Batman #108

Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Jorge Jimenez, Ricardo Lpez Ortiz Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 5, 2021 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 69
7.9Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

+ Pull List

Batman goes undercover to infiltrate the transhumanist gang known as the Unsanity Collective and learn more about their sudden appearance in Gotham. And what nefarious plans does Simon Saint have for Arkham Day survivor Sean Mahoney? How does it connect to the Magistrate?
And in part two of the action-packed, bone-rattling Ghost-Maker backup story...can our hero stand up to the horror of Kid Kawaii?
Plus, don’t miss the debut of the mysterious Miracle Molly!

  • 9.4
    Comic Watch - Ariel Bee May 4, 2021

    Long story short: still loving this run with all the power I can muster. Cant wait to see where it goes, or to see how the little connections spreading outward from Batman to all of the other Batgroup books will ultimately come together. It should be a hell of a ride. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    The Comicbook Dispatch - acnbat May 4, 2021

    Tynion and company stay on a roll and even step up their game with the introduction of a fascinating new character in Miracle Molly. I cant wait to see how the character develops and also wonder just how popular she may become! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Noelle Reyes May 4, 2021

    Batman #108 introduces Miracle Molly to the mix, a dynamic, memorable character that although is part of a crew that's nowhere near as intriguing as her persona, could develop the plot in exciting ways. Tynion IV continues to connect the threads all leading up to the inevitable events of Future State,as well as adding new storytelling elementsin another strong issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles May 4, 2021

    I remain a huge fan of the main story, but the secondary story has failed to hook me. I'm looking forward to seeing what Tynion and Jimenez has in store next issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield May 4, 2021

    Tynion seems to be asking some hard questions about Batman's role in Gotham, and all these new players are only creating a more complex picture. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil May 7, 2021

    Batman #108 was a well-written and beautifully drawn issue and Messrs. Tynion, Jimenez, and Ortiz should take a bow. I loved this introduction to a pair of intriguing young ladies. Miracle Molly and Kid Kawaii are both fascinating characters with loads of story potential. I look forward to seeing what plans Tynion has for them. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills May 8, 2021

    Batman lays out the point behind one of their new villains in a really fun way, while also setting up some future villains in a differently fun way. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally May 4, 2021

    Jorge Jimenez and Ricardo Lopez Ortiz deliver some stunning art throughout the issue. Jimenez brings beautiful details and atmosphere to the Batman story and Lopez Ortiz kills it with the action and adventure in the Ghost-Maker story. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Graphic Policy - Brett May 5, 2021

    Batman #108 is a fantastic issue. It builds out the cast of Gotham with new characters and new aspects. It builds towards the city we saw in Future State. All of that is done with eye-popping art and in a way you come away with a different perspective on a possible enemy. This is the Batman I've been hoping for and excited to see where the series goes. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    But Why Tho? - Charles Hartford May 4, 2021

    Batman #108 delivers some interesting developments for its primary plot while serving up some interesting action in its back half. With Tynion introducing an intriguing new character, Miracle Molly, I hope future issues give this new character plenty of opportunities to stick around. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Max Byrne May 4, 2021

    Batman #108 is an issue packed with a lot of moving parts. Picking up the pace from the more languid #107, Tynion now looks to have all his chess pieces in their correct positions. Where the endgame will take us remains to be seen, but I know it's going to be absorbing, engrossing and a must-read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez May 5, 2021

    James Tynion and Jorge Jimenez continue to do an excellent job creating a multi-layered story with "Cowardly Lot" in Batman #108. All of the strong character work with Miracle Molly, Bruce Wayne, Simon Saint, and Sean Mahoney adds greater perspective into what Gotham City is becoming. It is all building a world that you can't help but want to spend even more time reading about. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    COMICON - Tony Thornley May 10, 2021

    The series moves into much deeper territory than just the typical capes comic. The philosophical gets as deep as the building physical conflict. The art team puts in stunning work while the story gets way more interesting than a standard Batman comic. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Wes Greer May 4, 2021

    Batman #108 is available now so head over to your local comic shop and pick it up and let us know what you thought of the debut of Miracle Molly by leaving a comment below! Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Nicole Drum May 5, 2021

    The Unsanity Collective is still a snore and the road to the Magistrate and Future State is still a snore and an eyeroll, but there are some genuinely well-done moments here. Whether they will restore your faith in Tynion as a writer or remind you of just how weak the rest of his Batman work is, that's up to you to decide. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Weird Science - Dan Mayhoff May 4, 2021

    Batman has changed into a full cyberpunk genre book with all the staples you would expect from the latest Blade Runner film. I know that we suspend our disbelief a lot with superhero stories, but this has taken the Batman book to a very different place than we are used to. This story feel far more Batman Beyond than the standard Batman book. Maybe that's a good thing? They're trying to mix things up. However, this issue is mostly exposition and is very dull. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Batman Universe - Scott Waldyn May 4, 2021

