WOW! Layman knocks it out of the park again!!!!
RAVEN IN THE CLUTCHES OF THE PSYCHO-PIRATE! Overly emotional empath Raven has completely lost it--and she's taking the Titans with her. Of course, she's being nudged along by the psycho-est of the psychos, Psycho-Pirate! And he's got a plan: first Raven, then the Titans...then the world!
An incredible issue! Maybe the best thing ever! SO well written!!!
The Scorched are back at full strength. With the Dead Zones repaired, their powers have returned, and they are starting to feel like their old selves. But that also means that enemies from their past, like the Vicerator, are back as well, and she is planning to take out the Scorched once and for all!
Layman's winning streak continues! A MODERN MASTERPIECE!!!!
TEMPERS FLARE! Take an overly-emotional empath and add a hearty dose of psychosis, and what do you got? A recipe for disaster! Also: A belligerent boyfriend, an enraged archer, an unsound cyborg, an agitated alien, a testy tactician, and a livid team leader. Yes, Titan tempers are running hot, but the angriest person of all, dear reader, will be yo...
Another thrilling masterpiece by John Layman! How does he do it?!!?!
KILLER FROST BREAKS BAD! Revenge is a dish best served cold. Killers have ice in their veins, and villains are cold-hearted. See where we're going with this? This month's weather forecast predicts freezing overnight lows, ice storms, snow flurries, and a high chance of dead Titans. Brrrr!
Wow! Sometimes I wonder if John Layman is the greatest comic book writer in the history of the universe!!!!
The location of Medieval Spawn is finally revealed. Will the team be able to free him, or will a sinister cult be able to regain control of the mighty Hellspawn once again?
Layman does it again! Another masterpiece!
MAMMOTH-SIZED PROBLEMS FOR THE TITANS! So much for the Titans being one big happy family! Raven is acting strangely, Cyborg is keeping secrets, and Arsenal is working everyone's last nerve. It would be a really bad day for the Titans to be attacked, wouldn't it?
Another winner from Layman!
Mini-Series Finale. This is it! The final showdown! Who will live? Who will die? Does any of it really matter if it's not in continuity? All these questions are answered, and more you didn't even think to ask, in Spawn Kills Every Spawn!
Another masterpiece from Layman!!!!
The hunt for Medieval Spawn reaches a frantic pace and becomes a race against time between The Scorched and The Agency!
Another astonishing issue from Layman! Bravo! He's my favorite writer!!!!
THE TITANS ROSTER GROWS! It's a new day in the DCU, and the future is bright! Why, then, are the Titans looking backward, reliving their most horrific and traumatic moments, again and again, stuck in an endless loop? And who's the temporal tyrant behind this time-bending torment? Here's a hint: Time will tell.
I think John Layman is the greatest comic book writer in the history of the world!
Jessica is finally free from the grasp of Jason Wynn. Wynn has one more card to play, and it may mean the end of The Scorched!
Another winner from Layman! WOW!!!
Spawny has fallen into the trap of his new Greatest Enemy! His death seems inevitable. If only there were someone to save him... like his mom!
WOW! John Layman continues to be awesome!!!!
The Scorched are finally out from under the thumb of Jason Wynn. But that doesn't mean their troubles are over. Meanwhile, Marc discovers something about Medieval Spawn's disappearance.
A stunning debut from Layman, who can do no wrong! Probably a masterpiece!!!!
A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN! After the events of Absolute Power, the team looks towards the future and their place in it. Will their failure to control Amanda Waller mean lasting consequences for the hero community?
Another masterpiece from Layman!!!!!
Little Spawny's greatest enemy has finally revealed himself, and to the surprise of all, he is not a Hellspawn!
Another winner from Layman! I wish I could give this 11 out of 10!!!!!
John Bishop and Jessica Priest find themselves forced to work together on a mission. The last time this happened, one of them ended up dead. Is the past about to repeat itself?
Layman knocks it out of the park again! He's King Comics Pimp 2024!!!! All hail!
Spawny declares War on all the other Spawns! None shall be safe from his wrath! All shall grovel at his boot! None of the Spawns will ever laugh at him again!!!
