Robin's Profile

Joined: May 29, 2019

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Robin rated Tim Drake: Robin #1 Sep 28, 2022

Tim Drake: Robin #1

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Sep 28, 2022

Step aside, Damian-the world's favorite Robin has got this! That's right, after years away, Tim Drake is taking center stage in a brand-spanking-new Robin series of his very own!
A mystery over a year in the making takes shape, as a new villain who's been hounding Tim from afar decides to take things up close and personal, putting Bernard and ...

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DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #1

By: Tom Taylor, Trevor
Released: Aug 10, 2022

What began as a battle for Earth has become a war for the galaxy as the epic final chapter in the massive DCeased franchise is here! The emergence of a reborn, undead Darkseid in DCeased: Dead Planet sets the stage for the most devastating conflict yet for Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman! As the Anti-Life Equation spreads into the cosmos, the su...

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Robin rated Robin #16 Jul 26, 2022

Robin #16

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Jul 27, 2022

Robin's investigation into Lazarus Island is put on hold as Lord Death Man strikes. Damian and Hawke are called to Tokyo by Flatline to help her deal with her crazed mentor. Which means...killer-bros road trip!

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Robin rated Robin #15 Jun 29, 2022

Robin #15

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Jun 29, 2022

Damian Wayne is back from the Shadow War and licking his wounds the best way a Wayne knows how...brooding (duh). But in light of the shocking death in the al Ghul family, Robin resolves to dig deeper into the world of the Demon...and a return to Lazarus Island-with Flatline at his side-leaves him with yet another shocking revelation!  

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DC Pride: Tim Drake Special #1

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Belen Ortega
Released: Jun 15, 2022

The breakout story from Batman: Urban Legends collected in one volume for the very first time, in time for Pride Month! Tim Drake's search for a missing friend kidnapped by the villains known as the Chaos Monsters leads Tim to realize his identity as a bisexual man. Collecting the Tim Drake stories from Batman: Urban Legends #4-6 and 10, with a bra...

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Robin rated DC Pride #1 Jun 27, 2022

DC Pride #1

By: Marc Andreyko, Kris Anka
Released: Jun 9, 2021

DC celebrates Pride Month with nine all-new stories starring fan-favorite LGBTQIA+ characters Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Midnighter, Extraño, Batwoman, Aqualad, Alan Scott, Obsidian, Future State Flash, Renee Montoya, Pied Piper, and many more! This anthology will also feature:
-The thrilling introduction of new hero DREAMER in the DCU

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Robin rated DC Pride: 2022 #1 Jun 27, 2022

DC Pride: 2022 #1

Released: Jun 8, 2022

DC's 2022 celebration kicks off with more stories, more characters, and more pride than ever before! This anthology features 13 all-new stories spotlighting LGBTQIA+ fan-favorites new and old including Superman (Jon Kent), Nubia, Tim Drake, Kid Quick, Aquaman (Jackson Hyde), Green Lantern (Jo Mullein), Alysia Yeoh, the Ray, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy...

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Robin rated Robin #14 May 26, 2022

Robin #14

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: May 25, 2022

FIGHT! Batman Inc. versus the League of Shadows versus the Secret Society! Deathstroke versus Talia...and only one will walk away from the fight alive! Robin knows the truth behind Ra's al Ghul's death and races to stop the Shadow War!

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Robin rated Batman #123 May 4, 2022

Batman #123

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: May 4, 2022

Batman and Robin are finally reunited! Together they will hunt for the truth behind the death of Ra's al Ghul! But then who is left to defend the Secret Society against the League of Shadows? Deathstroke's fight against the Demon's Shadow ends with a shocking cliffhanger! Plus, what happens when you get Deathstroke infected with Joker toxin? Find o...

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Robin rated Robin #13 Apr 26, 2022

Robin #13

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Apr 27, 2022

Robin and Ravager have caught up with Deathstroke and Respawn! Can they convince Deathstroke to turn himself in...or fight to the death? And what startling revelation does Robin learn that shocks this story to its core? Plus, Batman goes deep into the conspiracy behind Ra's al Ghul's death and discovers it's bigger than he thought. He must call in ...

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Robin rated Justice League #75 Apr 26, 2022

Justice League #75

By: Joshua Williamson, Rafael Sandoval
Released: Apr 27, 2022

Oversize special issue! Superstar writer Joshua Williamson pens the beginning of the next big DCU event! It all starts here! A new Dark Army made up of the DCU's greatest villains has formed on the edges of the Multiverse! The DCU's best and most powerful heroes are pulled together in an epic war to push the darkness back! But in the end, they are ...

