The hunt for Medieval Spawn reaches a frantic pace and becomes a race against time between The Scorched and The Agency!
Overall, the thirty-sixth issue of The Scorched definitely feels like it carries along the narrative quite well. Layman and company DO modulate action and drama quite well on the page in a way that feels quite well-manicured. It doesnt feel like it stands-out very much from the long and winding history of the series and the Spawn Universe that it fits into. The thirty-sixth issue of the series DOES hold the potential to carry quite a bit of narrative weight, but its going to take time to see quite where its going as things progress. Read Full Review
THE SCORCHED #36 is a solid issue in the series that finally signals the arrival of progress toward restoring Earth's Spawn-related characters. John Layman and Todd McFarlane's script is packed with drama, mostly due to the impressively layered character work, and Stephen Segovia's action art is very good. Read Full Review
Another masterpiece from Layman!!!!