Another issue another gem. I really can't say enough about how much I have loved the Batman book since tynion took over. I love the story I love the pacing i loved the multiple layers and perspectives of the story. The artwork continues to be tremendous as well. I also really enjoy the ghostmaker stories they are doing a fantastic job of really letting us get to know the character. Of the current 22 books on my pull list batman is my favorite currently. I simply can't wait for the next one
This PEACEKEEPER guy sure is a son of a bitch!
Glad to say that this was the best issue of the storyline yet, in my opinion. I really enjoyed the main story. Batman's fight with Peacekeeper-01 throughout the issue was entertaining and probably the best part of this for me. It also helps that, as usual, Jimenez does some incredible work with his art. The backup story here is the best it's been as well. Ghost-Maker's winning strategy in this issue was great and it was the best use of the flashbacks they've been doing thus far, in my opinion. All things considered, this book is really firing on all fronts and I can only hope that quality is maintained as we get closer and closer to Fear State.
These negative reviews are so off based. This was a great batman story.
"Ripped off ideas" GTFOH. Thus is an old school rough and tumble between Batman and an armored bad guy. People complain about everything these days I swear.
Batman - 9/10
Ghost Maker - 8.5/10
" Oracle. Please inform the rest of your little bat*familly thzt if we both die here, it was his fault, and not mine. "
I've really been digging this run and this issue is no exception. We get some solid action out of it, the culmination of one of the plotlines that's been layered through the last few issues, and the same great artwork we've come to expect from Ortiz (aside from that one feature panel of Molly lookin' a mess). I was worried that I wouldn't like Peacekeeper-01, as he is a bit tropey, but he works well as a piece of the puzzle here.
This run probably isn't a revolutionary story that they'll teach in schools in 40 years, but it's at least as entertaining as a summer blockbuster, and the writer occasionally finds space to go a tiny bit deeper in ways that don't feel forced or hokey.
I agree with most of the critics on this one. This is a good, entertaining, but not great, story with top notch artwork. It sets up an interesting future where Batman will have to contend with the Peacekeepers whenever he ventures into Gotham as long as Nakano is in power.
(I ignored the very tedious Ghost-Maker backup in my rating.)
I know I feel like I'm in the minority here, but I actually like Tynion's Batman run. Is it better than Scott Snyder or Morrison's Batman? Of course not. But it's fun and entertaining and Batman feels cool to me. He's not written like a wimp in Tom King, and i like how Tynion makes Batman usually win by using his gadgets.
Now, to my review. Like I said, I like the progression of the plot and how it ties into Future State. I like the art style and the fight scenes are engaging. I like how Batman uses his gadgets to outsmart Peacemaker and he does beat him. The dialogue doesnt bother me personally and the plot and pacing for the story is really engaging.
For me, the Magistrate makes sense. The public in DC Comics now knows they are part of a Multiverse and they're now afraid of darker versions of superheroes attacking Gotham City and they think Batman wont do a good job because he's just a guy dressed as a bat. I also didnt really mind Ghostmaker and Miracle molly, even though Batman fans dont like them. The Unsanity does kind of make sense to a degree, in that they want a "utopia" where people are infused with technology.
I do find it weird that Mayor Nakano is trusting Simon Saint more than Batman but maybe its because the public are getting pissed off and he has no choice. Why does Mayor Nakano not trust Batman? I have no idea.
But I at least do like on WHY the public doesnt like Batman anymore. He still doesnt arrest Catwoman even though she is stil a thief and he still works with Harley Quinn.
For me, its super weird. My favorite superhero of all time is Spider-Man, and I know this may sound controversial to people but I am actually more interested in reading Batman comics than Spider-Man since Nick Spencer likes to put out boring filler stories.
So overall, I genuinely enjoy this issue and I think this story is an entertaining story to set up Fear State. more
A good, enjoyable read. It reminds me of those 'the last before X event starts', but better. Those hose issues ussualy are all about getting to the end, getting everything into place, that the rest often rings a bit hollow. This one doesnt. It has enough going on, has enough interesting character work that it feels like a good and thick read.
Also: the art is the mvp. It's everything you could ask for.
The Ghostmaker story is good as well (well written with nice art) but, again, just not my thing.
All right. One down, over a dozen of backlogged comics to go!
I thought this was a pretty decent issue. I thought there were some good parts and also some really cheesy parts. Overall, it was enjoyable. Even the Ghost Maker story was ok.
Once more Tynion impresses himself most with another flimsy addition to his growing cast of pathetic characters. Now we have Batman against a guy who thinks he's Robocop or something. It's hard to like where Batman is headed. Once more, I passed on the Ghost Maker backup story because I've had more than enough of this pathetic excuse for dick envy in the main ones lately.
Nakano is now officially Gotham's worst mayor since Hill. He's so consumed by his own resentment that he's willing to hand the city to an obvious madman. When it's too late to do anything he'll have no one to blame but himself, providing he'll even still be alive.
This wasn't the worst issue of this monotonously long story, but it's definitely not the best either. It's likely "Fear state" will also be a long one though, so we'd better get ready for what may end up being the longest thing in Batman since No Man's land. more
This issue feels like padding in a lot of ways. Also, aimless. I can't believe we're only five issues in. It's felt like an eternity, and yet so little has happened. At least it's well rendered? Once again, I hate the Ghost-Maker back up. Go away with your terrible fonts and even more terrible storytelling.
I liked it. I loved Jimenez's art as always and I thought that the story was fine. I really wish Batman would do something cool soon.
This run has been so middling enough that I can't imagine how the terminally online could actually get worked up over this. Or why that "professional" reviewer has to go attack everyone who disagrees with him.
Why can't something interesting happen. Tynion, why are you ruining the pacing of this book but then hiring amazing artist to hide that. Who do you think you are, Tom King?