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Robin Vol. 1: The Lazarus Tournament

By: Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov

Are you ready to rumble? After learning of the deadly League of Lazarus tournament, Damian Wayne has a new mission: to win the tournament and prove he is the greatest fighter in the DCU-but first he must find the secret island where it takes place! Presenting a brand-new solo Robin series for the son of Batman that forces him to find his own path a...

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Robin rated Superman: Son of Kal-El #10 Apr 18, 2022

Superman: Son of Kal-El #10

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Apr 13, 2022

Henry Bendix's plans are now clear. Gamorra's president won't stop until he has total control. He's now sold his strategy to other dangerous regimes. Only Superman and his allies stand in the way of Bendix's dark vision for the world...a world where superheroes are put in their place, discredited, and even destroyed. A world where heroes are replac...

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Robin rated Batman #122 Apr 5, 2022

Batman #122

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Apr 6, 2022

Ra's al Ghul is dead, and Talia is out for revenge! Batman is on the case to find Deathstroke before Talia's elite killers do! But Batman starts to piece together that not everything is what it seems in Ra's's death...and knows whom he must interrogate to get answers...Talia herself! Can the two former lovers ever work togeth-er again? Plus, a back...

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Anakin reviewed Shadow War: Alpha #1 Mar 30, 2022

Worst characterization of Bruce I've read in a while, imagine blaming Damian for Alfred's death while you were on a honeymoon. Garbage.

Shadow War: Alpha #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Mar 30, 2022

"When Deathstroke assassinates Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul demands revenge and sends her League of Shadows to kill Deathstroke and Deathstroke Inc.! Batman and Robin must team up to track down Deathstroke and bring him to justice...but do they? Expect over-the-top fights, action, mystery, and betrayal as this crossover event creates a major impact ...

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Robin rated Shadow War: Alpha #1 Mar 29, 2022

Shadow War: Alpha #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Mar 30, 2022

"When Deathstroke assassinates Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul demands revenge and sends her League of Shadows to kill Deathstroke and Deathstroke Inc.! Batman and Robin must team up to track down Deathstroke and bring him to justice...but do they? Expect over-the-top fights, action, mystery, and betrayal as this crossover event creates a major impact ...

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Robin rated Robin #12 Mar 22, 2022

Robin #12

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Mar 23, 2022

Demon versus detective! The Lazarus Tournament is over, and Damian returns to Gotham a changed hero! But there is one last opponent he might fight to the death...himself. This lead-in issue to the epic Shadow War event is one you dare not miss!

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Robin rated I Am Batman #7 Mar 10, 2022

I Am Batman #7

By: John Ridley, Stephen Segovia
Released: Mar 9, 2022

THE DARK KNIGHT COMES TO NEW YORK CITY! Batman's arrival in New York City went even more smoothly than Jace could have hoped. The mayor and law enforcement are trying to cooperate with their new Dark Knight in ways Gotham never did, and his family has settled quickly into a happy routine. But there's a rotten core to the Big Apple,  and a mysteri...

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Robin rated Batman #121 Mar 1, 2022

Batman #121

By: Joshua Williamson, Jorge Molina
Released: Mar 2, 2022

The deadly conclusion to the “Abyss” arc as Lex Luthor’s dangerous master plan for Batman Inc. is revealed. And an old ally returns to pull the lost Batman out of Abyss’s darkness and a new member of Batman Inc. rises! In the final chapter of “They Make Great Pets,” Maps finds the missing piece to the shocking and deadly mystery...with ...

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Robin rated Teen Titans Academy #12 Feb 23, 2022

Teen Titans Academy #12

By: Tim Sheridan, Tom Derenick
Released: Feb 23, 2022

It’s all come down to this! As their lives are literally tumbling down around them, the Titans must contend with the betrayal of their most troubled student-who has just unmasked themselves as Red X-plus a familiar face from deep in their darkest days, determined to exact an unholy vengeance upon Nightwing. In the end, after the epic collision of...

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Robin rated Robin #11 Feb 22, 2022

Robin #11

By: Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov
Released: Feb 23, 2022

They survived the League of Lazarus tournament! Damian, Flatline, Ravager, and Connor Hawke celebrate with the rest of the fighters, but their party quickly turns into another deadly fight! Secret crushes are revealed, hearts are broken, and Hawke has one last confrontation with an old enemy before he can return to his former life!

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Robin rated Batman #120 Feb 1, 2022

Batman #120

By: Karl Kerschl, Mikel Janin
Released: Feb 2, 2022

“Abyss” part three! The new Batman Inc.’s heinous crimes have landed them in a high-security prison. Batman believes the only way to help his old allies is to break them out…but they don’t want his help! Meanwhile, Batman Inc.’s mysterious benefactor uses the chaos to enact their plans, but finds themselves lost in the dark against Abys...

