Max Byrne's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Dark Knight News Reviews: 76
8.6Avg. Review Rating

Batman (2016) #88

Feb 5, 2020

A thoroughly entertaining issue and a real page turner, Batman #88 is another very strong entry into Bat-canon. With more rogues than anybody could wish for, the book is fully loaded. Where we go from here remains to be seen and I truly hope that the reveal of The Designer lives up to the build up. Based on what we've had so far, hope springs eternal that it's going to be something very special and well worth investing your time and money in.

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Batman (2016) #106

Mar 2, 2021

Batman #106 is a great read. After a break in the release schedule, Tynion hits the ground running here. Setting up an intriguing prospect for the next few weeks with the introduction of Scarecrow to the mix, one feels as though Batman has extremely dark times ahead of him. With friendships and family relationships at a tipping point, mixed in with a bleak future, times are about to get very trying… very trying indeed.

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Batman (2016) #107

Apr 6, 2021

Batman #107 is an enjoyable read. Whilst the pace is fairly sedate, the plot is involved enough to demand one's attention. With some tough times in the pipeline for Batman, the markers are laid down here. Hopefully the next couple of issues see them bear fruit. With a certain Mr Malone appearing at the issue's denouement, undercover fun beckons in #108!

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Batman (2016) #108

May 4, 2021

Batman #108 is an issue packed with a lot of moving parts. Picking up the pace from the more languid #107, Tynion now looks to have all his chess pieces in their correct positions. Where the endgame will take us remains to be seen, but I know it's going to be absorbing, engrossing and a must-read.

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Batman (2016) #109

Jun 1, 2021

Beautifully paced, visually mind-blowing, and full of exciting and expertly pitched characterization, this is everything a Batman fan should be looking for.

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Batman (2016) #110

Jul 6, 2021

The future looks bleak, it looks harsh, but Batman endures. Bring on issue #111.

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Batman (2016) #111

Aug 3, 2021

Batman #111 is another highly consistent release that crams in a lot of content into its pages. We get art that explodes off the page, violence that packs a huge punch, plotting that's enticing with a page-turning quality, and a real sense of peril and high stakes. As this arc enters its home strait, anything could happen to any of the characters. Issue #112 needs to be at the top of everybody's pull lists, as there's no sounder investment to be made!

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Batman (2016) #112

Sep 7, 2021

Batman #112 is another highly consistent issue that adds more weight to the current storyline. Gotham City feels like a ticking time bomb now, with combustible elements ready to explode in a big way. I implore all readers to get on board for the Fear State arc, as all the early signs point towards it being something special.

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Batman (2016) #113

Sep 21, 2021

Batman #113 is a nice contrast to previous issues, as it's Slightly slower-paced, but not to its detriment. It's an issue with lots to digest and enjoy. As this arc continues over the next couple of months, we will no doubt get more bang for our buck, but this is perfect for right now, and this installment is certainly one that fans should really enjoy.

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Batman (2016) #114

Oct 5, 2021

Pick this issue up, it's a good one!

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Batman (2016) #115

Oct 19, 2021

Batman #115 is a more sedate issue than its predecessor, but no less enjoyable. Pulling on the various threads, and giving them all a bit of their time in the sun, it feels like each one is building up to a violent crescendo. As the Tynion era starts to approach the final furlong, all parties concerned are going to be feeling the after effects for some time to come.

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Batman (2016) #116

Nov 2, 2021

Batman #116 works very well in conveying a sense of stakes and peril as we reach the final straight. Once the dust eventually settles, it'll be interesting to see what the status quo will be, moving forward. In a crossover storyline that's delivered the highest quality, this issue continues that standard. I personally cannot wait to see the payoff, which is coming very soon…

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Batman (2016) #117

Nov 16, 2021

Batman #117 brings everything nicely to a well crafted close. The “Fear State” arc has been engrossing and exciting, dangerous and heartfelt. Gotham City has gone through the wringer yet again, and has come out the other side in a better place. The future is bright, the future is Batman!

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Batman (2016) #118

Dec 7, 2021

Batman #118 is an extremely solid and eventful start to a new era of Batman stories. The setup's tantalizing and the table setting for what is to come is a potent mix of the new and the old. I am fully on board for the future and look forward to it with bated breath.

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Batman (2016) #119

Jan 4, 2022

Batman #119 is a must-read issue, as bringing Batman face to face with both a legendary villain and a brand new creation is a masterstroke. Engrossing from the very first panel, every page is filled with beautifully rich dialogue from Joshua Williamson that pulls the reader into this world. Only 2 issues into this new era, it looks as though this flagship title is in the safest of hands moving forward.

