Batman #98

Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Jorge Jimenez Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 2, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 20 User Reviews: 62
7.8Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

+ Pull List

“The Joker War” part four of six! Batman is at his most vulnerable following a massive dose of an experimental new Joker toxin. With the Dark Knight haunted by demons and visions, it’s up to Harley Quinn to protect him while he recovers-because Punchline is on her way!

  • 10
    But Why Tho? - Charles Hartford Sep 1, 2020

    Batman #98 goes exactly where I needed it to go. While last issue lagged a bit for me, this story instantly brought it back. It ends on a big Get Hype moment and Im definitely looking forward to seeing what awaits as the story unfolds. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil Sep 1, 2020

    Batman #98 is a standout issue in this subperb story. It makes me confident that Tynion has something truly amazing planned for the upcoming Batman #100 and beyond. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Sep 1, 2020

    The Joker War was rolling along steadily, but it was time for it to reach the next level, which Tynion and Jimenez successfully accomplished with this issue paving the way for a triumphant return of the Bat Family. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Sep 1, 2020

    It's a great setup for the final two issues of the story, and Selina's cliffhanger has a lot of promise as well. No Joker or Clownhunter this issue, but that's just whetting our appetite for the chaos to come. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Sep 1, 2020

    Jorge Jimenez delivers some beautifully detailed art. There is an energy to every page and panel and the tone of the story is perfectly reflected in how Jimenez renders the characters and their biggest moments, especially Batman. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    Comic Watch - Jeff Brister Sep 1, 2020

    Batman #98 takes a slight pause from the escalating tensions to showcase the contrast between Harley and Punchline. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Wes Greer Aug 31, 2020

    Overall, Batman #98 delivers all the excitement and emotions we could ask for in a Batman story, getting us pumped up for Batman to get back up on his feet as well as the excitement of the battles around him all leading to the final blows to come in batman #100 while all brought to life by an incredible art team who seem to have really found their groove and taking fans into a deep and dark Gotham city full of beautiful characters and details. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    GWW - Brian Villar Sep 1, 2020

    Batman #98 is a great lead up to issue #100. With many different parts now moving together holistically, it doesn't feel like a jumbled mess. When Punchline's hype was at its peak the story was suffering, and was very evident with all aspects. The past few issues have started to rectify those missteps and is showing how great the story truly is and how it was buried under mediocrity. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Christopher Franey Sep 1, 2020

    Batman #98 features some great moments, but lacks that adrenaline punch that the first two parts had. Hopefully, this mid-arc lull will lead to an epic conclusion to "Joker War". Alfred saves the day at a bittersweet cost to us, and Harley vs. Punchline was surprisingly enjoyable. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Nicole Drum Sep 2, 2020

    It's not a flawless issue, but it's probably a best of run and a damn fine read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Sep 5, 2020

    Another less-than-interesting issue of Joker War contains some really good grief counseling for Batman, at least. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Sequential Planet - Matt Herman Sep 6, 2020

    Alfred whips Bruce into gear with a heartwarming pow-wow from beyond the grave. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Sep 1, 2020

    I like what Tynion does with Bruce here because I think it reminds us of Batman's roots without beating us over the head with the same old tragic backstory. Batman has evolved since Crime Alley and more writers should be reminding us of that. Jimenez and Morey turn in a stunning bit of work in this issue and as we build to a hopefully big finale, it's going to be exciting to see how they push themselves further. So the Batman is back but 'The Joker War' still feels like it's missing something. I think a lack of the titular villain makes this something that will read slightly better in trade, but this is still a solid effort. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Lee Sep 1, 2020

    Batman #98 features a lot of the tenets of a great comic: awesome art, dynamic action, and decent character moments. However, it hardly does anything outrageously innovative, or reveals anything new about the characters. So far, Tynion's Batman barely rises above being a typical, enjoyable, action comic. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Scott Waldyn Sep 1, 2020

