F.T. Wolf's Profile

Joined: Feb 24, 2021

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F.T. Wolf reviewed Champions #8 Jul 26, 2021

About the same in quality as #7 I'd say. This issue was definetly more tense and I like that it tackles the emotions of the Champions in. The pressure they are feeling gets (mostly) adressed
I just feel that the overall story isn't compelling enough, that the book is going through the motions. Everybody having a 'baby-face' is also uncanny and weird.
Still enjoyable though and I am loo more

Champions #8

By: Danny Lore, Luciano Vecchio
Released: Jul 14, 2021

A protest against Kamala's Law goes south when Roxxon uses its app to lure the crowd into a trap. Can the Champions save the protestors without exposing the Champions' moles within Roxxon? And can they figure out Roxxon's true endgame in time to stop it, or is it already too late?
Rated T+

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F.T. Wolf reviewed Batman #110 Jul 22, 2021

A good, enjoyable read. It reminds me of those 'the last before X event starts', but better. Those hose issues ussualy are all about getting to the end, getting everything into place, that the rest often rings a bit hollow. This one doesnt. It has enough going on, has enough interesting character work that it feels like a good and thick read.

Also: the art is the mvp. It's everything y more

Batman #110

By: James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Jul 7, 2021

Main: Batman’s bloody, no-holds-barred fight with Magistrate enforcer Peacekeeper-01 rages on in epic fashion! Simon Saint’s master plan comes to fruition as his Magistrate program makes its move on Gotham City, and things are about to heat up! (Not in a good way!)
Backup: The Instigator versus Ghost-Maker in a kung fu showdown! Need we...

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F.T. Wolf reviewed Detective Comics #1039 Jul 13, 2021

A good issue though not quite a solid ending to a very enjoyable story arc. In terms of the quality (writing, art etc.) the books is solid. More then solid even. It's just that I find it underwhelming due to the pace being too fast for my liking as well as finding the big-bad, the one behind the murder of Bruce's neighbours, not even remotely intersting.
Still a good, enteraining read though more

Detective Comics #1039

By: Mariko Tamaki, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Jul 14, 2021

Looks like someone brought a batarang to a bazooka fight! As the explosive battle royal between Batman and Mr. Worth roars to a climax, Huntress is on the trail of the other major threat plaguing Gotham City: violence parasite Vile! By the end of this battle, one character will be dead, one avenged, and even more holding on for dear life!

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F.T. Wolf reviewed Justice League #64 Jul 13, 2021

The main Justice League story is a fine, rather filler-like read. I enjoyed my time with it but when we reached the end I was like 'it's over already?'. Nothing particulairly oustanding or terrible about it either.

The Justice League Dark backup is once again excellent. I like that we're getting a closer look at new character the Eternal Knight and Batman is used sparingly so he doesn' more

Justice League #64

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Sumit Kumar
Released: Jul 7, 2021

Introducing…the United! This all-new all-star group of alien warriors represents all voices in the newly formed United Planets. A galactic Justice League, if you will. The first Legion of Super-Heroes? Sort of. The United comes to the new Justice League for help because the biggest threat to the universe is on the loose, and all roads lead to…S...

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I had fun reading it and enjoyed the action and I liked the humor , but still it felt like too much was put here and it was not all connected, so it did not flow in a good way either. But even the things they tried to execute kinda fall flat for me, with few exceptions. So generally I would say that this was pretty forgettable.

Amazing Spider-Man: Chameleon Conspiracy #1

By: Nick Spencer, Carlos E. Gomez
Released: Jun 30, 2021

• The epic conclusion of THE CHAMELEON CONSPIRACY!
•  If you thought the end of "King's Ransom" shook Spider-Man to the core, you better think again as this ending will level things up.
56 PGS./Rated T+

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F.T. Wolf reviewed Daredevil #31 Jul 4, 2021

This issue of Daredevil is still the same well written, character heavy superhero drama that I´ve come to know and love. However, it has two little points that irks me and makes it my least favourite Zdarsky Dardevil issue.
For one, the ´Bullseye goes on a killing spree with a clear religious connection´ just rub me the wrong way. Makes me uncomfortable. Secondly, the art is noticeably di more

Daredevil #31

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Jun 30, 2021

•  Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto and all their collaborators have redefined the life of the Man Without Fear. IN THIS ISSUE, they do it all over again and, what's more, they go a step further and UP THE ANTE!
•  WILSON FISK's gambit from the past few months risks upending his life and tenure as...