    Batman #108 is part tired retread of how the Magistrate came to be in DC's Future State event and part essay about why we should care about the Unsanity Collective, but boy is it pretty to look at! In short, it's a bit of a snooze, albeit a colorful snooze. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald May 4, 2021

    For me, Batman just doesn't feel like a Batman book. Oh, and skip the Ghost-Maker back-up story. It's atrociously bad. Read Full Review

  • 10
    cincyfan May 8, 2021

    I continue to absolutely love this run of Batman! The art and writing are nothing short of brilliant in my opinion. This is everything I'm looking for in a batman book. I wasn't sure what miracle molly was going to be about with those pants lol but after reading it I'm sold she is a phenomenal new character! I can't say enough about James tynion everything he writes just speaks to me and Jimenez and Morey do an amazing job bringing the words to life

  • 8.5
    Toonstrack May 13, 2021

    This is a rock solid issue and Miracle Molly is the most interesting new batman character in years

    Its sad that Batman fans have been reduced to clamoring for mindless fight scenes instead of actually world building and plot that JT3 is doing.

  • 8.5
    daspidaboy May 4, 2021

    Really enjoyed the artwork, and how Batman talks to the regular folk as well as more characterization for the villains and how this will tie into Future State

  • 8.5
    F.T. Wolf May 4, 2021

    I really liked this issue. It has some very strong character work alongside some excellent art. It provides an intersting, albeit passive, look into Bruce's mind. New villain Miracle Molly (name is lame, I know) has layers and I hope those will get explored.
    Ghostmaker backup story is well made, but is losing my interst. Bit to generic I feel.

  • 8.0
    Federico Liguori Jul 30, 2023

    Batman vs Hipsters vs Elon Musk. Fun read.

  • 8.0
    Mout Aug 11, 2021

    i'm skipping the ghost-maker backup, fuck it.

  • 8.0
    TheKize May 17, 2021

    Look, I as much as anyone thinks Miracle Molly has the dumbest outfit possible. I highly doubt she's the sensational character find of 2021. But in this issue we do see the plot moving forward in an interesting way, and I'm on board for what is essentially a Ghost-Maker manga in the backup story.

  • 8.0
    EDiakota May 10, 2021

    " This is my life, Match it's not who i am, with all the fear stripped away. I'm not hiding anything from you. I don't have anything to hide. A mask is more honest than a prosthetic. You want to keep your identity hidden, you’re welcome to. But don't pretend you're someone you're not. "

  • 7.5
    Screaming Enigma Jul 18, 2023

    While the main story does continue to be kind of slow, it's still enjoyable and nicely written. Miracle Molly is an intriguing character and I think she has potential, like Ghost-Maker and Clownhunter, to be a good character. I will say that I am a bit mixed on her design. It almost feels like half of it is cool and half of it is just meh. As for the Ghost-Maker backup story, this wasn't quite as good as the first one. It started off nicely, but dwindled a bit during the "backstory" section of it. Hopefully it picks up with the next issue, as I've been liking Ghost-Maker more and more.

  • 7.5
    Spacey Medicine Feb 12, 2022

    I like the main story more or less, and shan’t address the backup.

  • 7.5
    TSMack May 10, 2021

    Good art, ok story. We get further insights into the motives of the Unsanity Collective & witness the start of the Magistrate Program. I can do without the goofy Ghost-maker backup. I'd wish DC would get rid of it & save me a buck.

  • 7.5
    Harold May 4, 2021


  • 7.0
    nekizt Jun 15, 2021

    -What the hell, stop with that "Scarecrow future" first pages already
    -Too much exposition and set up
    -Miracle Molly can be a fun character

  • 7.0

    This issue has its ups and downs. The downs are like always, Tynion adds another lame new character who will go nowhere. Sorry to tell him, but I doubt anyone but him rushed to have Miracle Molly's debut graded believing it will be of value in a year. The whole unsanity collective side plot is a total bore and completely unnecessary. It's like they were added just so Tynion could keep the story dragging for longer. It would have been more interesting if it was the real Jim Gordon that approached them. I'd say whatever new Tynion character who makes their "big debut" next issue can't be crappier than Miracle Molly, but then again, I'd better not hold my breath.
    Then there's the pointless totally unnecessary backup story that is only the more

  • 7.0
    Psycamorean May 5, 2021

    I liked the Unsanity Collective stuff. It wasn't the most engaging, since it's kind of just the "We Live in a Society" meme. I feel like it's at least brushing up against the socioeconomic troubles of current society, which is not something I see in Batman comics often. One could gripe about the way these issues are often simplified, and I just did, but it's not a bad story. The stuff with the Magistrate is very boring. I do not care about Simon Saint or Peacekeeper-01. The Ghost-Maker backup was annoying to read. I don't like the story (what little there is), the art or, worst of all, the lettering. I mentioned this last time, but lettering is super important. If it's bad, the entire comic is made lesser by it. I don't understand the choic more

  • 6.5
    DDJamesB May 9, 2021

    Eh.. The main story was alright. It had some ok parts but the back up story was just bad and id rather not pay 4.99 for extra filler.

