Scott Waldyn's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Batman Universe Reviews: 166
6.9Avg. Review Rating

Batgirl (2016) #42

Jan 2, 2020

Writer Cecil Castellucci gets lost in a plot point of her own design as this arc wraps up with a messy and bewildering conclusion.

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Batman '89 (2021): Echoes #1

Dec 2, 2023

Batman '89: Echoes #1 is a strange, surreal, and jarring introduction to this follow-up series to the last Batman '89 miniseries. The art is great, and the characters are written well. The plot threads, however, are a bit confusing and perhaps even off-putting.

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Batman '89 (2021): Echoes #2

Mar 22, 2024

Batman '89: Echoes #2 is a gorgeous issue weighed down by a massively convoluted plot that kills the tension and makes for a bewildering read, especially after months of waiting. The references to the first two actors who donned the Caped Crusader's outfit are fun though.

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Batman '89 (2021): Echoes #3

Jul 11, 2024

Batman '89: Echoes #3 has a little oomph at the end, but overall, this series continues its slow, plodding, exposition-heavy trek to nowhere.

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Batman (2016) #86

Jan 8, 2020

James Tynion IV and Tony Daniel set a very high bar in an issue thats action-packed, exhilarating, and a well-choreographed dance between dramatic, emotional weight and fun.

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Batman (2016) #87

Jan 22, 2020

This second issue from James Tynion and Guillem March is decent, and well see where this creative team aims to take us in the coming weeks.

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Batman (2016) #88

Feb 5, 2020

This issue is a fast-paced, action-adventure romp thats gorgeous, fun, and exciting to read. It breathes renewed life into Batman in a way we havent seen in awhile, echoing a Dennis ONeil/Norm Breyfogle style in story and art that feels oddly refreshing.

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Batman (2016) #89

Feb 19, 2020

If youve been following James Tynion and Guillem Marchs run of Batman thus far, this issue continues the Jason Bourne-style action adventure. Newcomers, however, might be lost in a frenzy of interweaving narratives that mainly serve to ultimately bring characters together at specific locations.

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Batman (2016) #90

Mar 4, 2020

Upon first glance, we get terrific art and a serviceable introduction to the Designer. Scratch deeper, and youll find theres a whole lot more going on in this issue.

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Batman (2016) #91

Mar 18, 2020

Oh what a magnificent web this creative team is weaving! Batman #91 delivers a multi-layered storyline in a way that very few manage to pull off. Bravo!

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Batman (2016) #92

Jun 9, 2020

If youve been enjoying James Tynions run on Batman thus far, this is a refreshing return to the hyperactive fun hes been consistently delivering since taking on the title.

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Batman (2016) #93

Jun 23, 2020

This issue represents the turning point to James Tynions Batman run thus far, and it appears to be our final barrier before we cross the bridge into Joker War.

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Batman (2016) #94

Jul 7, 2020

Albeit much slower pace than weve come to expect from this title as of late, Batman #94 wraps up the Dark Designs arc with a nice, thematic bow before we head into Joker War.

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Batman (2016) #95

Jul 21, 2020

Joker War starts off with plenty of exposition and quite the FAQ page full of answers to sell this idea, but boy is this issue absolutely gorgeous!

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Batman (2016) #96

Aug 4, 2020

Part Two of Joker War proves that you CAN pull too many toys out of the Batman toy box. One hopes that this arc picks up soon, or it is curtains for Joker.

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Batman (2016) #97

Aug 18, 2020

Were seeing some momentum with Joker War, as our creative team sets up important pieces on the board for the next act in what is one show-stopping (and vibrant) display of art from Jorge Jimenez and Tomeu Morey.

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Batman (2016) #98

Sep 1, 2020

The creative team behind this Batman run is setting the final pieces in place to bring back an inspiring Batman that weve sorely missed in these last few years, and thats reason enough to celebrate.

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Batman (2016) #99

Sep 15, 2020

More than half of what should be rising action leading into Joker Wars finale is devoted to Joker and Batman delivering speeches. The art is beautiful, but theres no tension to compel us forward.

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Batman (2016) #100

Oct 6, 2020

The Joker War delivers on a grand finale that sees the return of the Bat-Family, Oracle, Nightwing (in costume), and an intense battle between Batman and the Joker. Its the finale we were promised, and it sets up so much more.

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Batman (2016) #101

Oct 20, 2020

Readers are treated to a much quieter issue this week as writer James Tynion IV and artist Guillem March exposit the new status quo for Batman and Gotham City. This issue is serviceable, albeit unexciting.

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Batman (2016) #103

Nov 17, 2020

The spar between Batman and Ghost-Maker isnt just physical in Batman #103. It has welcome layers as writer James Tynion and team further bring Batman back to the hero we love.