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Batman (2016) #120

Feb 1, 2022

Batman #120 is a great new installment in the Williamson era, as it sets the table for some explosive moments to come. Robbing Batman of his sight is a bold move, which works on multiple levels. The issue is a potent mix of macho behavior with a couple of moments of real vulnerability. Issue #121 simply cannot come quick enough.

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Batman (2016) #121

Mar 2, 2022

Batman #121 brings a hugely satisfying end to the Badhnisia set storyline, wrapping events up nicely but with a few select lingering threads to be pulled at, further down the line. Taking Batman out of Gotham City has been a nice way to shake things up and provide a new backdrop for events to play out against.

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Batman (2016) #122

Apr 5, 2022

Batman #122 is a great issue in terms of moving the story along. Less chaotic than its predecessor, it moves the characters into intriguing new places. Bruce and Talia are seemingly on the same page (and romantically reunited?), Slade's on the run, Damian's on the hunt, and the faux Deathstroke has yet to be revealed. Events are coming to the boil very nicely indeed.

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Batman (2016) #123

May 3, 2022

Batman #123 moves the plot of the “Shadow War” arc along perfectly. We get a nice mix of action and detective work, and one does get the sense that the end is not far away now. This arc has massively lived up to expectations thus far and if this issue is anything to go by, the payoff will deliver in a big way!

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Batman (2016) #124

Jun 7, 2022

Batman #124 wraps up the current era in a hugely satisfying fashion. Whilst I would've liked Joshua Williamson's run to have been longer than it was, there's no question that it's been high quality throughout. As he now moves into the much anticipated Dark Crisis crossover, his stock is at an all-time high. If he ever comes back to writing the main Batman title, I for one will be delighted to see him return.

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Batman (2016) #125

Jul 5, 2022

Batman #125 starts a new Bat-era in winning fashion. It sets out its stall for so much intrigue and action to come, making the upcoming issue must have additions to any comic reader's pull list. The future is extremely bright for the Zdarsky era based on this first instalment and as a result, gets a big thumbs up from me.

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Batman (2016) #126

Aug 2, 2022

Batman #126 is a great issue with lashings of action, character development, and a whopper of an ending. By taking away Batman's physical dominance, and also seemingly his correct state of mind, readers have been given some real meat on the bone to enjoy moving forward. Throw in a Terminator-esque villain and suddenly issue#127 has become even more of an essential purchase next month.

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Batman (2016) #127

Sep 6, 2022

Batman #127 is an essential read. The expansion of the Batman mythology is engrossing, the action is first rate and the final panel is inspiring. I cannot recommend it enough, so I implore you, add this title to your pull lists as soon as you can.

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Batman (2016) #128

Oct 4, 2022

Batman #128 is a great bridge between highlighting what Failsafe can do to all enemies and how it has set the stage for a new world order in Gotham. Expertly paced and thoroughly entertaining, this is great stuff indeed!

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Batman (2016) #129

Nov 1, 2022

Batman #129 is a thrilling read that perfectly tees up the next issue's conclusion to the Failsafe arc. It perfectly highlights the sheer unstoppable nature of the character and his almost invincible aura. Whether it proves to be the final curtain for the character remains to be seen, but I hope we get to see more further down the road.

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Batman (2016) #130

Dec 5, 2022

Batman #130 lets the curtain fall on the Failsafe arc, but it masterfully asks more questions than it answers. With the fate of certain characters left in the balance, the next issue is going to be highly anticipated. 2023 is going to be starting strong in Gotham City, as sure as night follows day!

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Batman (2016) #131

Jan 3, 2023

Batman #131 is a great start to a new era for Batman in a new world. It's opened up new potential for interesting storylines and character interactions. Whilst this new setting won't last forever, there's a lot of story to be mined and we should be in for some exciting months ahead.

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Batman (2016) #132

Feb 7, 2023

Batman #132 is a worthy continuation of the Zdarsky run. It further peels back the layers of the alternate reality Gotham City and pushes Bruce forward, back towards his true self

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Batman (2016) #133

Mar 7, 2023

Batman #133 is an issue that expands and opens up the alternate universe, adding more meat to the bone. Whilst the city is different to the one we know and love, Batman is Batman. The surroundings may have changed but the man and his mission remain the same. Will he accomplish all he wants to before it is time to go home? Only time will tell.

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Batman (2016) #134

Apr 4, 2023

Batman #134 is a wild ride with a generous helping of shocks thrown into the mix. As this arc begins to reach the home straight, the stakes have never been higher. I wish the wait for issue #135 wasn't as long as a month, but all good things come to those who can (barely) wait.

