IT'S ALL LED TO THIS! As the final battle between Aethyr's forces and the heroes of Earth reaches its climax, the Phantom Zone is changed forever...altered from the ground up and ready for new prisoners. But who of the super family will be amongst them? It's the shocking finale to the Action Comics weekly, and you're going to have to read it to believe it! Plus, Kara's perilous journey home begins!
Phantoms made for an enjoyable multi-week experiment that the creative team pulled off with no trouble. Im looking forward to reading this all again in collected format. Read Full Review
This is how you do a weekly event. Read Full Review
The Supergirl conclusion in Action Comics #1081 may not improve the overall story, but Mark Waid's Superman tale concludes in grand fashion. It's been great since the first chapter back in October and it's an acceptable Christmas present as it concludes the week/ day of Christmas. It will be disappointing to see Waid leave Action Comics next issue. Read Full Review
This was about as satisfying an ending as you could expect from both stories. Overall I think Supergirl's tale stuck a better landing but the elements put in motion in Superman's story could have some interesting repercussions for the future. Read Full Review
Ultimately, Action Comics #1081 is a bit of a mixed bag. It feels like it rushes its ending, but it's still a gorgeous looking book. Read Full Review
This twelve-part arc has finally ended and felt lackluster overall. Interesting concepts were introduced but fell flat on the page and the speedy pace made this story confusing and lifeless. This story might be good for new fans of Superman, but overall will read better in trade. Read Full Review
Starfire is forced into slavery and tortured by aliens and has to flee her world.Power Girl has had her own origin problems and difficulties with loss.Raven's father is the devil.And so on ... and so on ...Anyone could have been there. Please DC. Do not let Mariko Tamaki write any more Supergirl. She doesn't understand the character. Read Full Review
Pretty good conclusion to a pretty good weekly series. To reference the very first episode of the “Young Justice” cartoon, I wasn’t overwhelmed, I wasn’t underwhelmed, I was just whelmed.
Waid does a decent job harkening back to the endless imagination and adventures of Superman comics of yester-year.
It’s got heart, it’s got good guys, it’s got bad guys. However, this feels like a victory lap, rather than a high-stakes race. This is Waid reminiscing, playing it safe, and delivering a Superman story that is just decent.
this was very rushed and I think Mark Waid was overwhelmed with this. I am glad this story is over so now he can work on working the other series, as this was a weekly issue so he could be rushing through things and not planning ahead.
Lots of filler and large panels in this issue, making a rushed conclusion inevitable. The 'twist' ending makes no sense if you think about it for more than ten seconds. How/when could this have all been done undetected? Avoiding spoilers, but you'll see.