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Batman (2016) #104

Dec 1, 2020

Batman #104 is a solid issue that serves to both define Ghost-Maker as Batmans foil and obscure the path forward with multiple characters racing against the clock.

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Batman (2016) #105

Dec 15, 2020

Batman #105 is an expertly crafted call-to-action that challenges us to look beyond the use of force and focus on the compassionate ways in which we can make the world a better place. And it accomplishes this with a genuine love for what the world can be.

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Batman (2016) #106

Mar 2, 2021

Batman #106 picks up right where it left off two months ago, bringing readers into a rich, vibrant world brimming with multiple subplots, new characters, and much more. Gotham feels alive, and that's a credit to the creative team.

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Batman (2016) #107

Apr 6, 2021

Batman #107 is heavy with exposition - that's almost the entirety of what this issue is - but boy is it gorgeous! Jorge Jimenez delivers a phenomenal Scarecrow, and we can be hopeful that all of this sometimes unnecessary worldbuilding from writer James Tynion will have an amazing payoff down the line.

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Batman (2016) #108

May 4, 2021

Batman #108 is part tired retread of how the Magistrate came to be in DC's Future State event and part essay about why we should care about the Unsanity Collective, but boy is it pretty to look at! In short, it's a bit of a snooze, albeit a colorful snooze.

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Batman (2016) #109

Jun 1, 2021

Batman #109 finally turns this plot from a simmer to a boil with an explosive turn of events. What was an intriguing plot has now become all the more thrilling.

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Batman (2016) #110

Jul 6, 2021

Batman #110 is the exciting, fast-paced, tense showdown between Batman and Peacekeeper-01 we've been waiting for, and it doesn't disappoint.

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Batman (2016) #111

Aug 3, 2021

Batman #111 ends as one would expect, laying the groundwork for the upcoming Fear State event. It's fun, albeit predictable.

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Batman (2016) #112

Sep 7, 2021

Batman #112 is a retread of Batman: Fear State: Alpha #1. However, whereas Alpha was a bit of a snooze, this issue brings a stylish and visually engaging tone that makes it much more exciting.

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Batman (2016) #113

Sep 21, 2021

Batman #113 is an exhaustive exercise in repetition with incredible art. Your eyes will love the visuals, but the lack of story and repeat exposition will make you weary.

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Batman (2016) #114

Oct 5, 2021

Batman #114 is an explosion of color as Peacekeeper-X and Peacekeeper-01 duke it out. There's a sense of heart running through this arc in the scenes between Miracle Molly and Poison Ivy, which makes this issue an improvement on earlier Fear State issues.

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Batman (2016) #115

Oct 19, 2021

Batman #115 further expands upon the Scarecrow plot at the heart of Fear State, and it feels far smaller than the grandiose promises of an event book. It's not necessarily bad, but it's far from what this event was advertised as.

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Batman (2016) #116

Nov 2, 2021

Batman #116 finally sees most of the players of this Fear State arc actually doing something, and the results are more in line with the exciting and bombastic event book readers were originally promised.

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Batman (2016) #117

Nov 16, 2021

Batman #117 delivers a clunky finish to a convoluted story, but there's a strong sense of heart in the final moments that almost makes up for such a lackluster story.

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Batman (2016) #118

Dec 7, 2021

Batman #118 leaves James Tynion's Gotham behind as writer Joshua Williamson ushers in a new era by sending Batman on an exciting, globe-trotting mystery. This issue is fresh, fun, and teases a grand adventure ahead.

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Batman (2016) #120

Feb 1, 2022

Batman #120 is an absolutely gorgeous issue, but good luck making sense of the mystery so far. The Maps Mizoguchi backup, however, is pure joy.

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Batman (2016) #121

Mar 1, 2022

Batman #121 brings the caper of Lex Luthor's ownership of Batman Inc. to an abrupt end. This issue is bewildering and lackluster, though there is some heart to round out the rough edges.

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Batman (2016) #122

Apr 7, 2022

Batman #122 is a nonsensical and sloppy "part two to the Shadow War event that serves mostly as a way to force Talia al Ghul and Batman to kiss and make up. Literally.

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Batman (2016) #123

May 3, 2022

Batman #123 delivers a much-needed emotional core to Shadow War that gives this big DC event weight and significance. The art still suffers, but it's bearable.

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Batman (2016) #124

Jun 7, 2022

Batman #124 is yet another tie-in to the upcoming Batman Incorporated series launching this fall. It carries some heart, but it's not enough to give this Abyss-centric follow-up some legs.

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Batman (2016) #125

Jul 5, 2022

Batman #125 is a compelling launchpoint into a new mystery. It's quite the page-turner, put together by a top-notch creative team intent on surprising readers at every turn.

