilities, and a portal into the unknown. Earth's uncanny undersea hero must train like never before to stand a chance of recovering Atlantis from its untimely...
This storyline was a waste of time and resources. I barely cared about any of the characters or their motivations. Poorly plotted, very little character development of any depth, no action except for a weak page or two of a very lame fight with paper-thin villains. John Ridley shouldn’t be writing Superman stories. Such a comedown after Waid’s epic.
YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! Superman is on the verge of discovering who's been luring reformed villains back to a life of crime, but the question remains--why? When he tries to convince Scorch to help him, they're ambushed by a mysterious organization that holds the answers he's searching for. Is Superman ready to face the truth?
This was the book’s first perfect issue as we see the end of Krypton brought to vivid, horrifying life thanks to the incredible creative team. I was brought to tears witnessing Kal experience the gut-wrenching loss of his parents, his dog and his planet in a way that countless earlier DCU retellings have failed to measure up to. It also gives this Superman a clear mission statement that the remore
BRACE YOURSELF FOR A HEARTBREAKING TALE OF THE FINAL FATE OF KRYPTON! Kal-El's life with his parents in the rural Redlands of Krypton is a happy one. But when that entire existence is suddenly threatened, the Els have no choice but to make a stand...and fight for the truth!
Love the review, I'll be featuring it on my podcast Lunchbreak Reviews, check it out.
THE JSA, CORNERED BY KOBRA! The JSA have a lead on a KOBRA facility preparing for their next terrorist attack. But which faction of the team will make it to the facility first, and what will it mean for the future of the world's first super-team?!
This book is so maddening. One issue it’s pretty good, especially when focusing on the family, then it takes a nosedive the next issue, like this month’s. I have no idea what Eclipso is after, what Wally is doing, what his son is doing. Even the art is confusing at times. What a mess. The sales have cratered, which makes me wonder when DC will finally pull the plug on this experiment.
THE FLASH FAMILY IN ACTION! As tensions in Skartaris reach a fever pitch, the entire Flash Family gets involved, and a Rogue makes a play for the throne!
Both the art and the writing took a step backwards this issue. I don’t feel like Johnson has Damian’s personality and voice nailed down as well as Williamson had previously, and while it didn’t hurt the previous chapters much, this issue it became more noticeable.
MEMENTO'S GRUESOME RAMPAGE ACROSS GOTHAM CONTINUES! A hospital erupts in flames. A boat careens into a dock. Fresh corpses are found in the ruins of Arkham Asylum. These are but a few of Gotham's historical atrocities, committed in disturbing, copycat-like fashion by the foul creature known only as Memento. While the dynamic duo fails to prevent th...
I didn’t read the Williamson run because his stuff is not for me. Did Williamson soften the character from the Morrison tomasi Damian or did someone else do that?
Tomasi softened the character a bit long before Williamson, but also did great character development work on him.
SUPERWOMAN...LOST IN TIME! As the man of steel battles for the life of his deadliest adversary Doomsday, Superwoman travels across time and space to unlock the secrets of the Time Trapper! What life-shattering secrets lurk at the end of time? What clues can Lois Lane find to save the future? And can these answers be uncovered in time to halt Time T...
This story, for the second issue in a row, has lapsed into inertia. It would’ve worked well in the 70s Social Justice era or even the 80s Grell era, but coming after Williamson’s exceptional run, this is falling flat on its face—and the sales reflect it. This book is headed for the cancellation heap if this direction continues. Make Ollie fun again, and bring back his family! Or a great vimore
STAR CITY ON THE BRINK! After his encounter with the Fresh Water Killer, Oliver Queen has even more questions regarding the ecological disaster in Star City, which leads him deeper into his own history as the threat comes even closer to Oliver's home.
This fantastic team nails the landing for this storyline! Best issue so far!
THE WORLD IS ABLAZE! As the Justice League reels from the horrors in?icted by the Parademon Horde, a new threat arises across space...and time. With the team racing to put out multiple villainous fires at once, the mystery surrounding the Martian Manhunter deepens, and the techno-terrorist group Inferno makes its boldest move their secret ...
Great to see Adams giving Kyle such a prominent role here, in a fun and exciting storyline!
WILL HAL STOP THE SORROW IN TIME?! In an attempt to stop Sorrow from creating a Central Power Battery, Hal runs across an alien infected with red energy that threatens his life, all while Kyle and his team must retrieve a piece of source energy from one of the most dangerous and mysterious places in the universe--The Source Wall! The Fractured Spec...
Beginning to end, this inaugural storyline was pure perfection in terms of both writing and artwork, akin to Scott Snyder’s excellent Court of Owls storyline in BATMAN 14 years ago. I can’t wait to see where the next storyline takes us!