    The creative team behind this Batman run is setting the final pieces in place to bring back an inspiring Batman that weve sorely missed in these last few years, and thats reason enough to celebrate. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Sep 3, 2020

    Batman #98 is the middle chapter that was needed to set the stage for the final chapters of "Joker War." To James Tynion's credit he does an excellent job providing great progression for Batman, Harley Quinn, and Punchline's character arcs. Unfortunately the drawback with that was losing the big event scope "Joker War" should have. Luckily Batman #98 had Jorge Jimenez to keep the big event energy going with his phenomenal artwork. Now with the stage set for big things to happen as we get closer to the end I'm still excited for what will happen next in "Joker War." Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    On Comics Ground - Travis Tucker Oct 6, 2020

    I'm pretty sure this is the most action we've seen in Batman for at least 5 issues. With that being said, I very much enjoyed Bruce's moment of awakening. Even if the result was straight cheesy if you ask me. However, that doesn't mean I'm not chomping at the bit to see how this war is going to play out. For the first time in a long time, I'm seeing Bruce call for help from the family. A group of people he's always pushing away. Maybe some serious development is the payoff. I like it, just wish it was delivered in a way that was more enthralling. Considering the landscape of Gotham right now. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Sep 1, 2020

    Tynion, his editors, and DC really need to ask themselves a few questions. First, what story are you trying to tell? We're four issues in, and other than saying this is a rip-off of the maligned "City of Bane" but with Joker, there's really nothing more to say. Second, who is this book for? There are so many different tones and genres conflicting with one another that the book has a bit of an identity crisis. And finally, why have we had four issues with no actual plot progression? Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Sep 2, 2020

    Who knows how this story will end? But it also may end up being "who cares?" Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Weird Science - Dan Mayhoff Sep 1, 2020

    What would normally be considered a pretty good turning point for another book instead becomes a frustrating read as customer who have been keeping up on this Batman book have been waiting for any kind of excitement or story progression to take place and in this issue, some things are resolved but it is hard to not think that we are in the same place we were at the beginning of this issue. An issue that slows things down can be amazing, but when everything about the series has been slow up to this point, it just makes things drag. Read Full Review

  • 10
    cincyfan Sep 14, 2020

    Tremendous issue!! I couldn’t have liked it more. Story 10/10 art 10/10

  • 10
    Abhilash Mudgal Sep 5, 2020

    Loved it

  • 9.0
    Federico Liguori Jul 17, 2023

    Tynion does in a single issue what King tried to do in 85.

  • 9.0
    EDiakota Sep 7, 2020

    " y'know ? I feel sorry for you, kid you still don't see that match we're exactly the same. I thought MR. J had a heart. You think he has a brain. But he's not doing this for any reason you think he is. He dosen't believe in anything. He's a manipulator. He's manipulating you. "

  • 9.0
    ScorpioDarkArachnoid8 Sep 3, 2020

    This issue was amazing. The panels are so colourful yet beautifully contrasts of what is going on in it. Harley Quinn was badass. The whole interaction between Batman and Alfred, the voice in his head, was heartfelt.

  • 9.0
    TheHyruleElf Sep 1, 2020

    The best issue Tynion's written out of this entire run. What a fantastic way to send off Alfred.

  • 9.0
    BitchWitcher Sep 1, 2020

    Somehow, James Tynion's done it: he's made me very interested in Punchline and how her journey will differ from Harley's. He also succesfully shows how different and mature Harley has become (well, mature in her own way.)

    Also, the Alfred hallucination sequences are a knife to the heart this time around, while still imbuing Bruce and the plot with hope.

    Lastly, as usual, Jimenez's art is gorgeous especially when paired with Tomeu Morey's beautiful colours.

  • 8.0
    DarePool53 Aug 16, 2021

    I get the criticisms but I still had fun.