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Criminology. reviewed Batman: Reptilian #1 Jun 29, 2021

Well I liked this one. It's a different take on Batman, but truthfully not that radical IMO and I totally support that, it's not like it's going to change the character you love all of a sudden. Plus i really liked that both Ennis and Sharp are trying to focus on the effect batman has on criminals and the are doing really interesting stuff with that. And that was pretty much the main thing, that more

Batman: Reptilian #1

By: Garth Ennis, Liam Sharp
Released: Jun 23, 2021

What strikes fear into the hearts of those who terrorize Gotham? It used to be Batman, but something far more frightening than a mere man stalks the shadows-and it’s after Gotham’s villains. How savage must a monster be to haunt the dreams of monsters? Pick up this dark and bone-chilling tale by comics legends Garth Ennis and Liam Sharp to find...

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Criminology. reviewed Captain Marvel #29 Jun 29, 2021

Not quite as strong as the previous issue for me at least, but still it's a totally solid issue in a generally totally solid run.

The issue pretty much just goes further with what the previous one did and overall everything was pretty much expected. Still the way Thompson writes the characters carries the issue. She gets them and how they act, but also adds her more comedic-oriented fla more

Captain Marvel #29

By: Kelly Thompson, Jacopo Camagni
Released: Jun 23, 2021

Haunted by a doomed future, Captain Marvel is getting desperate. And that desperation is showing, both in who Carol enlists to help her and the secret she keeps from them as they embark on this adventure together. But Carol's quest for magic continues, as she truly believes it's the last hope to stop a dystopian future, even if every magic user she...

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F.T. Wolf reviewed Robin #3 Jun 26, 2021

Slowing down the pace and putting the fighting of the tournament on hold, #3 is a fun and interesting character focused issue. It has good character work for both Damian and Connor Hawke which will make their inevitable showdown at the end of this arc that much more interesting. The issue also has good art, some fun jokes and references and an interesting ending.

Robin #3

By: Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov
Released: Jun 23, 2021

It’s a beach party from hell! Robin’s mission to get to the heart of the League of Lazarus's inner workings has left him once again locked in combat with his fellow fighters, but never did Damian Wayne think it would lead to a beach-blanket cookout. What’s more dangerous than a life-or-death struggle for the all-or-nothing prize of immortalit...

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F.T. Wolf added Justice League (2018) to their pull list Jun 24, 2021

Justice League (2018)

"THE TOTALITY" part one! A brand-new era begins here! Comics legends Scott Snyder and Jim Cheung launch the Justice League into a cosmos-shaking mystery that will draw out their most terrible foes...in ways our heroes couldn't possibly imagine! In this debut issue, Martian Manhunter struggles to protect the team from an incoming threat that will sh...

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Heroes Reborn end on a fun note that, while it could've been more, is still a conclusion worth reading.
After 7 issues, we finally get the Avengers VS Squadron Supreme Fight and it's pretty good. Some smart choices in terms of matchups and leveling the playing field well shown off through the art. The fights are over a bit too quickly but that doesn't take much away from its entertainment. more

Heroes Reborn: Heroes Return #1

By: Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jun 23, 2021

An epic, oversize slugfest between the Squadron Supreme and an otherworldly group of Avengers for the final fate of the whacked-out world of HEROES REBORN.
56 PGS./ONE-SHOT/Rated T+

+ LikeComments (2)
daspidaboy - Jun 23, 2021

Guess we have different opinions. I personally hated the fight, I thought it was bland and boring. It doesnt have that same WOW factor like Joker War where Batman willingly leaves Joker to die, or how Venom defeats Knull by being Captain Universe. Plus the dialogue is elementary and less sophisticated. Does Thor REALLY "My weakness is MEAD! and rum! and wine! and beer!" or how Starbrand makes Power Prism cry? This crossover in my opinion wasnt good because we had King in Black just recently.

daspidaboy - Jun 23, 2021

like seriously, Phil Coulson didnt lose to Captain America. He lost because of a fire and Carol Danvers hit him with a plane. We dont even know HOW the Squadron Supreme made the world a better place. All we see are the Squadron Supreme fighting bad guys. Thats it, we dont see how the Squadron supreme are better heroes than the Avengers.

F.T. Wolf reviewed Justice League #63 Jun 22, 2021

Brian Michael Bendis's first Justice League arc ends very unsatisfactory. The run has, up untill now, been more about a fun story with the Justice League then a deep one and that's fine. However, deep or not, you still got to wrap it up in a way people will feel it was worth reading the story and it, in my humble opinion, doesn't.