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Robin rated Justice League #71 Jan 28, 2022

Justice League #71

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Phil Hester
Released: Jan 26, 2022

The Royal Flush Gang hatched one of the most elaborate plans in the history of the DC Universe, and now we know that all of it was a prelude to the crime of this and maybe even the next century. How does it connect to the trial of Black Adam? When all seems lost, hope can still be found! With Wonder Woman now by their side, the Justice League Dark...

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Robin rated Robin #10 Jan 25, 2022

Robin #10

By: Joshua Williamson, Roger Cruz
Released: Jan 26, 2022

The Lazarus Tournament has ended, but Mother Soul is not going down without a fight! As Damian Wayne battles for the fate of his family line, a last-ditch effort by an unlikely ally will lead to a major power shift in the DCU! It’s Robin versus his hyper-powerful great-grandmother in a battle so gripping you’ll need an extra butterscotch candy ...

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Robin rated Batgirls #2 Jan 13, 2022

Batgirls #2

By: Becky Cloonan, Jorge Corona
Released: Jan 12, 2022

Bondo! Bondo! Bondo! With their new secret muscle car and their new secret patrol route, Batgirls Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown find moving to their new neighborhood-thanks to Oracle instructing them to “lay low”-that much easier to bear because they have each other. Steph begins witnessing some strange actions through the window of the bu...

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Robin rated I Am Batman #1 Jan 13, 2022

I Am Batman #1

By: John Ridley, Olivier Coipel
Released: Sep 15, 2021

In the throes of Future State, the streets of Gotham City cry for justice and Jace Fox answers the call! With a new and improved Bat-Suit, Jace hits the streets to inspire and protect…as he follows the trail of the voice of misinformation and violence-the anarchistic Anti-Oracle! Can the new Dark Knight counterbalance their plan to inspire armed ...

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Merlyn reviewed I Am Batman #0 Aug 10, 2021

I guess the short review for this should be "No, you're NOT Batman". Anyway, I really, really hope that DC doesn't plan to give this guy the Batman book now that Tynion is finally leaving it. Because this was bad, as was Future State The Next Batman and the digital series. Honestly, no one in their right mind wants to read about pRiViLeGe and trolls online in a Batman book, Ridley is focusing on a more

I Am Batman #0

By: John Ridley, Travel Foreman
Released: Aug 11, 2021

Future State gave readers a preview of things to come with Jace Fox as the new Batman...but his debut in the core line arrives with a bang! Picking up immediately from the events of The Next Batman: Second Son, Jace thrusts himself into action when the Magistrate’s crackdown on Alleytown begins, using armor he’s found in the abandoned Hibernacu...

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Mingthemerciless - Aug 13, 2021

I just read it Merlyn. At the moment I've been buying out if continuity batbooks but with Bruce thrown off his own book I'm dumping DC as long hes not main Batman. Bi Tim Drake makes that decision even easier. I have no interest in Tim Foxs war on "privilege" Ridley or otherwise. I still suspect after an initial spike in sales from speculators and the curious Batman sales will tank in numbers we haven't seen since before Denny O Neill saved the ship.

Mingthemerciless - Aug 13, 2021

Dark Knight D. We know Bruce will be back because after the issue 1 spike the sales will plunge. I think you'll even see Batman leave the top 10. For context Tom Fox books leave the top 50 after a couple of issues. Even the tpbs don't make it. Its clear the core readers arent invested in the character and its fair to say for various reasons.

Robin rated I Am Batman #0 Jan 13, 2022

I Am Batman #0

By: John Ridley, Travel Foreman
Released: Aug 11, 2021

Future State gave readers a preview of things to come with Jace Fox as the new Batman...but his debut in the core line arrives with a bang! Picking up immediately from the events of The Next Batman: Second Son, Jace thrusts himself into action when the Magistrate’s crackdown on Alleytown begins, using armor he’s found in the abandoned Hibernacu...

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Robin rated I Am Batman #2 Jan 13, 2022

I Am Batman #2

By: John Ridley, Stephen Segovia
Released: Oct 13, 2021

Jace Fox is on the streets as Batman, fighting the misinformation and violence flooding Gotham City during Fear State. What mysterious connection exists between the Magistrate and The Next Batman: Second Son villain Arkadine? And what Gotham vigilante pays the ultimate price when a misguided young man shoots him down in cold blood?.

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Robin rated I Am Batman #3 Jan 13, 2022

I Am Batman #3

By: John Ridley, Olivier Coipel
Released: Nov 10, 2021

Jace attempts to stem the tide of misinformation from the Seer as this mysterious adversary sends a heavily armed mob to a juvenile detention facility to break out a member of their militia. When Jace realizes his mother, Tanya, is at the facility, he’ll stop at nothing to save her! But will he be too late?

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