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Batman (2016) #135

May 2, 2023

Batman #900 is simply magical. Yes, it's a great wrap up to the current arc yes, but it's ultimately also a treasure trove of Batman incarnations through the ages. It demands several repeat readings and is an milestone issue that will stand the test of time.

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Batman (2016) #136

Jun 6, 2023

Batman #136 is a nice transitional issue bridging one epic arc with a bold new one. It absorbs all the events of the previous saga and forges an exciting new path. Where the endgame takes us remains to be seen, but one thing is for certain, it's going to be essential reading.

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Batman (2016) #137

Sep 5, 2023

Batman #137 moves the narrative of Gotham War along perfectly. It raises the stakes and severs ties in ways that may not be retrievable. The sense of impending doom is tangible and I cannot wait for Catwoman #57 to hit the shelves so we can see just what happens next!

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Batman (2016) #138

Oct 3, 2023

Batman #138 tightens the screws on Batman. It leaves him in a place where his allies are non-existent, his methods have become truly questionable and his mental health is spiraling further downwards. Whilst there is a lingering chance at the end for Bruce and Selina to re-align their philosophies, events are due to take a darker turn before they can get better.

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Batman (2016) #139

Nov 7, 2023

Batman #139 is a great jumping on point into a new saga that sets the stage for some unbridled carnage to come. I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to where it goes next. I only wish we didn't have to wait a whole month between issues.

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Batman (2016) #140

Dec 5, 2023

Batman #140 is a multi-sensory explosion that never fails to grab the reader's attention. Larger than life yet still containing moments of introspection and discussions about what it truly means to be Batman, this issue sets the table for some high drama to come.

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Batman (2016) #141

Jan 2, 2024

Batman #141 is an action-packed ride. It highlights just how much the deck's stacked against the Dark Knight now and sets the table for a great run of issues to come. I'm all in on this arc, Zdarsky is a perfect fit to write Batman stories. He has a knack for upping the ante constantly without jumping the shark, and I'm extremely invested in seeing where he takes us next.

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Batman (2016) #142

Feb 6, 2024

Batman #142 acts as a highly effective setup for the next few weeks. We're given a new status quo for a dismal future whilst filling in some blanks from the past. Dubbed The Joker: Year One, it's certainly a bold entry into the main DC canon and continuity.

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Batman (2016) #143

Feb 13, 2024

As an allegory for the Frankenstein's Monster fable, it works so well. Whilst any story set in the past is inevitably framed by our knowledge of the present, we still get a genuine sense of danger from this book.

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Batman (2016) #144

Feb 20, 2024

Batman #144 wraps up the mini-arc well. The script and characterization are terrific and the artwork is sublime. Whilst the 3 issue run might not have re-invented the wheel, it has thrown a new light on the eternal conundrum that is the Joker. Where we go next remains to be seen, but I look forward to it immensely.

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Batman (2016) #145

Mar 5, 2024

Batman #145 is a hugely engaging issue that has really raised the stakes for this era. Family ties, the sins of the past, and a harsh line on crime all combine into a very effective melting pot. Before The Dark Knight rises again, he's going to have to work extremely hard.

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Batman (2016) #146

Apr 2, 2024

Batman #146 is gripping from start to finish. It adds layers of intrigue both in the present day and in an historical sense, too. Explosive and potentially catastrophic events are in the pipeline, and this tees everything up perfectly for what's bound to follow.

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Batman (2016) #147

May 7, 2024

Batman #147 is engaging stuff. It works as a bridging issue to the next phase of the arc but also has enough meat on the bone to stand tall on its own merits, too. The pacing's spot on, the reflective character beats are welcome and it never feels anything less than engrossing.

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Batman (2016) #148

Jun 4, 2024

Batman #148 feels like the end of a chapter, and very much like the start of something new at the same time. When one foe's bested, there are frequently more always waiting to take their place. The Bat Family's seemingly back on the same page, but the rulebook is about to be torn up and some devastating new chapters will be added very soon.

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Batman (2016) #149

Jun 18, 2024

Batman #149 is a pivotal issue. It brings down the curtain on the epic struggle with Zur/Failsafe and then sets the table for a new era of optimism in Gotham City. How long this will last remains to be seen, but the Bat Family are more unified than ever. I've got a feeling this unity is going to be needed more than ever very soon.

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Batman (2016) #150

Jul 2, 2024

Batman #150 works very well as a one shot issue and does serve to tie up a loose thread from months ago. The timing of it feels every so slightly unusual as we are now in the midst of the Absolute Power era, but judged on its own merits, it is still a good read. The jump forward into the events of Absolute Power dramatically increases the stakes and we are in for an incredible ride from this point on. Get ready!