  • 6.0
    uktsr May 4, 2021

    Amazing art, Jimenez is at his peak. It did however feel more like I was reading that Cyberpunk comic, not a Batman comic. Tremendous in that three issues in to this arc and still basically nothing has happened. The mayor's police squad has it's first recruit and Batman got a tour of the unsanity collective's secret base. Snoooooze.

  • 5.0
    Beyond_Batman May 31, 2021

    I just can't get into this whole cyberpunk/magistrate storyline. I'm not really into the story and DC has already let us know what is going to happen with Future State. I have zero reason to buy Batman. I stuck around because it's Batman and I usually stick through bad storyline out of character loyalty.

  • 5.0
    Invincible84 May 16, 2021

    I am a big tyrion iv fan especially from his detective work he did a few years back but the last couple issues of batman have really just been a drag. Batman/Bruce Wayne doesn't seem to have the voice I have heard over the past couple of years for that this book has entered in the drop pile for me. Maybe I'll give it chance in a months but for now I'm done

  • 5.0
    Boudi May 10, 2021

    Jimenez keeps doing magic, and he gets backup in the colours. I was surprised by Miracle Molly, she seems like an actual character and not a sketch that got taken way to seriously (Punchline). Even if the atempt at social commentary with her was pretty bad. However this issue gives me enough reasons to belive that Tynion wanted to writte a Cyberpunk 2077 book instead but got denied.

    Now, let's review the backup feature. The universe is infinite and there are billions of humans on Earth, but if 5 of us care about Ghostmaker that's a lot. If someone was kind enough to tell me what is this character's appeal I would deeply apreciate.

  • 5.0
    Afre May 4, 2021

    I'm starting to think I maybe should drop this. I don't want to, as I've been reading Batman for then years and I own a t-shirt that says "I read Tom King's whole Batman run", so dropping now would feel very random.

    But this really isn't doing for me. I'm just bored while reading this. I just don't care. Nothing happens. This is the third part of this arc and I feel like nothing worthwhile is happened or being setup.

    And the oddest part is that there is nothing inherently wrong with this issue. Art is good and writing is not bad if you don't mind the pacing being awful and losing every sense of progression. Maybe I'm just bored. But I liked Tynion's Detective Comics run very much, his Joker series is good and his run a more

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  • 5.0
    Merlyn May 4, 2021

    Called it a long time ago, that the guy who saved the Arkham stuff was Peacekeeper-01. Other than that, Miracle Molly has a pretty shitty sell but apparently under Tynion Batman has two functional neurons and actually buys it. Whoever thought the main Batman book should be given to this guy needs to be charged for crimes against humanity. Sure, some of her ideas have merit regarding the social conditions in Gotham but the whole "unsane" thing it's still cringe and fucking stupid and her "solution" to the whole thing is really dumb. The second story is pretty bad, too.

  • 4.0
    SenpaifenixJäger May 4, 2021

    Very little action and slow progress, Barbara now being Oracle does not represent a character that alone justifies her own series since her action is just sitting in front of the server collecting information, however she has returned to be the Barbara of before, no the neurotic heroine who was performing long ago, that's nice. The Scarecrow according to my memory was dead or a badly done comic, stirring everything, it may be confused in time, however it seems that they want to give it greater prominence in DC and that is good, it is already boring to see the Joker as if he were the only important villain (it is a good villain but already very worn out).

    In this issue of the persecution of mutants, sorry Batman give some key poin more

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 3.5
    Quinn May 4, 2021

    I think James Tynion got bitten by radioactive exposition when he was a youth.

    Because that's what his stories boil down to. Tons of exposition where he builds and builds his world. The action is an afterthought that mostly takes place off stage.

    The result are stories that go nowhere, aren't interesting to read once everything is done and depends on his characters.

    The problem is that his characters are all different versions of the same thing - people who aren't happy with the job Batman is doing. They create their own worlds with their own rules and then seek to impose this world on the rest of Gotham in the name of peace, harmony whatever.

    But we don't actually get to know the characters becau more

    + LikeComments (200)
  • 2.0
    fearUhavemeisenough May 6, 2021

    It's horrible what Snyder's protégé is doing to Batman. I think after this Batman sales will drop drastically.

  • 1.0
    RKS May 5, 2021

    Get James Tynion off this book. I no longer care about the story he is telling.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 10
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