The streets of Gotham run red with blood--blood that the mysterious villain known only as Asema has taken quite an interest in. Who is this scalpel-fingered creature collecting the plasma of young men, and what is Asema's connection to Bruce Wayne? Tom Taylor and Mikel Janin continue their exploration of the darkest corners of Gotham City!
I'm eager to see how this unfolds and what will happen when Batman finally faces Asema. Read Full Review
The high price of extending youth takes another toll on Bruce Wayne. Taylors writing pushes the Dark Knight into a question of fact vs. heart. Janins impressive art continues to steal scenes as the case heats up. Its one that pushes Wayne into new areas that prove there might be a Man behind the Bat after all. Read Full Review
Detective Comics #1092 is a wonderful step further into the mystery. But will Batman and Robin be able to crack the case, before it cracks them?! Find out next time, same Bat-Reviewer, same Bat-Site! Read Full Review
As he did with his run on Nightwing, Tom Taylor is expertly finding a strong balance between Batman and Bruce Wayne Read Full Review
This run has been strong so far, with great characterization for Bruce in particular, but given how fast out of the gate Taylor went on Nightwing, everything that's going on here almost feels like an appetizer. Read Full Review
'Detective Comics' #1092 shows off more of Mikel Janin's stunning high-contrast colors, coupled with Tom Taylor's Bruce Wayne grappling after the effects of a miracle rejuvenating treatment. The mystery is a slower burn that lets Bruce leave the cowl for a night to exercise his newfound youth. We'll have to wait longer to see if he has to deal with unforeseen side effects or satisfying twists. Read Full Review
The slowdown needed to tell the story inevitable feels a bit like a letdown after the intensity of the opening book in this run. Still, there are no serious flaws here and I remain curious to learn more about Asema and the grail movement at the heart of the action. The Batman-Oracle-Robin trinity works well, although I am missing the rest of the Bat-Family. Read Full Review
Detective Comics #1092 lives up to the series' name by placing its murder mystery front and center, something that not many runs on the title do. The problem is with how the investigation is carried out, which too often relies on conveniences and questionable character decisions. While the structure of the plot might have its problems, the comic still looks great with Mikel Jann delivering some of his best work. Read Full Review
Perfect art, an intriguing mystery, and it all flows like a great action movie. I can’t find any flaws with this book.
The writing and art remain consistently excellent. While I would have appreciated a slightly more significant advancement of the plot in this issue, I have no other complaints
I hope Tom Taylor sticks the landing because this is the most entertaining Detective comics story I have read in terms of the modern age.
Taylor and Janin are a fantastic team: the most consistently entertaining story to be featured in this book for years. Right up there with the Greg Rucka run from 25 years ago. An intriguing premise, an excellent mystery, good use of Damian, interesting new characters, and Bruce Wayne front and center.
Good stuff.
I really like the direction the series has taken and the dynamic between Bruce and Damian here. But it does take a lot of suspension of belief wanting to enjoy the comic to overcome the fact that Bruce is a total idiot just blindly injecting himself with something without knowing how it works or the consequences it could lead to. This worked in Venom during his early years but he's way too smart to make such a decision at this point.