  • 8.0

    I'm real tired of these stories where Batman is out of commission for 2-4 issues and recovers when all seems lost. It's like an Anime series or something. And it seems Punchline isn't living up to DC's expectations as a second Harley. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for her to get her own ongoing. And now that she's out, let's keep her out of the rest of the story. As for Clown Hunter, well, I still don't know enough to figure him out. the Joker war has been pretty satisfactory so far, but when it's over I won't be asking for another big Bad guys take over the city mega story for a long time.
    All-in-all, the last 2 issues have been the dull stretch of this story. Let's have some more excitement and Batman in action for the remainder.

  • 8.0
    DDJamesB Sep 2, 2020

    It was a little cliche but it worked and had some good parts. The art really made me go with the 8 over the 7.5

  • 8.0
    Hellblazer Sep 2, 2020

    Finally (maybe) the next issue will actually show the ''Joker War''. That scene with Alfred was very poignant and hopeful at the same time.Lets hope for the best going forward.

  • 8.0
    Grifter Sep 1, 2020

    Read it only for art

  • 7.5
    pizzamain Sep 23, 2020

    alfred : )

  • 7.5
    Spacey Medicine Sep 9, 2020

    What is going on with Riddler’s hair? Why is he born to suffer like this??

  • 7.5
    Liem Duong Sep 1, 2020

    I already had problems with the pacing Joker War going into with, but its starting to clean that mess up in this issue. The downside is that its also reminding me more and more of the Bane run that happened only last year. I know you can't get another huge event that doesn't involve Gotham, but it does look like another rehash of the exact same event that King and countless writers before have done.

    On the plus side though, IT WRITTEN SO FUCKING WELL. Wow, Tynion has really hit his stride as a writer. Batman yet again enters another damn hallucination, whats new. But the way he writes Batman AND Alfred was so damn well written. It was touching, it was realistic, it was motivating. Alfred is just that type of person, somebody who more

  • 6.5
    Gizmo Sep 20, 2020

    Batman is the type of character that can't really get over his parents since they function as the central drive for his character... but that doesn't mean it doesn't get tiresome.

    This is probably Punchline's best appearance so far, which doesn't say much.

    I actually enjoyed the lettering on the Batman cape, it was my favourite part. I don't know what that says about me.

  • 6.5
    Batfan Sep 2, 2020

    Finally, the fast pace that should’ve began at the start of this run. This is probably the best issue out of the average story because stuff actually happens. I liked the different perspectives Tynion gave Harley and Punchline although I’m still not sold on the character. We get she’s Joker’s biggest fan and is delusional but what is there to like about her personality? Her arrogance? Also don’t think the Harley not being a real shrink comment needed to be made.

    The exchange between Bruce and Alfred was okay, especially with Jimenez’s art and since Bruce never had closure in King’s run. But the fact that we had to wait for the 4th issue for things to pick up for Joker and Batman’s ‘final chapter’ is annoying.

  • 6.5
    Afre Sep 2, 2020

    The Joker War itself hasn't been a good arc. Especially after "Three Jokers", this just feels empty and boring.

    However, this issue itself is good. But that is mostly thanks to Tynion's writing who fixes the mess that was King's run. King entirely skipped what Alfred's death meant to Bruce and that annoyed me so much. Tynion has been fixing that for a while and this issue is a great conclusion to that. Bruce feels like Bruce again and Jimenez does great arc.

    But, this storyline just isn't interesting. I don't care about Punchline. I don't care about the "Joker War". I just want it to end so that Tynion can create something new and exciting like his "Detective Comics" run few years back.

  • 5.5
    SenpaifenixJäger Sep 1, 2020

    Finally something is coming, the last two books were insufferable, a lot of nonsense stuffing.

    In this issue the only thing rescued was the moving dialogue with Alfred to react and empower himself, only that Tynion is counting exclusively Selina, Dick and Damian, as he always puts Tim and Jason aside. I think we know why it includes Selina, since the new Catwoman and Batman series will need to be dropped later.