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Batman (2016) #126

Aug 2, 2022

Batman #126 is an explosive action piece that sees the return of an unexpected fan-favorite character. It's fun, fast, and absolutely stunning.

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Batman (2016) #127

Sep 6, 2022

Batman #127 is a bit silly, but it serves well enough as a vehicle for asserting Bruce Wayne as the ultimate Batman while also making Superman the ultimate safeguard for Bruce's missteps.

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Batman (2016) #128

Oct 4, 2022

Batman #128 is an incredible, thrilling issue firing on all cylinders, perfectly balancing an intense momentum with deep moments of heart.

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Batman (2016) #129

Nov 1, 2022

There's a beautiful story buried beneath the weight of Batman #129's intensity. Though it's overshadowed by an over-the-top game of cat-and-mouse, it's lurking in the shadows, and it has the potential to make this a truly great Batman story.

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Batman (2016) #130

Dec 6, 2022

Batman #130 sees the finale of the Failsafe arc, and whether or not it's a solid ending is entirely dependent on how much readers love rollercoasters.

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Batman (2016) #131

Jan 3, 2023

Batman #131 sees the launch of an exciting and refreshing Batman adventure that gives off serious Grant Morrison Batman vibes (in a good way).

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Batman (2016) #132

Feb 7, 2023

Batman #132 smartly keeps Bruce's emotional core beating throughout a narrative that would otherwise feel tired. It's fun, moody, and gripping.

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Batman (2016) #133

Mar 7, 2023

Batman #133 takes readers on an elseworlds Gotham sightseeing tour, hitting the necessary beats to bring us to Red Mask's lair, but there's no real tension or excitement.

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Batman (2016) #134

Apr 4, 2023

Batman #134 is an action-packed issue that has more big ideas than excitement, but there's much promise as to what lies ahead.

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Batman (2016) #135

May 2, 2023

Batman #135 is the Batman issue #900 celebration we didn't know we needed. It's beautiful, fun, and such a joy to read.

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Batman (2016) #136

Jun 6, 2023

Batman #136 is an epilogue that hits all the notes it's expected to and nothing more.

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Batman (2016) #138

Oct 3, 2023

Batman #138 is a beautifully drawn and colored issue, and it's easily the best issue in Gotham War so far. That doesn't spare it from being a story wrapped in tenderness and heart between Batman and his family, while simultaneously suffering from a dumb overarching plot.

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Batman (2016) #139

Nov 7, 2023

Batman #139 is such a bizarre animal. The story is tired; a series of references to other books with a Joker yarn we've seen over and over again. The art, however, is exquisite, setting the most incredible ambiance for a story that under-delivers, and that's putting it mildly.

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Batman (2016) #140

Dec 5, 2023

Batman #140 wants to tie Batman losing his mind to his hardline, no-kill rule with the Joker so bad. It wants to be edgy, emotional, and referential all at the same time. What it winds up being is... dumb.

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Batman (2016) #141

Jan 3, 2024

In Batman #141, readers are treated to more of a "mind dud than a "mind bomb. The art is cool at times, but the story is an unending onslaught of senseless action with no real point, no heart, and no end.

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Batman (2016) #142

Feb 6, 2024

Batman #142 features part one of the "Joker: Year One storyline. While it's hard to tell how this will play out, the time jumps and recommended reading make one question the "year one initiative as one that's editorial driven. It's an interesting book but perhaps not the one that immediately comes to mind when you hear "year one.

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Batman (2016) #143

Feb 14, 2024

Batman #143 is terrible. It's two confusing timelines with no plot motivation, razor-thin character motivations, and mental gymnastics that try to explain-away Joker's craziness, thus taking away any mystique the Clown Prince of Crime had. WHO CARES if Joker underwent the same training as Batman?

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Batman (2016) #144

Feb 20, 2024

Batman #144 has a great throughline in Jim Gordon's arc that hits the right beat, but the overall Joker: Year One story is a convoluted mess that solves half of its timeline off-panel and reaffirms a tired Batman and Joker dynamic. Some of the art is beautiful though.

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Batman (2016) #145

Mar 6, 2024

Batman #145 sets up quite a few pieces for its next showdown between Bruce Wayne, Joker, and the Batman of Zur-En-Arrh. While the art is terrific, yet another takeover of Gotham City feels tired and old hat.

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Batman (2016) #146

Apr 1, 2024

Batman #146 is an issue of many, many moving pieces. While there are a couple of fun action sequences, this is mostly an info dump that sets up a deluge of story threads and subplots. It's almost as much of a maelstrom as the prison riot featured within these pages.

