NEW POWERS, NEW MISSION...THE KING IS BACK, BABY! In the wake of Absolute Power, Arthur Curry's powers have evolved to powerful new heights, and this is one king ready to use them to kick some serious butt. Mammoth water-construct Kaijus have emerged from each of the seven seas, and only Aquaman's water-warping abilities can stop them--but not if they kill the good king in the process! Enter Dagon, Arthur's guide on the quest to unlock the secrets of the "blue." But what deadly secret awaits Arthur on his journey? It's an all-new era for Aquaman by acclaimed creators Jeremy Adams (The Flash, Green Lantern) and John Timms (Action Comics) that more
Aquaman #1 is a triumphant return to solo-comics for Arthur Curry. Jeremy Adams has started a refreshing, high stakes action-adventure story which feels so personal to Arthur and yet encompasses the entire future of the DCU in its scope. With the phenomenal John Timms and Rex Lokus on the team it seems Arthur Curry's future has never looked so bright. Read Full Review
Aquaman Issue 1 isnt quite a hard reset. Adams starts all of his series from a great entry point, returning to some form of everyday life for the heroes. Read Full Review
Atlantiss ruler is back on his throne & bringing the action with this debut chapter. Adams writing shatters any preconceived notions of the hero being one-dimensional. Timms, Lokus and Shapre never stop escalating the drama with the art. Long Live the King! Read Full Review
This launch issue is Aquaman at his finest, and I can't think of a better way to celebrate the character for DC's ALL IN. Read Full Review
Aquaman #1 sprints out the gate with a familiar but fresh feeling. Jeremy Adams is crafting something new and exciting while John Timms' provides art that matches the scope of the spectacle. If Adams and the team can keep it up, this run will shape up into something truly special. Read Full Review
It's left me wanting more right now, which is always the first sign of a strong debut. Read Full Review
Aquaman is in excellent hands with this creative team. If its like his previous titles, Adams fans definitely need to avoid the lines and immediately add this to their monthly pull list. Read Full Review
After several years without a solo title, or being a prominent member on the Justice League, Aquaman is finally back. Who better to attach to the project than Jeremy Adams, who has had some fan favorite runs on the Wally West Flash after the events of Death Metal, to Hal Jordans run on Green Lantern in the Dawn of DC era. Hes got a keen eye on how these characters should sound, and gives us some memorable moments in this issue. Combined with John Timms elevated portrayal of Aquaman, as well as the kingdom of Atlantis, to the shores of Daytona Beach, he treats these characters with the gravitas that these characters that have been around for 70+ years deserve to be treated with. The team has kicked off something that could be a monumental love. Read Full Review
Aquaman #1 delivers everything a reader could want from picking up a new series. Aquaman and his world are presented as important parts of the DC Universe. The way things quickly escalate with ties to the ending of Absolute Power and beginning of DC All In make Aquaman one of the company's key titles. Having that level of importance makes this one of DC Comics most exciting series to read moving forward. Read Full Review
Aquaman #1is an impressive start for the return of the King of Atlantis. Jeremy Adams brings Aquaman back to prominence with an inaugural issue built on a rock-solid foundation, an intriguing mystery, and a banger of a cliffhanger. Couple Adams's pristine script with killer art by John Timms, and you get a winner.9/10 Read Full Review
Overall, Aquaman #1 is a thrilling and visually impressive start to a new era for the character. It's a must-read for fans of Aquaman and those who enjoy large-scale action and cosmic adventures. The new status quo and the exciting possibilities it presents make this a series to watch. Read Full Review
Aquaman #1 shows why Arthur Curry is no joke and why the character has endured since the Golden Age of Comics. It also sets up a thrilling mystery with the promise of epic adventure to come. Throw in some eye-catching artwork, and you have one of the most promising new titles of the DC All-In era. Read Full Review
Theres nothing specifically in the first issue of the new series that couldnt have been in an issue of Aquaman at any other point since the dawn of the silver age. And yet...Adams and company manage to make it all feel quite fresh and new with impressively heroic proportions and a visually stunning series of events that all seem to be just a little bigger than anything Aquaman has any business trying to deal with. So its a fun opening to a whole new series that could end up being an accomplished addition to the many, many Aquaman series that have come before it. Read Full Review
Aquaman #1 is a solid start to this new run on the King of the Seven Seas. Adams is a proven commodity and there's a lot of promise. Connecting it to the events of Absolute Power and DC All In Special may not be the best approach, but Aquaman's character seems to be back on the right track. Out of 10 it would be 7.5, but all I can do on a 5-point scale is Read Full Review
Aquaman's return to the front lines of the DCU makes for a good read, even if I'm not 100% sold on the way his supporting cast gets sidelined. Excellent art makes up for a number of the story's issues, though, and the cliffhanger ending works. Read Full Review
Strong start with great art nonetheless is a bit all over the place on storytelling. Read Full Review
Hot dang I forgot what amazing art on Aquaman does for him. He is back and this was an amazing start. Epic fights, a clear story set out, logical actions by all parties involved, love to see it!
When great art and great story telling merges you get an opening shot across the bow like this. Wonderful.
AQUAMAN IS BACK! I've always wanted to like an Aquaman book but it always felt as though we were dealing with the same old premises involving some sort of Atlantean politics. This time, Jeremy Adams brings us the king of Atlantis in a truly exciting way. The pacing of the book felt cinematic and it left us on a solid cliffhanger for the first issue. I'm truly looking forward to what comes next!
I'm giving this a 10 because I absolutely loved it, but also because I've been dying for an Aquaman book for years. Jeremy Adams is the perfect person to write this book, to me, he's like the new Geoff Johns. The art was fantastic, the colors were fantastic. What a crazy cliffhanger at the end, I cannot wait for #2.
Expectations were high and Adams delivers.
It was a good start by Jeremy. I'm not really keen on Arthur having Mera's powers and Mera being powerless. Hopefully, this is temporary like Lois having Zod's powers. I would love it if they shaved the damn beard and put Mera's costume back to Rebirth days. The action was good, the mystery kept the story moving, and the trust the tugboat captain has for Arthur was great. I'm glad Aquaman is back as he is my favorite character.
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Jeremy Adams might be the next Geoff Johns, given how he tackles Flash, Green lantern, and now this. The art and coloring works really well, and I can't wait to see how the next run unfolds. I hope Aquaman's run ends well, which means he will have a trilogy of solid definitive runs
Great first issue.
Jeremy Adams delivers another compelling story with plenty of fun and well written characters, hands down one of DC's best writers and nice to see it seems they've finally noticed (RIP to his Flash run). John Timms art is fantastic with tons of energy. Being a casual Aquaman fan, I'm thrilled to have such great writing and art to finally be excited for an Aquaman series.
AQUAMAN IS BACK BABY and also he has mera's ONE power which is fucking lame. Also there are way too many fucking storylines of aquaman losing shit. Like atlantis has already been lost before, that's why it's at the bottom of the ocean. How about aquaman doesn't lose anything and we just get to explore atlantis?
s/o to those whales helping people get off the plane
Not a bad start, in my opinion. I was hoping for a little more considering the creative team, but I do think there's definitely potential for this to get better. My main gripe is that it felt like we were going through a lot of things that should have been covered with more space, if that makes sense. Either way, good writing with good art.
Decent start to the run. Solid number 1.