Dc vertigo's Profile

Joined: Nov 18, 2023

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Dc vertigo rated Aquaman #1 Jan 29, 2025

Aquaman #1

By: Jeremy Adams, John Timms
Released: Jan 8, 2025

NEW POWERS, NEW MISSION...THE KING IS BACK, BABY! In the wake of Absolute Power, Arthur Curry's powers have evolved to powerful new heights, and this is one king ready to use them to kick some serious butt. Mammoth water-construct Kaijus have emerged from each of the seven seas, and only Aquaman's water-warping abilities can stop them--but not if t...

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Dc vertigo rated Green Lantern #19 Jan 29, 2025

Green Lantern #19

By: Jeremy Adams, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Jan 29, 2025

A NEW ERA OF THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS BEGINS HERE! Go all in with Green Lantern as Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps are given a new mandate to patrol the galaxy, fight crime, and stop the rise of "fractal" lanterns throughout the universe. An exciting new status quo for the DC Universe begins here!

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Green Lantern: Fractured Spectrum #1

By: Jeremy Adams, V Ken Marion
Released: Jan 15, 2025

WITNESS THE RIST OF THE FRACTAL LANTERNS! Following the events of the Civil Corps, a new era in Green Lantern mythology begins! Once again, Oa has become the epicenter of the Green Lantern Corps, bringing justice to the furthest corners of the galaxy. But a new threat has emerged: beings that manifest uncontrolled parts of the emotional spectrum ha...

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The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country: The Glass House #6

By: James Tynion IV, Lisandro Estherren
Released: Dec 27, 2023

What are the consequences of our dreams and desires? The Corinthian is about to find out in this climactic clash between the immortal witch Thessaly and lord of Hell Azazel, which might bring the wrath of all the Endless down on their heads!

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest #22

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Dec 20, 2023

Trapped in the universe of Kingdom Come, the World's Finest heroes encounter skewed versions of their friends--a team calling itself the Justice Battalion! Can Batman and Superman prevent Boy Thunder from fulfilling his destiny and becoming the bloodthirsty Magog?

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The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country: The Glass House #5

By: James Tynion IV, Lisandro Estherren
Released: Oct 18, 2023

All hell breaks loose in San Francisco as the Corinthian, Thessaly, and Azazel struggle for domination and, ultimately, annihilation. But amidst all the chaos, Flynn crosses paths with yet another smiling man who might very well be the key to everything--the original King of Pain himself!

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Dc vertigo rated Flash #3 Dec 19, 2023

Flash #3

By: Simon Spurrier, Mike Deodato
Released: Nov 29, 2023

After the arrival of the Stillness last issue, the alien speedsters begin traveling around the world, with Max Mercury watching their every move. Meanwhile, Wally encounters another former foe who's gotten a major upgrade--the Folding Man--while entering a new location beyond time called the Gallery...what hidden truths does this place hold for the...

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Dc vertigo rated Flash #2 Dec 19, 2023

Flash #2

By: Simon Spurrier, Mike Deodato
Released: Oct 25, 2023

As Wally West faces massively powered-up old foes as well as a new, mysterious being, he encounters a group of alien explorers who are very interested in Wally's powers (which continue to glitch). Also, something seems to be literally bubbling up in Keystone City, as the new era for the Scarlet Speedster continues! New Character Debut: THE STILLNES...

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Dc vertigo rated Flash #1 Dec 19, 2023

Flash #1

By: Simon Spurrier, Mike Deodato
Released: Sep 27, 2023

WALLY WEST RACES TOWARD THE FUTURE WITH ALL-STAR NEW CREATIVE TEAM SI SPURRIER AND MIKE DEODATO JR.! Wally West has never been quicker, more fulfilled, more heroic. His loving family is around him. And yet something is off. Very off. His evolving understanding of his powers has opened Wally to new avenues of sci-fi adventure and attuned his senses ...

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Lazarus Planet: Omega #1

By: Mark Waid, Ricardo Federici
Released: Feb 22, 2023

FATE AND FURY. The Devil Nezha and his son are at war-with all of humanity caught in the middle! The Lazarus storms are intensifying worldwide, Earth’s superheroes are on the ropes, and Batman is living on borrowed time. It’s up to Zatanna, the Spectre, the Demon, Klarion, and the rest of the DCU’s magic users to join Damian Wayne and set thi...

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Dc vertigo rated Green Lantern #2 Nov 21, 2023

Green Lantern #2

By: Jeremy Adams, Xermanico
Released: Jun 14, 2023

Hal Jordan's homecoming is off to a rocky start! Carol Ferris is this close to firing him from the job he's only just begged his way into, his power ring isn't exactly working right, and off in the shadows, Sinestro, the architect of Hal's current crisis, is waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Plus, the hard-hitting John Stewart: War Journal ...