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Batman (2016) Annual: 2021

Dec 1, 2021

The Batman Annual 2021 is a worthy addition to the recent canon and serves as a nice exit point for Tynion. As a method of filling in the blanks of a key character's past, it's a thoroughly enjoyable and eventful read. Ghost-Maker's a character with a lot of creative fuel left in the tank and it's surely only a matter of time before we see him appear again. I, for one, do hope that we get him back fairly soon due to the side of Batman that's unlocked by his very presence. Until then, enjoy this book and start the waiting game.

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Batman (2016) Annual: 2022

May 31, 2022

Batman Annual 2022 is a great issue that broadens the scope of the Batman comic book universe. The new Batman Inc. lineup's now deserving of its own title, coming this Fall. If Bruce Wayne never appears in it, I don't think it will really matter, such is the strength of this cast of characters. The team is in place, the group is strong, the balance of humour and action is finely balanced and we are ready for it. It cannot come soon enough.

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Batman (2016): Fear State Omega #1

Nov 30, 2021

Joshua Williamson has some extremely big shoes to fill moving forward.

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Batman (2016): Fear State: Alpha #1

Aug 31, 2021

Batman Fear State Alpha #1 is a must-read for anybody who wants to get involved with the Fear State event. As starter portions go, this is real value for money.

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Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War (2023): Scorched Earth #1

Oct 31, 2023

Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War Scorched Earth is a worthy final instalment to a gripping saga. It wraps up the conflict in a satisfying manner but also leaves several new threads dangling for future stories. Things will never be the same again for the Caped Crusader; his personal relationships are damaged, perhaps forever, and a certain alternate persona is still bubbling under the surface.

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Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War (2023): Battle Lines #1

Aug 29, 2023

Gotham War: Battle Lines is a superb aperitif for the forthcoming saga. With so many pieces to move into place on the board, Howard and Zdarsky have really hit the ground running. The eternally complicated love story between Bruce and Selina is about to hit a new obstacle that could irrecoverably damage their relationship. Strap in for an explosive run, which will continue next week in Batman #137.

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Batman's Grave #1

Oct 9, 2019

ConclusionOne of the best debut issues in recent memory, The Batman's Grave #1 is a vital and thought provoking book that bodes very well for the next 11 issues. With a creative team that is firing on all cylinders, this could end up being a contender come the next awards season. This comic helps prove that the Batman character is evergreen and without doubt the standard bearer for DC Comics. We're are all going to be in for a great ride with this one.

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Batman's Grave #2

Nov 13, 2019

This is an issue that gives the reader their fix of action in its first half, and then a more measured, cerebral approach in its second half. The creative team of Ellis and Hitch have hit the ground running and have created a title that promises much. With mysteries yet to come and more of an explanation in the pipeline for the graveside scenes in Issue 1, this run should send the reader on a journey that involves many twists and turns.

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Batman's Grave #3

Dec 12, 2019

Another high class issue, The Batman's Grave #3 is a must have purchase amongst this week's offerings from DC. Despite walking down some well worn paths, there is an inherent freshness and spontaneity to it that draws the reader in and provides a lot of intrigue. With pacing that is done to perfection and the aforementioned perfect combination of action and thought, this is shaping up to be one of THE titles of the last 12 months.

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Batman's Grave #4

Jan 15, 2020

The Batman's Grave #4 is a worthy addition to the series. Full of life and certainly one that all action junkies will enjoy, this series is shaping up to be a highlight of 2020. A visual feast, there's something for everybody to enjoy here. Action, detective work and genuine moments of levity, roll on issue #5.

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Batman's Grave #5

Feb 13, 2020

Another hugely enjoyable issue, The Batman's Grave #5 is consistent with the preceding four issues. A perfect storm of mystery and fisticuffs, humour and straight talking, it really does cover all the bases. Ellis' take on the Batman as a kickass yet articulate and erudite chap feels just right and proves his affection for the character. Ending this issue with an event that makes issue 6 even more of a must have is a smart move indeed, as we should all now be on the hook for next month's release. We need it now!

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Batman's Grave #6

Mar 11, 2020

Where the plot ultimately leads in the end remains to be seen, but I have the feeling it is going to be something we can remember for a long time to come

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Batman's Grave #7

Jun 9, 2020

This is a book that everybody needs to invest in, you'll be glad you did.