#62 ended on a cliffhanger, the promise of a big battle more

Justice League #63

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Xermanico
Released: Jun 23, 2021

The Trial of Naomi commences! After the shocking events of the last few issues of Justice League, the team is forced to confront its larger issues as a group and the responsibilities the League has to the world where they live versus the Multiverse at large. Guest stars galore as Justice League members from the past come to give guidance for the fu...

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F.T. Wolf reviewed Detective Comics #1038 Jun 22, 2021

Around and about the same as issue #1037. Enjoyable outing that moves the story along
but with some issues in regards to pacing.
The story is better paced then #1037, doesn´t feel like just a set of scenes stringed together, but it´s still over a bit to soon and not entirely satisfying by the end. Did like the added moments of small humour and Worth, while not as complexed as I would more

Detective Comics #1038

By: Mariko Tamaki, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Jun 23, 2021

An epic battle is taking place in Gotham City...below the city streets?! Batman and MR. WORTH are locked in a deadly duel involving a rocket launcher, a micro-cave subterranean system, and a whole lot of bloody knuckles. Can Huntress save Lady Clayface before the entire city collapses from underneath itself? Plus: the insidious VILE makes his move,...

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This issue was meh. Very much been there, done that.
Alpha Flight is the third 'Suicide Squad' like team we've gotten int this event. Logan's journey is interesting but the rest of the cast doesn't have the time to distinguish themselves. Aurora has the same backstory as the Silver Witch, for example.
There's still enjoyability here, but I wouldn't go out of your way for it.

Heroes Reborn: Weapon X & Final Flight #1

By: Ed Brisson, Roland Boschi
Released: Jun 16, 2021

In a world without the Avengers, the Squadron Supreme protects and defends the interests of America! But where does that leave a country like Canada? The Great White North is now a wasteland. Their forests are scorched. Their provinces annexed. Their people barely surviving. Who will stand up and prote...

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F.T. Wolf reviewed Heroes Reborn #7 Jun 16, 2021

A good issue that's weighed down by its own narrative structure. The book is at its best when it's just the Squadron Supreme working together, bouncing of once another, investigating the Avengers. We haven't seen them really interact yet and said interaction is intersting to see and shows these very gray characters' good and bad sides (some characters more then the other, admittedly).
The na more

Heroes Reborn #7

By: Jason Aaron, Aaron Kuder
Released: Jun 16, 2021

Together they ended the Kree/Skrull war, defeated Dr. Doom in his Secret War and even endured their own civil war between Hyperion and Nighthawk, but now the Squadron Supreme of America faces their greatest challenge yet: a mysterious new group of troublemakers called the Avengers.
40 PGS./Rated T+

F.T. Wolf liked this:
Criminology. reviewed Flash #771 Jun 15, 2021

While it is kind of weird, that the issue is clearly divided in 2 parts(both of which were great), it was still an amazing time for me.

Generally this run continues to be fun, without being a complete parody or satire, and this issue is probably the best example of that. There is just so much love put into every page and I love how Adams is not afraid to do some risky things(the next is more

Flash #771

By: Jeremy Adams, Tom Derenick
Released: Jun 16, 2021

The Legion of Doom, Teen Titans Academy, Max Mercury’s Wild West origins, and more! Wally West’s leaps from speedster to speedster throughout time draws to a close as he begins to realize why he’s been sent on his quest by the Speed Force and what might be behind it. But with one last stop before he’s allowed to go home, will this journey b...

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I find this issue to be neither here nor there.
I don´t have anything to complain about but don´t have anything to really praise either. Art & Writing are good but not outstanding. I would even go as far and say that the mission the Savage Squadron isn't that exciting. That excitement comes through how the team works which is genuinely interesting.
All in all, an enjoyable one-time r more

Heroes Reborn: Squadron Savage #1

By: Sacks, Luca Pizarri
Released: Jun 9, 2021

There are some threats that require a more savage approach than the Squadron Supreme of America can offer. For those missions, the Department of Defense has put together a team consisting of Elektra, the Punisher, Crossbones, Cloak an...

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F.T. Wolf reviewed Heroes Reborn: Night-Gwen #1 Jun 10, 2021

This issue gave me a taste for more. The art, pacing and writing are all nice and good. The way the narrative leads you through the story was organic though with a few to many flasbacks/expositions and the 'twist' to the vilain was too easy to catch in my opinion.