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Batman (2016) #148

Jun 3, 2024

Batman #148 is a long, tiring, drawn-out, emotionless ending. The hubris Bruce points out that led to the creation of Zur-En-Arrh is quickly backpedaled with a silly joke, and it feels like we've gained nothing since the start of this run.

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Batman (2016) #150

Jul 1, 2024

Batman #150 is a beautifully drawn, colored, and written story that encompasses the more compassionate side of Batman. It's refreshing, though a bit undermined by a backup solely included to promote Absolute Power #1.

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Batman (2016) Annual: 2022

May 31, 2022

Batman 2022 Annual #1 is cut from a different cloth, serving as more of a lead-in to an upcoming Batman Incorporated series than as a one-shot narrative about Batman. In fact, there's very little Batman to be found here.

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Batman (2016) Annual: 2021

Nov 30, 2021

Batman 2021 Annual #1 is the finale to those Ghost-Maker backup stories found in Batman #107-111, and it's the origin story we should have gotten all along.

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Batman (2016) Annual #5

Dec 29, 2020

Batman Annual #5, though sometimes brutal in its artwork, is a call-to-arms about finding a path forward beyond violence in a way that's both sincere and heartfelt.

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Batman (2016): Fear State: Alpha #1

Aug 31, 2021

Batman: Fear State: Alpha #1 is one long, arduous read that painstakingly sets up everything we can expect from Fear State. It's not the most gripping read, but it shows promise for the upcoming event.

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Batman (2016): Fear State Omega #1

Nov 30, 2021

Batman: Fear State: Omega #1 is more shuffling of characters on the Gotham chessboard and less of anything note-worthy or interesting for the Batman title. It's essentially a bland, lifeless advertisement for what's to come.

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Batman (2016): Pennyworth R.I.P. #1

Feb 11, 2020

This issue does more to set up the status quo of Batman comics in 2020 than it does to celebrate the life of Alfred Pennyworth. Thats not the worst thing in the world, but it certainly doesnt deliver the touching one-shot we were expecting.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #1

Dec 1, 2020

Batman/Catwoman #1 is too clever for its own good. The story juxtaposes sexuality and death, offering up a bewildering story that leans on two entirely different Batman canons.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #2

Jan 19, 2021

Batman/Catwoman #2 delivers some of the most incredible, intimate, and unsettling art in any Batman book currently on the shelves, despite it coming up short with thin plotting.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #3

Feb 16, 2021

Batman/Catwoman #3 finally starts tethering plot points together to create a compelling exploration of Catwoman's dual life as both a vigilante and a criminal. The pull Joker and Batman had on her is similar to the pull her daughter, Batwoman, has on her in the future, which proves to be quite the intense melodrama.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #4

Mar 30, 2021

Batman/Catwoman #4 is a beautiful issue that builds upon the emotions of the last three entries, despite not really carrying the plot forward. Its momentum lies in how it provokes the emotions of readers who are fully invested in the Bat/Cat relationship dynamic.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #5

Jun 1, 2021

Batman Catwoman #5 is yet another beautiful issue where not a lot happens. We dive deeper into who Catwoman is as this story reaches Hamlet levels of psychoanalyzing.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #7

Sep 7, 2021

Batman/Catwoman #7 feels like it's finally going somewhere, though as to where, we're still in the dark. Liam Sharp takes over for art, and his style works well with Tom King's more serious Bat-yarn.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #8

Oct 19, 2021

Batman/Catwoman #8 explores Batman and Catwoman's relationship on a level deeper than we've seen in many Bat/Cat depictions. It's the heart of this storyline, finally, and we can only hope King and Sharp take this dynamic to new heights.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #9

Dec 21, 2021

Batman / Catwoman #9 is a beautifully grim work of art from Liam Sharp. If you've been enjoying this series thus far, this issue delivers more of the same plotting from Tom King, with different timelines echoing each other and pieces of the puzzle intentionally left out to obscure the full picture.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #10

Feb 8, 2022

Batman/Catwoman #10 zeroes in on its focus on Catwoman and her struggle with identity, and in doing so, reminds us of why this series is exceptional.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #11

Apr 12, 2022

Batman/Catwoman #11 is both a love letter of fun Batman references from past comics and cartoon series, as well as a haunting and mortifying penultimate issue to a maxi-series unafraid to tackle unsettling topics.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #12

Jun 28, 2022

Batman/Catwoman #12 corrects a mistake from several years ago that was more of a DC editorial decision and less of a creator's choice. The result is a heartfelt union between two characters that many fans have longed so long for.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020): Special #1

Jan 25, 2022

Batman/Catwoman Special #1 is arguably the best issue of this maxiseries thus far, filled with tender moments that speak to the thing fans most want in this book, the love between Batman and Catwoman and the nuance between the fights.