A COSMIC THREAT ENCROACHES ON GATEWAY CITY! Wonder Woman has thrown everything she can think of at The Tetracide, and still it pushes forward, devouring Gateway City. With everything on the line, Diana has one big idea left, but in her current state, she has nowhere near the power she needs to pull it off...
A bit of a comedown from previous chapters but overall still a very enjoyable read that manages to move the story forward, even if the juvenile prison story is a bit of a detour from the main action with Asema. The best part is watching Batman save a teenager’s life in a race against the clock.
ASEMA'S IDENTITY REVEALED?! The shadows of Gotham extend and darken as Asema's bladed grip on the city's underworld tightens. Now, while Batman struggles to keep his city safe, he begins to suspect that he has uncovered the identity of this bloodthirsty menace...and it may be someone very close to Bruce Wayne. Tom Taylor and Mikel Janin's epic jour...
The overseer of the House by the Sea, the enigmatic Max, wants to meet with Walter so she can understand just what he's been up to at the House on the Lake. One small problem with that: Walter's dead, and the residents of the Lake House killed him...
No one who was invited to the House knew Max—but she knew each and every one of them. Masters of their fields, titans of industry and knowledge, they all represented the best and brightest of humanity. So when Max whispered to each of them the truth of what they deserved—to be saved from disaster, to carry on the flame of civilization in a para...
Good solid and fun chapter by the team. I’m intrigued by where this storyline is going, particularly after the last page!
TEMPERS FLARE! Take an overly-emotional empath and add a hearty dose of psychosis, and what do you got? A recipe for disaster! Also: A belligerent boyfriend, an enraged archer, an unsound cyborg, an agitated alien, a testy tactician, and a livid team leader. Yes, Titan tempers are running hot, but the angriest person of all, dear reader, will be yo...
Good, not great, chapter that jumped around quite a bit. Far from Waid’s best work on this title, but still a solid read that moved the story forward.
UNDER THE WAVES...LIES DEATH! Superman and Batman must team with Aquaman and Swamp Thing to prevent a global eco-catastrophe engineered by...the Floronic Man?! An extradimensional battalion of converts wrecks havoc on the high seas in this latest installment of the 20,000 leagues epic!
Mediocre storyline at best.
METROPOLIS IN THE CROSSHAIRS OF A VILLAINOUS CONSPIRACY! The second chapter of this tale of truth and hope! As Clark Kent digs into what drove Major Disaster back to crime, he begins to uncover a greater conspiracy involving previously reformed villains. But when the noble reporter gets too close to the truth, he finds himself under attack? Now, on...
Very strong kickoff for the new title with a great story and amazing artwork that tees up exciting things to come while setting a nice foundation for a variety of stories and characters. I’m delighted to have this book back where it belongs, front and center in the All-In DCU!
THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS RETURNS WITH A BRAND NEW ONGOING SERIES! The corps is back! And just in time for the deadly new fractured spectrum saga to kick into full gear! Join the newly formed Green Lantern Corps as they head out into the galaxy in order to stop Sorrow and his master from creating a power battery. John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cr...
This latest chapter sizzles in the buildup to the finale. Batman dishes out amazing brutality and subsequently gets a brutal, violent beat down in return, all while the terrifying Black Mask ups the stakes for control of the city. This story hasn’t missed a beat since it started and is a pure adrenaline rush!
WILL THE PARTY END HERE FOR ABSOLUTE BATMAN? With his friends lives at stake, will a broken, beaten, and ultimately defeated Bruce Wayne finally compromise and give up both himself and his morals to Black Mask? Or does he have something even BIGGER than himself to help? And what does this have to do with Mayor James Gordon and his relationship with...
THE HUNT IS ON! As Nathaniel Adam makes a desperate attempt to escape the return of his atomic superpowers...another strange transformation within the hero known as Captain Atom begins! And this time, the good captain's powers will change the trajectory of the Justice League forever! Plus: dissent brews in the ranks among the science team at the he...
SUPERMAN MEETS THE MYSTERIOUS OMEGA MEN! Superman is on the run, pursued across the globe by armed Peacemakers and Lazarus Corp's top field agent, Lois Lane. Now a new force joins the chase, but are the mysterious Omega Men friends or foes for Kal-El?
NEW POWERS, NEW MISSION...THE KING IS BACK, BABY! In the wake of Absolute Power, Arthur Curry's powers have evolved to powerful new heights, and this is one king ready to use them to kick some serious butt. Mammoth water-construct Kaijus have emerged from each of the seven seas, and only Aquaman's water-warping abilities can stop them--but not if t...