What really gave me that taste for more is Nightbird herself. Compared to the other DC pastiches, Nightbird is much more ca more

Heroes Reborn: Night-Gwen #1

By: Vita Ayala, Farid Karami
Released: Jun 9, 2021

INTRODUCING: NIGHTBIRD! By day, Dr. Gwendolyn Stacy is Ravencroft Asylum's leading psychiatrist. But by night, she dons the guise of the vigilante known as Nightbird! But how did this happen? Why did this happen? And what does Kyle Richmond, the Nighthawk, have to do with it? There may not be any time to find outt, because Nightbird must hunt down ...

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F.T. Wolf reviewed Heroes Reborn #6 Jun 9, 2021

Just like (most of) its predeccessors, Heroes Reborn is a blast to read though it did leave me slightly dissapointed.
It's well written with the character at its core, in this case Power Princess, being a smart twist/pastiche of Wonder Woman that can (pretty much) stand on it own. The artwork is very nice for both stories even if it has some annoying colouring mistakes here and there. more

Heroes Reborn #6

By: Jason Aaron, Erica D'Urso
Released: Jun 9, 2021

Over the eons, the fabled daughter of Utopia Isle known as Power Princess has defeated the All-Gog, Gorr the God Butcher and the King in Black, but now she must venture into the ruins of Asgard, where something unexplained is stirring in the graveyard of the gods.
40 PGS./Rated T+

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F.T. Wolf reviewed Detective Comics #1037 Jun 8, 2021

A step down from #1036, but still enjoyable. The main gripe that I have with it is that the main story felt rather short, just going from scene to scene, and left me unsatisfied even if it raises some interesting developments such as Bruce's arrest.
The art is still good, but I do prefere Mora's work over the team here.

This issue has two backups, with mixed results.
Exclusiv more

Detective Comics #1037

By: Mariko Tamaki, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Jun 9, 2021

Public enemy number 1: BATMAN! Public enemy number 2: Bruce Wayne?! When both Bruce and his alter ego are implicated in the same crime, the cops have some questions - and the Dark Knight is going to have to think quick or risk his identity being exposed to the world! But law enforcement isn’t the only entity hunting the Bat-the titanic MR. WORTH ...

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F.T. Wolf - Jun 8, 2021

What they've done to his character is make him less heroic and more 'dirty' and also changed his belief in Batman. Where he once was a strong supporter of Bruce and his cause, this issue retcons him viewing the Bat-family as a cult. His morale compass has also been affected. If I understand correctly from a conversation with a friend, he was willing to use bribes and blackmails to keep Jace Fox out of prison in the Next Batman E-series something the traditional Lucius Fox would’ve never done.

F.T. Wolf liked this:
Criminology. reviewed Detective Comics #1037 Jun 8, 2021

So far, I really like this run. This chapter was kind of uneventful, but not totally. We got to see insane Mr. Worth in action, completely blinded by rage and that was fun. He is simple, but quite intriguing as a character for me and clearly the highlight of the main story. Also I liked the idea of Bruce being captured by the police as a suspect. It was logical and it was cool to see how Bruce tr more

Detective Comics #1037

By: Mariko Tamaki, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Jun 9, 2021

Public enemy number 1: BATMAN! Public enemy number 2: Bruce Wayne?! When both Bruce and his alter ego are implicated in the same crime, the cops have some questions - and the Dark Knight is going to have to think quick or risk his identity being exposed to the world! But law enforcement isn’t the only entity hunting the Bat-the titanic MR. WORTH ...

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F.T. Wolf reviewed Champions #7 Jun 8, 2021

I like that this run remembers that they're teens and let's them do teen things. It's refreshing and is fun to read. It's also handling the characterizations & interactions very well.
The story isn't working for me though. Too heavy-handed in what it represents & not interesting enough with how blatantly evil they are.

Champions #7

By: Danny Lore, Luciano Vecchio
Released: May 19, 2021

The Champions are playing dirty to beat Roxxon at their own game - including implanting two of their own as interns to take down the corporation from within. But in order to earn the trust of their cutthroat Roxxon supervisors, they'll have to deliver an unwilling spokesperson: Kamala Kha...

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F.T. Wolf added Detective Comics (2016) to their pull list Jun 8, 2021

Detective Comics (2016)

An unknown predator begins outdoing Batman, taking down dangerous threats with military precision. Its up to the Dark Knight and series costar Batwoman to rally and train the young heroes of Gotham City to end this mysterious threat!WHAT NOW: Batman and Batwoman begin training Spoiler, Red Robin and Cassandra Cain...

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F.T. Wolf reviewed Daredevil #30 Jun 6, 2021

In the Elektra side of the story, something happenend that we all saw coming. Yet, there's more to the situation then I thought there would be. More nuances. That's what makes that part of the story interesting. Showing Elektra's thoughts and that she had the same thoughts/reservations as the reader will no doubt have (had).