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Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War (2023): Red Hood #1

Sep 27, 2023

Artistically speaking, Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War: Red Hood #1 is stylistic, gritty, and a treat for the eyes. Unfortunately, its ambitions for story and characterization are focused on a rehash of Red Hood's greatest hits.

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Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War (2023): Scorched Earth #1

Oct 31, 2023

If you managed to make it this far into The Gotham War, congratulations. You survived. Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War: Scorched Earth #1 is a lousy ending to a lousy event.

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Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War (2023): Battle Lines #1

Aug 29, 2023

Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War: Battle Lines #1 has an interesting heart at the center of the battle, one that's engaging enough to keep people reading. However, it's a bit of an uneven issue with characterizations that feel a bit off.

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Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War (2023): Red Hood #2

Oct 25, 2023

For those who have stuck it out with Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War, this is another painful notch in their belts.

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Batman / Spawn (2022) #1

Dec 13, 2022

Batman/Spawn #1 is an utterly beautiful, gorgeous, stunning book with no soul to it. The story's dumb, but that's probably not why readers came here, is it?

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #1

Mar 17, 2022

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #1 is a colorful throwback to another era, but it's modern enough to keep readers excited and turning the page.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #2

Apr 22, 2022

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #2 is a phenomenal treat for the eyes, and it comes packaged with a dizzying plot that begs readers to just "roll with it.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #3

May 19, 2022

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #3 is best-described as a theme park thrill ride that takes readers on a tour of the DC Universe, and it totally works.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #4

Jun 23, 2022

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #4 is easily the best-looking book on the comic shelves this week, and it's quite the thrilling adventure to boot!

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #5

Jul 19, 2022

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #5 ends one arc only to gleefully launch into another. Overall, it's a terrific culmination of fast-paced action, heart, and peak superheroics that harken back to a brighter era in comic books. It's arguably one of the most fun books on the shelves.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #6

Aug 22, 2022

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #6 ditches the world-ending plot of the previous arc for a gleeful one-shot that celebrates the carefree attitude of Silver Age comics.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #7

Sep 22, 2022

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #7 gets to work setting up a new arc while allowing readers an issue to breathe after the nearly non-stop action of the previous arcs.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #8

Oct 20, 2022

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #8 fine-tunes this series' balance of DC cameos, Silver Age action, and deeper subtext, and it continues to prove wildly entertaining.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #9

Nov 16, 2022

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #9 is the very definition of excess, and yet, it manages to barrel along at a frenetic, yet enjoyable, pace.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #10

Dec 22, 2022

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #10 finally reveals what this Boy Thunder arc has been about this whole time, and it's about the inevitability of succumbing to the rising tide. This series just got heavy.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #11

Jan 19, 2023

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #11 lands a touching ending to the "Strange Visitor arc.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #12

Feb 23, 2023

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #12 is a fun one-shot where Robin and Supergirl attempt (and fail) to go on a date. It's colorful, silly, and enjoyable.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #13

Mar 23, 2023

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #13 is an insanely fun Silver Age adventure that puts Batman, Superman, and Metamorpho at the center of a murder mystery.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #14

Apr 20, 2023

In a series as consistently engaging and wonderful as this one, there are bound to be a few duds. Batman/Superman: World's Finest #14 is that slow, boring dud.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #16

Jun 23, 2023

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #16 has a masterful start that misses the landing by the issue's end, creating an enjoyable, pulpy scifi extravaganza that suffers from a little bit of uneven plotting.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #17

Jul 18, 2023

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #17 is one of the most beautiful issues of this entire run. Despite the actual story going out with a whimper, the art, colors, and letters are a treat!

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #18

Aug 16, 2023

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #18 is an incredible romp that celebrates Silver Age action with surprise appearances and beautiful eye-candy.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #19

Sep 19, 2023

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #19 has a few moments of excitement, but overall, it's a flat fill-in story that rests in the shadows of an otherwise impeccable run.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #20

Oct 17, 2023

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #20 is fun, emotionally driven, inspiring, horrific, and an explosion of incredible art all rolled into one. It's the very definition of a timeless superhero book.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #21

Nov 29, 2023

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #21 is heavy on the eye-candy action sequences and light on the story. It's still one of the better books on the shelves, but one yearns for a bit more world-building or character exploration.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #22

Dec 19, 2023

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #22 serves up more twists and turns as this prelude to Kingdom Come arc rushes toward a momentous final battle between Gog, Magog, and double the Supermen and Batmen. It's a vivid adrenaline rush of an issue that delivers both action and fun surprises.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #23

Jan 16, 2024

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #23 Dan Mora and Tamra Bonvillain unleash their Jack Kirby-inspired fever dreams in stunning action pieces, and Mark Waid keeps it altogether with some heartfelt moments between Batman, Superman, and the former Boy Thunder. It's a terrific issue that promises an exciting final act!

