Canada_Comic_Guy's Profile

Joined: Dec 05, 2019

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Canada_Comic_Guy reviewed King In Black #1 Dec 2, 2020

Don't waste your time reading this review.... Go read the issue !!!!

This is how you do comic events !!!

Well worth the wait!

King In Black #1

By: Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman
Released: Dec 2, 2020

After a campaign across the galaxy, Knull's death march arrives to Earth and, worse yet, he hasn't come alone! With an army of hundreds of thousands of symbiote dragons at his command, the King in Black is a force unlike any Earth's heroes have ever faced. EDDIE BROCK, A.K.A. VENOM has seen firsthand the chaos that even one of ...

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Canada_Comic_Guy reviewed Batman #104 Dec 2, 2020

What has happened to the art in this issue?! Last second COVID emergency replacement? Took me right out of an already stagnant storyline.

Feels like I flushed a toilet and am watching the water go around and around ....

Batman #104

By: James Tynion IV, Bengal
Released: Dec 2, 2020

Ghost-Maker is living up to his spectral name as Batman scours Gotham City for any trace of him…but this deadly new vigilante is going to prove a bloody point to the Dark Knight by murdering both Clownhunter and Harley Quinn. That is, unless they kill each other first!

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Canada_Comic_Guy reviewed Thor #8 Oct 9, 2020

Honestly, if anyone ese wrote this, the masses would probably give it a 4.

filler. That's it.


Thor #8

By: Donny Cates, Aaron Kuder
Released: Oct 7, 2020

Everyone gets a hammer! That's right - come on down to Broxton, Oklahoma, and pick up Mjolnir for yourself! The famed hammer of the Thunder God is free for the worthiness required???
Rated T+

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I hate Anthologies!

It feels like I only get one bite of an amazing steak before it gets taken away from me. Cause I want MORE of it!

But, as long as all the courses are good and I enjoy the overall meal then I guess I'm happy!

Detective Comics #1027

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Lee Bermejo
Released: Sep 16, 2020

Light the Bat-Signal, because Detective Comics #1027 is here! In honor of Batman’s first appearance in Detective Comics #27, this special, book-size celebration brings you the biggest names in comics as they chronicle the most epic Batman adventures Gotham City and the DC Universe have ever seen! The World’s Greatest Detective has a mountain of...

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Federico Liguori reviewed X-Men #12 Sep 16, 2020

I have to be honest: I think this series is the weakest among all the mutants ones. Hickman is probably a genius (he creates universes and species with scientific details in this series), but almost all his stories feel... Empty. We read of all these characters (Xavier, Magneto, Apocalypse, Wolverine, Summers family, Jean Grey...) but nothing happens. Flashbacks, metaphors, ideas. I personally thi more

X-Men #12

By: Jonathan Hickman, Leinil Francis Yu
Released: Sep 16, 2020

THE SUMMONING BEGINS. A lead-in to the biggest X-story of the summer.

Rated T+

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Canada_Comic_Guy - Sep 19, 2020

Damn! I agree! The dude sets up the most brilliant scenario to the point I'm obsessed. But since HOX/POX the Xmen titles have been a real downer for me.

Canada_Comic_Guy reviewed Batman #99 Sep 15, 2020

Wasted potential !!

I don't know. Were my expectations too high?!

Batman #99

By: James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Sep 16, 2020

“The Joker War” part five of six! Things have changed, as Batman realizes he can’t fight this war alone. He’s going to need help. Before he faces down The Joker, he must call up his trusty partner Dick Grayson! But can Dick reclaim his lost memories in time to join the battle?

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Canada_Comic_Guy reviewed Batman #98 Sep 2, 2020

Maybe it's me and my expectations coming into it, but this run so far isn't anything I thought it would be.

The story feels like an airplane in a holding pattern waiting to land. Waiting for the Air Traffic Controller to give the OK to get to the final issue.

I do like Punchline, although I wish her background and reason to 'exist' was different.

Art is fant more

Batman #98

By: James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Sep 2, 2020

“The Joker War” part four of six! Batman is at his most vulnerable following a massive dose of an experimental new Joker toxin. With the Dark Knight haunted by demons and visions, it’s up to Harley Quinn to protect him while he recovers-because Punchline is on her way!

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LunaMoody reviewed Batman #84 Dec 4, 2019

Things I liked about the issue........

1. I rather liked that Thomas had a history with Selina in his world. It's kind of cool that she was like his Robin sort of. It was an unexpected twist. And the fact that Martha kills her was sad but cool also. The whole we met here no we met here thing was over kill. I can understand it between Selina and Bruce but to use it between Thomas and Sel more

Batman #84

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Dec 4, 2019

"City of Bane" chapter eleven! The end is near as one victory leads to another defeat. As Batman reclaims his city from Bane, can he regain his sense of family? More specifically, when a man who is your father from another dimension has torn everything down around you, what will it take to build it back up? Especially when that man is currently sta...

+ LikeComments (6)
Detective Chimp - Dec 12, 2019

@Luna I think they actually need some "serious people" in all comic industry.

LunaMoody - Dec 13, 2019

True or for the ones working in to start to actually give a damn about the characters and not just the over all credit for having gotten one of their stories out

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