    This is the part that makes me desperate, we have gone through two completely filler books where absolutely nothing is reached, being able to summarize this whole situation in just one to take themes that various fans want to see, Tim is basically still in limbo with Young Justice And now we do not know if it wi more

  • 5.0
    Canada_Comic_Guy Sep 2, 2020

    Maybe it's me and my expectations coming into it, but this run so far isn't anything I thought it would be.

    The story feels like an airplane in a holding pattern waiting to land. Waiting for the Air Traffic Controller to give the OK to get to the final issue.

    I do like Punchline, although I wish her background and reason to 'exist' was different.

    Art is fantastic.

    Wish this run felt more like a War.

  • 4.0
    雨人点雪 Sep 1, 2020

    如果你们想看蝙蝠侠做梦的话,Tom King在之前写的Knightmare是好得多的选择,或者Scott Snyder的蝙蝠侠故事中穿插的梦境部分,或者更早的一些编剧。但是,几乎没人能把做梦这件事写得像James Tynion IV的这个故事这般无聊、冗长且没有意义!James Tynion IV就像是把Tom King的Knightmare重写了一遍,但是去掉了其中有趣的、有创造力的部分,而换上了陈词滥调。我认为他简直就是一位讽刺家,他在用自己的方式向DC证明:读者就喜欢看这种陈词滥调,我们应该砍掉所有带有原创性的作品,比如《地狱神探》,只留下我写的这种东西。

    这个故事里,蝙蝠侠无休无止地在 more

  • 4.0
    Psycamorean Sep 1, 2020

    I feel like most of this issue is just a repackaging of what came before. We haven't had a face to face talk between Bruce and Dream Alfred, but almost everything he says is something that's already been explored in this run. And then with Punchline... She's just the worst. Her reason for being trash is not a good reason. She's just an insufferable twenty-something brat who buys into the Joker's bullshit. And while I'm sure there's a huge swath of edgelords who are just like that (and I would not be surprised at all if this was somehow a reaction to the Joker film), I don't empathize with that at all. At least Harley's reason for becoming the Joker's "main squeeze" is not trying to be based in some sort of logic. I really hope things happen more

  • 4.0
    Quinn Sep 1, 2020

    Didn't we just see this arc less than a year ago. A villain takes control of Gotham. Bruce is beaten down and has hallucinations. He realizes he's stronger with allies than alone.

    He yells "I'm Batman" and takes down people. The Alfred dreams are something new, but he'll be back. The funny thing is that the Justice League issue that also came out today also had a Batman is tied up and dreaming, this time due to Black Mercy. It tells pretty much the same story.

    We get it. Seriously, how many times in the past few years has this same plot gone on. Batman talks about the vow he made to stop crime and prevent what happened to his parents not happen to anyone else? I will give Tynion points when Bruce says he's a failure. G more

  • 3.5
    Silver Rocket Sep 3, 2020


  • 3.0
    TP Sep 2, 2020

    I bought this as well as the previous issue after a small discussion with Tynion. The art is really beautiful and so are the colors. But good art is not enough to make a comic good. The plot here is nonexistent. The plot in the whole arc is nonexistent. There is no risk, no sense of danger, of urgency. The Alfred dialogue was unnecessary and it lacked emotional depth. But the worst part of it. Oh my god. It's the Harley vs Punchline scenes. There's not a single woman in the planet who talks like this. It feels more like a teen drama parody. Perhaps it is intentional. But I doubt it. Perhaps this was rushed after the plans for 5G changed. Still with the lockdown there was plenty of time to change things, to edit the dialogue.
    Tynion's more

  • 1.0
    Antonishing Sep 1, 2020

    I am devastated of Batman lying and being humiliated by Harley and punchline for 3 issues. Hopefully he finally gets up, but it is too late. Batman can be beaten by no name new lady who hasn’t even trained as the league of assassins. That’s awful. And art is so bad sometimes. I can’t read and get cringed anymore. Somebody stop this madness.

  • 10
    EdNothIng Sep 2, 2020

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