John Layman pens another masterpiece!
I wish I could give this an 11 out of 10!!!!!!
Jessica Priest is back working for Jason Wynn. But all is not what it seems. She soon realizes that he is not the only threat around her.
More brilliance from Layman! A MASTERPIECE!!!!!!
Atlantis now has a new ruler—long live Depth Charge! Amanda Waller’s loyal Amazo Robot known as Depth Charge has stolen Aquaman’s powers along with his throne, and now all Atlanteans must stay in line or risk having their powers taken as well. It’s up to Jackson Hyde and the rest of the Aqua-Family to launch a revolution…without being dis...
More brilliance from Layman! A MASTERPIECE!!!!!!
Mini-Series Premiere. What happens when you find out you're not the only Hellspawn? What if you also find out you're not the coolest Hellspawn? Easy-you kill them all!
Mini-Series Premiere. What happens when you find out you're not the only Hellspawn? What if you also find out you're not the coolest Hellspawn? Easy-you kill them all!
Wow, that John Layman guy sure knows how to write a comic!!!
The man that Jessica Priest has tried for so long to forget has returned to her life. Not only has he returned, but he wants her back under his control, and he doesn't care who he needs to kill to make that happen!
Is John Layman the best writer in comics,
or THE BEST WRITER WHI EVER LIVED!?!?! I can’t decide!
The search for Medieval Spawn is still ongoing, and it leads the team to the unlikeliest of people.
Incredible stuff! I LOVE JOHN LAYMAN!!!!
He may have the sharpest teeth in the sea, but he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Talkin' 'bout King Shark, who's been locked away in Arkham where Amanda Waller has taken an extra-special interest in him. Now there's a full-scale riot going on, and King Shark knows Waller is behind it. Can he survive the blood frenzy long enough to figure out ...
John Layman is so amazing it almost makes my head explode!!!
It takes more than a boomerang to survive a riot at Arkham Asylum, and all its super-powered rioters. This in particular sucks if a boomerang is your weapon of choice, and your name is Captain Boomerang. So, to survive you join up with some allies. But be careful who you join with, because nobody is to be trusted, and your allies just might be wors...
Probably the most amazing book in the entire history of comics. LAYMAN IS ON FIRE!!!!
The one pulling the strings behind the organization hunting down the Scorched is finally revealed. It's a familiar face that one team member thought they would never see again.
John Layman delivers another KNOCKOUT!!!!
The world is in chaos as the Horsemen continue their plans or Armageddon. Are the Scorched strong enough to stand in their way?
This book was a masterpiece written by a genius!!!!!!!
Wake up, brush teeth, get tortured by guards, get loose and get revenge. It's just another day at Arkham Asylum for Harley Quinn, except all the cell doors just inexplicably unlocked and now everybody's going nuts and killing each other. The lunatics are running the asylum today--which is just how Harley likes it! The bloody good time continues in ...
GET READY TO GO BANANAS IN THIS APE-IC ADVENTURE! CAUTION: An ape-surd amount of bad ape puns are incoming. Please be ape-vised. Gorilla Grodd's recent incarcer-ape-tion in the pages of The Flash has left a void that Monsieur Mallah is more than happy to fill. Ape-sembling a group of the DCU's most sinister simians, Mallah forms the Legion of D(oo-...
John Layman is just so awesome! I wish I could give a rating of 11 instead of 10... THIS BOOK IS JUST THAT GOOD!
The aftermath of Spawn #350 is upon us. It's six months later, and no one is safe!
John Layman knocks it out of the park AGAIN! How does he do it! He's so amazing! He's, like, some kind of man-god. A giant among men in the comic writing scene. I could just go on and on about how great JOHN LAYMAN is!!!!!
GET READY TO GO BANANAS IN THIS APE-IC ADVENTURE! CAUTION: An ape-surd amount of bad ape puns are incoming. Please be ape-vised. Gorilla Grodd's recent incarcer-ape-tion in the pages of The Flash has left a void that Monsieur Mallah is more than happy to fill. Ape-sembling a group of the DCU's most sinister simians, Mallah forms the Legion of D(oo-...