Y'know, bein' dead is just like ridin' a bike. There's a big white light, and then Prince shows up and offers you a chance to host a house party in the clouds with Marilyn Monroe and Abraham Lincoln. Then suddenly you're brought back to life in a pit of goopy green snot, and you have to find the person who was rude enough to shoot and kill you. To make things even better...turns out that comin' back to life could have some serious unintended consequences!
The stakes are high for Harls as her murderer makes steps to complete the task once and for all. While Harley Quinn #23 gives us glimpses of the killer, it also shows the Queen of Chaos going on the warpath, and who knows who her first victim will be… Read Full Review
Harley Quinn #23 is a perfect issue and a fantastic continuation of the "Who Killed Harley Quinn? story. It's got some great moments between Harley and Kevin, a brutal and dynamic fight between Harley and Damian Wayne, more tantalizing clues as to who the mystery shooter is and ends with a great set-up for next issue. If you're not getting this book, start now! Highly recommended. Read Full Review
Harley Quinn #23 is a brilliant example of everything that makes this comic great. It is excellent storytelling, with interlacing plot threats that are rife with mystery and anticipation. Read Full Review
This feels like a Harley comic in all the right ways: snappy dialogue, action, a lingering mystery, and some major surprises along the way. Read Full Review
Phillips creates an amusing, yet action filled narrative that is filled with surprises. Read Full Review
Harley Quinn #23 is the issue true Harley fans have been waiting for. The art is gorgeous, the action is exciting, and Harley appears to be moving in a direction that will elevate her character immeasurably... if the creators and editors follow through. Read Full Review
The character development Harley's benefited from under Palmiotti/Conner, Humphries, and now Phillips is one of the biggest level-ups any character's ever done at DC, and this arc is a strong potential finish to Phillips' run. Read Full Review
Harley is one of the few characters in mainstream comics who thrives on a wide range of different lives. So often a character has to have a firmly grounded status quo to gain the kind of momentum that lends itself to a big following. Having been through everything that Harleys been through over the decades, its getting more and more difficult to find truly new surroundings for the chaotic clown girl. Phillips and company are doing an admirable job of throwing Harley in a new direction after her own death. It will remain to be seen whether or not they can keep the momentum going into Harleys next big change. Read Full Review
This is already a darker arc, but I suppose a story of Harley's murder and resurrection should be. I like the story and the art, and suppose what I really want most of all is for Phillips to continue on the book. Like Harley, it seems I am destined for disappointment. Read Full Review