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Future State (2021): Suicide Squad #2

Feb 23, 2021

Managing to avoid feeling like a rehash of adventures past, yet still being somewhat authentic, this is a run that any fans of the titular team should try and pick up, if they can. Squad members come and go, but the quality remains the same. With Ms. Waller pulling the strings for our entertainment, would you expect anything less?

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Knight Terrors: Batman (2023) #1

Jul 4, 2023

Knight Terrors: Batman #1 is a highly engrossing issue that really drew me in. It's shocking, vibrant and otherworldly, yet it still feels grounded in the lore of the Batman character. This event promises to be a good one.

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Knight Terrors: Batman (2023) #2

Aug 1, 2023

Knight Terrors: Batman #2 gives readers an enthralling continuation of the Knight Terrors saga and sets up a real sense of heightened stakes for the near future. The pieces are moving around the board with pace with a tangible feeling of impending doom in the ether.

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Shadow War (2022): Omega #1

May 31, 2022

Shadow War Omega #1 provides a wonderful end to a truly satisfying arc. Anticipation, build-up, pay off and aftermath have all been exactly what I wanted. The inevitable collected edition of this arc will be a must-have book, get it reserved by any means necessary!

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Shadow War (2022): Alpha #1

Mar 29, 2022

Shadow War Alpha #1 is an explosive and enthralling start to the next three months worth of stories! Blood will be spilled in spades and who else will be due a date with the undertaker? I cannot wait to find out. When Batman-oriented crossovers are this tightly plotted to begin with, then we can allow ourselves to get excited.

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Shadow War (2022): War Zone #1

May 17, 2022

Shadow War Zone #1 is a highly entertaining issue that works on two levels. It enhances the overall story of "Shadow War by casting its narrative net far and wide, while also managing to set the stage for multiple storylines to come in the future. This is a wonderful collection of short, snappy stories, and I thoroughly recommend picking up a copy.

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Suicide Squad (2019) #1

Dec 18, 2019

So, whatever you do, don't get too attached to anybody"

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Suicide Squad (2019) #2

Jan 29, 2020

Suicide Squad #2 is a high quality continuation of the sterling work done by Taylor et al in issue #1. Fast paced and fun, with a deeper level of pathos underneath the body count, I am extremely optimistic for the future of this book. With the title once again becoming a hot property, it won't be long before it is up there with our favorites as a true flagship title for DC.

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Suicide Squad (2019) #3

Feb 27, 2020

With the promise of a certain Aussie character returning in issue 4, the team is shaping up very nicely indeed. For a veteran title, the re-invigoration here has been tangible and Suicide Squad is certainly worthy of a seat at the top table.

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Suicide Squad (2019) #4

Mar 26, 2020

Another high bar entry in this hugely entertaining title, Suicide Squad #4 is a hugely entertaining read. Action packed, fun and also poignant, the stage is set for issue #5 to give us ringside seats for one almighty scuffle. With the extremely welcome return of Boomer to the proceedings, everything feels energised and elevated. With so much uncertainty in the world at this time, it's good to know we can always rely on Task Force X to deliver the goods… and then some!

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Suicide Squad (2019) #5

May 28, 2020

Based on the cliffhanger ending, where we go from here is anybody's guess. I simply cannot wait for the next instalment, add it to your pull lists!!

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Suicide Squad (2019) #6

Jun 24, 2020

Tom Taylor has taken this veteran title and breathed fresh life into it, pushing it to the top of the tree. It never fails to put a smile on my face and with so much more to come, the ensuing weeks are going to be a golden period for this run. Bravo!

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Suicide Squad (2019) #8

Aug 26, 2020

In this issue, as with all of them to date, the pacing is spot on, and proves that no other title provides such a heady mix of violence, humour and tragedy as the stories of Task Force X.

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Suicide Squad (2019) #9

Sep 23, 2020

With two chapters left to complete his story, something tells me the body count will be high and emotions will run deep. Bring. It. On.

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Suicide Squad (2019) #10

Oct 27, 2020

Violent, funny and heartbreaking, this is a must read issue. Go and pick it up, before it's too late!

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Suicide Squad (2019) #11

Nov 24, 2020

Whilst I am sad to see it end, I'm glad that I've been able to engage with a story that hooked me from the first issue, and never let up. Task Force X have had a long and storied history, with so many highlights to enjoy. This run has been right up there with the very best of them and will go down in history as a high point in the canon.

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Year of the Villain: Black Mask #1

Aug 21, 2019

Year Of The Villain " Black Mask #1 is a perfect entry point for readers not overly familiar with the character, though long-time devotees will love it too. With the promise of more to come for Black Mask down the line, the web of intrigue being woven here has reeled this fan in with both feet.

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Reviews for the Week of...