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #24

Feb 21, 2024

The final words from Superman are a rallying cry of what superhero comic books are all about. This isn't just a cool story, it's a reminder of what heroism is and how we can all aim to be better versions of ourselves. Simply put, Batman / Superman: World's Finest #24 is a beautiful, empathetic, and emotional ride that appeals to humanity's compassion.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #26

Apr 17, 2024

If nothing else, Batman / Superman: World's Finest #26 is a visually stunning book that continues to consistently deliver the elation, fun, pomp, and circumstance readers have come to enjoy. While Batman has identity crisis after identity crisis in his main books, at least in World's Finest, he can actually be a hero.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #27

May 20, 2024

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #27 is a Silver Age dopamine kick that lights up the brain. While it won't quite scratch that saccharine, sentimental itch, it certainly delivers on color, action, and zaniness.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #28

Jun 18, 2024

Batman / Superman: World's Finest #28 is an emotional sneak attack in an otherwise rollercoaster of impish goodness. There's action, heart, unexpected surprises, and crackshot art that doesn't miss a beat.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #29

Jul 16, 2024

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #29 continues to be the most thoughtful, heartfelt, intense, and beautifully crafted books on the shelves. The creative team really gets to the heart of how superheroes inspire us to action.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) Annual: 2024

Jan 30, 2024

Batman / Superman: World's Finest 2024 Annual feels like an anthology of stories assembled to fit a production schedule. It exists solely because there's an extra week this month, and, it feels out of place with everything Mark Waid and Dan Mora have been building for the past 24 issues.

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Batman vs. Robin (2022) #1

Sep 13, 2022

Batman vs Robin #1 is an interesting start that promises a globe-trotting adventure with Batman and Alfred on the run from Robin, Mother Soul, and Devil Nezha.

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Batman vs. Robin (2022) #2

Oct 11, 2022

Batman vs. Robin #2 feels like a filler issue, retreading information already known to the reader. It's disappointing, but one can hope that the next issue picks up the pace.

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Batman vs. Robin (2022) #3

Nov 8, 2022

Batman vs Robin #3 finally finds that warm, soulful, heartfelt center that it has been sorely lacking in the last couple of issues. It's beautiful and might bring a few readers to tears.

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Batman vs. Robin (2022) #4

Dec 20, 2022

Batman vs Robin #4 is an uneven issue. There's a great story here, paired with wonderful art, but the need to feed into an event undermines the heart and emotion.

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Batman vs. Robin (2022) #5

Feb 28, 2023

Batman vs Robin #5 has some truly great, emotional moments, but it doesn't quite stick the landing, ending this miniseries too abruptly.

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Batman: Black & White (2020) #4

Mar 23, 2021

Batman: Black and White #4 is a terrific curation of Batman stories that take readers through tales of hubris, obsession, horror, and grief. Batman is both student and mentor,

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Batman: Black & White (2020) #5

Apr 27, 2021

Batman: Black And White #5 is an interesting collection of stories that aims to give us themes or social issues to consider, as well as a unique "game" of sorts with an inspirational finish. It's both challenging and fun, adult and gleeful. This depiction sounds like the issue is all over the place tonally, but it mostly works in delivering a solid assortment of Batman tales.

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Batman: One Bad Day (2022): The Penguin #1

Oct 18, 2022

Batman: One Bad Day: Penguin #1 is an effective and fun crime thriller that sees Penguin reclaim his empire. It's deep, thoughtful, and littered with heart.

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Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Mr. Freeze #1

Nov 15, 2022

If you can stomach the characterization of Victor Fries in Batman: One Bad Day: Mr. Freeze #1, this truly is an eye-catching and beautiful book.

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Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Bane #1

Jan 17, 2023

Batman: One Bad Day: Bane #1 is a great story that's paired with art that undercuts what could be quite the tearjerker of a tale.

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Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Clayface #1

Feb 21, 2023

Batman: One Bad Day: Clayface #1 is artistically a mesmerizing and tragic issue with a few plotting problems. Overall, it's definitely one of the better 'One Bad Day' entries.

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Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Ra's Al Ghul #1

Mar 21, 2023

Batman: One Bad Day: Ra's al Ghul #1 is a gorgeous issue bogged down by a one-note story.

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Batman: One Bad Day (2022): The Riddler #1

Aug 16, 2022

Batman: One Bad Day: The Riddler #1 is a beautiful book, but it stumbles over its half-earned attempts at cleverness. This is not an origin story we will remember in years to come.

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Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Two-Face #1

Sep 20, 2022

Batman: One Bad Day: Two-Face #1 is a beautiful book that lacks the punch of a true mystery to give all of its themes the weight and impact that the story so desperately intends.