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Dc vertigo rated Detective Comics #1073 Nov 21, 2023

Detective Comics #1073

By: Ram V, Ivan Reis
Released: Jun 28, 2023

Where there's a will, there's a way. And for Bruce, that will is Batman...because myths don't bleed, right? Well, Batman, with the last ounce of strength he has, will have to test that theory out with the Orghams as he fights through Prince Arzen's three powerful protectors to find out. Hope is not all lost, though, as Jim Gordon and Sorrow rush th...

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Dc vertigo rated Detective Comics #1074 Nov 21, 2023

Detective Comics #1074

By: Ram V, Dustin Nguyen
Released: Sep 27, 2023

DETECTIVE VS. DEMON! An Azmer demon is tethered to Batman! Now it's up to Bruce's inner demons to save him from this very real one...but what about the Barbatos entity that's been lurking beside them? Is it the real Barbatos or simply a figment of Batman's internal struggles, and more importantly...whose side is it on?

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Dc vertigo rated Detective Comics #1075 Nov 21, 2023

Detective Comics #1075

By: Ram V, Hiikariin
Released: Oct 25, 2023

DEMON VS. INNER DEMONS IN A FIGHT FOR BRUCE WAYNE'S SOUL! As Batman races through the streets of Gotham and out of the Orgham's grasp, Bruce races through the memories in his mind as the Azmer demon tries to take hold of him...except the only thing in the demon's way is Bruce's own inner demons...and Barbatos. Then, in the backups, can Bruce's memo...

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Dc vertigo rated Detective Comics #1076 Nov 21, 2023

Detective Comics #1076

By: Ram V, Jason Shawn Alexander
Released: Nov 1, 2023

Batman: Outlaw, the five-part biweekly Detective Comics event, starts here! Batman, now under the control of an Azmer demon, is to be publicly hanged to atone for his crimes! With both the city and the Dark Knight under the Orghams' spell, it's a lawless land, and with the Bat-Family out of the picture after the events of The Gotham War, who will h...

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Dc vertigo rated Detective Comics #1070 Nov 21, 2023

Detective Comics #1070

By: Ram V, Dexter Soy
Released: Mar 29, 2023

The gothic opera crashes into a crescendo as Batman goes head-to-head with an Azmer demon…unaware that it is is someone in Bruce Wayne's life. Meanwhile, a mysterious team called the Vigil arrives to investigate the Azmer sightings-but who are the Vigil, and are they on Batman’s side? Then, in the backup: With Mrs. Freeze only a pale image of t...

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Dc vertigo rated Detective Comics #1077 Nov 21, 2023

Detective Comics #1077

By: Ram V, Jason Shawn Alexander
Released: Nov 15, 2023

Part two of five in Batman: Outlaw-the biweekly Detective Comics event! Hang the Bat! The sun sets on the horizon, casting long shadows of justice as the Batman, under the possession of an Azmer, takes his long walk down to the gallows in front of a hypnotized Gotham, and it's up to the best cat burglar around to save him! But this town may not be ...

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Dc vertigo added Detective Comics (2016) to their pull list Nov 21, 2023

Detective Comics (2016)

An unknown predator begins outdoing Batman, taking down dangerous threats with military precision. Its up to the Dark Knight and series costar Batwoman to rally and train the young heroes of Gotham City to end this mysterious threat!WHAT NOW: Batman and Batwoman begin training Spoiler, Red Robin and Cassandra Cain...

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The Sandman Universe: Dead Boy Detectives #3

By: Pornsak Pichetshote, Jeff Stokely
Released: Mar 1, 2023

Edwin witnesses a mysterious kumanthong ghost tear through Charles like he’s flesh and blood, and the boys just barely manage to escape with both their ghostly lives intact. Tensions run high as the ghost kids fight amongst themselves about how to crack the case before Charles is gone for good, and snake ghost Melvin strikes out on his own to giv...

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The Sandman Universe: Dead Boy Detectives #4

By: Pornsak Pichetshote, Javier Rodriguez
Released: Mar 29, 2023

As Charles begins to weaken and mutate from his terrifyingly permanent and possibly mortal wounds, Edwin and the other ghost kids chase down every possible lead to save him-but only find dead ends. Jai takes the reins in the midst of her friends’ despair, but she’ll soon discover the Dead Boy Detectives aren’t the only dishes on the krasue’...

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Dc vertigo rated The Dreaming #20 Nov 18, 2023

The Dreaming #20

By: Simon Spurrier, Bilquis Evely
Released: Apr 22, 2020

The unbelievable finale of Simon Spurrier and Bilquis Evely’s Sandman Universe epic is here! The citizens of the Dreaming make their final play against the artificial intelligence that seeks to replace them with cold rationality…and the fate of Dream is revealed!

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The Sandman Universe: Dead Boy Detectives #6

By: Pornsak Pichetshote, Jeff Stokely
Released: May 24, 2023

Thessaly the witch presents Edwin and Charles with an impossible choice in this series' thrilling conclusion-what would two dead boys be willing to sacrifice to save themselves from the terrifying unknown, and the very order of magic as they understand it?

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