On the Matt front, this issue dives deeper into the 'selfhisn more

Daredevil #30

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: May 19, 2021

•  As Elektra gets her bearings in Hell's Kitchen, Matt Murdock finds an unlikely ally in prison.
•  Meanwhile, Wilson Fisk gets the phone call you've been waiting for.
Rated T+

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Enjoyable, but not very memorable.
I like the narrative, Luke's character & what it had to say about the church (of Mephisto). The rest was underwhelming though. The writing is good, but not great. The art is fine but with some very uncanny faces and imagery.
All in all, an issue that while enjoyable and easy to get through, won't stay with you. Very much a one-and-done read.

Heroes Reborn: American Knights #1

By: Paul Grist, Chris Allen
Released: Jun 2, 2021

An epic, oversize slugfest between the Squadron Supreme and an otherworldly group of Avengers for the final fate of the whacked-out world of HEROES REBORN.
56 PGS./ONE-SHOT/Rated T+

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Fracadactyl reviewed Iron Man Annual #1 Jun 3, 2021

Pretty impressive start to this saga. By character strengths and how it applies to how they all interact, it shows the layers to characters. This genuinely feels like the Iron Man from the Kurt Busiek days. Miles speaking to Iron Man for an experience that left a lot of trauma shows his willingness to ask for help. Because if those villains who tortured him came back, it would just play into those more

Iron Man Annual #1

By: Jed MacKay, Ibraim Roberson
Released: Jun 2, 2021

IRON MAN VERSUS QUANTUM! When Iron Man learns about the strange people who kidnapped and tortured Miles Morales, he HAS to look into it. What he finds out about the Assessor and especially Quantum will shock him and you! Don't miss this in depth look at some of the coolest new villains and the groundwork laid for major future Marvel stories!

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An excellent issue! While I didn't get the sense of nostalgia this issue is clearly going for as I'm not that old and never read the original story, the tragedy and suspense sure did. Even without my prior knowledge I thouroghly enjoyed it as it's just very well written. It can be a bit cheesy at times and the amount of D-tours (small moments that don't go anywhere) are annoying but that's not eno more

Heroes Reborn: Double Action #1

By: Tim Seeley, Dan Jurgens
Released: Jun 2, 2021

A TALE FROM THE SQUADRON'S PAST! Years ago, Nighthawk and his trusted partner, the Falcon, patrolled the streets of Washington, DC, from the vile criminals that lurked in the dark. But that all changed one fateful night...  Re-presenting for the first time ever: the Night Sam Wilson Died!
40 PGS./ONE-SHOT/Rated T+

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F.T. Wolf reviewed Heroes Reborn #5 Jun 2, 2021

A very good book that does have some elements here that keeps the issue from fully coming together. The art is good, if very much an acquired taste, and the overall narrative is well-done.

What makes this book really good is The characterization of Nighthawk. This issue is basically a character study about him and a really good one. His self-awareness alongside his genuine desire to do more

Heroes Reborn #5

By: Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jun 2, 2021

When there's a riot at the Ravencroft Asylum, Nighthawk must descend alone into a realm of madness, surrounded by the most deranged members of his notorious rogues' gallery, including his archenemy, the maniacal Goblin.  
40 PGS./Rated T+

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F.T. Wolf reviewed Robin #2 Jun 1, 2021

That's more like it! With (most) of the setup out of the way, #2 can start to dive deeper into the characters. Damian Wayne is a very hit or miss character for me. This book keeps his flaws (his ego, for one) intact while keeping him likeable.
Also a fan of Rose Wilson/Ravager portrayal here and her dynamic with Damien. She's put forward as the story's deuteragonist and I'm not complaining. more

Robin #2

By: Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov
Released: May 26, 2021

After the shocking events of Robin #1, Damian has learned the deadly rules of Lazarus Island the hard way! Now he must prove that he belongs in the tournament and uncover its secrets! But his only ally is the daughter of one of his greatest enemies: Ravager! In this tournament, only one fighter can get out alive-ready for round two? Fight!

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F.T. Wolf added Robin (2021) to their pull list Jun 1, 2021

Robin (2021)

After learning of the deadly League of Lazarus tournament, Damian Wayne has a new mission: winning the tournament and prove he is the greatest fighter in the DC Universe! But first he must find the secret island where it’s all going down! This brand-new solo Robin series will force Damian Wayne to find his own path away from both sides of his fam...

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