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Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Catwoman #1

Jan 24, 2023

Batman: One Bad Day: Catwoman #1 is a near-perfect dissertation on values, identity, and the mythologies we tell ourselves. It's easily the best One Bad Day comic yet.

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Batman: Secret Files (2018): Secret Files #3

Jun 10, 2020

This collection of secret files is a mixed bag. Other than the Deathstroke story at the end, theres not much new to be gleaned here that will have any lasting impact on the core Batman books.

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Batman: Secret Files (2021): Peacekeeper-01 #1

Oct 19, 2021

Batman Secret Files: Peacekeeper-01 #1 is a mostly successful backstory for Peacekeeper-01 that turns said villain into something of a tragic character.

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Batman: Secret Files (2021): Miracle Molly #1

Sep 21, 2021

Batman Secret Files: Miracle Molly #1 is the origin story for Miracle Molly that we didn't know we needed, and it hits deep.

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Batman: The Long Halloween: Special #1

Oct 27, 2021

Batman: The Long Halloween Special #1 is a follow-up that serves more as a reminder as to why The Long Halloween was great than anything fresh or necessary. It's a beautiful walk down memory lane, but it's definitely not a must-read.

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Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #2

Sep 29, 2020

Thus far, Batman: Three Jokers has been a well-crafted, moody, Noir-ish crime thriller that continues to deliver in its second issue. We have high hopes that it can wrap everything together and solidify itself as an important Batman story.

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Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #3

Oct 27, 2020

Batman: Three Jokers concludes well enough. Some of the story threads are lost, but the important one sticks a tender and heartfelt landing that makes it a meaningful read. Jason Faboks art continues to be the best part of this miniseries.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1014

Oct 23, 2019

The new dynamic of Mr. and Mrs. Freeze as a supervillain power couple is the status quo shift Detective Comics needs in order to regain importance. Lets hope the beauty of their reunion in this issue leads to greater stories between the two.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1015

Nov 13, 2019

Mahnke's art continues to carry this title. While Tomasi is an impactful writer when he wants/is allowed to be, this issue is mostly paint-by-numbers plotting that serves only to rush us toward an unfulfilling conclusion. Its yet another low-stakes, tension-less Batman story in a title that has been treading water since James Tynion IV left almost two years ago.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1016

Nov 27, 2019

The Cold, Dark World storyline has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs from issue to issue, but it manages to stick a moderate landing and leave enough of a story thread to get us excited for what may come down the road.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1017

Dec 11, 2019

Its been a while since Ive read an issue that reminds me of all of the reasons why I am fascinated with Batman, but this issue is the near-perfect reflection on what it means to be a hero, and more importantly, its a meditation on what Batman means to his fans. I would expect nothing less from Tom Taylor and Fernando Blanco.

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Future State (2021): Dark Detective #1

Jan 12, 2021

Future State: Dark Detective #1 sets up a delightfully moody, techno nightmare that feels heavily inspired by 80s cyberpunk. It excels in creating a world that ensnares and overwhelms the senses. The Grifter backup story? Not so much.

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Future State (2021): Dark Detective #2

Jan 26, 2021

Future State: Dark Detective #2 builds on the atmosphere and Gotham City futurescape that grabbed our attention last issue. The main story is definitely intriguing, and the art is absolutely gorgeous!

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Future State (2021): Dark Detective #3

Feb 9, 2021

Future State: Dark Detective #3 rushes towards a final showdown just as Bruce Wayne begins making headway into unraveling the Magistrate. The noir atmosphere is top-notch, but the story comes across as sparse and trite, as if we're missing a middle section somewhere.

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Future State (2021): Dark Detective #4

Feb 23, 2021

Future State: Dark Detective #4 rushes to a bewildering conclusion that opts for a cliffhanger rather than a satisfying ending, which is a shame, considering that the art in this four-issue miniseries has been stellar.

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Gotham City Villains Anniversary Giant (2021) #1

Dec 1, 2021

Gotham City Villains Anniversary Giant #1 is a very mixed bag with half of the bag being made up of tie-ins to other titles or upcoming events/books. There are a few gems in here, but it's far from a must-read.

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Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy (2019) #1

Sep 5, 2019

This is a decent, fun, and colorful start to a miniseries that aims to tether itself to the greater DC canon. It has potential, and we'll have to wait and see where Houser and Melo's ambitions ultimately land this miniseries.

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Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy (2019) #2

Oct 10, 2019

It's unclear if this miniseries intends to have a story with legs, or if it's just a best friends road trip filled with forced appearances from characters we remember from better books. Time will tell.

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Knight Terrors: Batman (2023) #1

Jul 4, 2023

Knight Terrors: Batman #1 is a colorful, horror-filled dreamscape that lets Guillem March and Tomeu Morey have free reign to dazzle readers. While the story feels like standard event fare, there are definitely some beautiful panels in here that make up for it.

