Batman - 10/10, this is Williamson's finest work if you ask me
Batman vs Deathstroke - 8.5/10, a bit unnecessary and covering familiar ground but great for a backup nonetheless
For Brutalia.
This cover has little relevance to the plot and it doesn't even look that good. 1/2 The art is weird and disorienting with the spots on everything, though once it gets to the backup and the sneak preview it gets better. 1.5/2 The dialogue between Deathstroke and Respawn, Damian and Ravager, as well as Batman and Talia, are really good with the mentor/father-student/son dynamic, the reluctant teammates, and the lover's quarrel relationships being very interesting. 2/2 The story is really complex and is very fun with how every piece is coming together. 2/2 The characters are all really compelling with how they are all trying to deal with the consequences of Ra's' death. 2/2
Side story was alright. The main story was excellent.
This issue continues the trend of the Alpha issue. This is a solid event. There's not a ton to talk about regarding it, but it is an entertaining read. The backup is fine, and it beats the typical backups DC puts out.
Not a bad second chapter. I'm not really surprised Deathstroke was framed. I suspect it may have been part of some plan Ra's had all along. It's better than believing that jellyfish in Alpha was what he's genuinely been reduced to.
Batman is really just wasting time going after Talia. I remember a time when he'd never be able to suspect her of having her own father killed. But that just proves how she's changed. I also remember when Batman would turn away from such a bloodthirsty woman as she's become with disgust. He's become a lot weaker at resisting his own lust over the years. When will he wake up and learn there's no hope for her? Not anymore anyway.
This is only the second chapter, so there's still a bit to go. And frankly I think Batman should handle this one solo. No need for any Batgirls, Woman, or Nightwing. Damian is bad enough, but he's a major player in this though.
I don't really like having to buy extra books I don't usually read, but I guess this story is good enough so it's worth it. more
Really enjouing this event. Fantastic art from howard porter and an interesting story
I’m likin this event.
I generally like Williamson and I enjoyed the first part of this storyline last week. This was just ok. Plot didn’t move much. Sort of reminded me of the train scene from The Hunted. So many ninjas…
Porter had a bit messy art, so I didn't enjoy this as much.
Batman 122
Escrito por Joshua Williamson e ilustrado por Howard Porter, empieza inmediatamente después de shadow war Alpha.
Puntos buenos:
• Narrativa rápida.
• Un Batman un poco mas enfocado en su lado detective.
• Misterios lo suficientemente interesantes para mantener atento al lector.
Lo malo:
• En nuestra opinion arte no es el fuerte de este issue.
• La extraña escena final entre Bruce y Thalia da a entender que es un Bruce que no esta enfocado en el caso.
• El batman de Williamson sigue sin tener un aire propio y suelta puro fanservice.
Creemos que es un segundo issue decente no mejor que el primero pero con muy alta acción y suficientes misterios para tener una lectura entretenida.
There really isn't anything groundbreaking here but it's been a fun read with a decent little mystery through the first two issues. Porter put together some fun 'Batman vs. Ninjas' sequences that had just the right amount of stylization to create something neat that otherwise would have felt rote.
Nothing much really happened. nothing of importance that is. that page with the hint of Fake deathstoke's Identity was probably the best part in this issue. not a fan of Talia and bruce. the art can be confusing sometimes specially when in the flight scenes.
Magnificent art by Howard Porter, but this is definitely a breather issue after the explosive status quo shake-up from last issue. I'm convinced that the fake Deathstroke is Geo-Force now due to his vendetta against Slade bc of Terra, the tunnel carved through underground, and the Markovian setting. He would also have beef with Talia & the Al Ghuls after the Leviathan incidents.
I could care less about who Batman is playing tongue hockey with this week.
Ok, so I have problems with this. Characters like Deadline are seriously nerfed here.(Deadline's characterization feels off too) Batman investigating was good tho, specialty when he goes to talk with Talia. That was the best part of this issue and the second best part of this whole crossover so far. But the art... I like Howard Porter's art but here, it feels so confusing and rushed. Some characters are just somewhat hard to recognize, like Respawn. The backup story feels unnecessary, and Slade's characterization feels weird. "but it's the joker gas!" I know, still, not a fan. Why retcon, again, the first time Batman and Slade fought? Not a bad issue, but again, I see some problems.
An okay story with some really poor art from Howard Porter on the lead story. I'm usually a fan, but didn't think the art was good here.
Don’t care about this issue. Part of some huge plot that I am not following. The art was nice, but the story ends with Bats kissing Talia.
Caution old man rant coming. You kids stay off my lawn.
My. Problem is that Talia is a terrible character. Terrible in both senses evil and poorly written. At first she. Hangs around her dad and calls Bats beloved and helps Bags escape death traps. She is pretty but immoral. She “loves” Bats but only opposes. Her father’s plans because of her high school rush. She does not oppose them because they are genocidal. I have never seen her protest all the thousands of people she sees Ra’s kill in front of her. It’s Beverly Hills 90210 reasons.
Then decades later she is independent.now she has her own agenda. Now she kills people and has her own evil organization to do her bidding. Her plans aren’t moral,yet Bats is supposed to be attracted to her? Don’t say because she beautiful he can’t help himself. That’s a child’s reason, not something a grown man with any emotional awareness would say.that’s the problem wiypth DC, since Miller, they’ve been writing Bats as a psycho. I miss the guy who is smart, responsible and really wants to help.not someone who is just indulging anger issues.
Don’t care about this issue.
Or I could be wrong. more