The most visceral issues in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN history begin here!
Rated T
57 and 58 are both great Spider-Man issues and honestly, this issue ends in a cliffhanger and i want to read it NOW! Read Full Review
Janice Lincoln doesnt want Spider-Man to rescue her. Lonnie Lincoln doesnt want Spider-Man to prevent him from killing his daughter. As Tombstone, Lonnie always put business over family. But then Spider-Man found Tombstones weak spot. So, in Amazing Spider-Man #58, Tombstone seeks to eliminate it before his weakness destroys what he values most. Read Full Review
If you've been looking for a more serious Spidey tale, The Amazing Spider-Man #58 is well worth your time and might be my favorite issue from the team so far. Read Full Review
Romita Jr. perfectly captures the tension, thrills and terror of this story with the art. The fight scenes are truly terrifying and unpredictable. You could feel every blow and impact as the art took you on an emotional and terrifying thrill ride. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #58 is nothing but a mean, nasty brawl from beginning to end. However, Zeb Wells's action-heavy script lacks anything resembling a plot or meaning. In every way, this arc feels like an excuse to run out the clock on Wells's contract, which certainly doesn't deserve the inflated cover price. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #58 is over before you know it in a rush of a fight comic. The intensity is very high, but there's not a lot here to sink your teeth into. If you dig Romita Jr., you'll get a lot out of this, but with so little to it, it's hard to recommend. Definitely a trade-waiting arc at this point. Read Full Review
this is great
Tombstone loads his gun and starts shooting at Janice, not caring that she is his own daughter, she tries to escape until Spider-man comes to help her, it is a brutal fight sequence, where Spidey tries to protect Jackie no matter what.
The fight turns into a chase, where Tombstone is willing to do anything.
Epic chapter of this saga, where Zeb Wells does not skimp on filling it with unstoppable action, so much so that it connects with the next cover in a visual way that is not common in comics, totally original and shocking
John Romita Jr achieves that gloomy and gloomy tone of this situation and incorporates it into the unique body language that he gives to Spider-man with his art. It is more
This is an absolute banger of a comic. People who still think JR JR isn't amazing have my pity.
You can take out every singer word balloon of this comic and it is still perfectly readable. JR JR is not just a guy hired to draw pretty pictures, no comic artist is, and if you define then by that then you dont truly understand what cartooning is. Cartooning is storytelling, and being a sequential artist is crafting a sequence. JR JR is the cinematographer, the lighter, the rigger and the camera man every time he picks up the pencil. He and his inker did their job here and did it well.
As for the script, I have little to say I didn't like here. From the moment the book opens to the very preview of the next issues cover( more
The story here is very good, Tombstone reverting to character and even being willing to murder his daughter who he refers to as "state's witness" when Spidey appeals to his fatherly instincts. The action is very well done, and the art continues to be the best work of JRJR's career in my opinion. I've never been a fan, usually seeing his name on a book will cause me to put it back on the shelf but I've been enjoying this run on ASM.
Not as good as it was hyped up to be, but still a good action issue.
This issue is exactly what it marketed itself to be. Brutal fight between Spidey and Tombstone.
And I'm completely fine with it. I got what I wanted from this issue.
Felt like an issue made only to lengthen the store for an extra issue. This was a decent read but just felt superficially short. It’s a step in the right direction though.
Wells delivers an intense enough fight to distract from the fact that the plot doesn't progress, but JRJR stumbles after a couple of stronger issues. The idea of #59's cover being a continuation of the cliffhanger is fun, but unfortunately the actual cover is terrible
Just a big action scene with some horrendous JR art. But at least it was fun.
Art: 3/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 6.5/10
Oh,please stop with the over-the-top hyperbole. A few months ago we had "the most shattering event in the last 50 years" (paraphrasing)- the death of whatshername. Now this is "the most brutal fight in Marvel's history?" Not even in the top 50. And the issue ends virtually identical to where it started. Large panels, filler chase scenes. Bo-ring.