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Knight Terrors: Batman (2023) #2

Aug 1, 2023

Knight Terrors: Batman #2 is a stunning exercise in nightmarish art. Despite being an issue where the hero is trapped in a nightmare, it manages to pull on a few heartstrings, which is a plus!

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Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Batman: Knightfall #1

Oct 18, 2019

There is a great idea at work here, but unfortunately its buried beneath a convoluted plot with no characters and uninteresting art.

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The Joker (2021) #1

Mar 10, 2021

The Joker #1 has, arguably, one of the most poetic and thoughtful introductory issues of any of the relaunched series in Infinite Frontier. It bears with it depth, meaning, and a sense of importance, which makes it way better than it ever needed to be.

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The Joker (2021) #2

Apr 13, 2021

The Joker #2 takes the concept of what this story is from last issue and defines the rules of the game, dropping a bombshell or two along the way. The art is great. The tone is consistently moody, and this story is setting itself up to be quite the amazing international game of cat and mouse.

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The Joker (2021) #3

May 11, 2021

Just when Jim Gordon, and ourselves, think we know where The Joker #3 is taking us, the creative team pulls the rug out from under us! This issue continues with the excellent noir-style detective narrative and rewards readers by keeping them on their toes. The Punchline backup story proves exciting, too.

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The Joker (2021) #4

Jun 8, 2021

The Joker continues to build upon itself and take readers on a globe-spanning journey that promises to show readers exotic locations, as well as dive even deeper and deeper into the psyche of Jim Gordon. While it's fun to chase the Joker, Gordon is truly the star in this series.

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The Joker (2021) #5

Jul 13, 2021

While nowhere near as pulse-pounding as the previous four issues, The Joker #5 delivers an interesting backstory to Jim Gordon and Joker's relationship, one that potentially includes future clues as to who gassed Arkham Asylum.

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The Joker (2021) #6

Aug 11, 2021

The Joker #6 returns to form after last issue's flashback story. Guillem March returns to deliver a macabre, noir tone that helps set this series apart as one of DC's best right now.

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The Joker (2021) #7

Sep 14, 2021

The Joker #7 adds new players, a bit of romance, and more layers to the globe-spanning conspiracy that Jim Gordon (and team) must solve, and it does it in a way that's thrilling, smart, and subtle.

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The Joker (2021) #8

Oct 12, 2021

The Joker #8 finally tells us what the deal is with Vengeance, Bane's replacement, and why she's chasing Joker. The street-level cop narrative disappears this issue in lieu of an action thrill-ride, but Tynion and March show readers that they're more than capable of delivering an adventure as fun as the noir-style story they've been delivering thus far.

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The Joker (2021) #9

Nov 9, 2021

The Joker #9 pulls us deeper into a conspiracy that has been going on throughout Batman's career, and we're absolutely here for it! It's haunting, ghoulish, and full of tension.

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The Joker (2021) #10

Dec 14, 2021

The Joker #10 is a beautiful flashback story that provides a formidable reality check to Jim Gordon's narrative throughout this series. This isn't just about Jim stopping the Joker, it's about his inability to walk away and take care of his own.

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The Joker (2021) #11

Jan 11, 2022

After a two-month break from the main storyline, The Joker #11 dismisses the cliffhanger featured in The Joker #9 with a bit of off-panel deus ex machina. While disappointing, Jim Gordon's wonderful characterization makes up for this misstep.

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The Joker (2021) #12

Feb 9, 2022

Writer James Tynion and his creative team clear the board as The Joker reaches its final few issues. There's a cool action piece that opens The Joker #12, but the rest of the issue is devoted to making sure all of the pieces are in place.

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The Joker (2021) #13

Mar 8, 2022

In the beginning, The Joker series promised much with a Jim Gordon-centric narrative of a broken-down ex-cop on the hunt to kill Joker once and for all. In this penultimate issue, the moody, noir-inspired detective story has been stripped away for your standard, run-of-the-mill action comic. It's not bad, but The Joker has lost what made it exceptional.

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The Joker (2021) #14

Apr 26, 2022

The Joker #14 gets back on track with the personal, tragic, and downright moody Jim Gordon narrative that makes this series excel.

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The Joker (2021) #15

Jul 6, 2022

The Joker #15 wraps everything up in a neat bow, and in the process, provides a fitting end to Jim Gordon's hard-boiled detective narrative.

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The Joker (2021) Annual: 2021

Dec 1, 2021

The Joker 2021 Annual #1 is a thoughtful exploration into Gordon's career, specifically in his early years as commissioner and one fateful misstep he would make that would prove dangerous for Gotham City.

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