Another issue where Jimenez can't save Tynion despite his great dynamic art.
Let's see, who did Tynion rip-off this issue? Well his new armored vigilante is John Walker replacing Captain America all over again, and that plot was done more than 30 years ago. The armor is a nice touch, but it is also just Azrael again.
The story starts in media res (that's fancy talk for in the middle of the story). Bats is trying to fight off Scarecrow fear toxin. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Batman have an antidote to that? Why not use it? Also, how about showing us how things happen instead of telling us. That's story telling 101.
Bats gets chased all over Gotham by Armored Vigilante and Bruce activates a bomb that gives off a morse code signal that Ghost Eater understands. Now the problems with that bit of plotting are many. First I don't think explosions go off in dots and dashes. Two, bombs, by their very nature, are fairly unpredictable in the damage they cause because unless Bruce had a very thorough building inspection done, he doesn't know just how sturdy the building he blew up is. How does he know that no one is in the building, that no on walking outside the building won't get hit by debris. No matter how controlled the explosions, debris will fall off the building and fly off in all kinds of directions at high speeds. Sounds dangerous to anyone near the building..
Also Vigilante Armor Boy calls the Unsanity group hippies. Except for Eric Cartman, no on uses the term hippy anymore. A more up-to-date phrase might be "woke terrorists" or Millenial losers. Something like that. Hippy just shows how out of touch Tynion is.
Also, this whole fight between Bats and the Armored Hot Dog shows how poorly Tynion writes a fight. Bruce keeps hitting him. He's armored dude. Use your brain for one second and develop a strategy that takes down armor with electronic components. Do something like create an electrical magnetic pulse. Put the guy in water, where armor will cause him to sink and the water will short out the electronics. These are two things I thought of while typing this. Give me five minutes of alone time and I could probably come up with even more ways to beat the Armored Cliche.
We see the Mayor going crazy and Commmisioner Montoya pointing out that he's nuts. I guess state officials, federal officials, the state national guard, these aren't things that exist in Gotham. Mayors have dictatorial powers and no one can do anything. Tynion had the last mayor take bribes from the Joker to let the Joker's men run amuck. So at least Tynion's consistent.
Apparently, Batman also has no allies. We see Nightwing talk, but not actually do anything. Oracle does a lot here's some info, but doesn't actually use her hacking skills to interfere with an organization that is technological in nature. No Robins, Batgirls, Red Hoods Night Walkers etc. Help Bruce, so he just keeps getting his ass kicked.
Oh, Harley Quinn points out that the guy in the armor was a sadistic guard at Arkham. Again, pure John Walker. Apparently when Simon Saint says do something, people do it. They blow up buildings in a false flap operation to force the mayor to go crazy. Walker, I mean, Armored Guard, blew up a building on Saint's orders.
We actually see the Unsane talk but do nothing. Then Armored Boy shows up and says they're resisting, he wants to use lethal force. He gets permission. Wait until next issue to see what happens. The problem with that plot point is that we don't actually care about the Unsane and if they got wiped out, would that be a bad thing?
Also, Tynion does a whole of tell not show. He uses tv reporters to explain what's going on. I think Tynion believes he's being cool like Frank Miller in The Dark Knight Returns. But what Tynion forgets is that the media guys in Miller's story were commenting on the action. Giving us a window in what people thought. Tynion is just using them to tell us what happened instead of showing us.
Tynion has had Batman lose his fortune. See his city get destroyed by the Joker and by Simon Says Boom. He is getting kicked around by the villains and generally just being ineffective. All of Batman's efforts have been for nought. We know he's going to win in the end, his name is on the title. But to quote T'Chaka in Captain America Civil War, a victory at the expense of the innocent is no victory. Having tv commentator spell out that Gotham keeps getting destroyed by villains trying to outdo each other is too on the nose.
It's not the villains who are doing this, it's the writers. How about trying a different approach. This problem goes back to the 1990s. First Bane breaks Bat's back. Then there is a plague, then the whole city is destroyed by Lex Luthor, who uses the event to propel himself to the presidency. Tynion is guilty of the same thing, but instead of Luthor, we get Simple Simon, who uses events he creates to take over Gotham his way.
In short, Tynion is writing Batman as a total loser who can't stop the terrible things that have and are happening from happening. It's like he's writing a deconstruction of Batman that shows how lame and unneeded Batman is. Call me crazy, but that strikes me as a very bad way to tell Batman stories.
The art was fine. Still don't like the color scheme.
Or I could be wrong. more
It's official, this series got so bad it's ready to be toilet paper. The insistence to the bad future state, to make Batman see as if he were the center of the problem (although there is part of reason when the Peacekeeper tells him about his associations with not completely reformed criminals)
I don't know if Tynion or the cartoonist has the obsession of always putting Barbara swallowing, first tacos and with her legs spread, now a hamburger at this rate will end up being a sow, because whoever eats in a situation of generalized chaos.
And the backup story is even worse.
I didn't like this number at all. It's like a bad novel with a bad ending that has already been told to you. In the end the sales will speak or the stupidity of the managers, something like Walter Hamada in WB. more
all the narrative and history of this number sucks, the people in charge of the art cannot work miracles with this garbage no matter how hard they try.
Batman reduced to a useless, has thrown out the window years of fighting crime, that is illogical, surely all these stupid things are to lay the carpet for the next Batman, a character so poorly designed that they need to minimize a great iconic character like It's Batman THE ORIGINAL BRUCE WAYNE.
25 pages of a story no one cares about in order to retro configure the Future State garbage story line into the books and 10 pages of a story about a new character that no one wants to read about. Did I miss anything in this? When is DC going to stop force feeding its fans crap that they think is good but has already failed? 0/10