RAVEN IN THE CLUTCHES OF THE PSYCHO-PIRATE! Overly emotional empath Raven has completely lost it--and she's taking the Titans with her. Of course, she's being nudged along by the psycho-est of the psychos, Psycho-Pirate! And he's got a plan: first Raven, then the Titans...then the world!
This issue has a strong hook to it, but I'm hoping Raven's new stability holds for a while. Read Full Review
Titans #21 has me happy and confused. Good book, but something was off. Like a food on the day it expires, probably good, but I'll only know in time. Read Full Review
Titans #21 is a great example of how to maintain momentum for a story by not forcing the big developing plot to be extended. Read Full Review
WOW! Layman knocks it out of the park again!!!!
I liked the way how this first arc resolved and ended. The art is also really great too. John Layman can write the Titans well
This issue has some parts I like and some I don't. I like the general plot, though I am still baffled by Clock King's new powers. Psycho Pirate trying to use Raven to amplify his powers is a good idea. But then he tells her everything. She doesn't even ask him who he's working for, he just offers up all the information she could possibly want. That was just plain silly writing.
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